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What Everybody Should Know About the Power of Positive Thinking

Does it sound simple? The power of positive thinking?

Is it something you wish just came naturally? Having positive thoughts?

It’s important to let the Universe know what you want. Not everything in life that is good just happens.

Sometimes we need a little push. Sometimes we need a little help to get going again and to get into a positive attitude.

During a time when the world seems a bit uncertain the power of positive thinking is more important than ever. One reason is when one person puts out a vibe or certain type of energy it can and will be picked up by everyone! Your positive thoughts are being felt by others all the time, whether you realize it or not.

It’s important that we all send positive love and energy to each other every day.

I am putting out into the universe that everyone who wants to feel great can. That everyone who wants to fulfill their dreams should.

Don’t worry if you’re struggling that is all a part of life. The struggle can and will turn into gold if you allow it! The greatest gift we have is the ability to change the way we see things. If you feel stuck in your life and need a place to start here are ten guidelines that I use.

Take one of these principles everyday and put it into practice. Spend an entire day on only one principle. When you let the experience of each guideline become a part of your day the power of positive thinking starts to work its magic!

My Ten Power of Positive Thinking Guidelines:

1. Reserve Judgment. Spend a whole day not judging anyone or anything.

2. Create a happy zone in your mind. There are many ways to do this. Visualization is a great way to start.

3. Believe in yourself as someone without limits. Spend the day doing things you felt you were to afraid to try.

4. Use positive words. Watch and listen to what you say to yourself all day long. Make sure you are using positive words to speak to yourself.

Example of positive words would be taking to yourself as kindly as you would to your best friend. Use positive words like honey and sweetie in referring to yourself.

5. Smile today every fifteen minutes. Smiling changes your perception about life. Know that what you think about all day is your reality.

6. Practice acceptance of knowing there is a purpose for everything that happens in life. Find the lesson in each situation and know it is meant to be.

7. Take time to get in touch with your spiritual self, start meditating every day. Spend some time in silence. You can use guided meditations as well. I offer free mp3 downloads that are very popular.

8. Be of service to everyone you come in contact with. Start out your day asking how can help?

9. Tune in to your intuition on daily basis and ask what you should be doing today? Be on purpose when you plan your day then listen.

10. Count your blessings everyday then thank the Universe for them. Gratitude is huge in maintaining positive thoughts.

My journey in this life has not always been fun but I have always had control over it. The problem was I didn’t know that. I found the most effective way to change my reality is by getting into action.

Each one of these guide lines gets you into action. Take the challenge and don’t just read this page take the action and watch how your life gets soooo much better.

Let everyone know how the power of positive thinking works for you. If you have any of your own ideas share them on my webs site qualified life-coach.com I would love to hear them.

Dawn Abraham /CTACC
Qualified Life Coach
As a Life Coach / Business Coach, I specialize in working with professionals and entrepreneurs to create balanced lives while earning more money.
Law of Attraction, Motivation, Inspiration, Marketing on a budget. Individual Coaching, Group Coaching and tele-classes are offered. Go to my web site to get your free mediation Mp3’s and Free “Shoot for the Stars tele-class. http://www.qualified-lifecoach.com

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