Tag Archives: Body

Master Weight Loss Success – Fat Burning Secrets For a Slim Body

Mastering weight loss is often a very difficult and emotional subject for many people. The simple fact is that it takes effort, and after years of a lifestyle of poor food choices and not enough exercise, weight loss becomes even more difficult. To even think about exercising or cutting back on comfort food can create fear and apprehension.

For many overweight people, exercising, even gently can create pain and fatigue fairly quickly and therefore it is extremely difficult to get over that very first hurdle but the truth is it has to be done. Our bodies are designed to move; we should be able to walk, run and play with ease. Even if disease or disability has affected our bodies, movement in any way possible can only bring great benefits, not only to our physique but to our minds as well.

I think it would be difficult to find one person on this wonderful Earth who doesn’t have certain obstacles that they have to face. The majority of human beings don’t like change; we like certainty. We all have our comfort zones and a requirement to step outside of them causes stressful emotions within the body and mind. But the wonderful thing is that stepping outside of our comfort zone means stepping into fresh air! It is never as frightening as it seems and can be quite exhilarating, bringing a sense of freedom and achievement. Successful people are those who don’t just talk about doing something, they do it, and they continue to do it and when another challenge comes along, they do that as well.

Beginning a weight loss program should always start with setting specific goals. It is never enough to say “I want to lose weight”. Spend some time dreaming about the ideal body you would like to have and write it down, taking note of how you feel, how easily you walk, the clothes you wear, the admiration you receive and the powerful messages you can hand on to others. Take the time to write your ideal weight loss three months from now, then six and then twelve and then your ultimate goal – how long will that take?

Get the excitement ripping through your body. Get rid of the excuses; if you have time to watch tv, you have time to get moving. If you need to, get a treadmill and stick it in front of the tv and make sure you use it – just ditch the excuses once and for all. Once you are on your way to achieving your goals, you will find that you love moving more. Your energy levels increase and you get a buzz when you achieve each new goal. 

My life changed when I finally gave up my excuses. It took me more than 20 years to realise that the ‘quick fixes’ I had been falling prey too were not working for me – how dumb was I to believe that I could take magic pills and follow mad diets to watch the fat melt away?

The day my life changed was when I discovered a no-nonsense, no bs approach which has radically changed the way I approach all aspects of my health. I started with my mind before I started with my body. I discovered that my body type was largely (pun intended) endomorph and that I needed to put in more cardio than some types to get the fat moving.  A little bit of weight training helps to stop my weight loss being due to losing lean body mass.  My quick fixes still weren’t working after 20+ years, and the slower approach which encourages your body to increase lean body mass (which in turn increases metabolism) and lose only fat is what is working for me – what a revelation! With a little effort, a slim body is yours as well. 

And if there is still a bit of you that loves the quick and easy approach – visit my site to find out how to access the plan instantly http://lifeweightprogram.com

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Positive Body Transformation Through Consistent Training

The reason why bodybuilding is a rather intriguing sport is the fact that it leads to a complete body transformation. Everybody fears change. Sometimes we fear change even when it is for the better. Those who are afraid of the positive change that comes with bodybuilding results fear that it will come with some unforeseen side-effects later in life.

For some people, the issue of bodybuilding is a matter of life and death. There has to be results that are tangible for one to be seen to be building their bodies. All those many hours spent in the gym require a very proper diet and careful attention to the right training methods.

For many people, bodybuilding is all about a huge body and an attractive physique. Yet not everyone achieves these goals. When skinny people go the gym, they train harder and end up overtraining. Every bodybuilder knows that the effects of overtraining can be serious and may even require hospitalization. Of course the issue of hospitalization brings about discontinuity as far as bodybuilding is concerned.

One thing that ones must know is that real transformation does not come easily. The efforts needed are very lengthy and require a lot of time. There are many programs that need to be taken into account. Unless you have decided quit your job and you are hiring a chef, there is no need for you to imagine that a transformation will take place in your body in less then six months. This is the case in almost all recorded bodybuilding cases. The only exception is if you are within the 18 to 22 age bracket.

All the photos of the people who you see in online literature about bodybuilding tips are very real. The head rests on the right trunk. But there is something about the messages carried in this photos which is often not true. The writers often promise transformation within a very short period of time. It takes more time to get transformation than what these writers promise. If the images are anything to go by, then there is more that needs to be done. The routines described in many bodybuilding websites needs to highlight the real efforts that the people pictured have made in order to succeed in bodybuilding.

The truth of the matter, however is that it is possible for you to get real transformation. Make sure that you eat right and do more that what is described in the websites. Let no time limit bind your efforts. Bodybuilding takes a long time to take place. This is not enough. The transformation needs to be maintained. You need to maintain the same efforts so as to ensure maximum fitness and the most attractive abs.

Body transformation is a life-changing phenomenon that brings you in touch with fitness, positive outlook in life and an attractive physique. In order to achieve these things, you need to go beyond the bounds of what is ordinary. You need to work without limits. Trust not your instincts. Just train and train and real transformation will really occur.

Dane Fletcher is the world’s most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for BodybuildingToday.com. If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit http://www.BodybuildingToday.com, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.

