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How to Become a Better You With a Positive Attitude on Life

Everyday fun, happiness, enjoyment needs to be incorporated into your daily life. Watching the sunrise from the top of a mountain after an early morning walk on a weekend tramp might not be everyone’s idea of an adrenalin rush, but if it’s what you enjoy, you need to ensure you’re doing it in your life. You are unique, there’s no one in the world like you and it’s up to you to become yourself.

You have to feel positive and have a positive attitude to want to engage in some of these things. If you don’t you decide it’s easier to stay in bed or slouch around home and your attitude becomes more and more negative about your life. I know, I’ve had to learn and now teach others through my attitude training.

Your life is about fulfillment and enjoyment and it’s your choice to include this into your life. Maybe it’s the beach, or forest, temple, church, mosque, or golf course where you experience tranquility and a sense of inner peace. You need to discover it as well as your ideal relationship, job, financial and lifestyle choice on your journey to become yourself,

When you have a goal, target, intention or mission in life, you have a sense or urgency in life and an ‘energy’ to achieve. You are more motivated and enthusiastic about life.

At the beginning of each year, it’s a good idea to think back to the previous year and what you didn’t achieve. However, if you’ve missed doing it then, anytime you start Is the perfect time for you. If you’re struggling with achieving your goals you need to analyse why. Here are a few possible reasons.

1 Did you need to do some ‘background’ work first and was working towards achieving those goals.

Some big goals require a series of small goals (the background work) to be achieved before achieving the ‘big final goal’. That’s great because each step is progress in the right direction. I.e. To run a marathon you may have needed to lose weight and improve your diet to give you stamina.

2 Did you lose motivation?

When you’re working towards achieving a goal, it’s important it is what YOU really want. If someone else who wants you to run a marathon to join them, you’re less likely to be motivated. You could be feeling you ‘should’ do it to keep them happy. However in the process, you are making yourself unhappy. This is a common challenge with many people. In some instances it feels easier to ‘go with the flow’ rather than cause a disagreement. It’s not an intentional cop-out of being responsible for your own life, it is that the person is lacking the personal development skills, communication, self-esteem and knowledge, about how to break the cycle, of being kind to others versus being kind to themselves.

3 Were you afraid of losing friend because you were changing your life?

In the process of working towards a goal, you are experiencing change. If losing weight is your goal, the people who you might have gone on social outings with, may encourage you NOT to change. The liked you ‘as you were’. When you choose to become healthier, the decision to change is your choice. However, your associates are having change forced upon them. Your weekly routine may have included two visits to a local restaurant, which serves ‘unhealthy’ food. Now you don’t wish to go, but instead visit the gym. They are lonely and forced to accept your decision. Rather than be pleased that you wish to address your health issues, they encourage you to remain as you are, because it suits them. So remember when you are unique and learning to become yourself, it’s important to learn to become yourself, which in this example is fit and healthy.

However, don’t be dismayed about losing a friend, new people will enter your life as you continue to make positive changes

4 Did you change your goal?

Not achieving because you’ve changed your mind is great. You weren’t on track with the right goal. Now you have the opportunity to refocus the next year.

You want to achieve your dreams and live the life you want as early in your life as possible. Some people seem to have the knack of achieving it early in life, for others it takes longer and some people never achieve it. You want to eliminate the zigzagging through life to find fulfillment and happiness, you want to zero straight towards your dreams. For some people, it may even be discovering what your own dreams are, because you’ve been caught up in other people’s dreams.

If you understand your values, beliefs or rules for your life, you will set goals that will be specific to your dreams and desires. By that I mean there’s’ a WIIFM what’s in it for me. eg. If a health related goal involves losing weight and building stamina for your marathon, the additional benefits you may experience might include: more vitality, looking good, feeling attractive, opportunity to modernize self-image, purchase new clothes, sense of achievement, increased enthusiasm about life, and more energy to include new activities in life. All of these factors raise your levels of enthusiasm towards achieving your goals.

Often you’ve never thought about your values, so when you’ve been setting goals they’ve been contradictory to who you are and what you believe. In your goal to be yourself it’s important you take time to assess your values as step one. Then as you start setting your goals, every one needs to be aligned to your values. Failure to do so will inevitably mean failure of your goals because of inner conflict. Eg. You want to be healthy, but you continue to smoke. Decide what you want and overcome the challenges to achieve it. You’ll feel much better about yourself and life when you’re working towards and achieving your goal.

Here are ten tips that will assist with your goals, intentions or target setting for your Keeping your attitude positive as you create your dream life.

