Tag Archives: Dealing

Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain – Dealing With the Pain in a Positive Manner

Many people who live with rheumatoid arthritis are faced with repeated or ongoing discomfort each and every day. Since you may not be able to avoid being uncomfortable, you can still learn to manage the situation. Being well educated about rheumatoid arthritis pain will help you to maintain better life control and help you to learn to live “well” in spite of this diagnosis.

There are many various types of rheumatoid arthritis pain, so let’s look at a few.

* Severe pain from inflammation.

* Pain from joint damage – joints may become damaged over time and can cause acute misery

* Pain exacerbation – living with prolonged discomfort, you can easily get worn out and stressed. The actual physical irritation you may feel can certainly be made worse by your emotional condition.

Many people with this kind of condition will eventually experience all of these types of pain. These can become more critical and complicated that will require an overall treatment management approach.

There are skills on how you can best manage your soreness such as:
* Increase coping and life management skills

* Study on how pain works, why it is happening, and what it means as well.

* Learn biofeedback or cognitive-behavioral therapy. These are methods on how you can increase your comfort simply by using your mind.

When pain strikes, consider it as a sign to take up a positive action, instead of giving up and suffering in silence. Even though you are not able to get rid of it totally, at least, you are doing something to help yourself.

Here are some tools that might help you to better manage:

* Pain reliever medication – think of taking your pain relieving medicines right on time, instead of waiting until you are already suffering. Most people usually need the maximum doses of NSAIDs, though, side effects should be considered at higher doses.

* Relaxation and Meditation – Break out from stressful circumstances and relax your mind. Meditation can help to relieve pain and generally reduce overall life stress.

* Distraction – do not focus on pain, it can make it worse. Do something that can make and keep you busy.

* Heat and Cold Therapy and Massage – These are tested and true treatments and can often give you some quick relief for mild symptoms.

Understanding rheumatoid arthritis pain will be better to help you deal with it. Try these positive actions that may provide you relief. After all, learning to better control your pain will help you to live the life you desire and not one that is controlled by your being uncomfortable.

Living with Rheumatoid arthritis pain? You are not alone.  There are more than 2 million Americans battling this disease.  But there are options for learning to “live well” even though you have been diagnosed with RA.  Visit arthritis-lfe.com to learn more about how you can say goodbye to the arthritis pain that is stealing time from the activities you enjoy most.  Don’t give up the fight!

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Inner Peace – How to Stay Positive When Dealing With Negative People

You may have limited control over your circumstance but you can have total control over your emotional response to your circumstance. In this article you are going to learn two things that you can do to have total control over your emotions and have a positive response in a negative situation every time. The two steps are 1) Identify your triggers and 2) Replace your negative thoughts with positive actions.

Step #1: Identify Your Triggers

1. Keep a journal of all of the things that ticks you off for a week

2. Each time that you are ticked off, ask yourself “Why do I react negatively to this situation?” “What is it about this particular situation that gets to me in this way?”Write down your thoughts in numerical sequence in your journal.

3. At the end of the week, review your journal and identify what you were thinking each time that you felt ticked off.

Step #2: Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Action

1. Now that you are able to identify the reasons why certain people and situations ticks you off, your next step is to write out several positive ways that you can respond to each of the items that you listed in your journal that ticks you off.

2. Practice role-playing with a partner. Pretend that you are in a particular situations or you are in the presence of the type of person that ticks you off.

3. You should practice until you are comfortable responding positively to the negative situation so that when you encounter a negative situation you are not triggered to respond with negative actions.

The way that you are going to maintain a state of inner peace is by not being stressed out. You have to learn how to be positive and stay calm in situations that are negative. At the end of this exercise, you will be able to take positive actions the next time that you encounter negative people and negative situation because you will not be taken off guard. You will not respond based on your emotional state at the time of the negative event because you will be prepared to recognize your triggers and you will be well rehearsed on how to take positive actions when you are faced in your trigger situations.

Antionette Tate enjoys helping people to discover their inner peace and joy.

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