Tag Archives: Attitude

Do You Have a Positive Attitude For Your Life and Business?

I have played percussion in a military band, wrote articles for several military publications, tried my hand at business analysis and technical writing but, because of the gloomy economic indicators a couple of years back, I finally went back to school to become a nurse and entrepreneur. Through all my work experiences in life, there is one quality in every person that seems to stand out as THE most powerful characteristic for every successful person I have ever met – a positive attitude.

When I started my entrepreneurial adventures a little over a year and a half ago, I studied and read the biographies of several “business big dogs” like Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Donald Trump and Andrew Carnegie. In these readings, each man had a mindset that said anything was possible and that what ever came their way, they would approach the issue with a positive mental attitude and expectation.

Each of us carries certain amounts of genetic material that are the overriding essence of our character. Have a close look at your mother and father. You have some personality blend of your parents with a couple of ancestral traits thrown in. With our characteristics and childhood, we develop traits and habits that are molded by our experience and training. So, if you take a good look at the men I just mentioned and read their stories, you will find out what elements made them the persons they are and were during their time….but ultimately, it was their attitude that got them through the dark periods during their ascent to business success. How does all of the “attitude” talk relate to you?

Attitude affects every part of our life and those who understand its power will do everything they can to nurture and protect this valuable quality. Attitude is what makes the difference between an average performer and a peak performer in life. No amount of money can replace what a person like this can do for your organization. But what is a great attitude as it applies to business?

Through all my professional experience, a positive attitude is a mindset that says there will be consistent and positive outcomes to every situation and problem. In other words, someone who expects the best will always bring a good attitude to the table. Looking at each situation in life realistically and expecting the best outcome is what sets successful people apart from average Joe.

How do you encourage, nurture and protect your attitude? You can protect your attitude by working hard to truly like yourself. We all have faults about ourselves that are less than desirable but we also have traits which others find energizing and powerful. What are your positive traits? Why do you feel loved and cherished? When you look at yourself positively, you bring a spring to your attitude and others will want to be around that attitude.

As you go forward in your business, remember – people are looking at your products or services but mostly, they are looking at you and the message you bring to the table. As you work on self-development, search for books and articles that contain information which nurture this valuable quality in you. What kind of attitude do you have? Are you ready for success?

To find out what business is helping many people earn income from home, go to http://www.thefreedomdreamteam.com Make your success a reality! For more home based business resources, go to http://www.sofiahogan.com Just say Hi!

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Developing a Positive Attitude with Diabetes

Positive Attitude plays a very important role in our lives, and especially when we are nowadays living in modern era of stressful environments. These days we need to make ourselves fully accomplished with more positive energy, and thinking so as to face the tensions en comes out as a winner in the troubled world. It is the need of the hour to make our own private sphere which is much more relaxed and calm to win the world there are number of ways to accomplish it:

–  One has to live with the disease with a positive approach as this approach would make the life living much more healthier and happier, diabetes is an unpredictable one in nature, one cannot have control on this all the time one just need to stop feeling guilty and stressed every time the blood sugar in the body slows up, or do something its not supposed to do.
–  One should consider in bringing positive approach by controlling over our thinking towards our life, one should think about what we have control over and what we do, and try not to pay attention to situations which we cannot handle or don’t have control over. By doing this one can actually gain more confidence in facing the real life situations. For example, if the murder rate is going up in the area you reside, one can take steps towards ones own security but one should avoid the news and watch blood and gore on the local news so as to avoid tensed vibes to stress one out thus resulting in more negativity towards illness.
–  Drop the people who are not congenial or the people you don’t like. There is no use to stress yourself with the company of the people you don’t like, as there are enough unpleasant people in your life that you couldn’t drop.
–  Try to make your relationship better with your partner. If your relationship is not at happy side, try to solve your problems. Talk to your partner honestly and tell them about your feelings, get into couple’s counseling or if you both didn’t feel like living together, separation is the only solution.
–  Spare some time for yourself – the time in which you devote yourself entirely to yourself. Try to figure out things that make you feel happy and relaxed. Increase your intuition and self-awareness.
–  The best way to deal with your diabetes is to manage your life. One should know about his responsibilities and limitations to deal perfectly with ups and downs of life.
–  Remember, changes and choices are always there to be made. Every positive changes or choices can bring something new to your life. Be flexible to changes and made some choices in life to bring something good in your life, though it is hard to make changes or choices but they are inevitable to bring positive attitude.
–  Learn to live life. It is better to learn the art of laughing and developing sense of humor to enjoy your life in between the complexities of life.
–  Set some short-term and long-term goals for you, these should be realistic and achievable. Setting goals for yourself enable you to do things that seem hard at times.

You might also want to learn about Developing a Positive Attitude with Diabetes and Make Relationships with Health Care Providers


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Having a Positive Attitude Makes All The Difference

Hey Guys, On this Episode I talk about Why Attitude Matters and tips on How to develop a winning attitude:)

Hope you enjoy this video and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to my channel for more videos like this.