10 Tips towards achieving MAGIC in your Life

1. Take time to daydream and write down or draw your goals.
2. Created your MAGIC from your right brained creative thinking (the first thing to come to your mind)
3. Use your left analytical side of your brain plan out HOW to achieve it.
4. Understand that you will be challenged and it’s okay to ask for help.
5. Visualise achieving your goal.
6. Be prepared to make sacrifices and changes.
7. Take the risk and enjoy life as you’re achieving
8. Value your health, have fun, laugh and love along the way.
9. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
10. Pat yourself on the back and reward yourself constantly.

In your quest to be yourself you will be challenged. The opportunity to be you is exciting, scary and even daunting for some. It takes personal growth, understanding, communicating, and overcoming fear, courage and knowledge to align your mind body and soul, or mental thinking, physical direction and spiritual self to work together harmoniously. When they do you’ll find fulfillment, happiness, love for yourself and others, and inner peace. It’s a great way to live. You may need to attend courses, read books, ask questions and be open to learning. Across your path will come signals about which path to follow. It’s up to you and your free will to make your choice and enjoy the ride. The fabulous thing is you don’t need to conform to others. Here’s an example.

Some months ago I enjoyed a round of golf with my partner who has a very low handicap my seventy-four year old mother who is midway handicap and I’m ….a novice. I had a wonderful time, it was a beautiful walk, surrounded by lovely trees and bird life. Out of the hundred or more shots I played, maybe fifteen percent went in the direction I aimed and travelled a reasonable distance. Throughout my game, I replaced my ball on the nice pieces of grass and when my ball ‘flew’ over to another fairway, rather than disrupt the other people’s game, I explained I was new to the game, and rather than further disrupt them, could they please throw my ball back. They obliged. My mother was shocked! I will never make a golfer, my putting on my partners $ 500 putter was good (I’d practiced as a child up the hallway when we had family parties), so it was an enjoyable time….for me. I’m not sure my mother will play much golf with me unless she understands this if fun for me, not a serious game. However, I’ll go for a walk and pull my partners trundler and when I chose and when my we’re ready for a laugh, I’ll play a game of golf. However …if I chose to continue with golf, professional lessons will definitely benefit me and in that year I’ll include it in my goals. Meanwhile, it’s a lovely environment, good exercise, fun and enjoyable and that’s what golf is about for me. Good Luck with your journey to be uniquely you.

Janice Davies is The Attitude Specialist, who teaches people to be positive and empower themselves through Attitude Training. As a Professional Speaker, Success Coach and author Janice educates people at conferences, workshops and through books. Janice is the founder of the global movement International Self Esteem annual awareness day and features in the new True Happiness DVD. Janice has an online products featuring about attitude, goals, stress, happiness, relationships and more. Visit http://www.attitudespecialist.co.nz for other complimentary articles and tips.

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Reinforce Positive Affirmations To Become Success

Positive affirmations are a powerful way to reprogram the unconscious mind from negative thinking to positive. The concept is to take the positive words of what anyone would like to see established in his life, and repeat them enough so that those are part of his way of thinking and seeing the universe. The Positive affirmations work in a way those posses the negative self-talk, but the positive affirmations follow the way that benefits us. It does work. It can help to replace the negative thought with the powerful positive thinking.

It is remarkably natural to involve yourself with the negative things constantly which is called negative self-talk. If you can use the power of positive affirmations and able to repeat it inside yourself, this power will enable you to control your brain. This attitude will change your thinking structure at any situation and the way of your feelings.

Being positive is remarkably beneficial. This thing can help to become more successful and increase your self esteem. This attitude will let you move away from the negative thinking. Anyone who desired to change life immediately ought to use the power of positive affirmations. Anyone can replace his or her undesirable beliefs into powerful beliefs by simply rewiring thought process. It is accessible. May be some harmful beliefs are ruling your brain. It is exceedingly straightforward to change the way to develop the situation. You just have to take action to rehearsal exactly some positive affirmations again and again until build a positive or expedient habitual thought pattern. Making use of these attitudes is in a no way challenging task. It is an easy task of reading out the affirmations. If you read those loud, the performance will elevate. By using positive affirmations, anyone can inject hopeful thoughts in to them with the intention of bring out the entire potential of these positive affirmations.

When this thing becomes beliefs, you ought to back them up by replicating the same words or statements. You require affirming positive statements more, and this will build new neural working networks in the brain. This should grow strong through repetitive statements. Just remember to reinforce affirmations until they become habit. It will bring real success.