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How to Get a Bikini Body – Start With A Positive Attitude

When you are following any weight loss lifestyle you need to make sure you have a positive attitude.  One of the mistakes many people make is to have negative thoughts about themself.

You have to make sure you have positive thoughts running through your head at all times.  You cannot think “I can’t do this” or “I never lose weight” or “I will never have a body like that”, because whatever is running through your mind is what is going to eventuate in your life.

You have to visualise that you can do it! You can get that body, you can lose that weight.  If you repeat that to yourself as much as possible then you will have more chance of success.

You should keep repeating affirmations to yourself as much as possible.  You should also visualise yourself having the body of your dreams.  Look in the mirror and visualise your head on the body of your favourite bikini model.

Actually, a great way to get a visual picture of yourself looking how you want is to find a picture of the body you want and then photoshop your head onto the top of that body.  There is a great picture which will help you visualise yourself at your goal.  Print the picture out and keep a copy in your wallet, print it out and pin in on your noticeboard near your computer.

Every time you feel yourself having negative thoughts and you realise that you are going to self sabotage yourself just look at the picture, visualise yourself with the body that you want and repeat your affirmations like “I can get a bikini body”, “I am achieving my goal”

You can also make your affirmations in the present tense such as “I am doing this” and “I have a bikini body”.  That will help you picture yourself at your goal even more and keep you on the track where you will achieve all that you want to achieve.

Getting the bikini body that you want is a hard road which takes commitment and lots of hard work.  Maintaining a positive attitude is essential to keeping you on track to achieving what you want.  Of course you will hit bumps in the road and negative thoughts sometimes emerge.  That is inevitable.  When that happens just take a look at your picture, visualise yourself at your goal, say your affirmations and you will sooner rather than later be back on track.

I have already lost 60 pounds and I am well on my way to getting the bikini body I want.  Why don’t you check out my site to see my story and what I am doing to achieve this Get A Bikini Body

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3 Hour Super Deep Meditation Music: Relax Mind Body, Inner Peace, Relaxing Music ☯203

Body Mind Zone is home to the most effective Relaxing Music. We have music playlists for Meditation Music, Sleep Music, Study Music, Healing & Wellness Music, and Reiki & Zen Music.

Body Mind Zone’s music videos are ideal for bringing balance into the many aspects of your life. The relaxing sounds are blended with the most effective sound waves to help you relax, sleep, de-stress, study, meditate, heal, and bring a sense of peace into your life.

Try some of our popular music playlists:

● Meditation and Healing: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLedq9ElFqyou6_Rtbisdr4wxPCZEVN2Sr
Our Meditation and Healing Music is ideal for reaching a deeper state of consciousness and self-healing. Our listeners have used the music in conjunction with top guided meditations from the likes of Deepak Chopra, Oprah Winfrey and Russell Simmons. Our music will guide you into a deep meditation, and allow your body to reach a state of deep healing, for body, mind and spirit. We’ve also taken inspiration from Tibetan and Shamanic sounds, to give you a wide selection of quality meditative sounds.

● Relaxation and Spa: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLedq9ElFqyou2_CvQWv0i6HzzKq3s32ts
Our Relaxation and Spa Music is ideal for winding down, and calming the mind. Use this music during treatment, or simply relaxing at home. The beautifully light sounds will transport your busy mind and tired body into a state of bliss and contentment.

● Reiki & Zen: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLedq9ElFqyovwvDtixca-yILn1dbUKQQI
Our Reiki Music and Zen Music is uniquely created to make your Reiki healing sessions as effective as possible. The calming sounds are blended with frequencies that allow the healer to reach the ideal consciousness for healing, and encourages a state of relaxation and openness to Reiki healing. The unobtrusive sounds are also ideal for meditation, and encouraging a state of Zen.

● Study & Concentration: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLedq9ElFqyovtjE-RXFe2Ct9dQk1T9wh3
Our Study Music is created to bring your mind and body into a state of focused relaxation, perfect for studying and concentration. Our music is blended with Alpha Waves, encouraging a high level of focus to make the most of your studies and productivity.

● Binaural Mind States:
Many of the tracks include Binaural Brain Waves that can be used to enter different mind frequencies. It can be used for studying music and revision for when you need to be creative, focused and have good concentration. Many people find Brainwave entrainment useful for deep sleep to help you fall asleep easy, and also have enough rest to start the day fresh. Binaural Brainwaves can be used for meditation, study music, creativity, deep sleep and many more benefits. Many mothers use it as baby music, and lullabies to help their babies sleep.

Our most popular music videos are now available on iTunes.
● Buy our music on iTunes: http://goo.gl/bWgz3a

Follow Body Mind Zone’s social pages:
● Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bodymindzone
● Google+: http://plus.google.com/+bodymindzone
● Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bodymindzone

We’d love your feedback! Please like, comment and share. We are very active on social media in order to provide you with a better interactive experience and a forum to share your thoughts and experiences.

Also be sure to check out our sister channel, Sleep Dream Zone, which specializes in 30-Minute Nap Music, 3-Hour Restful Sleep Music, and 8-Hour Deep Sleep Music:
● http://www.youtube.com/sleepdreamzone

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