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Online Dating Hints- The Power Of Positive Attitude – How To Keep A Positive Attitude

Have you ever heard that “Our Attitude Determines Our Altitude!” I think that nothing could be more accurate, especially when it comes to our love life. Many of us have had so many bad experiences we are just fed up. So how do we keep a smile on our face when everything around us seems to crumble? Perspective is the key when you are dealing with life’s problems. The bad times can kill us or make us stronger. Everyone gets knocked down, the only real losers are the ones who don’t get back up.

I heard a story once about a kid who wanted with all his heart to have a pony. The boy’s father thought it would be funny so he gave him a shovel. He took the boy to the barn and put him in a room that was filled four feet high with horse manure. The boy was told that he needed to shovel out all the horse dung. Several hours later the Dad came back only to find the boy with a smile on his face and happily still in the room shoveling away at the mess. When the Dad asked him why he was so happy the boy said, “With all this manure, I know my pony is in there somewhere!” Life’s problems are all about perspective.

I have met a guy who spent seven long years in a prison for something that he didn’t even do. He told me that he made a vow to himself during his first week in there that he would redeem his time. He used his time wisely by spending it reading books, writing and going to college classes. By the time he went through all that he was well educated. He even had a college degree. No matter what your struggle is you can choose whether to let it master you, or you be the master of it. The bad times can kill us or make us stronger.

I heard a very wealthy man in response to someone saying how “lucky” he is say this, “It seems the harder I work, the luckier I get!” Everyone gets knocked down. Life is a battle for everyone, some face tougher challenges but none of us are without pain. If you want to be truly successful in anything remember Winston Churchill’s famous quote, “Never, ever, ever, ever give up!” Everyone gets knocked down, the only real losers are the ones who don’t get back up.

When you are just about ready to throw in the towel on your dating life, when you want to give up remember what has been said here. I cannot think of a single thing that is more important than who you spend your life with. There is no greater task that you can be given than to find the right partner. Don’t give up! Make the best out of bad times, and remember that life is all about perspective.

When it seems hard to smile, just remember I am on your side. I think you are a winner and I want to make you a champion. Visit Seduction Secrets today Receive a free 7 day E-course on seduction principles, normally valued at

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