Tag Archives: Change

How to Create Positive Change

It’s funny, we do it all the time but we only try to maneuver it when things start looking scary. I’m talking about our life, our business, our circumstances. We attract to us everything we experience simply by our thoughts and actions. So if something is unpleasant we have to make changes inside in order to change the outside.

You get what you look for

I know someone who expects the worst – and she gets it. She expects to be slighted and she is. She expects to be ignored and she is. I know someone else who feels deserving and she attracts great opportunities. Your life begins and ends within – with what you believe you deserve and what you believe can happen.

How to change your life

Some changes are happening in my life and I get to make new choices and attract new opportunities. How do I get to vote on what shows up? By my expectations. For instance, I’m ready for more clients and as I review my Red Velvet Rope policy I know that I want people who value my work, believe in the coaching process, do their assignments and are eager to serve others. Oh yes, and have the funds to pay for it. As I move through my day I keep the image in my mind of people like that calling me and signing up for sessions. Then I will recognize them when they call.

Some of my projects are coming to an end and there is room for new ones. How do I choose? How do I attract the best ones possible? In my case, I’m going to take more contemplative time – time to draw a mind map, to list a zillion possible projects, to look at my business and see what it needs and see that my passion is still high about how I am in service. And I’m going to particularly look at what people are asking me to do for them. It’s like checking the engine of your car – is every part of your business in working order? Will it take you where you want to go?

What does your life/business need now?

What’s missing? What have you been putting off? What would you love to do if you had time? What would make your heart sing? The funny thing is that we make up our life by our choices so why shouldn’t you simply choose to do what you love to do? See what you need to stop doing that you only think you should be doing and start doing what is calling you.

Overcome your reservations

Interviewing others for a podcast has been on my list for a year. It would be a great way to reach out and get to know others and it would be fun to do. But it has yet to make it to the top of my “I’m Doing It!” list. It’s time consuming, it means committing to a regular schedule, it means pushing through to another level of technical knowledge. Gee, that’s a pretty good list of reservations standing in my way. All of which are made up by me. And I’m just the person who can undo them. Look at what’s stopping you and push it aside. There’s too much fun waiting on the other side to delay moving forward.

Stay open to the unexpected

About the time I get my list prioritized and have a clue where to start an unexpected opportunity will come up and the whole scenario will change. That’s the fun part – being surprised and being invited to move in a direction you hadn’t considered. You do need to know your core purpose so you can keep your choices in alignment with where you want to go, but at the same time, let the new opportunities open new doors for you. Go exploring, you can always change direction after you check it out.

Be willing to change

You have to make room for change to occur. You have to make it OK for things to be different. I know I’m at a crossroads. I know things have to change – are changing and I’m willing to change. I want to invite new elements into my life. So I’m going to take time to journal and mind map, listen to what people are asking me to do for them, overcome my own reservations, and explore every opportunity that shows up. That’s how I’m going to create positive change.

Cara Lumen, MA, The Vision Distiller, keeps you passionately on purpose as you work to make a difference in the world. She helps you believe you can! Through her Magnetic Marketing Method, Cara creates personalized stepping stones that keep you passionately on purpose. You are invited to keep in touch with Cara through her Passionately On Purpose emagazine at http://www.caralumen.com

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Change Your Mindset

The journey of a thousand years begins with a step. That first step is the most difficult part of any journey. This is the giant step that gives you the best push towards success and provides you the tricks and impetus needed to break all the hurdles holding you back. Therefore, whatever you want to achieve in life, you need to have a positive and progressive mindset. Your mindset is your will power. Nobody can give it to you. You have to develop it by yourself. Your parents, guardian, boss and even government cannot create your mindset for you. Whatever you may believe in, you need to remember always that “God will never change the condition of a people (or an individual) until they change what is in their minds”

Optimism is the the bedrock of success while pessimism is the first step towards failure. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Self confidence must always be incorporated into your plans always.

What is Your Mission in Life

Your ultimate mission must be to be happy and make others happy. To help people overcome the problem of procrastination, which is the main cause of failure. We strongly believe that success cannot be achieved single-handedly. You need to team up with others or like minded people . With team work, you can collectively achieve your goals.

This is why great men and women enjoy hanging out with progressive people. These are the selfless people who are ready to help each other and are prepared to leverage others experience in various endeavors. Belonging to the right group at the right time and readiness to learn with complete humility and open heart can be the key to ultimate success.

Giant Steps For Guaranteed Success
With my four decades of existence and with my personal interaction with people of all works of life, I have been able to observe that the main clog in the wheel of most people’s progress is lack of courage to take the first step towards the realization of their ambitions. To be precise, procrastination is the culprit that we all have to fight together. In a nutshell, take note of the following and always try to remember them before embarking on any action:

* Giant Step – Whatever you want to achieve, always summon the courage to take the first step. Make it big, let it be a giant one. Do not set your goal too low. Your worth may be higher than you personally rate yourself.