With Love,


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Attitude makes a difference
Why attitude matters
How to develop a winning attitude
Attitude is Everything
Your Attitude Matters

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How To Develop A Winning Attitude

How do you become successful?

For more inspiration, subscribe to my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ALWAYS-CHINK-POSITIVE/.

Always Chink +!
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Bodybuilding and a Positive Mental Attitude

It is very important to have a positive mental attitude when you are working your body building program. Having a positive outlook will mean that you are more likely to stick to your program, will be more enthusiastic about your workouts and will have a better chance of reaching your goal.

Like choosing the right rewards, a positive mental attitude will help carry you through the times when you would otherwise get discouraged. Keep in my that you can achieve your goals if you put in the effort. Using the previous advice about motivation will help you to keep this positive mental attitude because you will be able to see the results you have already achieved.

There are several ways that you can help keep it positive mental attitude while you are working your body building program.

Listening to positive music, CDs, and MP3 programs while you are doing your work out is a good step. Since you are more than likely going to be in one place for a good long time while you are doing your exercises, you might as well make that time be more productive. By filling your mind with positive information and motivating messages, you will not only have a better outlook for greater chance of success. Listen to your favourite music and especially if you have some CDs which really make you want to get up and push yourself hard.

Find someone to be your cheerleader. This can either be someone who is working out with you, or you could even have someone that simply is your motivator. Choose someone that will be very confident that you can reach your goal and someone who has a positive outlook in general. While other people cannot be your only motivator, it certainly helps to know that there is someone in your corner cheering you on. If you know someone who also wants to improve their body you could both train at the same time and help to motivate and push each other along. You will find it harder to ditch a session if there is someone else there who really does want to work. This will work the other way too so that when the other person does not feel like training, you can be there to push them along and tell them the reasons why you should both keep to the program.

1 Hour Muscles is a home workout program.

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Positive Attitude and Reading People

Go to http://www.babelgum.com/dilbert to see all the new cartoons!
http://www.dilbert.com/animation by Scott Adams. RingTales presents Dilbert Animated Cartoons. Positive Attitude and Reading People. In Positive Attitude, Dilbert is unable to maintain a positive attitude. In Reading People, the pointy haired boss can’t tell if Wally is working.
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For Success You Must Have a Positive Attitude and Mix With Positive People

There is certainly more to a positive attitude than first meets the eye. For by having a positive attitude you suddenly find most of the following benefits, and positive attitude becomes part of you. Next, you will realize that without thinking, beautiful things begin to happen.

Take note of these right now, for when you begin to get the idea of positive thinking, these are your rewards.

You have to say to yourself, each of them is what I want and what I need.

-Positive thinking, Constructive thinking. -Creative thinking, Expecting success. -Optimism, Motivation to accomplish your goals. -Being inspired. Choosing happiness. -Not giving up. Looking at failure and problems as blessings in disguise. -Believing in yourself and in your abilities. Displaying self-esteem self-respect and confidence. -Looking for solutions. Seeing opportunities.

Each one of these mentioned above is very important to your existence and each of them will improve your whole life. Take each of these and begin working on them. I would suggest you download Napoleon Hill’s wonderful book “Think and Grow Rich” if you want to have a detailed understanding of the power of positive attitude and the power of your subconscious mind.

As an uneducated man, I am pleased to tell you that I have had a pretty successful life, not just in the business world, but in marriage and with family. I assure you being positive is far better than having those negative thoughts that were forever with me when I was young.

Please take another look at the list above and go over each of them carefully, for each has a message you should investigate.

Once you have that positive attitude your life will never be the same again.

To be positive you have to never mix with negative people, what happens they bring you down, a little negative here and a little there is just like pricking a balloon and deflate slowly.

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Positive Attitude In The Workplace

http://iHaveTheBestLife.com/free – Positive Attitude In The Workplace

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How to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude

We’ve all met people who seem to have everything going for them-ideal upbringing, seemingly unlimited talents, useful contacts, and so on. But why is it they never seem to get to first base, career-wise? The answer: attitude. It is often their attitude that limits their achievements. Although changing attitudes is not easy, it can be done. Here’s a nine-step process that can lead to the development of a positive mental attitude, a will to win, and career success.

1. Take charge of your attitude.
Religious writer Charles Swindoll, encapsulates it precisely: The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company… The remarkable thing is that we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past…we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot chance the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude…I am convinced that life is 10 per cent what happens to me and 90 per cent how I react to it. And so it is with you…we are in charge of our attitudes.

2. Practice visualization.
Visualization is one of the most powerful techniques of self-image modification because your visual image can become your reality. Management expert Brian Tracy tells us that there are four elements of visualization and an increase in any one of them will accelerate the rate at which we create the physical equivalent of that mental picture of our life. These four elements are:

• Frequency. People who accomplish extraordinary things continually visualize their desired results.
• Vividness. This is literally seeing things clearly.
• Intensity. When you intensely desire something, it occurs much faster.
• Duration. The longer you imagine a desired future event, the more likely it is to appear.

