Tag Archives: Brand

Use Promotional Pencils to Reflect Your Brand in a Positive Way

You do not need to spend a large amount of money to promote your company, a little goes along way when it comes to promotional pencils.

There are many other promotional items like mugs, T-shirts, bags etc. But among them the humble pencils is possibly one of the best ways to market your business.

1. It is small, weightless, and sleek.

2. Always finds a small place in the pockets of every professional.

They are a good marketing strategy to advertise your business .Your logo or brand name can be easily imprinted. When one of your valued customers receives your giveaway, from the very moment they also start to serve you actively by promoting and advertising your brand, because they make their appearance everywhere. On the other hand consider the mug most of the times they remain in the same place, a passive product.

Choosing a good pencil either the usual everyday wooden one or a more stylish retractable version will ensure that your brand name or product gets reflected in a positive manner. When you decided to give these handy products away then one can say that it is an economical alternative to any other advertising and ensures that you get profit in your business. One major advantage over some traditional advertising method is that you can choose the target public so that you can save money, but this is not the case of traditional advertising.

As already said there are a wide variety of different products to choose from but among them pencils are a good choice. They find their use from hotels and banks to shops and airports. Even a child uses one. They are used almost in every area .For instance a person sitting in front of computer for the whole day also needs a writing implement for a variety of reasons (example: making notes, noting down address etc ) So there is no doubt you can use these as a tool for promoting your business.

Using them as a marketing strategy results only in positive things, it is simple to pack and despatch through the post, or just put them into an envelope and ship them. Even for trade shows they can be used as they are small and a huge number can be stored in a small place or they can be carried to the exhibition halls with ease. Booth sizes within trade shows are minimal allowing for more trade people to attend. Promotional pencils are simple to display and exhibit and won’t take up too much space.

Moreover your potential client is going to be happy with a free useful product which is going to easily slip into his or her pocket or into their bag. Because the product is lightweight and easy to carry around it is sure to come into use throughout the day. If you have attended a trade show previously than you would have, not doubt, been asked to fill out forms and questionnaires as you move from booth to booth, so giving these useful items out during a trade show will ensure you that your brand name is getting promoted which also encourages new potential customers to become an actual customer.

Lottie Carrot works in the promotional pencil industry for Argon Promotions, the leading company in terms of innovative business gift ideas. Lottie works closely with businesses to help market their products and services by providing information and help in the selection of suitable promotional pencils for their advertising campaigns.

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Brand Image – Creating Positive Brand Image

Your corporate brand is the coherent outward expression or your company’s mission statement, business strategy and activities. Basically, in the public mind you are as you act and the most carefully created marketing strategy in the world will not be enough to overcome bad image if the public sees you acting irresponsibly or recklessly. Since the perception of your brand has direct correlation to public confidence and thereby to profits, careful stewardship of the brand image is highly recommended. But if your corporate brand comes from all of these different strands of business activity, how do you create positive brand image? Further, how do you create an image that inspires confidence in your specific consumer group?

The first thing to understand is that you cannot apply corporate brand like a veneer over the top of your organization. The public’s perception will come from every interaction your company has, from news stories, from charity events, from sponsorships and from your employee’s public behavior. If the brand is simple as a marketing slogan then it will not come through and you will have spent a great deal of money on creating empty words. Your brand is an already existing entity. The employment marketing techniques can simply help you give the brand focus and an easily remembered slogan.

If your corporate brand comes from the already existing paradigms within your company then to ensure that it is positive you will need to review practices and public interactions. What you want when creating a positive brand image is to eliminate the corporate behaviors that lead to bad public perception and amplify those that give positive press. In addition amplifying good behaviors will have the benefit of energizing your employees so that they represent you well in public. Once you have identified the positive traits already existing in your company you can concentrate on adding those features that you think are needed to fill out the positive corporate brand. It is a prime example of how the old adage about beauty only being skin deep applies in the corporate world.

After all the procedures and behaviors are in place and working well it will be an easy matter for your marketing department to ‘package’ them into a brand statement. When the corporate slogan matches the brand as the public perceives it you will have a successful and positive corporate brand image.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solutions – Six Sigma Online ( http://www.sixsigmaonline.org ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

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