Tag Archives: Building

Make Success Real by Building New Positive Habits Now!

Most of us tend do things that are familiar to us. For example, we tend do things that we are ‘used’ to doing. These are called habits! Habits actually guide our daily life-styles and makes it easier for us to perform day to day tasks.

You habitually brush your teeth after you wake up in the morning and you habitually put your clothes on.

It is very unlikely that your going to wake up tomorrow without brushing your teeth and walk in the middle of the road naked.

Your mind’s ability to learn habits and automatically execute them is a very beneficial quality you already possess as a human being, because you don’t have to re-learn how to do ‘common’ tasks every-time you encounter them.

However, there are also bad habits that we have which don’t serve us.

For example; Do you habitually let people down? Do you habitually lie? Do you habitually feel bad about yourself on a daily basis? Do you habitually stay away from positive opportunities – that could potentially transform the quality of your life?

These type of limiting habits keep us from creating the success we deserve!

Habits represent, whatever has become ‘familiar’ to you – over a particular period of time!

Meaning, whatever you do over and over again, eventually becomes ‘familiar’ to you in your life and starts to become a habit.

People usually stay away from making positive changes because ‘changes’ are ‘unfamiliar’ to them.

Others tend to be caught in the trap of what’s ‘familiar’ to them, and don’t break through fears to create success, hence the expression ‘Your stuck in your ways!’

The’ unfamiliar’ is actually a good thing though, it’s taking the opportunities to experience more possibility, more happiness and more success that allows you to break free into new ‘unfamiliar’ levels of abundance.

Human beings are generally afraid of the ‘unfamiliar’ as it causes uncertainty, but the unfamiliar is actually the place you need to start diving into more often, especially if you want to improve the quality of your life and create new habits that serve you.

Take a first-time skydiver for example; They want to jump, but uncertainty strikes them with fear of what might happen, but soon they build up that much needed courage to take action and begin getting the results of more freedom, greater accomplishment and new thrilling experiences.

If you don’t have that dream job yet, it’s because you need to step into the unfamiliar, something new that will increase your success.

If you are un-happy it’s because you are ‘familiar’ with feeling sad and haven’t yet stepped into the ‘unfamiliar’ to create new levels of happiness!

The ‘unfamiliar’ basically means, what you have YET to experience for yourself! It is impossible to say that an ‘opportunity’ to venture into something new is bad (or doesn’t work) if you haven’t yet experienced it (or tried it) for yourself!

The goal here is to venture into these new opportunities and to step into the ‘unfamiliar’ long enough, so you can make the ‘unfamiliar’ – familiar in ways that serve you!

Just like learning new habits, you should start practising how to feel good, learn how to become more capable and practice how to manifest success to create the results you want!

Start building new habits and start stepping into ‘unfamiliar’ situations in your life. Whether if you want to lose weight to start feeling good about yourself, become more social-able, feel more motivated and create the business success you want!

By building new positive habits they’ll start to serve you automatically in your daily life!

Build new habits that expand towards greater peaks of success. And make WHAT you want to achieve in your life, more ‘familiar’ to you from this moment on, by doing things that are unfamiliar to you starting from today!

Make the positive ‘unfamiliar’ – more familiar to you to achieve your future success.

All the best,

Nicholas Finnegan

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Positive Motivation: Building a Network of Positive Energy

Take a solid look at your friends and family, and focus your thoughts on the messages they convey to you. When you look at each person individually, do they build you up and motivate you or do they tear you down and spread a “can’t do” message to you? Each of these people are important to your life and are loved by you, and yet some people are simply negative forces in your life. If you want to be successful and happy in life, you need to build a network of positive energy by focusing on those individuals that provide you with positive motivation.

Obviously you cannot stop interacting with those people in your life who don’t offer positive motivation, but you can limit your interactions with them. You should also take steps to avoid internalizing their messages if you know they will bring you down. Don’t ask them for advice or talk to them about problems more than necessary, but instead do these things with the positive forces in your life. You can absolutely still socialize with those you love who are less than positive, but you need to be aware of how their words and actions can affect yours so you can take steps to head that off before it starts.

