Tag Archives: Feelings

Capture Those Positive Feelings and Overcome Your Misfortunes

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed? Have you found a way to cope with your adverse situations? Adversity is sometimes defined as “misfortune”. Are you feeling a bit unlucky?

Let me ask you this…what are you focusing on? Are you consumed with thoughts of lack or feeling down OR are you finding ways to cancel those negative thoughts that come up, and replace them with positive flowing thoughts, words, and actions? Have you found any tools or techniques to help you transform those negative feelings into positively-charged emotions?

Many people are starting to learn about the importance of maintaining positive FEELINGS. In the past, so many have focused on just maintaining a positive attitude or being careful with their thoughts and words. What about your feelings though?

Next time you have a challenging day, filled with feelings of being overwhelmed, frustrated, or perhaps just stressed out, do yourself a favor. Take the time to think about a really happy and fun time in your life, that was filled with the feelings you experienced when you achieved success accompanied with joy and laughter. You might even find that you have to go all the way back to your childhood, before you can think about an incident or experience that really thrilled you.

Then sit with yourself quietly for a few minutes and think about how you really felt during that happy time. How does that feel to you? What was going on during that time, that allowed you to have those feelings and emotions of joy? What could you do similar today to re-create those same feelings? How willing are you, to do the things you need to do, to improve those feelings and capture those thrilling feelings that you experienced in that moment before?

You see, since you have indeed experienced those positive feelings before, your mind has acted like a shelf in a library of old books, holding all those feelings from the past, and you can in fact, experience them again. All you need to do is take time out to FEEL those FEELINGS. Then put them together with those positive thoughts, words, and actions. You could even put a little body movement together with this OR do a little dance.

Does this make you feel silly? Could it even make you feel like a child again? Allow yourself to have fun with this and have a few laughs. You deserve to be filled with joy and experience great times again! Let the good times roll!

Copyright © 2009 New Omnipotent Ways With The Feel N.O.W. Success Coach Susan M. Hampton. All Rights Reserved.

Susan M. Hampton, founder of New Omnipotent Ways, is known as the Feel N.O.W. Success Coach. She has an amazing gift of inspiring others to experience breakthroughs, which lead to immediate solutions.

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The Power of Positive Feelings

The quality of your life in this moment is determined by how you feel about it.

Whether we do it consciously or unconsciously, we create our experience of life.

If you’re under the impression that the power of positive thinking is a useful skill then you’ll enjoy this insight into a more profound and essential approach to achieving sustainable positive results in your life.

If you are one of those who disregard positive thinking due to its one sidedness, superficiality or inability to affect the underlying issues that are responsible for our problems in life, then this article is most definitely for you too.

Our emotional feelings, whether we’re aware of them or not, are the foundation of our thoughts and behaviours, and therefore our results. Emotions are our signal to take action in a certain way or to abstain from inappropriate action.

Emotions are the energy associated with our beliefs. Our past experiences, especially those from the first 10 years of our life, determine our core beliefs. These beliefs become self fulfilling prophecies that when combined with powerful feelings are responsible for attracting the people and circumstances that we experience in our life.

No amount of positive thinking will do much to change a negative core belief. Therefore many people who use positive affirmations and visualizations to manifest their goals don’t experience their desired results. The reason for this is that they have beliefs that are not in alignment with their superimposed thoughts. It’s like trying to steer a train by asking someone in the last car to change the direction of the entire train. It simply won’t work.

The current state of your life – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually along with your personal and professional relationships, finances and belongings are an indication of what you believe.

To overcome the unconscious programming that prevents you from being successful, you may want to update any limiting beliefs to new appropriate ones that are aligned with the results that you want to experience.

Experiencing the external results that we want in life begins by changing our inner model of the world to match this. This means that when we take control of our beliefs and feelings, we will then be in control of our results.

You can predict your outer life tomorrow by looking at your inner self today. You can change what’s in front of you by changing what’s inside you.

Question the perspectives, attitudes and behaviours that don’t serve you in achieving your desires: How have these adopted beliefs benefited you in some way? Where do they come from? What is the constructive lesson, or what can you become aware of now that changes everything?

No matter what you’ve ever been told about yourself, and no matter what you think you are – You Are More Than That. Believe it and you will experience it!

Thinking that only through some kind of achievement or acquisition we can feel a certain way is the cause of hardship and disappointment for many. The reason for this is because nothing outside of us can ever provide us with what’s most important to us. Only you are responsible for your feelings.

Become the conscious creator of your results by answering this question: What do I need to believe about myself and my capabilities in order to enjoy this moment and create a bright future?

Appropriate beliefs and lifestyle choices will assist you to achieve the feelings which cultivate thoughts and actions that lead to positive results. Begin today – it’s never too late to become who you are meant to be.

Those who fail to think, speak and behave resourcefully are the ones who wait to first feel that way. It is true that we can induce a feeling by thinking, speaking and behaving in a way that matches the emotional state that we desire, however there is another way to more rapidly elicit a positive state.

Since our mind and body is ultimately the same thing, what we do physically influences our mental and emotional state. Therefore a healthy and fit physiology assists in experiencing a positive state of mind. Similarly a physiology that resembles the state that you wish to be in is the expediency to achieving it.

There are no un-resourceful people, there are only un-resourceful states.

The quickest way to change your state is to change your physiology. An effective way of achieving this is to either take a few deep breaths or get up and move about. For this reason Breathwork and/or exercise are prescribed as natural ways to overcome depression and negative emotions.

Have you noticed how a distressed or depressed person holds their body? To switch from depression to happiness; lift your chin, look slightly upwards, relax your shoulders, take a deep breath into your belly and let it out slowly while imagining yourself smiling and thinking a positive thought.

This skill is a useful way to break distressing or depressing patterns of thought and behaviour.

Become attractive from the inside by asking yourself: “Who do I need to become in order to attract the people and circumstances that I want in my life”?

How will you feel when you’ve become this person? Imagine fully becoming this person for a moment. Now adjust your physiology and expression to that of the person you have become. And now, in this resourceful state ask yourself: “What’s the most important and productive thing I can do right now”?

Go with your first impulse and follow your bliss!

Always make sure that any action or goal setting is done in a resourceful state. The energy of your present state is the feeling that stimulates resourceful thinking and behaviour.

Finally, take some time each day to count your blessings. Feel sincere gratitude for what you’ve got, as this is a powerful way of accessing the feeling that attracts more of the good stuff.

Remember, you create your experience of life, so make it a fantastic one!

Written by Jevon Dängeli – NLP / HNLP Trainer & Wellness Coach – http://www.neuro-linguistics.net

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