Tag Archives: Attitude

6 Steps to Maintaining Positive Attitude

Maintaining positive attitude allows us to focus on our strengths and achievements, instead of allowing negative thinking to stop us in our tracks, when it comes to making and maintaining progress as an entrepreneur, either online or offline.

Here are 6 steps to maintaining positive attitude and taking control of your emotions and thoughts to allow endless possibilities into your life.

1. Look After Yourself

As much as you’re able to, eat a healthy diet, get as much sleep as you need and exercise, at least once a week!

2. Don’t Forget What You’ve Already Got

When you remind yourself of the things that are good in your life, however small or insignificant you think they are, it makes a difference in maintaining positive attitude and starts to attract bigger and better things to you. Just pause for a minute every day to remind yourself of what you have got.

3. Believing In Yourself

The need to feel accepted by others and to fit in is perfectly normal, as you’d agree. All of us have had a fear or nervousness about what other people might be thinking about us, but what we fear isn’t always real.

Regardless of other people’s opinions, if you know yourself that your chosen course of action is the right one for you, don’t let anyone persuade you otherwise.

4. Watch Your Language!

We tend to think the way that we speak, I know I do. If you use certain words or phrases, they will affect the way you think. Maintaining positive attitude means you need to consciously think about the way you phrase things. Avoid using words like “can’t”, “never”, don’t”.

These words will send your thoughts and emotions the wrong way.

Be aware of what you’re saying and thinking. Instead of “I can’t afford this”, use “I can’t afford this yet” or “I can afford this if I…”. 

5. Be Aware of Negative Thoughts

If you have a moment in struggling with maintaining positive attitude and negative thoughts start to creep in, be aware of what is happening. If you are aware of something, you can control it.

When you notice yourself having a negative thought, recognize it for what it is, make the choice to not let it affect you, let it go and move on.

6. Taking Action – don’t Procrastinate

If you get stuck in the headlights thinking over the best way to go about doing something all of the time, you end up doing nothing. Pick one of your viable options and carry it through by taking action. It’s easy to become paralyzed with analyzing things too much.

Take action and reap the rewards. Do nothing and receive exactly that. 

Keep these 6 steps in mind and use them as a foundation for maintaining positive attitude in order to become a successful entrepreneur.

Online income mentor Ed Hodgson teaches people how to generate a substantial passive income from the internet. For free tips on making money online, go to http://www.EdHodgsonBlog.com

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Positive attitude

Attitude is Everything! Funny attitude video of babies at the office. Having a positive attitude is the key in life. Inspirational!
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The Shift – Wayne Dyer – Positive Attitude – English

Wayne Dyer is a motivational speaker. He speaks about the importance of thinking positively and how thinking positively can influence our lives in a better way. He does not list down principals but just speaks of the ways in which you yourself can be happier and more content in life.

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A Positive Attitude Attracts A Positive Fullfilling Life

You might think that attracting prosperity sounds like a phrase that people use who think you need to meditate two hours a day, not eat meat and communicate with spirits with Biblical names. And while there are some New Age and New Thought gurus who do all of those things, actually attracting prosperity to your life is much simpler than that.

That’s not to say that it’s easy. There are a number of ways to do it wrong, which only means that you won’t attract the prosperity you deserve. There’s no doom and gloom option when it comes to trying to bring good things into your life. There’s no way to do it wrong and actually attract heartache.

Even by just attempting methods of attracting prosperity, you start wheels turning in both your head and the universe that can help good things happening in your life. Because the first step in making good things happen for yourself is a change in your attitude. This can affect every part of your life, if you let it.
Instead of seeing things through a negative lens,it’s necessary to see them through a positive one.Use the analogy of a glass that’s filled halfway with water. Instead of seeing it as half-empty or half-dirty, learn to see it as half-full.If you burn dinner,don’t see it as a ruined meal, notice that the pans will still be fine after they’re washed.

This shift in perception takes you from seeing negativity and limitations and instead into seeing the positive side of everything.Attracting prosperity works on the principle that what you believe and what you surround yourself with will attract similar things.If you go through your day noticing what’s wrong with everything,you are going to attract problems.

