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How to Create a Positive Attitude in a Negative World

Keeping positive in a negative world is sometimes a challenge. Other people are ‘sad sacks’, moaning and groaning about the weather, the lotto results, the traffic, the price increases, the government. It’s easy to pick up on the negativity and the doom and gloom they want to spread, but the other side of the coin, is being positive and a success.

It takes between 21 and 28 days to change a habit. You alter one and there’s another habit you need to change. Your success is stepping stones in progress, but it’s positive and you will succeed. Maybe not overnight, but then you’ve heard the old words “it’s taken my fifteen years to become an overnight movie star.”

Our top sports people have been practicing for years. It’s the same with our life. Practice leads to improvement. The difference is the movie star and sports heroes have coaches, we just bungle along in life and expect successes.

If that’s what you want in you life…here are a few tips that will assist you. I know they work, because I’ve had to learn them myself and now I include these and many others similar to them in my Attitude Training Programme. Copy them and put them on your office board or at home on the fridge.

1 Turn off the television – Negatively is rife in life. It’s in the media, magazines, people. If you want to be positive you need to rid yourself of negativity.

2 Achieve Results. – You need to have a goal, dream or desire you’re working towards. Maybe it’s money in the bank, increased cash flow in your business. A holiday, new car or ten new clients. As the saying says in the Wizard of Oz. Any road will take you there, if you don’t know where you’re going.

3 Overcome Fear – Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. There’s a great book Feel the Fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffries. Imagine not attempting to walk when you were young. You wouldn’t want to live without it now…. but you didn’t give up. You tried and succeeded. Take small steps to over come your fear.

4 Improve your Attitude – My Attitude postcard reads: Past, Present, Future, Every second you have a choice. Choose Positive and be your own Success Story. It’s true; you can only think one thought at a time. Make it a positive one.

5 Gain Confidence – Walk tall, stand straight, wear your best clothes, use eye contact (careful with some cultures) Smile! Robyn Henderson the International Networking guru says Fake it until you make it. You might have butterflies in your stomach, but no one can see them.

6 Improve your communication – Join Toastmasters and at the same time gain confidence. Attend assertive communication courses, learn about confident communication and remember Hello and Thank You.

7 Become Interactive – Just do it…is the Nike advertisement. Make the appointments and approach new clients, meet new people, join social clubs. Life is for living.

8 ‘Do’ Victory – With every small success reward you. After ten sales calls, have a coffee, after a completing a task well, find a way of patting yourself on your back.
Acknowledge that you’ve achieved something.

9 Get Enthusiastic – Find the ‘it’s great to be alive’ feeling. Discover your passions, experience and enjoy them. Smell the roses, enjoy good health, eat well and find the vitality in life from within. You’ve got it, but it’s up to you to discover it. Everyone has free will, the choice is yours!

Attitude Training, is learning to change the negative thoughts that float around in your mind to positive thoughts. Every time you DO something positive, you start to feel better about yourself. As
Nike says: Just do it!

Janice Davies is The Attitude Specialist, and who teaches people to be positive and empower themselves through Attitude Training. As a Professional Speaker, Success Coach and author Janice educates people at conferences, workshops and through books. Janice is the founder of the global movement International Self Esteem annual awareness day and features in the new True Happiness DVD. Janice has an online products featuring about attitude, goals, stress, happiness, relationships and more. Visit http://www.attitudespecialist.co.nz for other complimentary articles and tips.

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Delete Negative Thoughts and Create a Positive Mind

Are you one of those individuals whose mental time, power and energy is consumed in generating, supporting or languishing in negative thinking? If so, then you clearly recognize how this activity wastes a huge portion of your life and slows you down from achieving your goals. Indeed, a negative thought acts much like “friction” does in the physical world, it makes everything feel like work. Do you know that it is possible to delete negative thoughts from the mind and create a life that flows effortlessly?

In order to delete such negativity it becomes necessary to first understand where it comes from. If you ponder the experience of having a negative thought you will recognize that it just “pops” into the mind unannounced and without your active permission. It often seems like a random and uncontrollable event. There are however several factors that affect the intensity and number of negative thoughts one may experience at any given time.

