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A Starter Guide To Self Improvement


Staying calm, composed and maintaining strong self esteem in today’s tough environment can be difficult but is not impossible if you follow a few simple guidelines. Here are 6 tips you can use as a starter guide to self improvement.

Everything and everyone else around you can affect your self esteem. Other people can deliberately or inadvertently damage your self image. Unchecked people and circumstances can ultimately destroy your self esteem and pull you down in ways you won’t even notice. Don’t let these influences get the best of you. But what should you avoid?

1 : A Negative Work Environment

Beware of a “dog eat dog” environment where everyone else is fighting just to get ahead. This is where non-appreciative people usually thrive and working extra is expected and not rewarded. In this environment no one will appreciate your contributions even if you miss lunch, dinner, and stay at work late into the night. Unless you are very fortunate most of the time you will work too hard with no help from others around you. This type of atmosphere will ruin your self esteem. This is not just healthy competition, at its worst it is brutal and very damaging.

2: Other Peoples Behaviour

Bulldozers, brown nosers, gossipmongers, whiners, backstabbers, snipers, people walking wounded, controllers, naggers, complainers, exploders, patronizers, sluffers – whatever you want to call them, all have one thing in common – an overriding desire to prosper at the expense of others. Avoid them and do not be tempted to join them. They may get some short term advantage with their behaviour but deep down most are very insecure, unhappy and ashamed of their behaviour. For most their self esteem disappeared a long time ago. Seeing someone like this prosper is sickening but do not join them – you are better than that!

3: A Changing Environment

In today’s fast moving society it is difficult if not impossible to avoid change. Changes challenge our paradigms and tests our flexibility, adaptability and alter the way we think. Changes can make your life difficult and may cause stress but, if it’s inevitable, you must accept it, don’t fight it and in time find ways to improve your life. Try to manage change and try to avoid multiple changes at the same time. If a particular change can’t be avoided welcome it.  Change will be with us forever, we must learn to live with it.

4: Past Experience

We all carry “baggage” – past experiences which have moulded us to who we are today, but some people live in their past experiences – usually something that hurt and still hurts. It’s okay to cry out when you experience pain but don’t let pain dominate your life as it will transform itself into fears and phobias. If something painful happens, or has happened to you, find a way to minimise the effects. Discuss it with a friend, a family member or a professional if necessary and move on. Don’t let it continue to dominate your life and dictate your future actions. Because something bad has happened doesn’t mean it will happen again. Learn what you can from any bad experience and move on.

5: Negative World View

The television news is full of doom and gloom and it is true that around the world there are many people suffering war, famine or other natural or man-made disasters. Whilst I do not suggest you should not care and do nothing, remember that there are many beautiful positive things happening too. Don’t wrap yourself up with all the negative aspects around the world. Learn to look for beauty too for, in building self esteem, we must learn how to be positive in a negative world.

6: Determination Theory

Are we a product of our biological inherited characteristics (nature) or a result of the influences we absorb throughout out lives (nurture)? I believe how we are is due to a mixture of both nurture and nature and as a result our behavioural traits are not fixed. Whilst it is true that some things are dictated by genetics (for example race, color and many inherited conditions) your environment and the people in your life have a major effect on your behaviour. You are your own person, you have your own identity and make your own choices. The characteristics your mother or father display are not your destiny. Learn from other people’s experience, so you don’t suffer the same mistakes.

Are some people are born leaders or positive thinkers? I don’t believe so. Being positive, and staying positive is a choice. Building self esteem and drawing on positive experiences for self improvement is a choice, not a rule or a talent. No-one will come to you and give you permission to build your self esteem and improve your self. It is in your control.

It can be hard to keep positive, especially when others and circumstances seem to be conspiring to pull you down. You need to protect yourself and give yourself a chance to stay positive. Improving your self esteem gives you that protection.


One way to stay positive is to minimise your exposure to harmful influences while using affirmations to boost the positive influences in your life. Constantly reminding yourself of the good things in your life will keep the impact of negative influences to a minimum.




TARKITIM lives on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. Living each day and achieving Knowledge Improvement in various aspects of life enjoyment.

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Guide to have a Positive Thoughts

It is big challenge to keep a solid positive attitude about life since there are many uncontrolled intrusive negative thoughts flood the conscious mind affecting our motivation and enthusiasm for life. Now there is a good way to improve this situation.



In order to appreciate how it is possible to reclaim control over one’s mind and one’s life it becomes necessary first to recognize and accept that one’s conscious mind is not completely under one’s control.


Yes, I know that what you just read is akin to declaring one’s self insane but this is not my point at all. Rather it is an admission of one’s true situation and in its admission helping to facilitate a new awareness of one’s state of mind as well as creating an opportunity for a greater sense of self control. In order to make this clearer and more palpable I offer you the following exercise:


Place one hand over your Heart and as if you are speaking quietly to yourself from there sincerely say the following statements if they resonate with you:


1. I do not want any negative intrusive thoughts floating through my mind ever.

2. I did not create such negative thoughts and I renounce any beliefs I may hold unconsciously that suggest they were generated by me.