But if you go through your day noticing the good side to each situation,you will attract prosperity.This might sound far-fetched to some people,but when you focus on being positive and on seeing the good in things, your attitude will change.

Once this attitude shift takes place,it becomes even easier to automatically see the positive in even a very bad situation.When you begin noticing positive things, opportunities that you would have otherwise missed if you had been focused on the negative instead make themselves known to you.

When viewed this way,attracting prosperity seems less like some strange metaphysical system than it does good common sense.When you see an opportunity you might have missed with a more negative attitude, it’s like you’ve attracted the potential for prosperity, by seeing an opportunity where you wouldn’t have before.

And when you’re faced with an opportunity, you can take advantage of it where you couldn’t have before. Even if it was something you might have noticed before but not acted on when you had a more negative attitude, with a positive attitude you may act on it and believe that it will work in your favor. Attracting prosperity becomes second nature when you believe that good things are possible.

Joanne McMahon is a health and wellbeing author. Join The Healthy Wealthy Wise Club to read more lifechanging tips and join their club to receive free giveaways and information. Sign up to recieve the newsletter at http://www.healthywealthywiseclub.info

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How To Cultivate a Positive Thinking And Positive Attitude

I am very excisted to write this article as I strongly believe that positive attitude can indeed change something from bad to good. Let me start by asking you a question right now…

What thought is on your mind right now? Do you label your thought negative or positive? Now with that in your mind, let imagine that you are currently talking to a person, would you think that the thought that is currently on your mind is going to impact your interaction with that person? Would you think that it is going to impact your interaction with others positively or negatively?

You see, what is in your mind is going to be reflected in how you behave and how you behave is going to affect how you feel; and how you feel is going to affect your action.

Therefore, if what you have in your mind is positive thoughts, this is going to reflect in a positive behaviour as well. And if you behave positively, you are going to feel good and this is going to show in your action. You will act in a positive way.

Here’s another question. When you enter a party filled with friends, do they all fall silent as if something terrible had happened? Or does everybody there perk up as if waiting for something exciting to happen?

You know what? The answer to this question will depend on your frame of mind.

Thoughts are very powerful. They affect your general attitude. The attitude you carry reflects on your appearance too. And it doesn’t end there. Your attitude can also affect people around you.

The type of attitude you carry depends on you. It can be either positive or negative.

Positive thoughts have a filling effect. They are admittedly invigorating. Plus, the people around the person carrying positive thoughts are usually energized by this type of attitude.

Negative thoughts on the other hand have a sapping effect on other people. Aside from making you look gloomy and sad, negative thoughts can turn a festive gathering into a funeral wake.

A positive attitude attracts people, while a negative attitude repels them. People tend to shy away from those who carry a negative attitude.

Your attitude is also going to affect how you see the world. If you have a positive attitude, you will see the world from the bright side. On the other hand, if you have a negative attitude, you will always tend to see the world from the dark side.

That is the reason why people with positive attitude always have a lot of friends because people feel comfortable and happy around them. On the other hand, people with negative attitude will always shy away from people.

You have much to gain from a very positive attitude. Many studies have shown that a positive attitude promotes better health. Those with this kind of attitude also have more friends. projecting a positive attitude also helps one to handle stress and problems better than those who have a negative attitude.

Although it is impossible to keep ourselves from the negative things around us, you can still carry a positive attitude by focusing on the good things, the positive things in life.

You see, life is short. So why focus our energy on the negative things? Negativity can drag you down and drain your energy. It takes the same effort to think positively so why not choose to think positive instead of negative? Since positive thinking and positive attitude can give you so many positive benefits, why not focus all our energy and effort on the positive things in life?

If you can always think positively, this will reflect in your action. You are going to do positive things and produce positive result!

So, it really isn’t that difficult to think and behave positively, is it? I hope you find this article useful and will put this information to good use.

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Finding Happiness and Having a Happier Life Requires a Positive Attitude

http://www.DrLarryIverson.com/video1 Know the secret of happiness. Using positive psychology strategies” you can control negative thinking and develop a positive attitude to have a happier life
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Yes we have 1,000 engineers but ALL our 23,000 people are experts in THEIR fields. They are modern manufacturing. Jack brings the good safety habits with him home, so he and his family stay safe.
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Significance of Positive Attitude

Positive attitude assumes greater significance in everyone’s life considering the fact that today’s generation have a very pessimistic attitude towards every aspect as well as lower level of tolerance. The state of your attitude goes a long way in shaping your overall personality and to a major extent it casts a major influence on behavioural pattern too.

