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Free Mind Reading Tricks For All!

Okay, so you’ve been victimized by a person by his so-called mind reading abilities, and you’ve done your share of searching the internet for free mind reading tricks to get even with him. Admit it, you were outsmarted by that guy’s crafty moves and mastery of the trick. But always remember, if he can do it, there’s no reason why you couldn’t as well.

It doesn’t take a genius for one to know that there are thousands of free mind reading tricks available in the internet. However, if you’re truly determined to pull off that one amazing, trick, the internet may not necessarily be a good place to start. One person somewhere must have come across the same tricks, and might have considered doing them to please a crowd.

If you want to learn a single trick to help you read other people’s minds, then you better read on. There may be different versions of this trick but this version of the trick truly sets it apart from the rest out there.

The name of the trick is the “Quick! Quick! And Don’t Think!” game. The game is simple. It is best played with close friends, people you have known for a long time and have had a long time being together. Before the trick, write the words ‘poodle’ and ‘golden retriever’ on 2 separate slips of paper. Then, have 3-5 people join you in this game. Give each person a pencil and a small piece of paper.

Now, inform your friends that you’ve recently discovered that you have been given with mind reading abilities, and it was only just a week ago that you’ve found that out. Of course, most often your friends would laugh at you, most probably they won’t believe you. If this happens, don’t panic. Instead, celebrate. This is exactly what you want them to think. They can laugh now, but after the trick, you’ll be the one doing all the laughing.

Have your friends be seated along a circle. Then, ask them to spell out simple words. Ask them to write down these words on their slip of paper. You can use any word as long as all words belong to a certain category. For instance, your category is astronomy. You can use Star, Moon, Sun, as long as these words have something in common or belong in the certain classification or group. Have 5 words for these. Next, after the 5th word, instead of asking for another word involving astronomy, ask them to write a type of dog, and to write it as quickly as possible.

At the slightest hint of any of your friends thinking (maybe looking up, closing their eyes, mouthing the word ‘um,’ etc.) approach them quickly and pressure them! Panic them, shout at them, do everything you can! After you’ve made certain everyone has finished writing, tell them that even before your simple game began, you’ve already guessed their answers for their last question. Show them your piece of paper containing “poodle.” Most likely, a few of your friends wrote the same.

Yes, this trick involved luck, but quite honestly, luck is on your side here. If it turns out “poodle” is wrong, tough luck! You’ll get them next time. At least you’ve finally found your go-to trick. You don’t need to look for free mind reading tricks ever again!

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Mind Reading to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at http://www.secretofmindpower.com

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