Tag Archives: Bodybuilders

A Bodybuilders Mindset

So how and why are successful bodybuilders able to create the bodies that many people dream of (note I am not talking about the infamous bodybuilders that are abnormal huge). To answer this, people do bodybuilding for various reasons. Some bodybuilders use to be very skinny, obese, or just the average joe, but many bodybuilders have their reason why. Now going from a previous body type to becoming pretty well built is not the easiest thing to do, but it can be simple once you have the right mindset in place.

Yes dieting and training to create the body of your dreams is a key factor, but without a solid mindset or drive helping you to stay on track to continue dieting and training, there is no point. You see, in order to transform your body wither your looking to get bigger or just slim down and get leaner, you will have to want it bad enough. At times things can be discouraging because you may not be able to eat the foods you want or make the time to do a workout, but you can easily evaporate this discouragement by creating some motivational factors.

You may already be motivated in a way to have that perfect or near perfect body that you want, but that’s not always enough. There needs to be a deeper reason why you want to transform your body. Like for me as an example, I was really skinny and I almost came to accepting that I could never make a difference, but after a bad breakup I realized that I had some deep insecurities about myself and I needed to change that. So that’s when I decided to start working out to get bigger so that I can take more confidence in how I felt about myself.

Thus my main motivation was for me to not only look sexier (lol), but if my ex were to ever see me again she wouldn’t recognize me because of my transformation. And this was my “why”. And that’s what kept me motivated on my diet and routine to improve myself, and in a way helped me become a better me.

Since I began working out I hit my first goal to gain over twenty pounds in a few week’s time, and since then I been pretty content with my body and just really maintaining my shape. So if you are really looking to make a change in your body to gain more lean muscle or whatever, you need to dig deep and know what is your reason why, and let that be your drive to your bodybuilding success.


If you would like to not only learn more bodybuilding tips but to build sustainable muscle, feel free to go here-How to get ripped fast.

Also if have any comments or questions it would be great to leave one in the original article – Bodybuilders Mindset, so I can reply back. Thanks!


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