The type of attitude that a person possesses decides his or her approach in dealing with several difficulties in life. It’s not that a person acquires positive attitude automatically. Every person is not the similar in nature. Different people have different kind of attitude; it can be optimistic, pessimistic or dominating. Nonetheless to be contented plus flourishing in life, a person needs to hold a positive approach towards every aspect of life.

In boosting psychological health of a person, positive attitude comes handy. It automatically engages a person in thinking positively even in the time of extreme distress. Even in times of difficulty, positive attitude generates optimism, keenness, happiness, friendliness as well as feeling of care and love.  A person has to adopt this attitude regularly because later on it will become a habit.

It is often said that a person’s attitude towards different situations or people decides their elevation in life. Attitude goes a long way in showcasing the progress a person has made in his or her life. Attitude is like a window through which a person perceives the outside world, so consciously make an attempt to focus on adopting positive attitude. 

People need to implement the habit of positive attitude practically in their life. For instance, never be intolerant towards any particular person, issue or circumstances because their nature of occurrence can be radically different from your own viewpoint.  Always have a reasonable logic behind your opinion. Weigh pros and cons of everything before coming to a conclusion. Be positive enough to have confidence on yourself rather than letting other people have control over your viewpoint.

Even if you cannot sight a distant solution to any of your problem, don’t let negativity creep into your thoughts because this is the point where negative attitude lays its foundation in your life.

The biggest benefit of having a positive attitude is that it generates positive ambience as well as positive energy in a person’s life that naturally help him to stay more focussed towards other important objectives in life.

Imagine that the problem, which you are facing right now, could have gone worse. So, instead of being angry or thinking negatively, think of a positive and balanced solution. 











Born and Raised in New Delhi, Ashima Bhatnagar completed her Journalism from premier universities of India. She Specializes in content writing and has wriiten on variety of subjects including health, beauty, skin care, internet & associated subjects, relationships, etc. Her other Articles can be accessed at:



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Positive Attitude and Entrepreneurs

 If you are an entrepreneur, then you need to keep a positive attitude. This is a must for you. You will never be able to achieve your goals as an entrepreneur if you don’t own a positive outlook towards life, no matter how much technical skills and qualification do you posses. At the time of the start of a business, every entrepreneur has the motivation and the passion to achieve his goals. But the real test of your attitude comes when there are any troubles or problems in the business. If you are a person with a weak will power then you will take these obstacles as a personal failure. You will feel that the problems cannot be solved and it is better to quit as you cannot overcome them. But this is the wrong attitude to have. Rather, this is the time when you as an entrepreneur must keep a positive attitude towards life.

Because a positive look on the circumstances will tell you that it is very natural for any entrepreneur to make mistakes. You should rather treat your mistakes as an opportunity to learn and gain from this experience. You should try to learn from your mistakes and not lose hope. Instead of losing heart and quitting the business, you should try to face the problems and find a solution. If you keep a positive attitude then you will show extraordinary potency and temperament for working towards your goals till the end. You will be able to see things and situations with a positive point of view and have the power to pick yourself up on your feet. Doesn’t matter how hard you fell.

As an Entrepreneur, you more often than not will have to work with a team. In order to keep your team motivated, you must have a positive attitude. This is because if the team works with it then it functions well and becomes more efficient in their work. Therefore, you should keep it towards your work and also try to keep the work atmosphere as positive as you can because it will help you in achieving your goals faster. Therefore, if you are an entrepreneur and want to achieve your goals fast, then you should adopt a positive attitude immediately. 

For more articles visit Self Improvement Guide

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Student Paths – Having a positive attitude

“Real Story” writer Anjelica gives 3 tips on having a positive attitude for the new school year.


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Having Positive Attitude | Positive Attitude Training Program | Parivartan India


Having Positive Attitude | Positive Attitude Training Program | Parivartan India

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