* Forward – Always attempt to go forward and never backward. Do not waste your time regretting over what you should have done better. Remember, yesterday is gone; you cannot correct it. Study your present and plan for the future.

* Upward – Aim to the top in any group you may find yourself. You may not be the best or the overall leader, but do not ever settle for a second class category. Remember, the society appreciates you better as a clever plumber than a misguided philosopher. Any society that prefers a misguided philosopher to a clever plumber, both its pipes and ideas will not hold water.

* Now – Do not delay today’s action till tomorrow. Delay sometimes could be very dangerous. Prompt action leads to prompt success. A wise crippled person does not wait for the invading army before he flees for safety.

* Ever – As long as you live on the surface of the earth, do not stop being active. Keep learning, keep working however minimal, keep giving and keep helping.

Therefore, take the Giant Steps Forward and Upward and do it Now.


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Change Positive Thinking to Positive Believing

Affirmations alone don’t work. Almost everyone has heard of positive thinking being a key to success. You are to start out repeating affirmations like “I am Rich.” “I am Healthy.” “I am getting better and better everyday.” When your life doesn’t change quickly, you quit. You tell yourself it doesn’t work.

What you may not realize is that your sub-conscious is a little voice inside you that’s telling you the affirmations are wrong. It’s all a lie. You know better. You’re not wealthy and never will be. Money is hard to get. You’re fat and doomed to stay that way. Or any number of negative things that contradict the affirmation.

This diminishes or even completely cancels your efforts. And you may not even be aware of this little voice. But it is this voice that holds you back.

This voice comes from beliefs that you hold that you may not be aware of. It could be some hidden belief like being rich is evil. Do you know the saying “Money is the root of all evil”? That could be where your block comes from. Or maybe you have a belief that rich people are selfish and feel that being selfish is something to avoid at all costs.

If you are trying to lose weight by repeating “I am thin and healthy” when you are far from “thin and healthy”. You won’t believe in the affirmation. In fact, it can boomerang right back and the negative thoughts come back stronger. This is similar to what happens with yo-yo dieting. You lose weight on the diet then when you stop that particular diet, you can all the weight back and more.

Now positive thinking can work. But you need to be able to believe in the affirmation. Tone down that affirmation until it is something you can believe in. Something that little voice can’t argue with too much. Then change it little by little.

Here’s a possible progression for weight loss:

* I am building a desire to be thin and healthy.
* I will like my healthy body.
* I will enjoy the increased activity.
* I am working to become healthier everyday.
* I can picture my new body and I’m pleased with it.
* I work diligently to be healthy.
* I eat mostly vegetables and feel satisfied.
* My level of activity is increasing and I enjoy it.
* Exercise is great.
* My muscle mass is increasing.
* My body is well toned.
* I am thin and healthy.

Here’s a possible progression for increasing wealth:

* I know of people who are wealthy and still nice, thoughtful and generous.
* I can learn what I need to increase my wealth.
* I am as smart as wealthy people and opportunity will come my way.
* I am looking for ways to increase my wealth.
* I expect opportunities to come into my awareness.
* The world abounds with opportunities and there are some for me.
* I will recognize the perfect wealth creating opportunity for me and take it.
* Prosperity lies just ahead.
* Money is flowing my way.

I’m sure you can come up with more and I would be interested in hearing them. Send me your ideas and read more about Changing your thoughts at Thoughtful-self-improvement.com.

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How Having the Right Mindset Can Change the Results of Your Efforts

The right mind-set, especially of the way you think of yourself, can have many consequences in the results of your efforts. Those that acquire positive thoughts and can apply that sense to their lives and efforts made also acquire the greatest outcomes. It’s a known fact that your thoughts control what you attract, whether negative or positive. It’s a simple concept known as the “Law of Attraction”. If you can master this law of attraction, the possibilities are endless. Doors that have been closed by resistance will open without effort.

You must believe that you have what it takes to achieve your goal. Napoleon Hill, author of “Think and Grow Rich”, developed a self mastery in this subject and has been quoted in his book to say “What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” The success of all business entrepreneurs that have gone above and beyond in order to achieve and acquire their goals has been a total result of believing in themselves and NEVER giving up. Picture yourself as already reaching your goals and life has a mysterious way, better known as the Law of Attraction, of making them a reality.

