Tag Archives: Happiness

Secrets to Get happiness and positive change in your life

Degree of your happiness level is like yo yo. Sometimes it’s up, but other times it’s down. Many things might give you temporary joy or positive emotions. However, after a while, you come back to baseline or lower. This article will give a solution by using the scientifically proven techniques to create lasting happiness and positive change in your life.


Positive psychology is the scientific study of optimal human functioning. Traditional psychology focused on fixing what was wrong with people. Positive psychology uses the scientific method to understand what is right with human beings and how to help the average person become happier and more fulfilled. In this article, I describe an important study conducted by the worlds eminent positive psychologists and how you can use this research to improve the quality of your life. It is important however to note that according to Dr. Martin Seligman, the founder of the field, positive psychology is a descriptive rather than a prescriptive science.


That is, researchers conduct studies on concepts prescribed in self-help, pop psychology, religion and of course, wisdom passed on from grandmas. Researchers do not prescribe writing a gratitude letter to someone. Instead, they run rigorous studies on the concept then report what they have found and how it works. This is a subtle and important distinction. My approach as a positive psychology based life coach, speaker and teacher is a bridge between the prescriptive and descriptive. I call it invitational. In this article, I share the research and invite you to try some of these scientifically proven happiness activities yourself. If the activity fits, wear it. If it does not, try another one on. One size does not fit all.


In 2005 researchers Martin E. P. Seligman, Tracy A. Steen, Nansook Park and Christopher Peterson published an article in American Psychologist, a peer reviewed academic publication, titled Empirical Validation of Interventions. This was an internet based study that with 411 participants across 6 interventions, or happiness building activities, over the course of one week. The activities included: writing down three blessings everyday, paying a gratitude visit, discovering your strengths, finding new ways to use your strengths and writing about yourself at your best. They were compared to a control group that wrote about their childhood experiences. All of these groups had their subjective happiness and depression levels measured, before the activity, immediately after and as far as six months after


All of these activities had a positive effect on increasing happiness and decreasing depression. The gratitude visit and writing about you-at-your-best worked immediately after the activity. However, by 6 months, the effects wore off. Writing about 3 blessings and using strengths in a new way also increased happiness and decreased depression. These effects lasted as far as 6 months later. Identifying one’s strengths only produced a moderate, short-term decrease in depression. A factor that influenced the lasting effect was that many people spontaneously continued doing the activities after the initial assignment.I know what you might be thinking. “Well duh Emilya! If I write about what I’m grateful for and use my strengths I’ll be happier. Does that really take 5 of the most eminent psychologists today to figure that out?”


In a way it did. For a while, psychologists believed in happiness set points- or that your happiness level is predetermined and trying to become happier is futile. This research proves that with concerted effort at well-crafted activities, you can significantly improve your happiness level. An interesting point about this study is that the control group, which wrote about early childhood memories, experienced a significant increase in their happiness level and decrease in their depression levels immediately after the intervention. These rates returned to baseline after a few months. This hints at the power of our own suggestibility.


The participants knew that the study they were participating in related somehow to happiness. They assumed it would have a positive benefit and it did. However, just like fad diets, the unhappiness comes back. We live in age where researchers are conducting studies on the positive side of the human experience. Simultaneously we live in a world where time is a hot commodity. If you plan to devote 15-30 minutes a day to increasing your happiness level, you want the highest return on your investment possible. I invite you to capitalize on the research by trying out activities that are proven to work, particularly if those activities align with your values and motivations.

