Tag Archives: Diet

Helping Children Make Positive Diet Alterations

Child obesity is rapidly growing into a very serious problem within the United States. According to the Center for Chronic Disease Prevention, the problem has increased more than threefold over the past thirty years.

The prevalence of this issue has reached almost twenty percent, meaning that one in five children within the country is considered to be obese. The problem is mostly caused by a caloric imbalance within children’s bodies, meaning that they are taking in more calories than they are burning on a daily basis.

The human body is designed to burn a specific number of calories that is taken from the foods we ingest. This number completely depends on the person’s age and size; it can be altered through the burning of extra units through exercise.

As you exercise more, the system calls for more calories so that it can properly administer energy to the muscles and other areas of the body. This excess burning of these units can increase weight loss and the amount of fat that is present in the bloodstream.

However, those that do not get enough physical activity to burn up what is gathered from the amount of food that they are eating, they are more likely to become overweight and have an excess of unnecessary fats within their system. Unfortunately, youth that are unhealthy and not getting the proper amount of daily fitness are more likely to be at risk for cardiovascular diseases, like high cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as diabetes.

They may also be likely to experience more bone and joint problems than those who are living a healthy lifestyle. Very often, habits that we build as children carry over into adulthood.

This can be both good and bad; if parents rear their children to take care of their body, then it is not a problem. However, if the youth is not monitored and living an active lifestyle, they may form this bad habit and carry it with them for the rest of their life.

Teen years are especially difficult, for two reasons: most secondary or high schools do not have much more than vending machines and unhealthy snack foods available between organized meals, and adolescents have more money available to them because of after-school jobs. This means that they are able to spend more money on the types of products that are available to them, which are usually processed and packaged snacks that are high in sugar, sodium, and fats.

A shocking majority of teenagers do not eat a nutritious breakfast or completely skip it altogether. According to the American Dietetic Association, half of adolescent males and two-thirds of females skip the meal on a regular basis.

Eating breakfast is the best way to jump-start one’s metabolism and give the body fuel to get through the morning. Believe or not, those that have been recorded to skip it frequently are more likely to be overweight and obese.

Foregoing breakfast can shock the body and put it in hunger mode; it starts to conserve energy by slowing down the metabolism and preventing it from burning energy at a regular pace. The more this occurs, the easier it is for the body to pack on extra pounds.

Another thing that teens must be very careful of is avoiding foods that are contained in the “other” group on the food pyramid. This is the smallest section located at the top that includes sugars and fats and must be used the most sparingly.

Helping your child avoid these types of snacks is simple. You can do so by having plenty of fruits and vegetables available for them to take to school with them to munch on in between classes.

Adolescents in general tend to eat more and on a more frequent basis than adults; because their bodies are growing and changing, they need more calories to stay energetic. Very often, they turn to these fatty and sugary treats for lack of a better option.

Providing them with healthy foods that can deliver nutrients and vitamins is the best way to avoid an over-consumption of the other substances. When you cook meals, make sure that they are full of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and proteins.

Not only is it necessary to alter youths’ diets and make them more nutritious, they will also need to stay active and get some form of exercise each day. You can really make a difference in your son or daughter’s life and instill healthy habits early on by being active and healthy yourself.

Terry Daniels is a personal trainer and has authored hundreds of articles relating to physical training and treadmills. He has been a health expert and physical trainer for over 15 years.

Contact Info:
Terry Daniels

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The Critical Factor For Any Weight Loss Diet Is to Have a Positive Mindset

In any weight loss diet, there are many things that are important. Eating foods that are good for you and will also fuel you through your day and through your workouts are important. Getting at least 30 minutes of exercise per day at least 3 times a week is also crucial. But one important piece of the puzzle which is often forgotten is your mind set. It is absolutely true that having a positive attitude while working towards your weight loss diet can be the deal breaker on any weight loss journey.

What motivates you to work out? The drive to be skinnier, look more attractive in your clothing, attract members of the opposite sex. These things may be true. But if you are trying to lose weight there is a much deeper reason- you want to be a healthier YOU. You can not attempt to lose weight and start a weight loss diet if you are doing it for the wrong reasons. If you are overweight, you already know the health risks, and that depending on who you are, it may be more difficult for you to function in public both physically and psychologically. Without a positive mindset, and envisioning what you will look and feel like AFTER you’ve accomplished your goal, you’ll be stuck at the starting point and have a difficult time making progress.

How tough will it be to start a strict regimen of eating healthy if you have a terrible, negative mindset? It will be basically impossible. It is HARD to change your eating habits, especially if you’ve had bad eating habits since childhood. It is going to be a really rough journey. Without a positive attitude from the start, you’ll have trouble getting going which will prohibit you from seeing any results. It is hard to tell yourself no when you want to eat something that you crave. But if you keep your priorities in order and believe in yourself, it won’t be so hard.

There are so many things you can call up in your mind when you get down in the dumps about your weight loss diet, to bring yourself back up again, and most of these things are different for each individual. If you have children, imagine running through the park with them playing. If you’ve ever been overweight with children, you know it can be heart wrenching when they want you to play sports with them and you have a tough time keeping up. Now, imagine having all the energy in the world to keep up with them and what a role model you will be for them for being healthy.

We all want our children to grow up and be even more happy and successful than we are. No parent wants their child to suffer from obesity. It isn’t just the public difficulties that they will experience as a child, but they also have a higher risk for medical problems like heart disease and diabetes from a young age. If you are a healthy role model for your children and teach them good eating habits, they will likely grow up the same way.

If you do not have children, there are simpler things to keep in mind to keep you motivated. Imagine fitting comfortably in an airplane seat with extra space to spare, feeling more comfortable stepping on the scale at a doctor’s office, or finally feeling confident going to the beach in a bathing suit. These small milestones are important while on a weight loss diet for encouragement and to help with your overall success.

Are you searching for ways to become leaner, fitter and more attractive? Having the right diet meal plan to fit your health objectives is critical to your success.

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