Tag Archives: Capture

Capture Those Positive Feelings and Overcome Your Misfortunes

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed? Have you found a way to cope with your adverse situations? Adversity is sometimes defined as “misfortune”. Are you feeling a bit unlucky?

Let me ask you this…what are you focusing on? Are you consumed with thoughts of lack or feeling down OR are you finding ways to cancel those negative thoughts that come up, and replace them with positive flowing thoughts, words, and actions? Have you found any tools or techniques to help you transform those negative feelings into positively-charged emotions?

Many people are starting to learn about the importance of maintaining positive FEELINGS. In the past, so many have focused on just maintaining a positive attitude or being careful with their thoughts and words. What about your feelings though?

Next time you have a challenging day, filled with feelings of being overwhelmed, frustrated, or perhaps just stressed out, do yourself a favor. Take the time to think about a really happy and fun time in your life, that was filled with the feelings you experienced when you achieved success accompanied with joy and laughter. You might even find that you have to go all the way back to your childhood, before you can think about an incident or experience that really thrilled you.

Then sit with yourself quietly for a few minutes and think about how you really felt during that happy time. How does that feel to you? What was going on during that time, that allowed you to have those feelings and emotions of joy? What could you do similar today to re-create those same feelings? How willing are you, to do the things you need to do, to improve those feelings and capture those thrilling feelings that you experienced in that moment before?

You see, since you have indeed experienced those positive feelings before, your mind has acted like a shelf in a library of old books, holding all those feelings from the past, and you can in fact, experience them again. All you need to do is take time out to FEEL those FEELINGS. Then put them together with those positive thoughts, words, and actions. You could even put a little body movement together with this OR do a little dance.

Does this make you feel silly? Could it even make you feel like a child again? Allow yourself to have fun with this and have a few laughs. You deserve to be filled with joy and experience great times again! Let the good times roll!

Copyright © 2009 New Omnipotent Ways With The Feel N.O.W. Success Coach Susan M. Hampton. All Rights Reserved.

Susan M. Hampton, founder of New Omnipotent Ways, is known as the Feel N.O.W. Success Coach. She has an amazing gift of inspiring others to experience breakthroughs, which lead to immediate solutions.

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Drive Away All Negative Energy and Capture All Positive Energy

In today’s fast moving scenario when there is negativity all around you its always better to fasten your seat belts and be prepared with all positive energy to face challenges in life. Now things have changed remarkably. Negative thoughts, negative views & negative people . There are many people who are trying to pull you down . You have to survive and reach your goal. Things will change only when you will want them to change. You have to start from yourself first then only you can change the society and their thinking at large.

First and the foremost thing to start with is stay away from all negative people and all negative thoughts. Negative people think negative and they imbibe the same culture in you. If you stay away from them you shield yourself from negative friends. Forgive each and every person who has caused you harm or has spoken against you. In this way you free yourself from taking revenge from them and remain at peace of mind because you don’t have any enemies. You love all of them and give respect to everyone. I know its hard to practice but this is the only way you can inculcate all positive energy in yourself and drive the negative.

Have a Big heart and a broad mind . This is really going to help you a lot because there are a lot of people around you who are plotting against you. When you are aware you want to teach them a lesson. Preserve your time and energy for doing something good for yourself, for doing work, for enjoying rather than counter blow and do the same. Your life is precious and God has gifted you just with one single Human life to do all the good things that you can do rather than plotting against others. I just mean utilize your time and get the maximum out of it so that you don’t repent in the near future. Time is very valuable and once lost can never be gained so climb your ladder of success with full zeal and fervor.

Things may not remain the same as they are today but you always remember that their is an almighty looking after all and they will punish the person who does wrong and reward the innocent ones. Be satisfied with what you have. Don’t be dissatisfied with what others have. Jealousy arises all negative thoughts and give rise to lots of heart burn. Free yourself from all these nonsense stuffs and live a healthy life.

Keep yourself focused and committed towards your goal. Nothing can stop you and a time will come when you will be looked upon with honor even by your enemies. Its very correctly said ” Its your attitude not your aptitude that determines your altitude “.

Open up your mind and get all the positive energy because a very famous saying goes ” Our minds are like parachute and they work best when open “. Be open minded and think positively and reach the stars.

All the best.

I am Business Development Officer at vinayRas Infotech. For more information view – http://www.vinayras.com

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