For Information about Positive Affirmations and Affirmations Positive, please visit on awake2000.com

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Reinforce Positive Affirmations To Become Success

Positive affirmations are a powerful way to reprogram the unconscious mind from negative thinking to positive. The concept is to take the positive words of what anyone would like to see established in his life, and repeat them enough so that those are part of his way of thinking and seeing the universe. The Positive affirmations work in a way those posses the negative self-talk, but the positive affirmations follow the way that benefits us. It does work. It can help to replace the negative thought with the powerful positive thinking.

It is remarkably natural to involve yourself with the negative things constantly which is called negative self-talk. If you can use the power of positive affirmations and able to repeat it inside yourself, this power will enable you to control your brain. This attitude will change your thinking structure at any situation and the way of your feelings.

Being positive is remarkably beneficial. This thing can help to become more successful and increase your self esteem. This attitude will let you move away from the negative thinking. Anyone who desired to change life immediately ought to use the power of positive affirmations. Anyone can replace his or her undesirable beliefs into powerful beliefs by simply rewiring thought process. It is accessible. May be some harmful beliefs are ruling your brain. It is exceedingly straightforward to change the way to develop the situation. You just have to take action to rehearsal exactly some positive affirmations again and again until build a positive or expedient habitual thought pattern. Making use of these attitudes is in a no way challenging task. It is an easy task of reading out the affirmations. If you read those loud, the performance will elevate. By using positive affirmations, anyone can inject hopeful thoughts in to them with the intention of bring out the entire potential of these positive affirmations.

When this thing becomes beliefs, you ought to back them up by replicating the same words or statements. You require affirming positive statements more, and this will build new neural working networks in the brain. This should grow strong through repetitive statements. Just remember to reinforce affirmations until they become habit. It will bring real success.

For Information about Positive Affirmations and Affirmations Positive, please visit on awake2000.com

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Become Positive – Benefits of a Positive Attitude


Become Positive - Benefits of a Positive Attitude

Explore more at: http:www.Effective-Positive-Thinkinh.com
The benefits of a positive attitude are numerous, but one of the best benefits is that having a good attitude and staying positive actually makes physical changes in the body. In fact, when you harness the power of thinking positive long enough, the chemistry in your body changes enough that keeping a positive attitude becomes easier. Positive attitude and health are intertwined because our brains are the chemical factory for our bodies.
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Become a Millionaire by Developing a Millionaire Mindset

Aside from those who are born with inherited riches, successful individuals did dream and strive hard to achieve their present status in life. To become a millionaire is a dream everyone kept nourishing in the deepest recesses of their heart. Nevertheless, how to become a millionaire is another matter that is not so easy to accomplish. It is not enough that you dream of it and try to devise ways. A millionaire mindset does not just focus on the dream itself but on how to create wealth effectively. Creating wealth can be done in numerous ways, however; it will succeed only if you have the motivation integrated with a positive outlook in life.

There is no way you can become a millionaire in a day or in so short a time. Everything that is big can only be achieved through constant accumulation. This applies to any attempts of becoming a millionaire. Online or offline, there are various opportunities anyone can adopt to answer the quest on how to become a millionaire. As long as you exercise the millionaire mindset, it is not impossible to create wealth regardless of your age. So many young individuals online were able to achieve their dreams of having millions right before their retirement. While the mind is still capable of pushing the body to work harder, there is always the opportunity waiting to be grabbed.

Developing the millionaire mindset is very important to become a millionaire. Once your mind is set, the rest of your being follows suit. A millionaire is not motivated by money but by its desire. A desire born from a positive attitude in life shapes your mentality as well as you emotions and health. This attitude will always produce a pleasant and successful relationship with people and business acquaintance. Instead of questioning how to become a millionaire, you end up growing millions in the process. Your mindset on becoming a millionaire leads you through the many ways on how to create wealth.

You can stop dreaming to become a millionaire instead start processing your attitude to become one. Stop following the various opinions and views on how to become a millionaire because their process might be on some level helpful, but not altogether. Certain process applies to distinct people, however; it does not mean that their path is your path as well. Develop your own millionaire mindset and from there create wealth. Always be happy, appreciate your own, and never compare yourself with others through the number of their achievements. You are a unique individual with your own talents and skills.

Simply work on developing a positing mindset and you will end up a happy and successful individual. You become a millionaire once you discover within yourself the attitude that gives you the drive on how to become a millionaire. It is only a matter of loving yourself, accepting your faults, correcting your mistakes, acting responsively, optimism, loving your work, and above all loving yourself. Appreciate even your smallest success for therein lies the beginning of the greater achievements. Only by having a millionaire mindset will you be able to create wealth.

To read more about become wealthy the smart way over time and obtain a Millionaire Mindset, just visit Become a Millionaire

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