Tag Archives: Entrepreneur

Attracting Abundance – Positive Thinking For the Entrepreneur

Success as an entrepreneur seems elusive to many who run their own businesses, but it’s really only as close or far as one imagines. If you are working for yourself and feeling like success is out of your reach, that very thought may be the one that is keeping you from reaching those lofty goals. There is absolutely nothing wrong with setting seemingly unattainable goals, but you must believe they can be reached if you are ever to come close to seeing them fulfilled.

Attracting abundance with the power of positive thinking is not a new concept. Consider the following if you are seeing your goals slip away, and you’d like to know how to harness the power of positive thoughts:

Success is what you make of it. If your idea of success is set to a certain marker, don’t allow yourself to get discouraged if a colleague is reaching a different marker. If you are achieving your goals, be proud of yourself and congratulate yourself for a job well done. Seeing the results of your hard work and acknowledging them helps build positive thoughts and behavior.

Like minded people attract each other. If you remain positive in your mindset, you’ll attract the people, situations, and resources you need to fulfill your goals. Staying positive repels the negative people who want to dwell in their own negativity. Keeping a smile on your face will bring the people you need to help you succeed into your life.

Don’t just think — believe. Positive thinking is more than just saying or thinking statements that are not negative. You must believe the statements; you must feel the emotions that they should bring out in you.

As an entrepreneur, it can be easy to get discouraged. Often we are working with limited resources or support, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Stay positive and keep the mindset that you have the tools you need at your disposal. Whether you actually do or not, your subconscious will find a way to bring them into your reality. With each achievement you attract, you’ll find the power within yourself to attract the next.

Abundance is an important topic to consider, but this offering is only one small part of a much larger knowledge pool. If you’re interesting in finding out how mentoring and guidance can improve your business results while teaching you advanced marketing tactics, look at this site (I strongly recommend it).

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The Serious Business Entrepreneur Mindset

To become a heavy business entrepreneur, you need to have the correct attitude. This implies thinking strategically, and knowing the factors which will make or break a business venture. The subsequent elements are all part of a sound business entrepreneur mindset:
Become a heavy business entrepreneur
A business entrepreneur must be centered on making cash – This can be the bottom line of being in business, and unless this is often at the forefront of your mind with each business call you make, then your business is at risk of losing ground to competitors and maybe even losing relevance completely.
A business owner should be confident in their own selections – This doesn’t mean that you should not raise for knowledgeable recommendation when necessary or get help in realizing your goals, but you certainly cannot let different folks make key decisions for you. Provided you do the required analysis, you must have a sound basis for moving forward together with your plans. Bear in mind this is often your venture, not someone else’s.
A heavy business entrepreneur must make strategic business moves – The proper mindset is not to leap into every business activity on offer, but weigh up which are possibly to supply the greatest results. For instance, networking or coaching should be relevant and worthwhile, or they will waste both time and money.
An entrepreneur should connect with profitability – If profitability is the raison d’?tre of being in business, then you must recognize all the knowledge that relates to this. What’s your profit margin, your money flow, your sales goals, your competitive advantage, and your key profit indicators? These are the elements that keep an entrepreneur focused.
A business needs to implement strategic business practices – This means not obtaining so over-involved within the here and now that you simply lose sight of the bigger picture. Every call you make nowadays must relate to the long-term profitability of your company. You must ask yourself whether the practices you engage in are moving your company forward.
A business entrepreneur should be willing to diversify – There is no reason why you have to focus on one business to the exclusion of all others. A creative entrepreneur can continuously be on the lookout for his or her next profitable business idea. Whether or not you utilize someone else to hold out the day-to-day running of another business, it pays not to put all your eggs in one basket.
A business person must be passionate concerning what they are doing, without being emotional – Passion is strength and can cause bold and dynamic decisions, while emotions can cause weakness and forestall the proper decision, or any decision, from being made. You need to learn to differentiate between the 2 so you’ll recognize when your emotions are undermining your entrepreneurial skills.

Cyprian Bennett has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Entrepreneur
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How To Develop the Entrepreneur Mindset

The true potential of your business will only reveal itself if, you, as the business owner, start thinking “business”. Without the right entrepreneurial mindset, you certainly won’t see your business going anywhere in the years to come.

