Tag Archives: Life

Stay Motivated to Lose Weight For Life – 5 Powerful Secrets

Want to lose weight for life? You will have to find creative ways to stay motivated. Permanent weight loss means successfully navigating daily temptations.

Let’s face it – life gets in the way. You get sick or injured, or a looming deadline at work means no time for exercise. Healthy eating is derailed by business dinners or family gatherings. It’s challenging to hang on to the healthy habits you’ve worked so hard to adopt.

Here are 5 powerful secrets to stay motivated to lose weight for life:

1. Scare Tactics

Want to avoid debilitating chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, stroke, and heart attacks? A healthy lifestyle is your best defense.

The next time you’re tempted to skip your walk or eat that piece of chocolate cake, think about a close friend or relative that has suffered from one of these awful diseases. Don’t you want to do everything in your power to avoid their fate? Then it’s critical that you maintain a healthy weight and get regular exercise.

2. Reprogram Those Rationalizations

How many times have you heard that voice in your head telling you that one dessert won’t matter or one missed workout is OK?

When those voices start chirping remember how far you’ve come. Think about how much better you’ll feel after your workout. Remember how bloated and sluggish you felt the last time you ate a fatty, sugary dessert.

Every time you reprogram your thoughts your confidence soars and the next time will be easier. Pretty soon it’s automatic.

3. Don’t Delay After a Setback

We all have setbacks or “learning moments”. Don’t let one binge or missed workout turn into a string of them. Don’t put off getting back to the gym or your morning walks until “after the holidays” or “when school starts”. Do it the next day!

Every unhealthy meal means you’ll have to work harder. Just because you ate that steak doesn’t mean you’ve already blown it so you may as well have chocolate mud pie for dessert. Instead order some fresh berries to naturally purify your body.

4. Just Do It

The most difficult part of exercise is the first 10 minutes. Once you start, you’re likely to feel so much better that you’ll finish your routine. So if you’re feeling tired or rushed, tell yourself you’ll only do 10 minutes. Usually once you get past that initial hurdle, you’ll keep going. And even if you don’t, 10 minutes is better than nothing.

5. Use Your Competitive Drive

Are you competitive? Then harness that drive to succeed at permanent weight loss. Picture someone you admire for their svelte physique and vibrant health. Tell yourself you’re as good as (or better than) they are!

Suddenly you have energy for a more intense workout. That cheeseburger just doesn’t look as enticing. Set mini-goals for yourself every day and keep the big picture in mind of who you want to “beat”.

Want more secrets to staying motivated to lose weight for life? Get a 4 step plan to manage diet disasters at http://www.lose-weight-for-life.com/diet-disasters.html Learn more about how to live a healthy lifestyle at http://www.lose-weight-for-life.com/lose-it-for-life.html

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What Keeps You Positive and Optimistic to Get Success in Your Life?

Everyone knows that to be successful in life, positive attitude plays an essential role. But many of them do not know how to be positive and optimistic throughout their life. What are the things or steps essential to keep you positive and optimistic? Always think positive; thinking positive will give positive results. If you think you can win, you have already won 50 percent.

Use your golden hour (first hour of the day) in constructive work. It’s the hour during which you planned your mind and set your emotional tone for the rest of the day. The difference between successful person and less successful person is positive thinking and planning. Successful person plan their activities in the first two hours. If you get up in the morning at least two hours before you have to be at work, or before your first appointment or meeting, and spend the first hour to make better plan by reading good books. If you do not do this and you invest your precious time in the newspaper or magazines, your whole day will flow accordingly. If you invest your golden time in constructive work, planning, reading good books, your whole day will flow more smoothly.

You’ll be more positive, cheerful, hopeful and optimistic. You’ll be calmer, confident and relaxed. You’ll have a greater sense of humor, better control and well-being by the very act of reading healthy material for the first hour of each day. After just few days of reading for 30 to 60 minutes in the morning, you’ll notice a profound change. As a result of your early morning reading, you’ll feel so excellent about yourself and your life. You will feel more confident and energetic throughout the day. This will help you in taking right decisions, proper management of work flow, etc.

