Tag Archives: Delete

Delete Negative Thoughts and Create a Positive Mind

Are you one of those individuals whose mental time, power and energy is consumed in generating, supporting or languishing in negative thinking? If so, then you clearly recognize how this activity wastes a huge portion of your life and slows you down from achieving your goals. Indeed, a negative thought acts much like “friction” does in the physical world, it makes everything feel like work. Do you know that it is possible to delete negative thoughts from the mind and create a life that flows effortlessly?

In order to delete such negativity it becomes necessary to first understand where it comes from. If you ponder the experience of having a negative thought you will recognize that it just “pops” into the mind unannounced and without your active permission. It often seems like a random and uncontrollable event. There are however several factors that affect the intensity and number of negative thoughts one may experience at any given time.

They are:

1. The degree of stress you find yourself in (i.e. financial, relationship, health etc…)

2. The extent to which you choose to believe how beneficial such thoughts might be to you.

3. The presence of foreign substances including coffee, alcohol and other depressant drugs.

4. The cumulative history of negative memories of events in your life that are stored in your unconscious mind.

If we assume that Number 3 above is absent then we are left with 3 significant factors that can be addressed directly to deal with this problem. In fact it turns out that these 3 are actually intimately related both to the problem itself and to the solution. Let me explain.

At the deepest level negative memories stored in the unconscious mind:
a) generate the negative thoughts you experience floating into your conscious mind
b) are triggered by stressful daily events that “stir this unconscious pot” and
c) also act as “evidence” or “justify” to you why having such negative thoughts is necessary. Let me give you an example.

Suppose you have experienced a failed relationship that was traumatic to you. You will have the memory of this event stored inside along with all the negative feelings that go with it. If you happen to meet a new potential partner this new situation will often trigger some or all of the negative emotions and thoughts from the old relationship. These will emerge into your conscious mind likely as: doubts about the new relationship, beliefs (and or fears) of rejection, potentially pessimism about relationships and about your new friend and so on.

What’s more you might find yourself “justifying” the need to hold onto this negativity in order to, say, protect yourself from getting hurt again. So where does this leave you? Well living an unfulfilling life that is consumed with negativity. Happy? Hardly!

In order to permanently delete this negativity it becomes necessary therefore to:

1. Delete the negative memories.


2. Delete the need to justify the negative thoughts.

By doing so not only will you create a clear, focused and positive mind you will also release stress from your life and experience what few individuals on this planet ever do, an effortless life.

All of this can be done easily and effectively with a new process that you can learn more about and/or experience by visiting the web site below where you can request a free introductory telephone consultation.

Nick Arrizza MD, a former Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor is an International Life, Executive, Organizational Tele-Coach, Author, Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Facilitator. He is also on Faculty at Akamai University in Hawaii. He is the CEO and Founder of Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc. and the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance ProcessĀ® (MRP).

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