Tag Archives: Bliss

Being Bliss 35 – Right Mindset for Positive Thinking – BK Shivani (Hindi)


Main Points from the episode 35
* Positive thinking is not about EXPECTING the best to happen every time, but ACCEPTING that whatever happens is the best for this moment.
* Positive thinking means right thinking at every moment. Visualising the best to happen, but then accepting the result and creating the right thoughts irrespective of what the outcome may be.
* Positive thinking does not mean what will happen, will be the best; it means whatever will happen, will be accurate for me; according to my sanskars and past karmic accounts.
* Accepting the outcome of the situation, keeps us stable at that moment. We retain the strength, confidence and motivation to put in our best in the next moment.

Main Points from the episode 1 :
* Happiness is not based on achievement. It is not the destination, it is on the journey.
* Happiness is a state of being, created while working towards the goal, not a feeling to be experienced after achieving the goal.
* Obstacles on the journey are obstructions in our achievements, not obstructions in our happiness.
* If we believe happiness is at the destination, then we will experience fear and anxiety if there is any obstacle or delay on the journey.

Our every thought, word and action is OUR creation. Situations come to us from outside, but our responses are completely OUR choice.

‘HEALER WITHIN ‘is a next series by sister bk shivani in english after happiness unlimited , soul connections and going beyond. (awakening with brahma kumaris)

We have doctors , psychiatrists, spiritual masters, family and friends . in short we have all sets of healers outside yet we are not healed inside. The series explores how the creator of pain is inside and the healer is also within. And healer inside each of us is the perfect healer for ourselves .

Awakening with Brahma Kumaris with BK Shivani

Raja Yoga Meditation is a method of relaxing, refreshing and recharging the mind. lt helps you look inside to rediscover and reconnect with your original, spiritual essence and restore a healthy balance between your inner and outer worlds.
The topics covered in this series lead to a deeper understanding of your True identity,
Knowing God, Relationship with God, Law of Karma, Cycle of Time and Spiritual Lifestyle, ln time, this understanding becomes a natural part of your day to day awareness, constructively influencing how you see yourselfand how you relate to your world.

Meditation is the method to – Become intuitively aware of who you really are beyond the superficial labels of modern society; Experience the core energy of your being which is peaceful, positive and powerful; Direct that power into our abilities to create, communicate and co-operate with others; Discern the real meaning of life and your unique purpose in this lifetime.

The Brahma Kumaris
The Brahma Kumaris teaches Rajyoga as a way of experiencing peace of mind and a positive approach to life. The organisation provides opportunities to people from all religious and cultural backgrounds to explore their own spirituality and learnskills of reflection and meditation derived from Rajyoga, which will help develop inner calm, clear thinking and personal well-being.

Self Management
Self Management, which is really life management, is learning how to accept total RESPONSIBILITY for our self, have healthy RELATIONSHIPS, play the right ROLE and use the

RESOURCES we already have within us in the most effective ways, and thereby fulfill our Iife’s mission to be happy and at peace with our self and with the
Responsibility – No person, event or situation is responsible for our happiness; we are the creator of ALL our thoughts, feelings and actions.
Relationships – lt’s not what others say or do that hurts us, lt’s what we do – with what they say or do that hurts us, let’s stop emotionally abusing ourselves.
Roles – We are the creators of every scene in our life and hence have the power to play the right role, in the right scene, in the right way, at the right time.
Resources – We all have the same resources but one of the factors that make us all unique is how we use those resources – physical, mental and spiritual.
The Brahma Kumaris
The Brahma Kumaris teaches Rajyoga as a way of experiencing peace of mind and a positive approach to life. The organisation provides opportunities to people from all religious and cultural backgrounds to explore their own spirituality and learn skills of reflection and meditation derived from Rajyoga, which will help develop
inner calm, clear thinking and personal well-being.
www.bkwsu.org (International)
www.brahmakumaris.com (India)

Positive Mindset (Chinkee Tan)

Be positive and stay away from negative people.

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