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Make Success Real by Building New Positive Habits Now!

Most of us tend do things that are familiar to us. For example, we tend do things that we are ‘used’ to doing. These are called habits! Habits actually guide our daily life-styles and makes it easier for us to perform day to day tasks.

You habitually brush your teeth after you wake up in the morning and you habitually put your clothes on.

It is very unlikely that your going to wake up tomorrow without brushing your teeth and walk in the middle of the road naked.

Your mind’s ability to learn habits and automatically execute them is a very beneficial quality you already possess as a human being, because you don’t have to re-learn how to do ‘common’ tasks every-time you encounter them.

However, there are also bad habits that we have which don’t serve us.

For example; Do you habitually let people down? Do you habitually lie? Do you habitually feel bad about yourself on a daily basis? Do you habitually stay away from positive opportunities – that could potentially transform the quality of your life?

These type of limiting habits keep us from creating the success we deserve!

Habits represent, whatever has become ‘familiar’ to you – over a particular period of time!

Meaning, whatever you do over and over again, eventually becomes ‘familiar’ to you in your life and starts to become a habit.

People usually stay away from making positive changes because ‘changes’ are ‘unfamiliar’ to them.

Others tend to be caught in the trap of what’s ‘familiar’ to them, and don’t break through fears to create success, hence the expression ‘Your stuck in your ways!’

The’ unfamiliar’ is actually a good thing though, it’s taking the opportunities to experience more possibility, more happiness and more success that allows you to break free into new ‘unfamiliar’ levels of abundance.

Human beings are generally afraid of the ‘unfamiliar’ as it causes uncertainty, but the unfamiliar is actually the place you need to start diving into more often, especially if you want to improve the quality of your life and create new habits that serve you.

Take a first-time skydiver for example; They want to jump, but uncertainty strikes them with fear of what might happen, but soon they build up that much needed courage to take action and begin getting the results of more freedom, greater accomplishment and new thrilling experiences.

If you don’t have that dream job yet, it’s because you need to step into the unfamiliar, something new that will increase your success.

If you are un-happy it’s because you are ‘familiar’ with feeling sad and haven’t yet stepped into the ‘unfamiliar’ to create new levels of happiness!

The ‘unfamiliar’ basically means, what you have YET to experience for yourself! It is impossible to say that an ‘opportunity’ to venture into something new is bad (or doesn’t work) if you haven’t yet experienced it (or tried it) for yourself!

The goal here is to venture into these new opportunities and to step into the ‘unfamiliar’ long enough, so you can make the ‘unfamiliar’ – familiar in ways that serve you!

Just like learning new habits, you should start practising how to feel good, learn how to become more capable and practice how to manifest success to create the results you want!

Start building new habits and start stepping into ‘unfamiliar’ situations in your life. Whether if you want to lose weight to start feeling good about yourself, become more social-able, feel more motivated and create the business success you want!

By building new positive habits they’ll start to serve you automatically in your daily life!

Build new habits that expand towards greater peaks of success. And make WHAT you want to achieve in your life, more ‘familiar’ to you from this moment on, by doing things that are unfamiliar to you starting from today!

Make the positive ‘unfamiliar’ – more familiar to you to achieve your future success.

All the best,

Nicholas Finnegan

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Positive Eye Habits

A proverb says that the eyes are the window to a person’s soul. What kind of soul can be perceived then if the beholder doesn’t have clear eyes? The following are helpful tips on how your eyes can reflect the beauty of your soul.

Nowadays most of the people are suffering from bad vision irrespective of the age and sex. There are so many reasons for this cause. Symptoms for poor eye sight include blurred vision and pain.Most commonly observed symptoms are – Poor vision,Unable to read properly,Redness and Pain and itching.

Eye muscles behave in the same as other body’s muscles; the more they are put to use in an exercise, the mightier they become. They also require nutrients and constant care to provide a good vision. There are a few strategies to better your eyesight.

If we want to improve our vision naturally, we firstly need to find the cause for our eye problem. In most cases, our poor eyesight is due to bad habits, which will make our eyes under stress most of time and finally lead to eye problem. So the first point is to develop positive eye habits.

Always be cautious when you are doing things to your face such as applying makeup that you do not touch your eyes directly. Another problem with cosmetics is that they tend to be germ infested after awhile and run the risk of causing infection to your eyes.

Give eyesight exercises a spot in your daily routine. People generally overlook the fact that your eye muscles are just that, a muscle, and respond just as any other muscle does to proper exercising, or lack thereof.There are some incredibly easy eyesight exercises which actually provide a benefit which glasses and contacts do not.

Potato is very effective home remedy in curing mild eye problems. Placing potato slices over the eyes for 10-15 minutes, removes tired looks from the eyes and restores the glow.Inflammation and swelling of the eyes can be reduced by simply placing used tea bags over them for half an hour.

Put on glasses only when you need them. The idea here is to lessen your dependency on glasses as if it were an addiction. One way to get started is to imagine what would you do if you didn’t have your glasses?

Get a healthy diet specifically dealing with enhancing your eyesight. For example, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish is good for maintaining your brain and eyesight. Also try resisting the temptation to eat unhealthy food like sugar.

Keep your eyes shaded from harmful UV rays. Buy yourself a stylish pair of sunglasses and don’t stay out in the sun for an extended period of time without them. If you or someone you know welds, make sure they were #14 filters to do so or they will regret it later on in life.

Take several breaks throughout the day where you close your eyes for at least five minutes. It takes five minutes for the photo receptors in your eyes to regenerate. But this process requires total darkness.

Put your index finger in front of your eyes and concentrate fully on it. Just as you are concentrating on the index finger, try to view things which lie a little far away, and repeat the exercise at least 20 times, if not more.

Keep in mind the above eyecare tips and enjoy a healthy and clearer vision.

Explore more hair care also read aromatherapy bath and swimming lessons for adults

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How To Create Good Habits| 3 Tips To Self-Improvement Through Habit Change


How To Create Good Habits| 3 Tips To Self-Improvement Through Habit Change

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http://www.realmenrealstyle.com/create-good-habits/ – How To Create Good Habits| 3 Tips To Self-Improvement Through Habit Change

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