3. Make affirmations.
Affirmations are strong statements or commands from our conscious to our subconscious mind. They over-ride old information and reinforce new, positive habits of behavior and thought. Affirmations need to be based on the 3Ps: they must be positive, present tense, and personal. For example, if you’re trying to improve your health and general well-being, positive self-talk such as this will help: ‘I’m feeling better now’, ‘I feel young and vital’, ‘I’m reaching my best weight’, and ‘I can really feel the difference my exercise program and change in eating habits are having.’

4. Affirm aloud.
Begin and end each day verbalizing your affirmations. You’ll be amazed how much more confidently you will feel and behave when you’re feeding yourself the right messages. So, in the days leading up to a job interview, for example, tell yourself, aloud, whenever you get the chance: ‘During my interview I will be calm, confident, and in control!’ Don’t forget: what you ‘see’ is what you get; what you ‘feel’ is what you are.

5. Act the part.
Walk, talk, and act exactly as if you are the person you want to be. St Thomas Aquinas referred to this philosophy as ‘as if’; others call it ‘fake it till you make it’. The first step in becoming more confident is to act ‘as if’ you already are.

6. Expose yourself to high-quality information only.
The more you read, listen, watch, and learn about your subject area, the more confident and capable you’ll feel. But we need to be discerning about the quality of information we expose ourselves to. Look on information as food: we should be careful to feed ourselves only the best food. The famous T-Cell study of the 1980s is worth remembering (‘T-Cell’ being a measure of the blood’s healthfulness). The T-Cell of a group actually changed after exposure to varying amounts of positive and negative information. One outcome of the study was that regular exposure to negative information was a health hazard!

7. Associate with positive people.
Fly with the eagles instead of scratching with the chooks. Our parents taught us that ‘we are judged by the company we keep’. They were right. To meet new, positive people, you have to stop associating with the loser-brigade, those dull excuse-makers who end up dragging you down to their level of complacency and incompetence.

8. Imitate positive people.
The qualities we admire and envy in others usually reflect our own underdeveloped capacities. Imitation is vital to learning. Identify those around you with a positive mental attitude and watch what they do. How do they work, what do they say, how do they carry themselves? Select one small behavior at a time and emulate it.

9. Teach others.
When you attempt to articulate and explain a concept to others, you will understand it and internalize it better yourself. Seize every opportunity to share the notion of ‘positiveness’ as a way of helping yourself to become even more familiar with it.

Dr Neil Flanagan provides access to essential management know-how for busy people on the move. A FREE gift awaits you every time you visit management2go.com and you can take advantage of your FREE e-Topic and newsletter that will keep you informed about everything management. And if you’d like more information about issues raised in this article, you can go to http://www.management2go.com/products/Stress.html

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Bowel Cancer and a Positive Attitude

We’ve all heard about the power of positive thinking. Having a positive attitude and so on.

Some of us will have found that these clichés are indeed true. Positive thinking can change your life dramatically. For many people their positive attitude has carried them through many adversities. For some, its made them rich believing in themselves and what they can achieve by being positive and pushing on regardless of what’s put in their path. There are many paths in our lives where a positive attitude has triumphed over what might seem insurmountable obstacles.

In case you were wondering what this has to do with bowel cancer and indeed any cancer, it’s this same positive attitude of the patient that’s important in the recovery process and in fighting the disease itself. The mind plays a significant part in the healing process of cancer and time and again its been shown that patients with a positive attitude fare better than those that give up or are overly pessimistic.

The power of the mind can be demonstrated by such occurrences as the pointing of the bone by Aboriginals at a member of the tribe, who has done something wrong, and is to be punished. There have been authenticated cases (1953) where this has occurred and the victim has simply died over a short period of time with no medical explanation. (Sources: John Godwin, Unsolved: The World of the Unknown, pp. 163-76; Ronald Rose, Living Magic, pp. 30-36):
Even though this is a somewhat morbid demonstration of the power of the mind it does show how powerful it is. Powerful enough for a person to believe he is cursed to die, and does so.

Could it now be argued that you could use the power of the mind to not die and to survive your cancer despite the odds? My research has shown that you can’t afford to take this literally. I don’t think it can be said, that if you have a positive attitude you won’t die from cancer. That depends on a number of other factors but what I do think you can say is, having a positive attitude helps enormously in surviving.

The cancer patients I interviewed for my book, who are long term survivors, have all taken a positive attitude toward their treatment and outcome. None of them were ready to lie down and die just because they had cancer. They had the courage and the fortitude to take on this disease and beat it.

I don’t think many of us can say how we would feel if diagnosed with bowel cancer. It would certainly take the wind out of your sails primarily, but having talked to these people who have survived I think, after my initial shock, I would be doing the same as they did. I would be positive about the outcome and would let nothing stand in my way in beating this terrible disease to live a long and happy life.

Roger Cuff is a freelance writer living near Sydney, Australia. He has currently just finished his book about long term survivors of bowel cancer and the strategies they used to survive. http://www.survivingbowelcancer.com

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