Tag Archives: Exercises

12 Positive Thinking Exercises You Can Do Everyday

If you want to stay positive in your life, here are positive thinking exercises you can do everyday to get started. When you eventually make these a habit, you will feel it make changes in the way you see things and will help you live a happier life.

1. Take a walk early in the morning or go to the office early so you can spend some time for a walk. Enjoy nature while walking and appreciate little pleasures you see on your way – shades of the trees and the morning breeze – take time to feel them.

2. Be thankful. Appreciate the good things in your life and do not forget to say thank you to every little favor given to you. Being grateful radiates a positive energy to the people who receive it and leaves a feeling of lightness in you. One of the simplest positive thinking exercises you can do – say thank you.

3. Make a list of the things you like doing or you want to do and savor the feeling of being excited. Make a list of what you want to do that day, or make a list of your dreams. If you are dreaming to take that hot balloon ride or you want to take a grand vacation at a tropical beach, or simply indulging on your favorite ice cream after lunch – it will give you a great feeling of excitement and help you think about the many positive things in life.

4. Use positive words. Stop saying ‘I can’t,’ or ‘problems,’ or ‘troubles’ – be creative with how you say things. Positive thinking exercises can start from the words you say everyday.

5. Use positive affirmations. Tell yourself you deserve to be happy. If you want love flowing in your life, tell yourself that you rejoice in the love you see and feel everyday. If you want to build your self-confidence, tell yourself that you are special, unique and creative. You can make use of subliminal affirmations through videos and you can also attend workshops about positive affirmations so you can make it into a habit.

6. Listen to an inspiring song or read an inspiring quote everyday. You can start up with positive thinking by putting an inspiring quote in your desk everyday or having an inspiring playlist d that you can listen and feel everyday while you are driving.

7. Do something good for your fellow. It will make you feel better. Giving is truly one of the positive thinking exercises that can help you attract more positive things in life.

8. Have a good laugh. Find funny cartoons or watch a funny video clip. Aside from being the best medicine, laughter can help you start a good day.

9. Get along with people who have positive outlook in life. Have positive influences around you. They will not only influence your quest to be positive in life but it will also help lighten your day.

10. Think about your dream and visualize it. Our dreams give joy and excitement to us and even just thinking about them gives us a positive energy. Picture it. Feel the reality of your dreams and you will feel motivated to work towards it.

11. Meditate. Have a quiet time everyday to let your thoughts drift into relaxation. Aside from relieving you from the stress of the day, it will also help you develop awareness of your self and your thoughts.

12. Choose to be happy. Happiness is a choice. If you choose to be one, you will be. Indeed there are trials in this world that you need to overcome, but if you let these things rule your life, you will be dealing with them everyday, as life is a constant battle of problem solving.

Start with these simple positive thinking exercises every day and you will truly feel and find out that being happy is indeed a choice you can make.

Carolyn Anderson uses subliminal videos to help her stay positive in everything she does everyday. For subliminal videos that will help you in developing positive thinking, she recommends this Subliminal Video Series. Also check out Design Your Destiny, where you can find useful inputs from a self-made millionaire on how to succeed in life.

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Power Of Positive Thinking Exercises Manifest Anything!

Power Of Positive Thinking Exercises Manifest Anything!
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Power Of Positive Thinking Exercises…

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