They are:

1. The degree of stress you find yourself in (i.e. financial, relationship, health etc…)

2. The extent to which you choose to believe how beneficial such thoughts might be to you.

3. The presence of foreign substances including coffee, alcohol and other depressant drugs.

4. The cumulative history of negative memories of events in your life that are stored in your unconscious mind.

If we assume that Number 3 above is absent then we are left with 3 significant factors that can be addressed directly to deal with this problem. In fact it turns out that these 3 are actually intimately related both to the problem itself and to the solution. Let me explain.

At the deepest level negative memories stored in the unconscious mind:
a) generate the negative thoughts you experience floating into your conscious mind
b) are triggered by stressful daily events that “stir this unconscious pot” and
c) also act as “evidence” or “justify” to you why having such negative thoughts is necessary. Let me give you an example.

Suppose you have experienced a failed relationship that was traumatic to you. You will have the memory of this event stored inside along with all the negative feelings that go with it. If you happen to meet a new potential partner this new situation will often trigger some or all of the negative emotions and thoughts from the old relationship. These will emerge into your conscious mind likely as: doubts about the new relationship, beliefs (and or fears) of rejection, potentially pessimism about relationships and about your new friend and so on.

What’s more you might find yourself “justifying” the need to hold onto this negativity in order to, say, protect yourself from getting hurt again. So where does this leave you? Well living an unfulfilling life that is consumed with negativity. Happy? Hardly!

In order to permanently delete this negativity it becomes necessary therefore to:

1. Delete the negative memories.


2. Delete the need to justify the negative thoughts.

By doing so not only will you create a clear, focused and positive mind you will also release stress from your life and experience what few individuals on this planet ever do, an effortless life.

All of this can be done easily and effectively with a new process that you can learn more about and/or experience by visiting the web site below where you can request a free introductory telephone consultation.

Nick Arrizza MD, a former Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor is an International Life, Executive, Organizational Tele-Coach, Author, Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Facilitator. He is also on Faculty at Akamai University in Hawaii. He is the CEO and Founder of Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc. and the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance Process® (MRP).

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How To Create A Positive Shopping Experience For Customers

For most businesses, developing a positive customer experience is directly related to their future stream of revenues. Highly satisfied customers can help a business create more personalized relations in the aim of driving repeat business. However, to achieve that as a business owner, you need to create a positive image of your products and services so that your customers become emotionally associated to your business.

Marketing researchers suggest that emotional associations are created either through direct experience, where customers experience a firm’s products or services, or through a web environment that creates indirect associations.

In particular:

Direct customer experience is extremely important, particularly if you plan to reach repeat customers. Customers need the personal contact, seek for personal interaction and are willing to do business with you if they feel appreciated and highly valued.

On the other hand, it is hard to use a website as a means to brand your product or services. You have to be really talented to reflect your company’s culture on a well-structured website so that you manage to turn customer experience into a favorable one, where your customers will be able to gather information about your business simply and quickly.

By enabling your customers to effortlessly navigate through the products or services of their interest, you automatically create high visibility for your products and you enhance the chances of creating emotional associations as well. Besides, if you choose the right words to describe your products, the right pictures to attract your customers’ attention, and the right graphics to make your website more attractive, you may create emotional associations with them, even if personal contact is missing.

Whether established directly or indirectly, emotional associations are important when used to brand your firm’s products or services. But, you have to make sure that they reflect the same qualities that drive your business. Customers are sensitive and able to understand if your business works in harmony to provide a hassle-free shopping experience. This is why you need to think what your customers think when they walk in your store’s door or when they visit your webpage. You need to put yourself in their shoes when they call your business or send an email. If you ask yourself these simple questions, you will be able to feel what your customers feel when they interact with your business. In other words, you need to brainstorm and become your own customer to improve possible areas that need improvement so that customer experience is really unique and unforgettable.

Another important consideration that often inhibits positive customer experience is not having good ‘radar’ for your customers. This may create huge barriers in your interactions with them because you won’t be able to recognize their wants and, inevitably, you won’t be able to satisfy their needs.

In conclusion, positive customer experience is the lifeblood of any business. Satisfied customers can turn into loyal advocates of your business and increase your sales revenues through word of mouth advertisement in no time. To achieve that you need to develop direct or indirect emotional associations with your customers and be able to ‘read’ their wants to satisfy their needs.