Here are 3 invitations:


Discover and use your top strengths: There are many ways to go about doing this. The easiest is to ask yourself, “What do I do well?” Note that a strength, such as creativity, is different than a talent, such as being a good artist. Go to http://viacharacter.org/VIAClassification/tabid/56/Default.aspx to read about 24 well researched strengths and ask yourself which strengths resonate with me. You can take an online questionnaire at www.viacharacter.org to discover your top strengths. Once you know your strengths, use them. Recognize when they naturally come up throughout the day and find unique ways of approaching them. Online publications, such as “340 Ways to Use Your Signature Strengths” by Tayyab Rashid, PhD, exist to help in the creative process.
Cultivate an attitude of gratitude: Express gratitude in a way that is authentic for you. Some choose to keep a gratitude journal, others think about their daily blessings before they go to bed. In the aforementioned study, participants on wrote down 3 good things a day and experienced the benefits. As you write, reflect on ways that you have contributed to these positive things happening and how you can get more of these blessings in your life. Pay a gratitude visit by seeking out someone who has positively impacted your life. Write a letter to them thanking them for their contributions. Laminate it. Personally deliver and read it to them. Try and catch them off guard.
Think back to a time when you were at your best: Perhaps a time when you were you felt fully engaged, alive and complete. What were you doing? Who were you with? How did others react to you? What made this so memorable for you? What strengths of yours were you using? How did others receive you? Write the experience down and then reread it for a few days. Put it up in place where


Is writing down 3 blessings a day the ticket to “Happily Ever After?” I do not think so. After all, “Happily Ever After” is subjective. However, objective research supports that incorporating more happiness building activities into your life can increase your happiness level. It is not what happens to you that affects how you feel, it is your reaction and interpretation of the situation. Our day-to-day happiness depends on our day to day actions and habits. Cultivating positive habits such as these activities hold strong potential to increase the quality of your life.


Emiliya Zhivotovskaya, MAPP, RYT, is an international life coach, speaker and founder of Flourish, Inc., an organization dedicated to enabling individuals and organizations in unleashing their potential using positive psychology, yoga and alternative therapies.

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Tony Robbins The Secret of Happiness

Tony Robbins is an absolute powerhouse. From running multi-million dollar businesses to making cameos in movies (Shallow Hal ’01) he’s done it all and done it successfully. He gives some simple but powerful advice here in this video about the formula for happiness. And its really not what you think! The key is having your reality (your life) at least resemble somewhat how you pictured it going. If those two things match then you get satisfaction. If you aren’t satisfied with your financial situation and you can’t afford any sort of investment to start making money on the side I have a great way to do it. Please visit work.workwithcreason.com to learn more about the oppurtunity to provide multiple streams of free income.

More info about manifesting EVERYTHING at: ►►http://tinyurl.com/hvl8m6e◄◄

Tesla Code Secrets: How to Easily and Quickly Shape
Your World and Get Anything You Want From Life

” Find Out How A Strange, Reclusive, Scientific Genius Born over 150 Years Ago
Can Show You How To Get Anything
And Everything You Want Out of Life! ”

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy,
frequency, and vibration” – Nikola Tesla

Dear Friend,

In 1856, in modern day Croatia, the world’s most brilliant, gentle and beautiful mind was born.

His name was Nikola Tesla, and he was undoubtedly the smartest man who ever lived.

His understanding of the universe, while he was alive, was decades ahead of anyone in the world. He used that understanding of the universe to uncover secrets and develop inventions we are only beginning to understand today.

Imagine a man who died in 1946 created technology we are just starting to understand!

He was able to do that because he knew a secret about the universe, and now you can use that exact
same secret to get anything you want out of life. Stick with me for a few minutes, and you’ll see how
the Tesla Code can help you shape your life into anything you want it to be…

Anything you want, the
Tesla Code can deliver easily
and quickly.

Tesla used this secret to become such a brilliant man it is rumored
when a reporter asked Einstein how it felt to be the smartest man in
the world, he responded, “I don’t know, you’ll have to ask Nikola Tesla.”

In many ways, Tesla invented the modern world. We’ve all heard
how Thomas Edison invented the light bulb and is responsible for the
power grid in the US. What you might not know is, Edison harnessed
direct current, which required huge electrical lines and power stations
every two miles.

Tesla figured out how to harness Alternative Current, which we use
today to run power lines hundreds of miles and deliver extreme
amounts of power through very small wires.

