Tag Archives: Goals

Focus on Goals – The Positive Psychology of Hope

My favorite Positive Psychological strength is HOPE. If you have high hopes you look down the road of your life and see lots of potential accomplishments. You know there will be hard times – even times you’ll want to give up. You are, however, confident that ultimately your abilities (and your ability to solve problems) will lead you to new and better things. Your goals make life exciting and interesting!

Contrast this with a person of no or low hopes. That person still has dreams and goals, but those goals cause anxiety and self-doubt instead of interest and excitement. That person looks down the road of life only to see potholes, detours, and dead ends. Often just thinking about all those obstacles is enough to make someone quit before they even start. Better to stay wherever you are, even if it’s stuck in the mediocre mire, than to start something that will be a lot of trouble and won’t work anyway!

Good News! Hopeful thinking is something you can acquire at any age. Some people learn it as children, but if you learned just the opposite in your childhood there’s still time to change your outlook. No matter what your family background, your money “issues”, your education (or lack thereof) – you can raise your level of hope and look towards a more exciting future. Keep in mind I didn’t say it was easy – there are old habits of thinking and living that are safe and comfortable. Some of these old standbys will have to go. They will not go quietly.

Hope is active. Hope involves setting goals and finding ways to accomplish those goals. Sometimes it requires finding different ways if one path turns out to be a dead end. Hope also involves a driving energy force that keeps moving you towards your goal. You need the power of both your will and your creative ways. This is interesting – hope does not depend upon achieving your goal 100% of the time. All you need is a little taste of success along the way as you practice. Those little victories keep the feeling of hope building inside you.

Hope can be measured and hope can be taught. The first step is to ask the miracle question: If a miracle occurred and I could have my life exactly the way I want it, what would it be like? The next step is to look at all the arenas in your life and ask yourself that same question. If a miracle occurred and I could have my personal relationships exactly the way I want them, what would it be like? If a miracle occurred and I could have my career and work life exactly the way I want them, what would it be like? Do the same for physical health, education, finances, mental health, recreation and spirituality.

It is interesting that satisfaction with life does not necessarily mean the achievement of grand and glorious goals. It does mean that you have met the goals you set for yourself to your satisfaction.

Let’s say that your life would be most different if a miracle occurred in the arena of physical health, fitness and recreation. These may be areas that could benefit from a little boost of hope in your life. You might decide to set a goal to begin an exercise program. Next it’s up to you – your ability to find a way to begin and willpower to carry you through. The way is usually easy at first glance. You decide that a way to begin is to get up at 5:00 AM and run for a mile. Don’t forget to plan for a way to make you get out of bed! Maybe you need to move the alarm across the room and leave the snooze feature disabled. Will power doesn’t come into play right away, as evidenced by how many folks religiously pursue their New Year’s Resolutions – for three weeks. Will power has to kick in when you get tired or bored or aren’t seeing the results you wanted.

Hope is a way of approaching life that says YES and I CAN. Positive Psychology reminds us and our coaches and counselors that hope can be learned at any age. The best we can do for ourselves is to focus on what we CAN do and where we want to go. Clarity and persistence come from the hope we nurture in ourselves.

Dr. Mary Travis practices positive psychology in Winter Park, Florida. She evaluates for giftedness, learning disabilities, attention deficit, depression, anxiety, asperger’s disorder and emotional intelligence. Her practice niches are trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling), trichadrem (skin picking) and victims of female bullies. She coaches and counsels individuals and groups for anxiety, depression, social skills, female bullying and body focused repetitive disorders.

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Self Improvement Goals and Motivation

What are three reasons for goal self improvement and motivation to reach your goals?

Many people think that reaching their personal goals is a difficult process. Their are many methods to choose from. You have to find a method that fits your life style and your personality. I find that, this is the hardest think to do. Their will be many factors to consider when choose a method to follow: family, work, relationships, time and more.

Here are three to consider:

1. Inspiration:

Inspiration is critical to staying motivated. If you are not interested in your personal goal, improving it will be difficult. Your motivation level will never be high and you will not be able to sustain interest for very long. Taking an honest look at your motivational level will help you gauge whether you will succeed. Ask yourself :Are you excited about achieving a personal goals? If you are not if will be difficult to accomplish. Keep your goals close to your heart. Most individuals will lose steam and grow tired because their goal doesn’t have any personal passion. You passion to help you stay focused during the difficult times. If you do not like your goal, then think how you can re-focus your personal goal to better match your needs. You may need to change the goal or rewrite it. If inspiration is missing, there will not be any motivation. .

2. Personal goal setting:

Once you decide on a goal setting method you should include short and long-term goals. If you don’t set goals, you won’t have a definite path of self improvement. Take the time to write your goals. A goal setting plan may sound daunting, but it is really nothing more than goals, strategies and implementation. Include mini-goals that can be accomplished in weeks as well as grand-goals that may take years to complete. Refer to your your goal sheets throughout the year. But can a personal goal worksheet really help motivate you? Of course. Written goals will make you feel more in control. It will also free you from having to restart your goal process every single day.

3.Goal support buddy:

Another important factor in getting and staying motivated is to find a goal support buddy. When taking on personal goal setting having someone to encourage you and hold your hand can make the difference between success and failure. Doing this process alone is one of the most difficult parts. You can never be on your way to self improvement without the help of others. Mutual buddy support is a great motivator. Make it easier on yourself by find a compatible buddy in person or online. Even when your personal goals are not related, you will often find some goal that you have in common. Many successful goal buddies state that when they found the right person it was a turning point in their ability to reach their personal goals. Working together, goal buddies can help each other solve problems faster and more efficiently. Sharing ideas, expertise and experience is also an invaluable aspect of motivation and self improvement. Your own personal goal buddy will help re-energize you when the burdens of your goals seem too much. With your goal buddy you can accomplish more goals in less time and probably have more fun in the process. You will feel more motivated to accomplish self improvement goals when you know you are not alone. Remember to celebrate all successes no matter how big or small.

If your interested in finding information on personal goal setting, methods to follow and factors that effect your ability to achieve them come visit me at http://www.squidoo.com/goal-motivation-setting

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