Now, I have a question for you, are you a fence hopper or a fence sitter? The difference is whether you can make a quick decision or not when you are faced with an opportunity. The ability to keep moving forward and not be held back by indecisiveness can make the difference between success and failure. Most new entrepreneurs get stuck in “analysis paralysis” and become frustrated at the fact that they just don’t seem to be getting any closer to reaching their goals. When an opportunity confronts you, do your analysis and make a decision. Once the decision is made, don’t waste your energy on worrying if it was a good decision or not, it’s called taking chances. And chances are what we take each and every day unconsciously. From driving, to shopping for the right product or service, to deciding on what foods to eat, etc. These are all decisions we make daily and we are taking chances at all of them. We have no way to know exactly what the outcome is going to be in every decision we make, so when offered an opportunity to make a big change in our lives, why do some still hesitate? The answer: Confidence!

Having confidence in you is one of the necessary success keys to an entrepreneur. Being able to walk tall without fear or doubt about what others think or say about you determines your level of success in anything you set your mind to. One of the biggest dream stealers in life is lacking the belief and confidence needed to do what it takes to be the person you want to be or do the things you’ve always wanted to do. No one, no matter who they are, were they’re from, what background they have, should feel inferior to anyone else’s success level. We are all the same and all have the same amount of time in a day as those with a high level of success. So lack of self-confidence should not exist in a life of abundance, were there is enough to go around for everyone.

Another aspect of mastering having the right mind-set is to set realistic expectations and hold yourself liable to those short term goals. Unrealistic goals can make a person question whether the actual goal is attainable. Don’t lose the confidence and focus in your efforts to attain your goal by making this mistake. If, for example, your goal is to make $ 50,000, don’t use a date that obviously is unrealistic unless you have set a definite plan of action in which you believe can be achieved. Instead, make the amount co-inside with the set time frame. That way it is more attainable and motivation will not be lost if the specific goal is not reached. You can always set a later date for the same goal and continue with your efforts in obtaining that goal. The key here is continuing to move toward your expectation with persistence and never quitting.

Most importantly, have Fun! If you’re not enjoying yourself while working at reaching those expectations, you will lose motivation and your efforts will just seem to you work. That’s the great thing about the day and age we live in. We can leverage technology to help acquire new friends and business partners if the time to physically perform this action is impossible. I’ve personally made more friends and business acquaintances through the use of online social networks than I’ve ever done personally. It just becomes impossible to physically be everywhere at once. Having created these awesome friends give me the necessary positive environment to keep focus on my goals and keep moving ahead in life. Whether it is in person or through the use of technology, enjoy the experience of meeting new people and making new friends. Doing so keeps your mind-set laser targeted, focused, motivated, and confident that what you want out of life you will get.

With that said, I’m looking forward to hearing from all of you so feel free to leave comments or share this article with others.

Wishing You a Life of Abundance,

Pablo Gonzalez

http://www.PlatinumMillionaires.com After a 16 year career in the automotive industry, economic situations forced me to make a decision, whether to continue on the rat race or to finally take that extra step in getting out. Since that day, life hasn’t been the same.

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Attitude Change: Positive Affirmations Can Help

Are you the type of person that has that view on life that nothing ever works out for you? Keeping this type of mindset can actually keep you into a non-ending cycle where things actually work against you. Positive thinking can be beneficial to actually turning your life into how you want it to be. You have probably heard this before, and it is true, attitude really is everything. And until you have an attitude change your life, and how you see things, will remain as they are now.

Our very being is affected by our attitude. The majority of people fail to realize this. Underestimating how your attitude affects every aspect can create problems in your life, and in the lives of people you love. 
If someone constantly believes that nothing will work out is caught in a cycle of negative thinking. What you think on the most, and what you speak out loud, will usually come to pass. That is why positive affirmations can work wonders for someone wanting an attitude change. Speaking positive sayings out loud, every day, can bring positive results in your life. 
There are many people that will tell you these affirmations do not work. They will as long as you do them correctly. One reason why positive affirmations do not work for some people is many people tend to cancel them out by negative thoughts or words. If you say a positive affirmation such as that all famous one, “Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better”, yet constantly walk around saying negative things that counteract that saying, “I can’t do anything right”, well you cancel the positive one out.
The trick to changing your attitude through positive affirmations is to put them out there and constantly believe that it is true and then they will finally come to pass. Many people want that miracle overnight, it doesn’t happen this way. It takes a constant perseverance of belief that whatever you claim to happen, will. In time, it will finally come to pass.
An attitude change can make a difference regarding everything about your life. Keep believing good things will happen and they finally will. If you have a negative attitude about things, that’s how they will be. Many times when things are going wrong in our life a little attitude adjustment might be just all we need to turn things around. 

If you are looking for information on attitude change, click on the link. Or you can visit http://www.parisalaw.com/

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How To Create Good Habits| 3 Tips To Self-Improvement Through Habit Change


How To Create Good Habits| 3 Tips To Self-Improvement Through Habit Change

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