For a truly more productive and successful life, you should try to spend more time on those people inĀ  your life who do offer positive motivation. Internalize their messages to you. Develop more friendships and relationships with people are are positive, and really build up a strong network of positive energy. It is truly amazing how being around negative people can bring you down, too, and likewise how being around positive people can be uplifting. Surround yourself with positive energy, and you will find that you lead a happier and more successful life.

Carla Kaplan is a writer and researcher on positive motivation. Find insight, inspiration, and tips on how to stay positively motivated at this blog: eof737.wordpress.com

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A Mind Overhaul 4 Steps To Building A Positive Mindset

Do you find yourself dissuaded by one negative thought after another all throughout the day? This happens to a lot of people, usually without their full awareness of it. Unfortunately, these negative thought patterns can wreak a lot of unnoticed havoc in our lives.

Heres how to protect yourself from these silent but deadly thought killers:

1. Identify your negative thought patterns. The first step in transforming your thought patterns from negative to positive is to identify which thought patterns you have are destructive. Negative thoughts that are not identified have the most power to do the most damage in your life. Thus, your mind has to see these thoughts for what they really are. This way, your mind will gradually develop an awareness of the negative effects of these thoughts and will slowly build a resistance against them.

If you are up for it, get yourself a small notebook and keep a pen handy. Write down all the negative thoughts that attack your head during the day. Take down notes about what triggered these thoughts. These thought triggers may be objects, events, or even people.

2. Choose to change them. Now, you did not just identify your negative thought patterns just to watch them do their dirty work. You lined them up so you will recognize them and have the free choice to change them. Once you make the choice, you can now move on to making actual plans on how to change them.

3. Formulate a reprogramming plan. Take your negative thought notebook; beside each negative thought that commonly pollutes your mind, write down an alternative positive thought.

Here are some examples:

He is better than me. I have my own strengths.
I dont belong. I am unique.
I will never have enough money. I will grab more opportunities to make more money.
Ill always live a boring, worthless life. I will look for new hobbies and interests to expand myself.
Ill never get the job that I want. I will apply for my dream job position.
No one really appreciates me. I am self-assured and know my worth.

You can use these positive thoughts to rewire the way you think. Each time you find yourself thinking negatively again, immediately change it into a positive thought. Focus your mind on the positive thoughts you have come up with, so your subconscious mind will absorb them and eventually fully believe them.

4. Start a new list. Since changes are underway, you can now begin a new list. Instead of listing down the negative thought patterns in your life, now you can begin listing down all the positive thoughts and positive things that you come across with on a daily basis. By listing them down, you are making your mind really look for them instead of the negative things. This way, you will be able to acknowledge the areas of your life that are going smoothly. Make sure to develop a grateful attitude for all the things that do go right. This attitude is bound to attract more positive things into your life.

Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages online. Valued at 0, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages Videos!

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2 Tricks for Building Positive Mindset

Positive mindset defines the outcome of all our actions, including dating, work, hobbies, etc. If not defines then at least it has a great impact on our success in life. Her are my two simple routines of how to build positive mindset:
1. Do not read news.
2. Eliminate interactions with negative people.

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While trying to get a girlfriend and develop yourself into a better man you always encounter an advice of positive thinking and building a positive mindset. But how exactly can you do it if you are surrounded by not so positive people (relatives, friends, colleagues, etc.) and not so positive new entering your ears and eyes from your computer, tv and smart phone screens, news papers and radio shows?
In this video you will find 2 tricks answering the above question.

I am a perpetual traveler at the moment, so it is hard to say where I am going to be tomorrow. However if you want to get a free consultation session over skype or if you are lucky to be in the same place where I am now, shoot me an email or leave a message on facebook, twitter or right here on youtube and we will arrange the time.

Remember, if you want to change your life you must take a step forward! Be proactive!


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