Tag Archives: Image

Brand Image – Creating Positive Brand Image

Your corporate brand is the coherent outward expression or your company’s mission statement, business strategy and activities. Basically, in the public mind you are as you act and the most carefully created marketing strategy in the world will not be enough to overcome bad image if the public sees you acting irresponsibly or recklessly. Since the perception of your brand has direct correlation to public confidence and thereby to profits, careful stewardship of the brand image is highly recommended. But if your corporate brand comes from all of these different strands of business activity, how do you create positive brand image? Further, how do you create an image that inspires confidence in your specific consumer group?

The first thing to understand is that you cannot apply corporate brand like a veneer over the top of your organization. The public’s perception will come from every interaction your company has, from news stories, from charity events, from sponsorships and from your employee’s public behavior. If the brand is simple as a marketing slogan then it will not come through and you will have spent a great deal of money on creating empty words. Your brand is an already existing entity. The employment marketing techniques can simply help you give the brand focus and an easily remembered slogan.

If your corporate brand comes from the already existing paradigms within your company then to ensure that it is positive you will need to review practices and public interactions. What you want when creating a positive brand image is to eliminate the corporate behaviors that lead to bad public perception and amplify those that give positive press. In addition amplifying good behaviors will have the benefit of energizing your employees so that they represent you well in public. Once you have identified the positive traits already existing in your company you can concentrate on adding those features that you think are needed to fill out the positive corporate brand. It is a prime example of how the old adage about beauty only being skin deep applies in the corporate world.

After all the procedures and behaviors are in place and working well it will be an easy matter for your marketing department to ‘package’ them into a brand statement. When the corporate slogan matches the brand as the public perceives it you will have a successful and positive corporate brand image.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solutions – Six Sigma Online ( http://www.sixsigmaonline.org ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

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Projecting a Positive Corporate Image From the Inside Out

If your company has been losing a number of your best employees and at such a fast rate then you should be looking for signs of a possible negative corporate image. Losing your employees and a declining number of customers are red flags all over signifying an image problem. If this continues and you aren’t doing anything positive to turn your reputation around, then you are in for a greater problem.

This isn’t just about your image about how to keep your employees and about how to improve the number of your customers. A negative corporate image will bleed your resources dry in the long run. Think about it, if your employee leaves, then you must train new ones to take their place. New employees mean, lesser productivity as they try to learn the ropes of the business. Lesser productivity will cause impatience in your customers because they want their goods and they want it now. When the customers aren’t satisfied, they take their business from you and look for another company that can offer then a much better service. Then ultimately, your bottom line suffers.

What you must do is identify what the root of the problem is. For example the fast turnover of your employees. Although this is not always the problem, but for the sake of discussion this is what you are facing now. What is causing them to leave? Have you had a dialogue with your employees and genuinely asked how they are feeling as they work with you? What company policy are they griping about? Answers to questions like these will make you see what is making them leave. Instead of burying the issue under the ground, face it head on and look for ways to address the root of the problem. Be careful that you are not just applying a band-aid first aid treatment but you should find ways to clean up the wound and heal it, so to speak. Damage control shouldn’t be the most important thing in this issue but creating policies to change those which are not working anymore.

It is imperative that not only the upper level management is aware of the changes that the company is doing to address the need for a positive corporate image. This would have to be team work and everybody must be on the same page. Having a dialogue with the rank in file and explaining the steps towards a common direction would always be recommendable.

The same policies will affect not only the lower ranking employees but also the top level managers as well. If the company uses the same yardstick to measure both levels, then it helps in projecting an image of fairness and reliability. After all, what one level does will greatly affect everybody else because they should be working for the same common goal.

If the company makes its employees know that businesses will be dealt with in a transparent manner, then you are telling everybody that trustworthy and reliable.Once the problem is addressed from the inside, then projecting a positive corporate image is but a natural consequence.

Trulydeeply.com.au – We are obsessive about creating brands that evoke powerful emotional connections with customers. Graphic Design Melbourne.

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