Try to adopt this process for some days and see. It’s a magnificent experience, and it can have a deep impact on the rest of your life. In the period of time before work, another thing that extremely successful people do is plan and prepare for their entire day. If you also want to be successful start practicing this habit from today. I hope from this article you will get some guidelines or help to make your life even better.

Copyright Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the URLs (links) active.

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Tips on Staying Positive in a Stressful Life

In today modern world, technology plays a very important role. It has many side effects. However, the reverse is also true. Technologies allow us to work smarter, faster and more efficiently. However, the downside is that we can get carried away by advanced technologies. We sometimes try to cram too many things in our life. Hence, creating stress and anxiety that may get the better of us.

Stay Positive And Take Care of Yourself

In today fast paced world, everyone needs to work extra hard to keep up with the demands. However, do not get carried away by your work. Your career is important but our health is the most precious thing in life. You need to be healthy in order to be productive in your work. Without health, everything will crumble!

You may feel like you should always be doing something productive. However, taking care of yourself is ultimately the most productive thing you can do. When you have given yourself proper rest and permission to do whatever you want once in awhile, you will be better able to focus great efforts on the other things in your life that matter.

Exercise Regularly To Beat Stress

Exercise can help to beat stress. You don’t need to go to gym to have a good and effective exercise. You can just walk in the park and enjoy the surrounding fresh air for 30 minutes. You can do this after a dinner. If you eat out after work, take a walk home if possible.

I know that we all have a very busy work schedule these days. But we can’t ignore exercise because our body needs it. You will feel a lot more healthy and more productive at work if you exercise regularly.

People who make time for regular exercise will have lower stress levels. Also, remember to give yourself a proper amount of time for rest. Get 6-8 hours of sleep at night and avoid the temptation to stay up doing something else with that time.

Self Reflection

Self reflection is very important in life. It allows us to have a better perspective in life. “Mind Over Matter”; perhaps you have heard about this phrase before. It is a very powerful statement! The mind is a very powerful thing; “What the mind can conceive; it can achieve”. If you think positive, you will feel and act positive! Surrround yourself with positive people and stay away from negative people!

When you reflect on your life, you can concentrate on the meaning of it all. You will be more likely to truly enjoy your journey. It is so easy to let life pass you by if you don’t take some time to reflect.

Learn To Deal with Stress Naturally

Whether you like it or not, stress is part of our lives! You will experience stress from time to time during your daily routine, it is very normal. However, what is important here is your ability to monitor the amount of stress that you are experiencing and prevent it to overwhelm your life. If you allows too much stress to creep into you, it can cripple and destroy you!

Therefore, it is very important that you learn how to deal with stress effectively. Do what you can to relieve your stress in a healthy way. Avoid using prescription medication or drugs. Focus on the natural stuff like taking up a yoga or meditation course. Work on relaxation and breathing techniques. As long as you are doing something to relieve your stress naturally, you will be able to jump back into your fast paced life with a positive attitude.

If you use and apply the tips that we have just shared with you, you will be able find calmness in life and keep stress at bay.

How to overcome financial stress? Learn how to make passive income to improve your finance. Visit this site CB Traffic Warrior for more information. You should also check out this site: Dominating Video Review.

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Advance Your Attitude to Positive For Your Awesome Life!

Your attitude will determine your future. It sounds simple, but it’s harder to do. When you turn on the television, read the newspaper there’s negativity being broadcast, so it’s easy to ‘tune in’ to that type of thinking. BUT you have a choice. Advance and aim for an awesome life…or not. The Choice is yours.

If you want to have a fun and exciting life…you just do as Nike says…”Just do it!” I had to learn how to ‘do it’ and now I teach others how to create a positive attitude 24/7.

Your past has created who you are today. It’s been based on the decisions that you’ve made and for most people some have been good and some ‘not so good’. It’s the choices you’ve made and you learn more from the ‘not so good’ decision’s you’ve made. You’ve had some failures and some successes and that’s okay because that’s what life is about… creating steeping stones to your future. The key now to your future success is to release your past, and move onto your future.

Often you’ve had experiences, which I call ‘critical turning points’ in your life. This is where you’ve had a ‘situation’ that becomes a turning point for major decisions about your future. If you’ve had a major health scare, it may be that you’ve got to change your diet dramatically and exercise regularly.