3. I desire clarity and peace of mind above all for my conscious mind.

4. I want to have greater clarity about the true source of these negative thoughts that I observe floating through my mind.

5. I want the source of such thoughts to be purged from within me recognizing that whatever lies I may have chosen to believe as to their usefulness to be erased from my unconscious mind now.


Now focus on the region in and around your Heart and notice how you feel there. You may have begun to experience some or all of the following: a sense of peace, calmness, joy, confidence, contentment, lightness, strength, optimism, clarity and so on. If you like any of this kindly affirm this to yourself via your Heart and it will only grow stronger.


Now I ask you to notice to what extent the following statement resonates with you in your Heart:


All negative intrusive thoughts not only did not come from you their sole purpose is to rob you of your Life Force Energy thereby killing you.


If that resonates with you then simply affirm that to yourself via your Heart and you will begin to feel a growing sense of empowerment.


If you would like to learn more about how to permanently erase/release your negative thoughts as well as the negative memories from which they are sourced and create a powerful positive mind kindly visit the web site below where you can also request a free introductory consultation.


A Free 1 Hour Introductory MRP Telephone Consultation is available upon request. (You will be asked to cover your own long distance telephone charges)

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Self Improvement Guide – Effective Tips For Self Improvement

There are different books and seminars that can help you gather some self improvement guide. All these sources are against the negative factors in your life.

This self improvement guide is intended to offer you the best solutions to eliminate these factors for good. Or at least to reduce it drastically.

Work, meetings, deadlines, appointments, telephone calls, shopping, taking the dogs out etc. all these are things most people have to accomplish daily.

Most of the times, on the waiting list there are other things like: family, friends and even ourselves.

Sometimes we discover too late that the points mentioned on the waiting lists are, in fact, the most important and, unfortunately, sometimes, we dont realize this at all, so find ourselves wondering for what reason we are so unhappy.

All this people know that time is more than money time means, first of all, life and, more than that, it means our lives.

That is way we have the obligation not to surrender in stressful situations and to go fighting for the joy of living.

Let us not forget also that deficient management of time can produce tremendous health problems, both at the physical and mental level.

But there is good news! Time can be domesticated we can make it, in certain manner, obey us. First step in implementing this process is to identify the elements that robe your time. Normally, they are divided into two groups:

The external factors (unexpected phone calls, very long phone conversations, unplanned visits, the policy of open doors, not sufficiently trained personnel, frequent meetings, interruptions caused by colleagues, friends and family etc.)

The internal factors related strictly to our own persons (priorities and objectives that change, the lack of a daily working plan, lack of self imposed deadlines, the tendency to take care of too many things at the same time, disorder, lateness in resolving the conflicts, incapacity of saying no, lack of decision, tiredness).

By reading the above enumeration, you probably pictured recalled all the similar situations that you went through. Now, all you have to do is to find a way to defeat and eliminate them, so that you can be the matter of your own time again.

Here are three possible ways in which you can do that:

Get used to write everything down. It is useful, especially if you have a bad memory. Otherwise you might fail to remember to go to important meetings, to make important phone calls, to answer messages you promised you would answer.

You can also write down great ideas and inspirations that occur to you in the most unexpected moments.

Make a list of priorities. It takes you very little time to draw it and you can even do it while youre having your morning coffee. Write down, the things you need to do that day, in the order of their importance and urgency.

Learn to say no. One big mistake that a lot of us make is that we put other peoples problems in front of ours. Nevertheless, by helping them in a bad moment for us, we give rise to frustration, stress and we find ourselves unable to respect previous engagements.

All these advices are also present in Jean-Louis Servan-Schreibers book New art of time against stress and they invite us to meditate that more than a weapon against stress, time management is also a philosophy of life.
So if you are now in depression you need this guide to empower yourself. To understand more about self improvement guide, you can go Neuro-Vector.com

So if you are now in depression you need this guide to empower yourself. To understand more about self improvement guide, you can go Neuro-Vector.com

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[LoL] Tips and Tricks for SoloQ | Guide to Self-Improvement | Laduk

Giveaway: https://gleam.io/McUkP/lol-rp-giveaway
Today im giving you tips for the Solo / dynamic queue which help you gain much more elo in a shorter time and get you better in general in League of Legends.

Note that each and every topic way too big for a little video like this so I drained the essence out of everything trying to make it shorter.
If you want an In-Depth Video Guide then leave a comment!

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Becoming charismatic requires genuineness and empathy. Find out how to be charismatic with tips from a professional psychologist in this free video about self-improvement tips.

Expert: Dr. Paul Vehorn
Contact: www.AskDoctorPaul.com
Bio: Dr. Paul Vehorn has been a nationwide talk show host on Sun Radio Network and IRN.com. He is also the author of ‘Dynamic Dating’ and ‘Boomer Girls, a Women’s Guide to Men and Dating.’
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz
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