Christina Pomoni has acquired her MBA Finance from the American College of Greece. Her advanced familiarity with financial statement analysis, capital budgeting and market research has been acquired through her professional career at high-esteemed organizations. Besides, having lived at Chicago, IL, Boca Raton, FL and Paris, France has helped her, not only to be a successful professional, but mostly to see life under a more creative and innovative perspective.

Since 2005, Christina provides high quality writing services to Helium.com where she is also appointed as a Channel Steward of Economic Values (http://www.helium.com/users/edit_show/279681). Besides, she contributes her knowledge and expertise to several websites and research companies. Her areas of specialization are Business, Finance & Investment, Society, Politics & Culture. She also has a very good knowledge of Entertainment, Health & Fitness and Computers & Technology.

Christina recently launched her own writing company (http://analysiswriting.com).

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How to Create Positive Thinking – 7 Steps to a Positive Mind

Do you realize the power of self talk? You probably don’t if you have trouble controlling the thoughts in your mind? Do you find yourself thinking things that are detrimental to your future? You can learn to use words for success. Positive thoughts and words create a positive life. Positive self talk and success in life go hand in hand. Follow these 7 steps to discipline your mind and discover the power of self talk.

7 Steps to Train Your Mind to Positive Thinking:

1. Daily Gratitude List. Keep a gratitude journal. List a minimum of 5 things each day that you are thankful for.

2. Smile. As you tell yourself with this one action that you are happy your mind follows. Someone once said, “If I can make it till 10 a.m. smiling, the rest of my day takes care of itself.”

3. Find the good in others. Be known as the person who will always see the good qualities of others. Two things will happen as a result.

a. As you mention these good things to others and especially to the people themselves you will brighten their day.

b. You will also fill your life with positive feelings. You will experience feelings of good will within yourself because of your actions. You will also change the way others speak about you, using positive words of affirmation towards you as a result of your kind words.

4. Know your goals, dreams and desires. Focus on achieving the things you desire in life. Your dreams are motivators and as you aspire to achieving these good things in life you are pursuing a positive future, which in turn creates a positive ‘now’ in your actions.

5. Speak positively to yourself. Too often, if we stop and take note of what we are saying within our minds we hear negative words. Be your own friend instead of your enemy and encourage and think positively of yourself.

6. Listen to good speakers who challenge your thinking. Strive to grow in skill, knowledge and understanding by continually learning. Find speakers that motivate you and inspire you to be the best you can be.

7. Begin and end each day with positive words of affirmation to the people in your life and to yourself. How you start your day usually determines how your day goes. How you end your day often determines how the next day will begin. Make an effort to daily begin and end each day filled with optimistic words and thoughts and live a life that is positive.

Now I would like to invite you to get your Free Instant Access to the the 4 FREE Motivational Principles for Becoming a Self-Motivated Entrepreneur when you visit: http://www.patandersontoday.com/4-powerful-success-strategies/ .

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How to Create Positive Thinking at Work

We all want employees with a can-do attitude. Positive thinking is the first step to effective action and ultimate success. An encouraging environment where workers feel motivated, valued, and rewarded can make the difference between average, lacklustre performance and energetic workers who go the extra mile.

Managers and team leaders can help to foster positive thinking in the workplace. Here are a few ways to encourage your team to do their best:

Address concerns promptly. When someone has a question, let them know they can count on you to respond in a timely manner. There’s nothing worse than having a problem and not knowing what to do about it. If your people know they can turn to you for answers, they’ll be encouraged to perform in a productive and positive way. 
Maintain your equipment and other resources. It sounds elementary, but frequent equipment failures can slow down work and frustrate employees. Have a game plan to quickly get systems and machines up and running in the event of breakdown. Let employees know how long the fix will take so they can plan their work accordingly. A positive attitude comes from knowing that a company has emergencies covered. 
Use incentives. Rewards can be small or large, but the chance to get something extra for a stand-out performance is very motivating. Some companies offer vacations and bonuses for top producers. Having something besides a regular paycheck to shoot for makes work more fun. The more fun your team is having, the more positive they’ll feel about their work. 
Provide resources. Many employees want to be better at their jobs but lack effective training materials. Seminars, conferences, leadership training and motivational speakers are a great way to excite your team. Investing in employee education tells workers you believe in their ability and fosters a positive spirit. 

