Tag Archives: Confidence

Self Improvement – 6 Ways To Overcome Shyness And Boost Confidence

If you are here to pick up some great tips to help you overcome shyness and boost self confidence, you have arrived on the right page. In this article, we are going to share with you some practical and easy to follow tips and techniques you can use immediately to eliminate shyness and increase confidence.

Are you shy? Do you have difficulty coping with people or situations? Then I have good news for you. You do not have to suffer from shyness and you should not feel insecure and fear that you are being judged with every step you take. Trust me on that, if you are willing to read through this article and apply the tips, you will succeed in overcoming your shyness. When you do that, you will also feel much more confidence and comfortable in meeting and talking with people.

There are many benefits you can get if you can learn to get rid of shyness and improve your self esteem. You are going to feel a lot better about yourself and you will tell yourself that nothing is going to stop you to attain your goals and live a quality life.

There are hundreds of books written on the subject on how to beat shyness and gain confidence, but there are a few techniques that anyone can practice right away.

Here are 6 tips and techniques we want to share with you:

1. Starting tomorrow… when you wake up in the morning, stand in front of a mirror and shout out: “I Feel Good, I Am Not Shy And I Am Confident”. Repeat this for ten times. This positive affirmation can help a great deal in developing a positive subconscious mind. Subsconcious mind is very powerful as it doesn’t argue with you, it just accepts whatever you are saying to it and take it as the truth.

2. Feel good about yourself. Look your best. Dress up more often. This gives you an extra feeling of confidence and self esteem. On its own just knowing that you look good will boost your confidence and reinforce with others that there are things about you that are worth getting to know.

3. Take the opportunity to talk to a stranger as often as possible. I am not asking you to talk to everybody you see on the street. You can do this in a more subtle way. For example, when you are waiting in a long queue, you can just start a small conversation with the person behind you. This is a great way in helping you to overcome your shyness.

4. When you are engaged in a one to one conversation, or with a larger group of people, let them know that you are shy. This prevents them from misreading you and they are far more likely to invite you into the conversation rather than leave you just listening and wishing you could contribute.

Many people, me included, find following a conversation in a noisy room difficult. If you are having difficulty say so and move so that you can hear. People respect honesty, and vulnerability and you will attract more honest people into your life as a result.

5. Don’t take rejection personally, just treat it as something that is like/dislike. You see, we all have preferences, the things that we like may not be the same as others and vice versa. For instance, if you like a particular type of girl, and you want to ask her out but she rejects you. Well, actually it is not you that she is rejecting, it is just that you are not her type. This is the same as you like a certain type of person but not other. So, it is very important that you don’t take rejection to heart as this is the fact of life. If you take it personally, it will hurt your self esteem.

6. Find a hobby and master some of its basic skills. For example, take up a Karate lesson or pick up some magic tricks that you can use to impress people. Master the skills, this can help boost your confidence and eliminate shyness. I picked up Tae Kwon Do, I find learning martial art can really help increase my self esteem and self confidence very quickly. There are many things you can explore as a hobby such as learning a new language, gardening, sports, singing, etc.

I have shared with you some great tips and techniques on how to overcome shyness and boost self confidence in this article, I home you find them useful.

Another great way to boost self confidence is to learn how to earn extra income online, you can get more info at Mass Cash Coverup and Authority Pro.

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Self Improvement ? 6 Ways To Overcome Shyness And Boost Confidence

If you are here to pick up some great tips to help you overcome shyness and boost self confidence, you have arrived on the right page. In this article, we are going to share with you some practical and easy to follow tips and techniques you can use immediately to eliminate shyness and increase confidence.

Are you shy? Do you have difficulty coping with people or situations? Then I have good news for you. You do not have to suffer from shyness and you should not feel insecure and fear that you are being judged with every step you take. Trust me on that, if you are willing to read through this article and apply the tips, you will succeed in overcoming your shyness. When you do that, you will also feel much more confidence and comfortable in meeting and talking with people.

There are many benefits you can get if you can learn to get rid of shyness and improve your self esteem. You are going to feel a lot better about yourself and you will tell yourself that nothing is going to stop you to attain your goals and live a quality life.

There are hundreds of books written on the subject on how to beat shyness and gain confidence, but there are a few techniques that anyone can practice right away.

Here are 6 tips and techniques we want to share with you:

1. Starting tomorrow… when you wake up in the morning, stand in front of a mirror and shout out: “I Feel Good, I Am Not Shy And I Am Confident”. Repeat this for ten times. This positive affirmation can help a great deal in developing a positive subconscious mind. Subsconcious mind is very powerful as it doesn’t argue with you, it just accepts whatever you are saying to it and take it as the truth.

2. Feel good about yourself. Look your best. Dress up more often. This gives you an extra feeling of confidence and self esteem. On its own just knowing that you look good will boost your confidence and reinforce with others that there are things about you that are worth getting to know.

