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Positive Attitude – It’s Essential For Us

 For any person in this world a positive attitude is the most important asset to posses. It makes one life much easier.  Life is much unexpected and more often than not, it doesn’t turn out the way we want it to. There will be many times in life when you go through hard times and problems. And this is the most challenging part of living our lives. Everyone can keep a positive attitude when his or her life is going good. But the real test of our attitude comes when we face challenges and obstacles in our life.

You should keep a positive attitude to handle the problems in your life and take the problems as a test for your character. By keeping it, you must try to learn from your every mistake and failure, instead of getting demoralized by them. You should feel encouraged to work better and harder to achieve your goals. You would not be able to see your failure as a motivation, if you do not keep your attitude positive, and would rather be extremely discouraged with it.

Even though the situation of two people can be same but they may get extremely contrasting results only because of their mindsets. If we look at it this way; each one of us has been provided the same amount of time by God. Everyone’s day is of twenty four hours. Therefore, instead of wasting your time and energy in thinking about negative stuff, you should spend your days with a positive attitude. You must understand that life is already filled with disappointments and problems. Therefore, you should invest your time in thinking positively. 

Because having a positive view towards life makes us happy. Studies have proved these people are healthier and also live longer than people with negative attitude. Happiness and positive thinking is contagious. It has been observed that people with a positive outlook have more friends because they appear to be more attractive to have as company. If you are with a person who has a positive attitude then you will also start feeling happier and more positive towards life.

Finally, We can say that a positive outlook towards life makes things much easier. It also motivates us to work towards our goals as positive thinking gives us the confidence that we can achieve anything we want. 

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It’s All In Your Head: Easy Ways To Stay Positive And Boost Your Business

I did a lot of things over the past few years to grow and expand my business, including working for the lifestyle I want, defining my ideal clients and taking care of my physical and mental health.

Part of my mental healthcare included maintaining a positive mindset and it really made a huge difference. It cleared my head and allowed me to really focus on my business. Here are the four things I did to create a constant source of positive energy.

1.No News!
My first rule was no news, no radio and no reading the newspaper. That meant not flipping on the radio in the car. It meant not turning on the TV – even for two seconds – because it seemed like I’d always hear bad news. It’s amazing how I always manage to hear about the top news items anyway.

2.Positive Programs and Music
I made sure that I had a lot of positive audio programs and music. This can be any kind of spiritual teacher, guru, coach, leader or author who resonates with you. Buy their audio books or seminars and put them in your iPod or on your computer; rent them from the library and listen to the CDs in your car. Positive, uplifting music is good too. I, myself, like music that includes chanting, affirmations and stuff that’s just fun and fancy-free. We all have music that puts us in a good mood – so use whatever works for you.

3.Positive People
I decided I only wanted positive people around me. That meant I needed to not hang out with some of my family and friends. I worked hard to avoid energy vampires – those people who are so negative they just suck the life right out of you. To be honest, for a while I went into kind of a little cocoon. I needed to reconnect with my family and myself and be very purposeful about who I was spending my time with. Also, I attended retreats and conferences that were in a positive, spiritual realm. If that doesn’t work for you, find something related to a hobby. For example, if you’re into genealogy or you’re a stamp collector – whatever gives you energy – put yourself in those environments.

4.Community Connection
I made sure I was connected to community. This is a really big one because we tend to isolate ourselves. As entrepreneurs with our own businesses – most of us in our own homes – it’s very easy to isolate. So, find some likeminded groups, like a book club, spiritual group or volunteer activity, and attend regularly.

Taking care of oneself physically and mentally – and keeping a positive mindset – is a great way to keep yourself in the game. You’ll be amazed at the renewed motivation you have for doing the things that are not your core passion, but will make your business grow. Working from a cup overflowing helps you float through cold calls, accounting, filing, networking or any other activity that is critical to success but not always top on your list. Once the negativity is gone and you’ve got positive energy on your side, anything is possible.

Lisa Cherney is a Marketing Intuitive and President & Founder of Conscious Marketing. Lisa has helped thousands of business owners tap into their intuition and market their businesses from the Inside Out. For 15 years she worked at Fortune 500 companies and top advertising agencies.

Lisa tells her story in her co-authored book Inspiration to Realization, available at www.ConsciousMarketing.com. Conscious Marketing also offers workshops and coaching. Visit her website for more details or call 887-771-0156.

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Attitude – It’s Your Choice

The remarkable thing is, we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.” Charles R. Swindoll


http://workwithcolinshipp.com – Having A Positive Attitude At Work

What is the benefit of having a positive attitude at work? If you want to have better quality days at work having a positive attitude at work is critical. In this video I talk about having a positive attitude at work.

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It’s possible to bend a spoon with mind power?? – MAGIC TRICKS


It's possible to bend a spoon with mind power?? - MAGIC TRICKS

E’ possibile piegare un cucchiaio di acciaio con la sola forza del pensiero??
It’s possible to bend a spoon with mind power??
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