Workers who have faith in themselves and the value of their work tend to be more confident, resourceful, and productive. If you believe in your team and express it, your team will be more likely follow in your line of positive thinking.

rogenSi can revolutionise your business operations. With their unique and tailored business training programs, rogenSi has helped business leaders and their teams lead, inspire change and drive sales growth within their organisations. At rogenSi, we provide clients with the strategies, skills and mindset required to increase revenue and improve service.

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How to Create Self Confidence – 5 Useful Self Improvement Tips

How to create self confidence within ourself effectively? Building self confidence is not a one time event. It is a lifelong process. Learn how to foster self confidence on a daily basis and soon we will be reaping the benefits of peace of mind, happiness and optimism. Below are 5 simple steps to create self confidence.

1 – Shower ourself in positive attention. Before we go out make sure that we are freshly showered and groomed. Don’t save our beautiful clothes for a special occasion. If we are feeling down or doubtful about ourself, dress yourself up. Admire ourself in the mirror and remind ourself that these emotions will pass.

2 – Become confident, positive and bold. It seems simple, but it is not overly simple. In a situation of stress and unexpected setbacks make a marked attempt to find something positive about the situation. Repeat the positive statement in our mind, and repeat it out loud to those experiencing the situation with us.

3 – Give positive compliments to others regularly. This goes back to treating others as we would like to be treated. Don’t hold back on the compliments. Giving honest compliments create self confidenceand confidence of others. Knowing that we have the power to give that gift is a confidence boosting tool in itself. The best part about giving compliments is that we will start receiving a lot more of them, and that feels good.

4 – Avoid bad and negative thoughts. Recognize our negative thoughts and kill them in the act. Restructure the negative thought into a positive statement. Repeat the statement to ourself until the negative thought passes.Do this with all of our negative thoughts and soon the action will become natural. Being positive is a strong foundation for create self confidence.

5 – Build our perfect self on paper. Write down the qualities that wewish to desire like confidence, optimism and peacefulness. Create positive sentences with these qualities and write them down on note cards. Examples might be, “I am confident,” “I believe in myself,” “I am at peace.” Keep the note cards in our pocket and reference them when we begin to doubt ourself.

It’s worth seeking help if it means living in the peace of self confidence.

Raymond Teh passions about achieving great self confidence and self esteem in life lead him to research for more information about self confidence.

Get videos and audio on improve your self confidence now at Self Confidence Improvement site. Full self confidence building courses can be downloaded via http://www.bestselfconfidence.info


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How to Create Positive Change

It’s funny, we do it all the time but we only try to maneuver it when things start looking scary. I’m talking about our life, our business, our circumstances. We attract to us everything we experience simply by our thoughts and actions. So if something is unpleasant we have to make changes inside in order to change the outside.

You get what you look for

I know someone who expects the worst – and she gets it. She expects to be slighted and she is. She expects to be ignored and she is. I know someone else who feels deserving and she attracts great opportunities. Your life begins and ends within – with what you believe you deserve and what you believe can happen.

How to change your life

Some changes are happening in my life and I get to make new choices and attract new opportunities. How do I get to vote on what shows up? By my expectations. For instance, I’m ready for more clients and as I review my Red Velvet Rope policy I know that I want people who value my work, believe in the coaching process, do their assignments and are eager to serve others. Oh yes, and have the funds to pay for it. As I move through my day I keep the image in my mind of people like that calling me and signing up for sessions. Then I will recognize them when they call.

Some of my projects are coming to an end and there is room for new ones. How do I choose? How do I attract the best ones possible? In my case, I’m going to take more contemplative time – time to draw a mind map, to list a zillion possible projects, to look at my business and see what it needs and see that my passion is still high about how I am in service. And I’m going to particularly look at what people are asking me to do for them. It’s like checking the engine of your car – is every part of your business in working order? Will it take you where you want to go?

What does your life/business need now?

What’s missing? What have you been putting off? What would you love to do if you had time? What would make your heart sing? The funny thing is that we make up our life by our choices so why shouldn’t you simply choose to do what you love to do? See what you need to stop doing that you only think you should be doing and start doing what is calling you.

