Tag Archives: Keep

How Can I Keep A Positive Attitude At Work? 6 Tips To Keep Your Head High

How are you supposed to keep a positive attitude at work when Jim always tells you that he knows how to do it better than you and your boss always catches you daydreaming even though you only do it one time a day! Your coworkers are full of negativity and despair and it’s hard to keep your head up after talking to them and you keep getting work piled on you that you don’t really have time for in your schedule.

Work should be a place that you go to, do a job, and make some money but instead it sometimes can be the most negative place of your day that you have a hard time getting through and no longer look forward going to.

So how can you stay positive at your work?

1. Change Jobs – First and foremost if you are unhappy with your job and you don’t enjoy the tasks that you are given each day to do then you have to change jobs for your sanity. You can lie to yourself and say that you enjoy what you are doing even when you don’t but that will only get you through so many days of the work week.

Remember this. There are many people who stay in their jobs out of fear of not being able to get another one and they live their life complaining and unhappy when they could have just took a shot at a new job and spent their life doing what they loved.

2. Get Your Sleep – If you get the right amount of sleep every night then this will allow you to have more energy to deal with problems effectively throughout the day like finishing extra work or running from that annoying co-worker.

3. Take Your Breaks – There are many people who work through their breaks thinking that they will get more done in the work day but the truth is the quality of your work is suffering from this and your stress level is also suffering.

You have to take a few minutes to let your mind think about something other than work to be at your most productive self throughout the day and you will become frustrated very easily if you don’t. Even after a 10 minute break you will find yourself more productive.

4. Eat a Healthy Lunch – Do not opt in for processed or fried foods for lunch and do not overeat during lunch or your work will pay for it after lunch. When we overeat or eat unhealthy food our bodies use tons of energy to digest this mess of food, which means the energy that should be going towards work will be busy and you will not be that productive and you will feel negative about your days progress and possibly having to be there.

5. Do Not Join In The Misery – It can be hard not to get caught up in the complaining and negativity that your co-workers put out but if you want to have a better outlook about your job then you need to put a stop to it and no longer let other people drag you down.

If everyone else is complaining about the meeting that is going to soak up all of your work day then you can be the one that talks about how the meeting is going to teach you things to make your job easier or better and you are looking forward to it. If you don’t think that talking about it will do anything then at least avoid the talk and think the positive thoughts for yourself. The truth is when most people are in a land of negativity they can’t see the positive side of things and won’t engage in that kind of talk anywase.

6. Do Not Let Your Coworkers Bully You – There is so much bullying going on in today’s workplace that it’s almost as if high school has taken over everywhere.

There are the people who think they are better than you and let you know it at every turn. There are the clicks that talk about you while you walk by or behind your back. There is the boss that makes you feel as though you are worthless and not able to do your job properly. There are so many people at work that want to bring you down to their level of misery and they can be hard if not impossible to avoid.

The thing is you have to fix the problem or you will suffer through your days and drag it home after work with you and make yourself even more unhappy.

Either stand up for yourself and tell them directly that they can’t treat you like this or talk to someone higher up than them. Sometimes you boss may be the one bullying you and in that case you have to go over their head.

Whatever you do, do not be afraid of the outcome as you don’t deserve to spend your time being bullied anywhere, let alone a place you are trying to do a job.


Kari is the owner of Manifest Connection, a self help website geared towards making your life happier and healthier and achieving goals.

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How Can I Keep A Positive Attitude At Work? 6 Tips To Keep Your Head High

How are you supposed to keep a positive attitude at work when Jim always tells you that he knows how to do it better than you and your boss always catches you daydreaming even though you only do it one time a day! Your coworkers are full of negativity and despair and it’s hard to keep your head up after talking to them and you keep getting work piled on you that you don’t really have time for in your schedule.

Work should be a place that you go to, do a job, and make some money but instead it sometimes can be the most negative place of your day that you have a hard time getting through and no longer look forward going to.

So how can you stay positive at your work?

1. Change Jobs – First and foremost if you are unhappy with your job and you don’t enjoy the tasks that you are given each day to do then you have to change jobs for your sanity. You can lie to yourself and say that you enjoy what you are doing even when you don’t but that will only get you through so many days of the work week.

Remember this. There are many people who stay in their jobs out of fear of not being able to get another one and they live their life complaining and unhappy when they could have just took a shot at a new job and spent their life doing what they loved.

2. Get Your Sleep – If you get the right amount of sleep every night then this will allow you to have more energy to deal with problems effectively throughout the day like finishing extra work or running from that annoying co-worker.

3. Take Your Breaks – There are many people who work through their breaks thinking that they will get more done in the work day but the truth is the quality of your work is suffering from this and your stress level is also suffering.

You have to take a few minutes to let your mind think about something other than work to be at your most productive self throughout the day and you will become frustrated very easily if you don’t. Even after a 10 minute break you will find yourself more productive.

4. Eat a Healthy Lunch – Do not opt in for processed or fried foods for lunch and do not overeat during lunch or your work will pay for it after lunch. When we overeat or eat unhealthy food our bodies use tons of energy to digest this mess of food, which means the energy that should be going towards work will be busy and you will not be that productive and you will feel negative about your days progress and possibly having to be there.

5. Do Not Join In The Misery – It can be hard not to get caught up in the complaining and negativity that your co-workers put out but if you want to have a better outlook about your job then you need to put a stop to it and no longer let other people drag you down.

If everyone else is complaining about the meeting that is going to soak up all of your work day then you can be the one that talks about how the meeting is going to teach you things to make your job easier or better and you are looking forward to it. If you don’t think that talking about it will do anything then at least avoid the talk and think the positive thoughts for yourself. The truth is when most people are in a land of negativity they can’t see the positive side of things and won’t engage in that kind of talk anywase.

