Tag Archives: Best

What Are The Best Self Improvement Tips For Planning A Fun-packed Life

As the author of The Last Year of Your Life and the founder of The Last Year of Your Life 52-week Experience, I have written a series of short articles to answer the many questions I get asked about how to live your life to the fullest.
In this article I answer a question that I get asked a lot, and that is, ‘Is it really possible to determine that you are going to have the most fun year of your life?’

You may have heard me say or read one of my other articles where I say that the purpose of The Last Year Of Your Life is to do two things:
1. To bring out what is most special and unique about you so that you can create your legacy.
and 2. to have the most fun you can possibly have in one year’s time.

Those are the goals that we are going to try to accomplish for you and with you during The Last Year Of Your Life. This is what our empowerment coaching will help you achieve.

So how do you set out to have the most fun year of your life? Well, simply stated, it is a mindset.

You have to decide that this is going to be the most fun year that you have ever had in your life,
and you arrange your schedule, and you plan out the things that you do during the year so that you make that happen. You plan how to live life to the fullest.

For example, you may have seen all the free videos I made to answer people’s questions about The Last Year Of Your Life experience, and to include some of my self-improvement tips.
Well, I shot all those videos while I was on a vacation/business trip on the gorgeous island of Kauai. I planned it out so that I would go there on a vacation,
shoot the videos for the marketing and promotion of The Last Year Of Your Life, and sell some butter too. (You may know that I am a world famous gourmet butter purveyor.)

And it worked out perfectly. By the end of that trip I had a new butter client (the entire St. Regis Princeville Resort not bad!) as well as all my promo videos, and got to spend 7 days swimming in the gorgeous warm waters of Hanalei Bay, HI.
That is my idea of a great time. Swimming in the ocean and vacationing in world class resorts is just fine with me anytime I can get it!

So I turned the best most fun vacation into a profit center as well. Taking part in our Executive life coaching can do that for you too.

And that is what you do in The Last Year Of Your Life.

You decide that you are going to live your life with a mind towards planning out fun things, and then it’s just a matter of the details. You live the benefits of empowerment.

Because unless you plan these things out, they willl not happen.
Having the best and most fun year of your entire life does not happen by accident.
Having the best and most fun year of your life is something that you have to create for yourself.

I have been Living The Last Year of Your Life for the past three years now and it has been the most incredible experience in my life.
I know that you’ll get a lot out of it too, and I want you to do it because in The Last Year of Your Life, anything is possible.

Clint Arthur is the author and program leader of The Last Year Of Your Life a 52-week self empowerment and life purpose coaching experience.
Participants live as if they only have 52 weeks left to live.
This gives a sense of urgency and power to stop procrastinating and see self improvement and motivation levels soar.
Empower your life and start living life to fullest possible.
http://www.TheLastYearOfYourLife.com offers free video, audio, and written training materials. Anything is Possible.

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The Best Career Advice Would Include Learning How to Project a Positive Attitude

Everyone wants to get their dream job and most people are quite nervous when they go in for the interview. Some of them choke, and say the wrong thing, and their chances of their once-in-a-lifetime dream are dashed. After all, you can have the best resume in the world but if the human resource director that is interviewing you thinks that you’re somewhat weird or you have personality issues they are not going to overlook all that and hire you anyway.

This is why I often recommend, and I believe this is some of the best career by that anyone could ever give. You need to learn how to have a good attitude during conversations, not let things get to you personally, and project a positive attitude wherever you go. A company wants to hire people that will get along with all the other workers, someone that will fit good on their team, and yes, someone that has all the proper qualifications.

Now, assuming that you already have the qualifications and a resume to back it up, it’s time that you work on your positive attitude. There are a number of ways to do this but the best thing you can do is get out in the real world and socialize. Far too many people these days spend all their time online and very little time meeting people out in the real world.

One great thing that people can do to maintain a positive attitude and get used to dealing with all types of people is to go with volunteer for a local nonprofit group. By the way that also looks very good on your resume because you are helping out the community and most corporations like to see community spirit. I sure hope you will consider all this and I hope you do get that dream job you’ve always wanted.

Lance Winslow is a retired franchisor – Lance Winslow’s Bio. Lance Winslow is formerly the CEO of WashGuys family of franchises for instance one of Lance Winslow’s favorite companies on the team; http://www.windowwashguys.com/links.shtml.

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The Best Mindset For Business

In this post I will be sharing some advice that I took up from reading a newsletter some time ago.

So I was checking my email and I opened my inbox to see a subject headline saying “how to effortlessly create wealth” and this attracted me because I know creating wealth does take some type of effort.

Now back to the topic when I opened the message I began reading, and as I read the message that’s when it HIT ME. What happened was I finally came to an understanding to why I was never hitting my goals in terms of my business even though I was putting my all into it.

What the message told me was the reason was due to the fact our energy gets drained and we hit brick wall after brick wall when striving for success simply due to an inner conflict.

As I was coming to read more of the message my head began to nod and I really felt like this was the position I was in. So to continue what the message was illustrating for me, it said that this inner conflict is like a mental war between my confident self saying that I can become successful and my negative self saying I will never make it.

With this the message said that this inner conflict is what’s draining me and acting as a barrier to achieving my goals for every time I come up short and hit a brick wall on my pathway of success as I listen to my self-confident voice telling me to that I am doing everything the right way.

Once I hit that brick wall that win when the little voice tells me that I will never make it.
And the message was saying that this type of inner conflict of me striving for success with confidence then once I go went temporary defeat I feel as if I will never become successful, only drains me and that the only way to overcome this was to let go of my EGO.
As I saw the word ego I then realized this inner conflict that’s holding back is simply due to my ego.