Overcome your reservations

Interviewing others for a podcast has been on my list for a year. It would be a great way to reach out and get to know others and it would be fun to do. But it has yet to make it to the top of my “I’m Doing It!” list. It’s time consuming, it means committing to a regular schedule, it means pushing through to another level of technical knowledge. Gee, that’s a pretty good list of reservations standing in my way. All of which are made up by me. And I’m just the person who can undo them. Look at what’s stopping you and push it aside. There’s too much fun waiting on the other side to delay moving forward.

Stay open to the unexpected

About the time I get my list prioritized and have a clue where to start an unexpected opportunity will come up and the whole scenario will change. That’s the fun part – being surprised and being invited to move in a direction you hadn’t considered. You do need to know your core purpose so you can keep your choices in alignment with where you want to go, but at the same time, let the new opportunities open new doors for you. Go exploring, you can always change direction after you check it out.

Be willing to change

You have to make room for change to occur. You have to make it OK for things to be different. I know I’m at a crossroads. I know things have to change – are changing and I’m willing to change. I want to invite new elements into my life. So I’m going to take time to journal and mind map, listen to what people are asking me to do for them, overcome my own reservations, and explore every opportunity that shows up. That’s how I’m going to create positive change.

Cara Lumen, MA, The Vision Distiller, keeps you passionately on purpose as you work to make a difference in the world. She helps you believe you can! Through her Magnetic Marketing Method, Cara creates personalized stepping stones that keep you passionately on purpose. You are invited to keep in touch with Cara through her Passionately On Purpose emagazine at http://www.caralumen.com

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Methods to Create Positive Beliefs

Creating positive beliefs involves training yourself to believe in the things that you desire and love and be willing to live your life in accordance these things and also be determined to commit yourself to do everything to develop your awareness in different ways to rid yourself of negative and conflicting belief systems. To do this it is necessary to dig into your subconscious mind with the use of meditative techniques. This way, you become a believer rather than needing to change your entire personal belief system. All negative belief systems in the future can be changed and deconstructed easily, which can produce a kind of enlightenment.

It is known that belief systems can be difficult to change especially when these beliefs are survival oriented and embedded deeply in the subconscious mind. This is usually the reason why most people can’t seem to get anywhere because most belief systems tend to work against the aspirations and goals. In addition, some belief systems are unconscious in nature, which can work below the level of awareness.

A belief system has the ability to help you attain success but it can also block it. Such a block must have a close analysis, which can be done using meditation. Most individuals find meditation very difficult to do but it is not impossible especially with the use of meditation guide. Having a greater awareness of the situation is the first important step to meditation, you have to visualize what you want and need in your life. Committing to this regular discipline may result to discovering your mental blocks and start you up in getting into your consciousness.

Imagination is a powerful tool for personal improvement, which can develop strongly with the use of meditation techniques. If you do not know how to use your imagination, you need to be persistent and patient.

Would you like to have more success in your life?

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Create More Positive Camping Trip Experiences

How can you create a camping holiday that you will remember for all the right reasons? Some people seem to struggle to have positive camping experiences. That’s a real shame because camping holidays allow you to spend quality time as a family, being close to nature and enjoying fun pursuits.

It’s also the case that such trips can be considerably cheaper than many alternatives. That’s why they appeal to many of us who are working to a limited budget. But it’s equally true that many of us would choose such a holiday over all the alternatives.

If you feel the same way then it may be because you have had some camping trips that you would rather forget. Some people have certainly had such negative experiences and it’s easy to see how they can lead to worries about future trips. So how can you deal with these concerns?

A good piece of advice is to look at the problems that you have previously faced. Confront the issues that have really had a negative impact on your previous holidays. By looking closely at the causes of problems, you can hope to tackle them in advance of your next trip.

It may even be worth making a list of potential issues. Now start to think about how you can avoid facing the same problems again. In some circumstances, this could be achieved through the use of additional camping accessories. In other cases, it may be that better planning could help you to have a more positive experience in the future.

You’ll soon realise that one great camping holiday will get you hooked. You’ll want to spend more and more time enjoying the simple pleasures that are associated with such camping trips. But avoiding the problems that you have previously faced is key when it comes to promoting this positive mindset.