But Tesla did much more than that…

he mastered wireless transmission of electricity,

created florescent light bulbs,

was a central figure in developing X-Ray technology,

he invented radio (Marconi made it famous but his patent
was overturned),

invented the electric motor,

invented remote control technology,

invented robotics, the laser,

invented Wireless communication…

and he was creating a free, clean electrical grid when the power elite who backed him pulled the plug because they wanted to meter and sell electricity rather than give it to everyone FREE.

Even today we are just only beginning to understand this man’s higher level works…and he died in 1943!

Tesla’s Most Amazing Discovery!

Tesla is quoted as saying: “My brain is only a receiver, in the
Universethere is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength
and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core,
but I know that it exists”.

The fascinating thing is…he was correct. We have the ability to
access a core of unlimited knowledge and broadcast our desires
to a core of inexhaustible creative potential.

So you can be inspired to make the most brilliant discoveries, the
wisest decisions, and by broadcasting your thoughts you can actually
change and shape your life so that you fulfill your wildest desires and
innermost dreams.

And when we use our minds to broadcast what we want, that core will
create it for us and send it to us.

This is NOT the Law of Attraction, or some other “metaphysical” BS.

I’m prepared to explain exactly how this works, and show you how you
can use this “power” to get anything you want in life.

Before I start explaining I want to tell you… it could get a little confusing.

We are going to be talking about some high level scientific concepts, including quantum physics, and brain anatomy.

I’m not a physicist or a doctor, but I have studied what a number of very competent physicist and doctors
have written about these subjects. I will try to keep it understandable.

I want you to know, however, even if you get a bit confused…stick with me. By the end of this presentation
it will make sense.

I understand nobody likes the feeling of being confused and
sometimes people will tune out if they feel it. I am going to
ask you to resist that urge.

Recognize, confusion is simply your mind working to understand something.

When you feel confused about a subject it means you’re about to
have a break through of understanding about that subject. Ignoring
the subject just guarantees you will never grow as a person.

Facing that confusion and making yourself work to understand will expand your mind and make you grow as a person.

So even if you feel confused, bear with me, and what you will learn over the next few minutes will indelibly change your life forever!

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Finding Happiness and Having a Happier Life Requires a Positive Attitude

http://www.DrLarryIverson.com/video1 Know the secret of happiness. Using positive psychology strategies” you can control negative thinking and develop a positive attitude to have a happier life
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Yes we have 1,000 engineers but ALL our 23,000 people are experts in THEIR fields. They are modern manufacturing. Jack brings the good safety habits with him home, so he and his family stay safe.
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TEDxBloomington – Shawn Achor – “The Happiness Advantage: Linking Positive Brains to Performance”

Shawn Achor is the winner of over a dozen distinguished teaching awards at Harvard University, where he delivered lectures on positive psychology in the most popular class at Harvard.

His research and lectures on happiness and human potential have received attention in The New York Times, Boston Globe, The Wall Street Journal, as well as on NPR and CNN Radio, and he travels around the United States and Europe giving talks on positive psychology to Fortune 500 corporations, schools, and non-profit organizations.

Achor graduated magna cum laude from Harvard with a BA in English and Religion and earned a Masters degree from Harvard Divinity School in Christian and Buddhist ethics.

Now he is the CEO of Aspirant, a Cambridge-based consulting firm which researches positive outliers-people who are well above average-to understand where human potential, success and happiness intersect. Based on his research and 12 years of experience at Harvard, he clearly and humorously describes to organizations how to increase happiness and meaning, raise success rates and profitability, and create positive transformations that ripple into more successful cultures.

In Shawn’s TEDxBloomington presentation, he says that most modern research focuses on the average, but that “if we focus on the average, we will remain merely average.” He wants to study the positive outliers, and learn how not only to bring people up to the average, but to move the entire average up.


About TEDx In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Our event is called TEDxBloomington, where x = independently organized TED event. At our TEDxBloomington event, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.
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