Small to medium enterprises, including home-based businesses, fail for a lot of reasons. Reasons include, but are not limited to, poor management, ineffective marketing, wrong market potential, and miscalculated capitalization.

But for whatever reason these businesses fail, one major factor to look into is the ability of the business owner to think and plan strategically to allow the business to overcome any challenges that may come its way.

When you start a business, you have to be prepared for all sorts of pressure coming your way. You have the utmost pressure to get it right the first time – make the right decisions, implement the right marketing strategy, hire the right employees, and have the right funding.

This may be achievable in an ideal business school setting, but things vary greatly in the real word of business.

It is necessary that you develop a business instinct so that you’ll know at once if a particular idea will work or not before you spend time, effort, and financial resources.

Some steps for developing an entrepreneurial mindset are listed below to help you get ready to embark on that dream business of yours:

1. Get an Ego-Check: Because they own the business, business owners often think that they can do whatever they want with it without needing the opinions of the other parties who make up the business model.

No matter how intelligent you are, there will always be something you won’t know, and this is where communication and open-mindedness will come to play. In the real world of business, it’s really not as simple as black or white.

2. Be Curious: When you are curious, you begin to explore other options and get to the root of the matter. Sometimes, if you focus too much on what you know, you will be blinded by your distinct belief in that certain idea.

By being curious, however, you are able to uncover possibilities and options which can make your business better. It’s always recommended to become a sponge for information in order for you to build an entrepreneurial mindset.

3. Don’t Focus on the Solution Alone: Instead of finding fast fixes to your problems, why not clarify the issues you have at hand first? You need to go through all aspects of the company and the problems you are facing so that you know where you stand.

And remember, unless your solution provides a business value or prevents another problem from occurring, then it will be a worthless one.

4. Gather Proofs: For you to really get to the bottom of things, you need to have hard evidence of what’s causing the problem. You need to ask specific questions in order to get specific answers.

Through these specific answers, you will be able to really see the real picture of things.

5. Calculate Risks: Risks are always a part of any business endeavor. But you must be able to weigh every investment and its corresponding return. You have to see how your decision will impact the business before you even implement it.

It is also necessary that you have a benchmark of success for your business so that you can check back at certain times to see if it is indeed progressing.

6. Consider Your Employees’ Welfare: Aside from thinking about how your decision will affect the business, you also have to consider how it will affect each and every one of your employees.

Any successful business owner will tell you that you cannot accomplish this on your own but you need a team of talented, loyal people working towards your goals.

7. Be Forewarned: If you see early signs of possible obstacles, then do your best to resolve it before it can even snowball into something larger. Even if you fail to resolve it when you see it the first time, at least you won’t be doing severe damage control later on.

8. Get to the Bottom of Things: Instead of solving the effects, see to it that you go right to the source of the problem. In order to understand completely, you must get all the facts and underlying truths. Never stop asking questions.

By taking these tips into mind, you will definitely be able to develop a business/entrepreneur mindset. Without it, your business won’t flourish as long as you want it to.

As a free spirited business owner and entrepreneur, Kathy Dobson is dedicated to helping others achieve financial and personal freedom in their lives. Learn to leverage your time while exploding your business: Grab this awesome free report “Empowered Outsourcing” http://www.empoweredoutsourcing.com/EmpoweredOutsourcing.html

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Achieving the Mindset of an Entrepreneur

When you want to achieve your goals for a successful business you have to work at it, and one of the best ways to get business success, especially in a tight economy, is to have an entrepreneurial mindset. With that mindset, people don’t give up and they are much more interested in working hard at making themselves into successful business owners. Not everyone wants to do that, but for those who do the possibilities for being an entrepreneur are almost endless. Businesses spring up – many of them on the Internet – every day, and they don’t all succeed. Some of them are really great, with interesting products or services that people need, but their owners just weren’t dedicated to business success and they didn’t have the entrepreneurial mindset that they needed to be their best at what they do.

In other words, the old saying that attitude is everything is actually pretty accurate, at least when it comes to being an entrepreneur and having a successful business. There are other factors to business success, of course, but that entrepreneurial mindset is one of the things that can help people overcome many of the other difficulties that they might be facing in their lives. It’s a ‘never say die’ attitude that causes an entrepreneur to look at setbacks as opportunities and problems as challenges, and it really is a state of mind. Not everyone is born with the air of realistic optimism, but for those who aren’t born with it there are ways to get it. Classes are even offered on this kind of personal growth. Some people think that ‘personal growth’ work doesn’t have much value, but it can lead to business success in a big way, and that has a great deal of value.