By preparing correctly, you can ensure that you won’t have a repeat of previous disasters. You can make sure that you will have a positive holiday and one that you will want to remember for all the right reasons.

Find out about camping toilet choices and other outdoor accessories with this author’s other camping articles online. This article may be used by any website publisher, though this resource box must always be included in full.

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How to Create and Maintain a Positive Mindset in the Face of Adversity

There is a powerful message flowing throughout society today that urges us to think positively. At first thought, that might seem like an easy thing to do.

However, with so much of our world in turmoil because of high unemployment, record high foreclosures, and rising health care costs, many people are throwing their hands up, feeling defeated, and finding it impossible to think positively.

During the last several years, millions of people have learned about the law of attraction and are applying it to their lives. The most basic element of the law of attraction is to think positively, focus your attention on what’s positive, and reject anything negative.

If you are like the majority of people, you really do want to be positive. The question in many minds is how do I control my thoughts in the midst of so much adversity?

We have come to understand through the law of attraction that we have the power within us to affect our lives by what we think….and of course we want good things! The situation many find themselves in makes it seem like we are choosing between being positive or facing reality!

How can someone who is faced with losing their home have positive thoughts?

We need to move beyond whether we think we can and address the critical issue, which is that now it is more important than ever to be positive.

For most, it has more to do with not knowing how, rather that not believing it is necessary.

The good news is that there is a method to create and maintain a positive mindset. This method is a combination of several techniques.

The first technique was written to help parents teach their children to create and maintain a positive mindset. It can easily be applied to anyone learning it for the first time.

The second technique is called Ho’oponopono. I first became aware of this as a “clearing technique” used to erase limiting beliefs by Dr. Joe Vitale in his widely acclaimed program, “The Missing Secret”.

These two techniques can be learned at any age and when used together have proven to work without fail.

At first glance this method might seem entirely too simplistic to have any real value. The reality is that it’s much like anything new when we are learning it for the first time.

The steps may be simple; the work comes in the form of self-discipline and repetition.

The first step or technique in this method is to learn to be aware of what you are thinking. Research shows, and experts agree, that we can not control what thoughts come into our minds.

With that being said, we can however, control how we react to the thoughts that enter our minds. Paying attention to your thoughts puts you in the driver’s seat.

When you find yourself having a negative thought, enter into an inner dialogue with yourself and say STOP! We don’t have to accept every thought that seeps into our minds!

Once you have recognized the negative thought and took control by refusing it by using the word STOP, you have now put yourself in a place of power to CHOOSE what you will think next. You have the control.

Children have found it helpful to visualize a stop sign or if their negative thought is accompanied by a visual, they imagine a circle around the negative image with a bold red line through it, similar to road signs.

Once you have gained the control in your mind and are now able to consciously choose your next thought, the second step or technique is to replace the negative thought with a positive thought.

This can be done in two ways. The first is to replace the negative thought with a positive thought that you create that is directly in opposition to the negative thought.

For example:

Negative thought: What if I can’t pay my bills? Positive thought: All my needs are met.

Negative thought: I hate her for hurting my feelings. Positive thought: I forgive her.

The second is to use Ho’oponopono.

Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian method that Dr. Vitale learned about from therapist Dr. Hew Lin. According to Dr. Lin, its purpose is to return us back to a place of love in every moment by accepting 100 % responsibility for creating what is in our life.

Although I highly recommend reading Dr.Vitale’s book, “Zero Limits” to gain a full understanding of Ho’oponopono, based on my experience and research, I have found that using the Ho’oponopono method is effective without a great deal of in-depth understanding.

If you find yourself struggling to find a positive thought to replace the negative thought you have discarded, I suggest implementing the practice of Ho’oponopono by reciting the following:

I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.

These words are said as a replacement for the negative thought. They are not necessarily directed to anyone in particular.

When being used as a replacement for a negative thought, reciting these words works to reset your thoughts back to a positive mindset.

Whether you replace a negative thought with a positive thought that you create or you recite the Ho’oponopono verse, you have obtained your goal of achieving a positive mindset.

As this method is repeated a few times, you will find it becomes automatic and will happen with little or no effort, much like riding a bicycle or driving a car.

The results of being aware of your thoughts, choosing to accept only the positive thoughts, and discarding the negative ones will bring you what the law of attraction promises….more positive.

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