3. Take the opportunity to talk to a stranger as often as possible. I am not asking you to talk to everybody you see on the street. You can do this in a more subtle way. For example, when you are waiting in a long queue, you can just start a small conversation with the person behind you. This is a great way in helping you to overcome your shyness.

4. When you are engaged in a one to one conversation, or with a larger group of people, let them know that you are shy. This prevents them from misreading you and they are far more likely to invite you into the conversation rather than leave you just listening and wishing you could contribute.

Many people, me included, find following a conversation in a noisy room difficult. If you are having difficulty say so and move so that you can hear. People respect honesty, and vulnerability and you will attract more honest people into your life as a result.

5. Don’t take rejection personally, just treat it as something that is like/dislike. You see, we all have preferences, the things that we like may not be the same as others and vice versa. For instance, if you like a particular type of girl, and you want to ask her out but she rejects you. Well, actually it is not you that she is rejecting, it is just that you are not her type. This is the same as you like a certain type of person but not other. So, it is very important that you don’t take rejection to heart as this is the fact of life. If you take it personally, it will hurt your self esteem.

6. Find a hobby and master some of its basic skills. For example, take up a Karate lesson or pick up some magic tricks that you can use to impress people. Master the skills, this can help boost your confidence and eliminate shyness. I picked up Tae Kwon Do, I find learning martial art can really help increase my self esteem and self confidence very quickly. There are many things you can explore as a hobby such as learning a new language, gardening, sports, singing, etc.

I have shared with you some great tips and techniques on how to overcome shyness and boost self confidence in this article, I home you find them useful.

Another great way to boost self confidence is to learn how to earn extra income online, you can get more info at Mass Cash Coverup and Authority Pro Bonus.

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How to Create Self Confidence – 5 Useful Self Improvement Tips

How to create self confidence within ourself effectively? Building self confidence is not a one time event. It is a lifelong process. Learn how to foster self confidence on a daily basis and soon we will be reaping the benefits of peace of mind, happiness and optimism. Below are 5 simple steps to create self confidence.

1 – Shower ourself in positive attention. Before we go out make sure that we are freshly showered and groomed. Don’t save our beautiful clothes for a special occasion. If we are feeling down or doubtful about ourself, dress yourself up. Admire ourself in the mirror and remind ourself that these emotions will pass.

2 – Become confident, positive and bold. It seems simple, but it is not overly simple. In a situation of stress and unexpected setbacks make a marked attempt to find something positive about the situation. Repeat the positive statement in our mind, and repeat it out loud to those experiencing the situation with us.

3 – Give positive compliments to others regularly. This goes back to treating others as we would like to be treated. Don’t hold back on the compliments. Giving honest compliments create self confidenceand confidence of others. Knowing that we have the power to give that gift is a confidence boosting tool in itself. The best part about giving compliments is that we will start receiving a lot more of them, and that feels good.

4 – Avoid bad and negative thoughts. Recognize our negative thoughts and kill them in the act. Restructure the negative thought into a positive statement. Repeat the statement to ourself until the negative thought passes.Do this with all of our negative thoughts and soon the action will become natural. Being positive is a strong foundation for create self confidence.

5 – Build our perfect self on paper. Write down the qualities that wewish to desire like confidence, optimism and peacefulness. Create positive sentences with these qualities and write them down on note cards. Examples might be, “I am confident,” “I believe in myself,” “I am at peace.” Keep the note cards in our pocket and reference them when we begin to doubt ourself.

It’s worth seeking help if it means living in the peace of self confidence.

Raymond Teh passions about achieving great self confidence and self esteem in life lead him to research for more information about self confidence.

Get videos and audio on improve your self confidence now at Self Confidence Improvement site. Full self confidence building courses can be downloaded via http://www.bestselfconfidence.info


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How To Supercharge Your Self Esteem And Find Confidence – Self Improvement

How To Supercharge Your Self Esteem And Find Confidence – How to Improve your self esteem?

Do you have a problems with your self-esteem? Check this video, and you will get the answer of your problems about how to improve your self esteem.

You are on Self Esteem Boost Channel right now, This is a video tips about How To Supercharge and how to improve Your Self Esteem. Thanks for watching How To Supercharge Your Self Esteem And Find Confidence – Self Improvement and don’t forget to like this video. If you wanna know more about self esteem, self confidence and something like this, please check our website http://www.selfesteemblog.com

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To become mysterious, do interesting things, keep secrets and wear unique clothes. Learn to be mysterious with tips from professional psychologist in this free video about self-improvement tips.

Expert: Dr. Paul Vehorn
Contact: www.AskDoctorPaul.com
Bio: Dr. Paul Vehorn has been a nationwide talk show host on Sun Radio Network and IRN.com. He is also the author of ‘Dynamic Dating’ and ‘Boomer Girls, a Women’s Guide to Men and Dating.’
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

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