In a successful business, the entrepreneur is rarely caught off guard. He knew what he was doing when he opened the business, he had all of his ducks in a row, and he was ready and willing (and able) to do what it takes to ensure that his business worked out. An entrepreneurial mindset is a choice, along with ethics, honor, and hard work, and anyone who has a deep desire for business success can make that choice.

Bonnie Murray is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Bonnie and her team have assisted hundreds of people in generating profits that exceed 0K or more in their first year. For more information and to contact Bonnie, visit: http://bonniebeemurray.com/

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The Right Mindset Equals Entrepreneur

When you are looking to become an entrepreneur and facing new challenges whether it be internet marketing or starting a home based internet business, there is a learning curve. Before commencing any new venture you must first go through the process of gathering all the information required. This is particularly so for the internet marketing arena. The internet is changing everyday and so new skills are required to keep up with the fast pace and the ever changing technology. As a newbie to this arena it can be daunting and you can get very overwhelmed quickly.

Have you heard the saying “you can do anything you put your mind to”? This statement has been overused too much and people have stopped believing it or say “yeah yeah I know that” and dismiss it. But the fact of the matter is it is true. The way you think and feel are a necessary component in your success. Believing in your ability, having a can do attitude and taking action on new skills learned is a must.

For most of us “stepping outside the box or comfort zone” can seem daunting. Many people are scared of changing their current situations for fear of failure, not being good enough, losing everything, and so on. If you are one of these people you need to stop, take a deep breath reassess your goals in life and create new habits. Only then can you change the path you are on. For example so many people want to lose weight, only to complain about it to everyone else. You need to change your focus and create new habits such as going for a walk or joining a gym. Losing weight takes time and people are so eager to see immediate results that they get discouraged and throw in the towel.

Why is it that some of us are already defeated before we get started? You have to believe in yourself and your ability. This is the first key in changing your mindset. Many of us are influenced by the people in our lives, who make excuses as to why they haven’t taken any chances in their life. You need to surround yourself with highly motivated successful people and learn from them. Remain focused on the bigger picture. Read books, learn how to change your mindset and become highly focused. Challenge yourself, take baby steps at first. You will grow and reap the rewards in all areas of your life both personally and professionally.

In Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich” he says “Mind control is the result of self discipline and habit. You either control your mind or it controls you. There is no half way compromise. The most practical of all methods of controlling the mind is the habit of keeping it busy with a definitive purpose, backed by a definitive plan…without this control, success is not possible”.

Having an entrepreneurial mindset is to know where you are going, never giving up, having a greater purpose and living life on your terms. Isn’t that what we all want in the end?

Melissa is an entrepreneur, mentor and business coach based in Perth, WA. Melissa assists serious entrepreneurs in building a successful online business with multiple income streams. For more information and to contact Melissa, visit http://www.MelissaMeiselbach.com

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The mindset of an entrepreneur

What exactly is the mindset or a entrepreneur? An entrepreneur thinks about business and expanding all the time. There is nothing that they would not do in order for them to get to the next level, whatever that may be. People like this are not just focused on money like most people may think, they are focused on power and sell fulfillment. Here are the 4 things that make the mindset of an entrepreneur different from that of an average person.

Think big and long term

Most average people don’t think long term but they do think big. This is a recipe for disaster because thinking big requires that you think long term. What successful people understand is that building an empire doesn’t happen overnight, you have to work at it, and perfect every aspect of the business. Just remember that thinking big and long term means you understand the work needed to be done.

24/7 advancing

What is 24/7 advancing? Well it is when you are thinking about what you can do to help advance your life or your business all day every day. For most people this would be an exhausting task, but for an entrepreneur it is part of what makes them who they are and gives them the ideas to move forward.

Micro gains

Everybody knows selling a cooking for .01 profit is a waste of time, right? Well not always, successful people understand the importance of a micro gain and how it will affect them down the line. People think that making a .01 profit is just a waste of time, but is it? Entrepreneurs know that a .01 profit is just the start, but they think about instead of pumping up the price to pump out more cookies which will bring in more profit.


