Tag Archives: Choice

Change – A Positive Choice – Part 1

How do you feel about change? Do you view it as hard or scary? Or as an opportunity? Change is inevitable. How we view it can make a huge difference to our lives.

Change is happening every moment and is often something out of our control. However, how we view it, is completely our choice.

Inevitable changes

Change is a bit like time. It’s constantly happening and has an effect on us and the things around us. When we learn to work with it, it becomes our partner. If we fight it, we run the risk of creating chaos and stress.

Inevitable changes include things like nature, the seasons, tides, ageing, and climate. Changes in the seasons, and nature we accept because we have no influence on them. These changes are often the inspiration for many beautiful things such as the incredible changing colours of a sunset or the changes a chrysalis goes through to become a beautiful butterfly. These changes are inevitable, and we accept them as a part of life.

Ageing is a change that, when we are younger, we wish would happen faster and as we age we wish it would slow down. There is a huge industry based on the changes we go through as human beings. Billions of dollars are spent trying to change the process of ageing. Some cultures have another perspective on this. The young have outer beauty, while the elders have a rich inner beauty called wisdom. All wisdom is built from many moments of experience. Each one of these moments was a moment of change.

In our fast paced world we contribute to climate change. Although we are not necessarily directly in control of it, we can choose to make a positive difference in our own way. Every little bit counts. Saab plant trees to offset the emissions from their cars. Choosing to recycle helps reduce the waste going into our landfills.

Changing perspectives

Change is another word for opportunity. Every change offers an opportunity to make a choice. We can choose to be a victim of the change, or create something new and make it work for us.

The degree of the change can sometimes overwhelm us. It’s natural to have fear initially. This is one of our defense systems. We are all human, and we all have both positive and negative feelings. What makes the difference is how long you choose to hold onto the fear or negativity. The faster you choose to let it go and change your focus to something productive, the quicker you will create great results.

We all have patterns and habits we’ve had for a lifetime about change and how we view it. Active education is the best way to change your perspective and break old habits. By active education we mean putting what you learn into action immediately. You can only truly learn something once you’ve experienced it. We are constantly changing the resources to help you with this, so make sure you keep an eye on the website.

(please look for part 2…)

Lawrence Ocampo, in behalf of Robyn Simpson. Robyn Simpson has enjoyed a fast paced career, starting in marketing, reaching Senior Management level in New Zealand’s biggest corporation by the age of 22. Robyn then launched her first successful business at age 26. She has since founded Choose the ‘Tude Ltd – Australasia’s first Motivational Resource Centre which allows her to work from where ever she wants, doing what she loves when ever she wants. She lives with a life of freedom many people aspire to. Robyn is a co-author in the book ‘Living An Abundant Life’ featuring personal development guru’s such as Neale Donald Walsch, Jack Canfield, Dr Wayne Dyer, Mark Victor Hansen, Brian Tracy and more… and has just completed her own book, ‘Attitude, Aptitude, Altitude – Choose Your ‘Tude’ due to be launched in June 2009. She enjoys speaking to a variety of audiences internationally to share her messages.

Inspirational, Motivational, Coaching Books.

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