Tag Archives: Eleven

Eleven Tips For Positive Thinking

1. Learn, Read, and Listen Daily – Everyday get up and read some quotes about positive thinking, listen to motivational tapes, reflect on challenges you have overcome, and the adventures undertaken. There are many outstanding resources available to download that offer advice and education to develop positive thinking.

2. Optimism – Psychologist Martin Seligman mentions that people who think more positively have also developed the ability to stop negative thinking. Rather than saying Im doomed, theres no way out.” Positive thinking people see a way out; they confine the problem and work to solve it. They dont fall into catastrophic thinking patterns. The glass is always half full, There will be better days. Belief and hope is half the battle.

3. Gratitude Gratitude unlocks beauty, calms and expands the mind. Gratitude gives joy, has benefits beyond what you can see. If you have lost all possessions, be glad you have something to wear. There is always something to be grateful for and there is always someone we can thank for their impact on our life.

4. Taking responsibility instead of blame Recognize and accept what you did or failed to do that has dug the hole you find yourself in. You are responsible for getting out of it, you don’t have wait for the dirt to stop piling up before you move. Assess the situation, develop a plan of action, Set some goals to achieve it, and see it through. The storm may rage all around you, but you will be able to take control of your life again.

5. Not allowing negative emotions to overwhelm you – You may have been beaten sore, but there is still breathe in you. Acknowledge the setback, analyze what went wrong, create a plan for change and anchor to it so you can continue the fight. The world may have been unfair, but you are only going to cry in your closet for only a little while. Every experience will lead to more wisdom; every adversity has the seed of a greater benefit. Things that seem to be adversities turn out to be opportunities in disguise

6. Persistence – Most people do not achieve their success and happiness because they give up after a few setbacks or signs of trouble. It is the 10th job interview where they never even call you back. Its the 100th time you fell on your butt while learning to snowboard. Its any rough patch you have to get through before achieving your big goal. Success is only a step away, or maybe a few more steps. Never give up.

7. Believe – Even if everything and everyone tells you it wont work. You have talents, skills, and abilities, at your fingertips to continue pushing forward. Every trial and error, every misstep, every fall, has taught you something if nothing else than I know this approach doesnt work. It is said that Thomas Edison tried and failed over 1000 times to invent the incandescent light bulb before he succeeded, and when asked about his failures he replied, at least I know 1000 ways not to invent it Your belief in yourself and what you are trying to accomplish is vital, you have to believe.

8. Seek divine guidance If you are a spiritual person. When you are overwhelmed, when bad things happen, when you are stuck and find no way out, seek comfort in your higher power. Search the scriptures for uplifting words and motivation, identify with those who have tried and failed and what they endured to succeed.

9. Keep the big picture in mind Distractions and pettiness, they can irritate you and cause your focus to fade. Never lose sight of what you are here for and keep your eyes on your vision and goal. Former President of the United States Harry Truman once said a pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities, and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties. You can revise them as the situation changes but always keep your eye on the prize.

10. Accepting your lot – Adapting while being content in the midst of situations. Remember the serenity prayer- Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. You have to play the hand you are dealt in life, but who says you cant shuffle the cards a bit? I look at it like this, as the old saying goes When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

11. Bring joy and hope to the lives of others – The most meaningful moments are those when lives are touched by our kindness and sharing of good fortunes. We exist for each other, what is a mans worth but for those who call him friend. Meaningful moments often involve people, and touching lives. Our inherent desire to pursue happiness is intertwined with our relationships and connection to people, True happiness is only achieved when we have someone to share in our success or when we have the opportunity to share in someone elses.

For more information and resources to develop Positive Thinking visit my website @


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