Now this may seem odd, but I gave deep thought to it and I understand now to just let go of all resistance, and know I am someone moving towards my goals effortlessly.


Here are some other mindset and wealth creating resources-Free Presentation Reveals how to build a fully profitable team in any home business-ASAP, using some extremely effective yet simplistic internet concepts. Just click-> MLM downline


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The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction Remover 6

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The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction Remover 19

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The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction RemoverR 12


The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction RemoverR 12

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The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction Remover 17


The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction Remover 17


http://change-yourlife.org Click the link to the left

Super Healing Secrets Using Mindset and Emotions in Internet Marketing

Hi, Lorraine Menza here, and in this video/blog I am going to talk about the super healing secrets using mindset and emotions in internet marketing. I had the privilege of listening to Dr. Elaine Ferguson on PBS the other day. She wrote a book called Super Healing Secrets.

Basically, she addressed that your emotional health has 7 X the ability to increase or decrease chronic diseases. Are you constantly angry, fearful, anxiety, upset, or just a negative person? We have the power to change our lives; not just in a healthy way, but also in a positive way!

Emotional toxins can be immediately interrupted by laughter and deep breathing! Motion can interrupt emotional toxins! For deep breathing, put one hand on your chest and one hand on your abdomen, and start deep breathing. You should only feel the abdomen moving with your hand. Practice deep breathing for two days until it becomes a habit!

Dr. Elaine Ferguson says that the way you eat, think, and feel can restore diseased cells! You can change genes and how they express themselves! Pretty powerful stuff! I am going to further this by talking about emotions!

How do you control your emotions? Do you have a daily habit of working on your emotions? Do you hang around with positive people? Do you read positive personal development books…….like Dr. Wayne Dyer and Joel Olsteen? Do you read positive business books like Think and Grow Rich, Rich Dad Poor Dad, or the Four Hour Work Week? Do you say positive affirmations and believe them as you say them? Do you act like your outcome already exists? Do you spend time in gratitude daily? Do you meditate?

Working on your mindset daily is so powerful that it changes those emotional toxins. According to Dr. Elaine Ferguson “Positive Emotion are nutrients and health giving chemicals that allow ourselves to function with ease.” That is why working on your daily mindset is very powerful!

Daily mindset leads to optimism. Optimists are healthier and if they get sick they recover faster! So all you internet marketers, are you ready to change your mindset and work on it daily? There are many benefits to do this and one of them is your health!

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Self improvement and motivation-The Best Self improvement tip

In the mundane world it is the failure that is ready to engulf you. But if you surrender to it you are sure to get baffled in the long run. Failure may come in your way but you have to be ready to combat it, face it in the way it is to be faced. Again it is not the everlasting fact that you are sure to fail all the time. The day is sure to come when the deity of ultimate success is sure to crown you. All you need are self-improvement and motivation. If you are not motivated how you can be the ultimate winner.

You need to be smart and cool. You have to accept the failure. You must keep it in mind that no one succeeds in the very initial phase. It is the hard toil and his perseverance that make him successful in the long run. You are to be ready to face the situation that you never have expected. But if you have to face such a horrid situation would you lag behind? No all you have to do is to march ahead so long the faint beam of hope is not located in the horizon. All you need in this crucial phase is the self-improvement and motivation urge that comes from within your soul.

All you have to do is to struggle hard without expecting what result is awaiting you. It is easy to say but it is very hard to accept failure after failure in a continuous manner. But what would you do? If you do not learn to accept failure you are sure to be a victim of depression and depression would suck your vitality in a slow manner in a gradual process.

Now how can you improve yourself? Is it very easy to do so? Actually when you are in a desperate spree are trying hard to coin energy what would be the outcome? I am here offering some self-improvement tips that would be of good help to you when you are hiding your face in the veil of desperation.

I am here offering you some self-improvement tips that may make you motivated all the way.

1. You can maintain a diary. You write down there how you have tackled the problems that came on your way.

2. Now follow well how you started and how you reached your dream destination.

3. Always mix with those people who dwell on positive thinking. Only the positive, motivated people can lead you to the road of eternal pleasure.

4. Never stop your journey all on a sudden. If you are thwarted on the ways never lose your heart. It is your internal spirit that is to boost you all the while.

5. Never step back from your goal. Stick to your dreams in a hearty manner. The harder your clutch to your dream the faster you are going to have it in your wallet.

Failure may come in your way but you have to be ready to combat it. Self improvement and motivation are the two things that may help you to fight against the negative power. Do not forget to check the self improvement tips too.

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Best Self Improvement Tips — The Importance of Humour By Richard Bandler

http://www.nlplifetraining.com If you are looking for one of the best simple self improvement tips, then humour is actually a technique which can be used to help you get over bad experiences in your life and help you work towards your goals. Successful people tend to be happy people, and they look on the bright side of life. They don’t dwell on the past, but are always thinking of the future, and fall back on a sense of humour when problems arise. A sense of humour will help you get over your problems quicker and move on. Richard Bandler is known for his sense of humour. He sees it as one of the key NLP techniques which he teaches to people all over the world. Neuro Lingusitic Programming is one if not the best self improvement methods in the world and one of the best tips in terms of becoming happier and achieving more in your life is to have a sense of humour.
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The Top 3 Self Improvement Tips that made the greatest change in my life in April, 2015.

I decided to start this video series because I wanted to share what I’ve found is most successful in my life in creating actual change. This video covers 3 of the most important points I added to my every day life to make large differences in my overall success.

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