Statistics worldwide prove that greater health is maintained by regular exercise. It’s not an old wives tale and unfortunately our younger generation is having major health challenges, firstly with their diet and also their exercise. Most baby boomers (like me) walked, or biked or some people like my mother, rode a horse to school. So we exercised regularly. Today many children are transported to school in a parent’s vehicle or the bus, so the early morning exercise is non-existent. This includes adults as well as we’ve become couch potatoes who watch television, use the remote to change the channel, sit at the computer and generally do not get as much exercise as previous generations. I’m sure there are not many people who spend time digging the vegetable garden anymore! Congratulations to those who do.

If you think of our top sportspeople, we admire them and they are skilled because they practice their sport. You have to learn how and then practise to have a positive attitude. That’s where my Attitude training and these tips can help you.

So…. if you’re feeling sluggish and not enjoying life as much as you’d like, here’s seven steps to help you.

Step Two – FIND A TYPE OF EXERCISE THAT SUITS YOU – walking is great!!
Step Three – Write in your diary 3 or 4 times a week as “make you beautiful” time.
Step Four – Write out the attitude poem below and read it regularly.
Step Five – Get a health check if necessary.
Step Six – Write yourself an affirmation. Eg: I am exercising and my body is trim and taut. With an affirmation you write it as if it has happened and repeat it 2/3 times per day.
Step Seven – Get your gear on….and ….JUST DO IT!

A great New Zealand Motivational speaker Tony Christianson always inspires me. He’s from Tauranga and was a ‘mystery’ speaker at the National Speakers Conferences in USA a couple of years ago. Tony had a sign writing business, has a pilot’s license, black belt in a martial art, was a regular competitor at international sports in a number of fields and his list of accomplishments goes on and on. An autobiography has been written about Tony and when people hear his message they are in awe of him, You would be too. as….Tony lost both his legs in his teens. He’s overcome huge challenges physically and mentally, and it’s Tony’s attitude that’s helped him succeed. Just like this poem.


Attitude is more important that facts. It is more important that the past, than education than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what other people think or say or do.

It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill.

It will make or break a company…a home… a relationship.
The remarkable think is we have a choice, every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for the day.

We cannot change our past.
We cannot change the fact that other people will act in a certain way.
We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.

I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90 % how I react to it.
-Charles Swindoll

If ever you’re not achieving, it helps to remember people like him and others who support charities and achieve great things and overcome their challenges. They’ve become winners, they’ve had physical challenges but their mental thoughts and attitude have ensured their success.

In a local newsletter I had a little chuckle with some of the new fitness classes that were advertised. I especially like this one “Born Again Bodies” and another was LEGS – Linda’s Easy Going Strollers, for women who have various health challenges.

I walk or jog regularly through a gully with native bush and a 20-foot waterfall in central Auckland. It’s an unknown haven situated behind the grounds of UNITEC. It’s wonderful to hear the birds sing and see the ducks diving in the stream and the dewdrops glistening on the leaves with the morning dew. I try to ensure I’ve ‘sparked’ up each of my senses as these are the ‘real moments’ in life and I stop and take time to breathe them in. This is what makes life ‘special’. What are you doing? If not much, I urge you to go and explore. Seek out these moments during your physical exercise program.

If it’s ‘attitude’ and inspiration and it’s up to you to get your thoughts right and to Advance your Attitude for your Awesome Life!

Janice Davies is ‘The Attitude Specialist’, who teaches people to be positive and empower themselves through attitude training.

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How to Be Positive in Life – Simple Ways to Develop Positive Thinking

Our mind is powerful and so are our thoughts. The more we think about one thing, the more we are drawn to put it into action – that is why we need to be careful with our thoughts and we should get rid of negative thoughts to learn how to be positive in life.

Being positive brings wonderful results in your life. It will bring you peace within yourself, it will allow you to be a desirable person towards others and build wonderful relationships, and maintaining a positive energy around you will help a lot in living a good and life of abundance.

Learning how to be positive in life can be a little difficult for some especially if troubles and frustrations are looming but you can gradually start with it so that little by little, you will be able to conquer and take command of your life and stay positive. Here are some things you can start with.

