Tag Archives: Chondroitin

Glucosamine With Chondroitin Demonstrates Very Positive Effects on Arthritis Pain

Because most medications for arthritis only address one or two of it’s myriad of symptoms, medical researchers have been continuously testing substances that will prove to provide a whole range of benefits to those who suffer from this debilitating condition. One substance that has been recently discovered and constantly tested against osteoarthritis is glucosamine. The results of these studies have indicated that glucosamine is indeed effective not only in providing pain relief to arthritic individuals but addresses the condition right where it matters the most, the affected joint itself.

Glucosamine is an amino sugar, a building block for the synthesis of various proteins and lipids. Most commercial glucosamine products harvest this substance from the exoskeleton of crustaceans (shellfish) though there are some brands that get their glucosamine from fermented wheat or corn. The human body uses glucosamine as a building block of proteoglycans, which in turn is used in the synthesis of cartilage, a type of connective tissue found in several parts of the body. In joints, cartilage cushions the bones rubbing against its each other, thereby facilitating pain-free body movements. This particular function subjects the cartilage to constant wear and tear, leading to the constant need for regular replenishment. There are also enzymes that break down cartilage so the body can synthesize new ones.

In osteoarthritis patients, cartilage has degenerated because the human body can no longer produce enough building blocks for its replenishment. Osteoarthritis can be brought about by joint trauma (sprained ankle, old football injury to the knee), diseases, or by simple aging. The fluid that acts as a lubricant in joints can also dry up, leading to the painful bone on bone contact. This also leads to inflammation and swelling in the affected joints, a clear manifestation of arthritis.

The studies mentioned have shown that glucosamine is effective in reducing the pain associated with arthritis, particularly its most common form-osteoarthritis. Pain relief is achieved by reducing the swelling and inflammation of the joints. Because the substance is used in synthesizing cartilage, glucosamine products can assist rebuilding cartilage. This gives arthritic individuals the opportunity to regain mobility and enjoy an enhanced quality of life previously hindered by this potentially debilitating condition. What’s more, the substance is also capable to blocking the action of enzymes that break down cartilage. With these effects, it is no wonder that a lot of researchers and physicians are recognizing the benefits of prescribing glucosamine to individuals suffering from arthritis. Another substance, chondroitin, is often paired with glucosamine to achieve maximum benefits on rehabilitating the affected joints. This is because chondroitin enhances the production of synovial fluid, which lubricates the entire joint area and facilitates body movements.

Of course, dealing with arthritis takes more than just the intake of supplements. Arthritic individuals need to implement a moderate exercise regimen that will prevent stiffness in joints. Simple walks can strengthen knee and hip muscles, providing stability to the joint. Proper diet is also important. Shedding unwanted pounds just lightens the load where it hurts most, knees and hips.

Selecting a product can be over whelming. There are literally thousands of choices. Personally, I’d stick with liquid formulations. Look for products with a long history, lots of feedback from users, and cost per day dosing you can live with. One such product you can start with is Synflex Liquid Glucosamne. This formula has been around nearly a decade, boasting sales of nearly a million bottles worldwide. Synflex offers 3 variations, Original Synflex (apple flavor), Syn-flex 1500 (orange), and Synflex for Pets (beef). Their 8 oz. bottle yields a 32 day supply, bringing the daily cost well under a dollar per daily dose.

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