6. Do Not Let Your Coworkers Bully You – There is so much bullying going on in today’s workplace that it’s almost as if high school has taken over everywhere.

There are the people who think they are better than you and let you know it at every turn. There are the clicks that talk about you while you walk by or behind your back. There is the boss that makes you feel as though you are worthless and not able to do your job properly. There are so many people at work that want to bring you down to their level of misery and they can be hard if not impossible to avoid.

The thing is you have to fix the problem or you will suffer through your days and drag it home after work with you and make yourself even more unhappy.

Either stand up for yourself and tell them directly that they can’t treat you like this or talk to someone higher up than them. Sometimes you boss may be the one bullying you and in that case you have to go over their head.

Whatever you do, do not be afraid of the outcome as you don’t deserve to spend your time being bullied anywhere, let alone a place you are trying to do a job.

Kari is the owner of Manifest Connection, a self help website geared towards making your life happier and healthier and achieving goals.

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Online Dating Hints- The Power Of Positive Attitude – How To Keep A Positive Attitude

Have you ever heard that “Our Attitude Determines Our Altitude!” I think that nothing could be more accurate, especially when it comes to our love life. Many of us have had so many bad experiences we are just fed up. So how do we keep a smile on our face when everything around us seems to crumble? Perspective is the key when you are dealing with life’s problems. The bad times can kill us or make us stronger. Everyone gets knocked down, the only real losers are the ones who don’t get back up.

I heard a story once about a kid who wanted with all his heart to have a pony. The boy’s father thought it would be funny so he gave him a shovel. He took the boy to the barn and put him in a room that was filled four feet high with horse manure. The boy was told that he needed to shovel out all the horse dung. Several hours later the Dad came back only to find the boy with a smile on his face and happily still in the room shoveling away at the mess. When the Dad asked him why he was so happy the boy said, “With all this manure, I know my pony is in there somewhere!” Life’s problems are all about perspective.

I have met a guy who spent seven long years in a prison for something that he didn’t even do. He told me that he made a vow to himself during his first week in there that he would redeem his time. He used his time wisely by spending it reading books, writing and going to college classes. By the time he went through all that he was well educated. He even had a college degree. No matter what your struggle is you can choose whether to let it master you, or you be the master of it. The bad times can kill us or make us stronger.

I heard a very wealthy man in response to someone saying how “lucky” he is say this, “It seems the harder I work, the luckier I get!” Everyone gets knocked down. Life is a battle for everyone, some face tougher challenges but none of us are without pain. If you want to be truly successful in anything remember Winston Churchill’s famous quote, “Never, ever, ever, ever give up!” Everyone gets knocked down, the only real losers are the ones who don’t get back up.

When you are just about ready to throw in the towel on your dating life, when you want to give up remember what has been said here. I cannot think of a single thing that is more important than who you spend your life with. There is no greater task that you can be given than to find the right partner. Don’t give up! Make the best out of bad times, and remember that life is all about perspective.

When it seems hard to smile, just remember I am on your side. I think you are a winner and I want to make you a champion. Visit Seduction Secrets today Receive a free 7 day E-course on seduction principles, normally valued at

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Keep a Positive Balance

A Teachable Moment

If there was ever a teachable moment around your relationship with money, this is it.

Markets go up and obviously, down, leaving very little room these days for Magical Thinking. You can’t control the economy and you can’t always predict the market, so why not use this time to practice creating a richer life right now?

As a cellist I learned that no matter how accomplished you are, you still need to practice every day (some days are better than others). And so it is with creating a positive balance with your money. As a musician’s state of being determines what kind of music comes out of their instrument, it is no different with money. Most of your results around money, good and not so good, are a reflection of what is happening in your inner world.

Who do you choose to be with money?

When you look at the structure of how anything is built, you start with the foundation. In the case of you and money, that foundation is based on who you are around it, as money itself is an inanimate object. Its power comes from what ever meaning you choose to imbue it with. Notice the word “choose”, which is very important to recognize as you always have a choice as to how you are going to feel and act with money.

While the economy finds its equilibrium, it’s imperative you stay focused on your own goals and maintain a positive balance. Are you living your life based on your values? And how well do you use your time, energy and money to reflect them?

I Need…. I Want

Take a look at your spending plan again. Ask yourself which expenses are “needs” and which are “wants”. Need = Must Have and Want = Would Like to Have. I never recommend that people live a “needs-based” lifestyle, as feelings of deprivation can be the root cause behind certain money issues that don’t serve you well; from Overshopping and Debting to Underspending.

When you feel deprived you may look to cover up feelings of emptiness inside yourself with such behaviors, locking yourself into a vicious cycle of overspending, debting and probably, overworking. When sitting on the fence as to whether something is a “want” or “need”, ask yourself these questions; “Is this just fillling a void in my life?” “Can I wait to purchase this?” While certain “things” might elevate you into a better state of feeling for a while, it might not have the same lasting effect as putting that money towards your retirement account, a project that holds importance for you or a shared experience with friends and family.

These days are particularly stressful so try to remain mindful of how you spend your time and energy. Be clear with yourself about what and who matters in your life and remember that maintaining a positive balance comes with daily practice.

About The Author: Helen Kim is a Money Mentor. Her Free Ezine gives articles and tips as to how you can gain clarity around your relationship to money and start making conscious financial decisions, allowing you to grow not only your bank account, but your self. Subscribe for FREE by sending a blank email to: info@YourMoneyRelationship.com or at http://www.YourMoneyRelationship.com

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