Tag Archives: Chances

Why Positive Thinking Can Kill Your Chances With Hot Girls

Back in the day, when I was an awkward, skinny, teenage virgin, I used to wonder why girls didn’t like me. So I read a bunch of ‘self-help’ books that all fired me up with the same ‘think positively, what you believe, you will achieve’ style advice. If you’ve ever seen the movie ‘The Secret’, you’re along the right lines.

End result: Still no girls were attracted to me.

Actually, the title of this article is kinda misleading, since positive thinking is a good thing, and certainly better than negative thinking. But positive thinking on its own will not get you more women, money, respect, appreciation – or anything else you want more of in this life. Positive thinking on its own is equivalent to shutting your eyes and saying ‘lalalala everything is great, everything is fine!’, when in reality, you know that it isn’t.

Closing your eyes and hoping the problem fixes itself NEVER ever works. The quickest way I know of to get where you want to be, in any area of your life, is to follow this 4 step process:

1. Honestly assess exactly where you are right now (so if you’re not attracting any women, it’s ok to say ‘I’m not getting the women I really want – and I’m not happy about that.’ You’re not moaning or complaining – just being honest with yourself.

2. Work out what you want and where you want to be. Do you want to turn into a super pimp, with Playboy bunnies all over you, and free entry to VIP clubs wherever you go? Or do you just want to meet one gorgeous, special girl who you share a real connection with, and settle down? Whatever you want is fine – but it’s important to know where you want to go before you set off.

3. Find someone who has been where you have been, and is where you want to be now, then find out what they did in order to get there. If possible, get them to mentor you. Don’t listen to any advice from armchair theorists who have not followed the path you need to follow.

4. Take action, and do whatever it takes to get there. Don’t allow yourself to be put off by the inevitable potholes along the way.

I know what it’s like to have women laugh at you, and not take you seriously. Or worse still, to totally ignore you when you speak to them. I also know what it’s like to have gorgeous, beautiful, fun, smart women hanging off your every word, and fighting over each other to get to you.

I know which one I prefer…

I want to show you how to get from where I was, to where I am now – without having to go through the years of pain that I went through. Of course, you could figure this out on your own – but why go through all that extra hassle and bother?

Visit http://www.smartguydating.com and let me do the work for you…

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