Tag Archives: Believe

Believe in Yourself! Stay Positive & Build on It

Most of us live in a cocoon of fear. If it’s not one thing we’re afraid of it’s another. What with financial stresses, employment uncertainties, relationships at work, problems with children, their schools etc it’s one merry-go-round of anxiety after another. We could be forgiven for thinking this is the only way.

Fortunately it isn’t the only way. There’s an infinitely better way and it’s all about faith; a faith even more simplistic than a faith in God perhaps (as so many baulk at God–though in my experience, the God-concept is pretty simple).

This is as simple as making the choice to see the virtue within you and setting out to replicate it and build on it. Virtue contributes to faith and faith brings a zest for living. Part of this is deliberately choosing to see others positive views of you. See their views of you as positive. It will help your self-esteem.

And the result, over time, is an increasing and welling up of positive confidence that will set you up for future success and so on and so on. It’s a self-fulfilling prophesy. But, it will only work if you’re growing genuinely in virtue i.e. being more thankful, positive, kind etc.

It’s often said that if we don’t believe in ourselves, who will (apart from our parents and a handful of close others)?

It’s strange how believing in yourself and not condemning yourself can be so powerful. Suddenly, without the chains and shackles of despair and rejection holding us down, we’re able to soar like eagles–and be the way we were always meant to be.

Give yourself another second chance. Believe in yourself: your abilities, your ideas, your resilience to get through your tough situation right now, and finally, your character.

Life was never meant to beat us down. No matter what is against you, you can prove the greatest inspiration, even to yourself.

Stay positive and build on it.

Copyright © 2009, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved.

Steve Wickham is a registered safety practitioner (BSc, MSIA, RSP) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). He also has training and leadership Diplomas. His passion in vocation is facilitation and coaching; encouraging people to soar to a higher value of their potential. Steve’s key passion is work / life balance and re-creating value for living, and an exploration of the person within us.

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Positive Parenting Tips: You Won’t Believe This Positive Parenting Tip!

Are you in need of positive parenting tips?  Are you having trouble with your children, and you are beginning to believe that nothing will help you?  Read along to see how this one tip can help change your life!

Before we get to the positive parenting tip that we believe will change your life, let us first identify the three main reasons why children act out, to see if this tip would apply or not!

The first reason a child will act out is because they don’t understand something.  Sometimes when a child doesn’t understand what is going on, or what is expected of them in a situation, they may, for a variety of reasons, act out.  For some reason, they don’t feel comfortable communicating what it is they don’t understand, or they may be just too young to be able to effectively communicate to you what the problem is.  In any case, it is good to keep this in mind when dealing with children, especially if they are very young.

The second reason a child will act out is if they need something.  This could pertain to something that they actually want, but it may very well be about some basic need.  They may be hungry, thirsty, cold, or too hot.  The same rule applies here.  The younger the child, the more difficult they may find it to let you know exactly what is going on with them.

This leads us to the final reason, and the positive parenting tip that has already been hyped.  A child will act out when they are afraid.  On the surface, this makes sense, and it may seem to not mean that much.  However, we need to take a deeper look at this potentially serious problem.

When a child is fearful, their stress levels go up.  When this happens, extra cortisol is sent to the brain, and they become disoriented.  This causes them to act out even more.  There are two very important reasons that we need to be careful about this scenario!

First of all, it has been proven that almost all regularly practiced forms of child discipline that parents use, cause increases of fear in children.  This includes yelling and screaming, punishing, belittling, lecturing, and much more.  Even using rewards causes fear because children become fearful of not being able to complete the task in which they would get the reward for.

The second major thing to note is that long term effects of increased exposure to extra cortisol causes teenage delinquency and sociopathic behaviors.  So it is ever so important, if you use the most commonly practiced discipline techniques, that you consider learning, and trying new methods.

To get information that will help you focus on the roots of bad behavior in order to make a deep and lasting change, visit this site, or go to positive parenting tips to learn more helpful ways to deal with your children.

If you liked this article, go to my blog, at positive parenting tips for u, to read more and to get more helpful links.  No matter what you decide to do, now that you are moving in the right direction, hopefully you will keep going until you find the solutions that work for you.  Good luck, and God Bless!

For lots of great ideas about how to be a more effective parent, visit positive parenting tips to get help with your family situation. There you can find lots of positive parenting tips.

Register Here and Receive This FREE Report-“Respect & Cooperation with Children” to get you going in the Right Direction!

Paul Donahue has been a parent for over twenty years, and shares with you many of the positive parenting tips that have worked for him, as well as some things that haven’t. No matter the age of your children, there’s always a chance to turn things around. Don’t put off the chance to start over.

If you liked this article, you can read more at my blog at parent effectivness training!

If you need any further assistance, or would like to share some of your story with me, please e-mail me at prdgloballlc@gmail.com.


You can also click on my picture and go to my profile page to get more resources!


No matter what you try, just remember to be consistent, and persistent, and you will, day by day, reach your goal of gaining control of your household. Now that you have started to do the footwork, don’t stop until you’ve found what works for you. Thanks for taking the time to read my article and profile. Good luck, and God Bless!

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Believe and Receive – Positive Affirmations

Today is great! I believe today is going to be the greatest day of my little ole life. I will succeed, achieve, and accomplish goals today. I will be happy, healthy, and wealthy today. I have a smile on my face right now and I will smile the entire day.

Without believing you can never receive the blessing God has for you in this day so believe, believe and believe again and again and then one more time determine to place your faith in God. God is God, you are His kid, and He is blessing you right now in this day.

Name ten things you believe God does for you that you can’t do for yourself. Well, stop scratching your head and just start shouting them out. Ok, God hangs out the sun, yep. He keeps me safe on the freeway. He keeps my kids safe and on and on and on. Now, He also provides for me. Things like toothpaste and cool water and toilet paper. Wow, God provides toilet paper. Yes, he provides you with the power to work which brings money, which pays for the toilet paper.

Believe and receive. I tell you what, quickly without too much thought write out or shout out ten positive affirmations about this day. Base these affirmations on the word of God. Go, I am happy. I am going to succeed today. I am ……… fill in the blank. Do you believe these affirmations? Ok, believe and receive. Your day is going to be the greatest day in your life.

One more thing, positive affirmations are beliefs and beliefs results in actions. Now start acting like you have received these affirmation. The affirmations are coming true right now, so act as if they are true and alive in your life. Actually, affirmations can be prayers. Prayers God wants to answers in your behalf because He loves you and He loved you enough to provide Christ Jesus just for you.

Dr Bob Wilkerson is author of the book, “I Will Not Be Defeated Anymore”. He is dedicated to helping others recover from life altering circumstances. Dr. Bob is a motivational speaker/singer with a true life story of God’s power to change any individuals life. If you would like more information go to http://www.freewebs.com/bobwilkerson

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