When it comes to success you can’t be 100% sure you will be successful, but you can make sure you are pretty close every time, right? Planning is the key to any success story, and those who don’t plan fail more than 50% of the time. Did you know that 98% of all successful people have a day planner of some kind that they carry around? The reason they carry around a day planner is because they know that in order to be successful they have to use every minute of every day wisely. It doesn’t matter if you are planning for a big company or just planning out your day, it needs to be done and done right.

These are the 4 things that successful entrepreneurs have in common with each other and that most average people lack. If you would like to become an entrepreneur someday then check out these ideas to make money.

Adam Snyder is also the creator and designer or many small coffee tables.

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The Entrepreneur Mindset

How Entrepreneurs Think

Entrepreneurs have many definition. From a guy who creates good products to sell and profit madly to that businessman who turned that business into gold. Well, actually, entrepreneurs are really just businessmen. Contrary to popular belief, it is not an easy task to become an entrepreneur. There’s more than meets the eye with this term. 

Entrepreneurs typically have some special traits, or characteristics. It is this that separates the true entrepreneurs from people that call themselves entrepreneur. However, there are also many factors that make an entrepreneur, e.g education, skills, money and others. Regardless, one of the most important element that most successful entrepreneurs have is their mindset.

So what is this entrepreneur mindset? It is how the successful think. It is the ticket that will pave the road to success for you. It will be that transport to carry you closer to financial freedom. And without an entrepreneur mindset, you won’t go very far before crashing and ultimately, taste loss.

The first trait that successful entrepreneurs have is confidence. They think they can do anything and everything, and they think they can do it good. You can see all successful entrepreneurs’ confidence. They are always looking good and talking calmly in the eye of the public. They glow when cameras are rolling and mics are everywhere when the normal public will be trying to hide their faces.

Next, to be a successful entrepreneur, you have to think positive. Thinking positive has many benefits, including the ability to predict the future positively and taking good and positive actions, such as making a good decision. No one wants to be with negative people. People like praises and when you give it to them, people will most often return the favour. However, don’t overdo it until they think you’re bootlicking.

Stop and think for a while. One day, you are faced with an obstacle. Your only flight was cancelled, but you have to attend one very important meeting. At this point, what will you be doing? Will you complain it to the authorities? Will you talk to someone? Or will you sit around, feeling hopeless like everyone else? I don’t know about you, but Richard Branson of Virgin Group chartered an airplane to the destination, borrowed a blackboard and attempted to sell seats for $ 50 each. All seats were sold off within 2 hours.

Richard Branson turned an unfavourable situation into a profitable oppoturnity. His mindset was already set to see such oppoturnities, that is why he is a billionaire. So what can we conclude in this short story? You have to hone the millionaire mindset to be successful, and always think positive.

Shaun R Lee is a budding new entrepreneur. Visit his blog at http://startyourinternetbusinessnow.blogspot.com/ for more details on internet businesses.

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Employee Mindset Versus Entrepreneur Mindset

The decision to become an entrepreneur is a tough one, what will people think of you, how are you going to cope? What does it mean you need to do? What are the main reasons you are going to choose to be an entrepreneur rather than an employee? What are the actual benefits to the entrepreneur, and their mindset?

Firstly, I chose to become an entrepreneur, not for the money, the money is a secondary benefit, I chose to become an entrepreneur because of the lifestyle! Being able to work from home, not having to worry about the how much the next bill is going to cost, I wanted to be able to know I can pay off my loans for a car before I even had them.

Many people choose to become entrepreneurs for the freedom, but what does that actually entail for you? Flying first class whenever you want, having a new Beamer in your garage, at your awesome house? Does it mean staying at all of those 5 star resorts when you aren’t at home? Skip trying to climb the corporate ladder and college, and you will be able to retire earlier, avoiding the rat race.

As opposed to being an employee, working constantly, trading time for money, having no money saved in the bank for them to retire on. Having to retire later than an entrepreneur and having to work harder, not smarter for everything, and struggle in the rat race.

Entrepreneurs are known to be the ones who do whatever it takes to get something done, they don’t give up, and employees are just worker bees, serving a ‘greater’ cause, unaware how ineffective trading time for money is.

What choice are you going to make, to have the benefits of an entrepreneur, or be caught in the rat race, as an employee. I sure know what choice I am going to choose.

At my entrepreneur’s blog you can learn more and read similar content.

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