Tag Archives: Bikini

How to Get a Bikini Body – Start With A Positive Attitude

When you are following any weight loss lifestyle you need to make sure you have a positive attitude.  One of the mistakes many people make is to have negative thoughts about themself.

You have to make sure you have positive thoughts running through your head at all times.  You cannot think “I can’t do this” or “I never lose weight” or “I will never have a body like that”, because whatever is running through your mind is what is going to eventuate in your life.

You have to visualise that you can do it! You can get that body, you can lose that weight.  If you repeat that to yourself as much as possible then you will have more chance of success.

You should keep repeating affirmations to yourself as much as possible.  You should also visualise yourself having the body of your dreams.  Look in the mirror and visualise your head on the body of your favourite bikini model.

Actually, a great way to get a visual picture of yourself looking how you want is to find a picture of the body you want and then photoshop your head onto the top of that body.  There is a great picture which will help you visualise yourself at your goal.  Print the picture out and keep a copy in your wallet, print it out and pin in on your noticeboard near your computer.

Every time you feel yourself having negative thoughts and you realise that you are going to self sabotage yourself just look at the picture, visualise yourself with the body that you want and repeat your affirmations like “I can get a bikini body”, “I am achieving my goal”

You can also make your affirmations in the present tense such as “I am doing this” and “I have a bikini body”.  That will help you picture yourself at your goal even more and keep you on the track where you will achieve all that you want to achieve.

Getting the bikini body that you want is a hard road which takes commitment and lots of hard work.  Maintaining a positive attitude is essential to keeping you on track to achieving what you want.  Of course you will hit bumps in the road and negative thoughts sometimes emerge.  That is inevitable.  When that happens just take a look at your picture, visualise yourself at your goal, say your affirmations and you will sooner rather than later be back on track.

I have already lost 60 pounds and I am well on my way to getting the bikini body I want.  Why don’t you check out my site to see my story and what I am doing to achieve this Get A Bikini Body

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