– Learn positive affirmations. Learn positive thinking exercises that will focus yourself into the positives in life.

– Believe in yourself. Eliminate self-doubt and build confidence that you can achieve what you are aiming for.

– Think positive. Speak positive. Feel positive. Be optimistic and think about the positive side of things. If you are feeling low, think about something that is happy or create a happy picture in your mind. Be conscious also of the words that come out of your mouth. Avoid negative words as much as possible. Get away from negative feelings as well. Try to remain focused on being positive.

– Visualize. This will give you the motivation to get what you want or overcome whatever it is that is troubling you. Think about the things you want and the life you want to live. Think that you are there and feel the emotions that you would feel if you have reached your goals. Being able to picture out what you want to accomplish will give you the positive drive to work towards your goals.

– Take action on your goals. Of course, if you want something done, you have to put an effort to achieve it. Your dreams and aspirations will never be realized by just thinking about it. Make a plan on how you will achieve it. Start from small and manageable tasks and seize opportunities that may come your way.

– Help others. Volunteer your time or your abilities. The more you share and help those who need it, the more you will feel positive in yourself. Try helping out or volunteering in a charity if you have difficulties in life and you will feel a surge of positive feeling afterwards.

– Be with positive people. Stay away from those who draw you to negative thoughts and discouragements. One simple way to learn how to be positive in life is to surround yourself with positive people.

– Be thankful. Even if there are troubles in your way, you can always find things that you will be grateful for. Many things in life are valued only if we lost them or we badly needed them, so take time to appreciate and be thankful for them. Don’t look at your life through the troubles you have met. Instead, look at it through the things that worked well, through your successes in life and the positive things that happened to you. Always outweigh the negative thoughts with the good ones.

Learning how to be positive in life is indeed one way to make better relationships, good health, success and a happier life. So take time to cultivate positive thinking.

Carolyn Anderson loves to use subliminal videos to help her stay positive. For subliminal videos that you can watch everyday, check out Intelligent Warrior Subliminal Video Series. Also check out Subliminal Video Message System, a subliminal video series that will help your realize your goals and increase your income.

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How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Power and Change Your Life. Law of Attraction, Brain Power

You record what you think about, and your thoughts CREATE your life. Change your subconscious mind and CREATE ANYTHING. Your subconscious mind power and brain power will work with the law of attraction to draw wealth, success, abundance, and prosperity into your life. How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Power and Change Your Life. Law of Attraction, Brain Power.

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Growing Forever Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/user/GrowingForever/playlists?

By Robert Anthony. All audio content belongs to their original creators / owners. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, research and parody. Please notify us if there is a copyright concern.

How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Power and Change Your Life. Law of Attraction, Brain Power

Thank you for watching GrowingForever

The Brain Unlocked – How to Use Your Brain Power

The Secret Law Of Attraction Step You Are Missing

The Mind Tricks of Muhammad Ali.

How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind and Change Your Life

2,500 POWERFUL Abundance Affirmations

The Secret To Clearing Your Subconscious Mind

Money Tree Meditation

The Short Cut To Riches

1,000 POWERFUL Self Confidence Affirmations

Relaxing Deep Meditation To Attract Wealth & Prosperity

The Secret To Controlling Your Subconscious Mind

We (Growing Forever) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. The law of attraction has enriched my life greatly, and my goal is to share the science of deliberate creation with as many people as possible. There is an art to creating what you want thru the law of attraction, and you can learn all about it here! I am very passionate about teaching this information. This is a positive place for positive people! On this channel, you’ll find videos about: subconscious mind power, brain power, law of attraction, universal law, consciousness, personal development, how the law of attraction works, affirmation videos, quantum physics, subconscious behavior, inspirational, motivational, binaural beats, meditation, Abraham Hicks, Neville Goddard, Stuart Wilde, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, John Kehoe, and Jack Canfield. ENJOY !!

Use your subconscious mind power to attract anything. Control your subconscious mind and brain power, and change what you receive. Your subconscious mind power and brain power work with the law of attraction to draw wealth, success, abundance, and prosperity into your life. Your Subconscious Mind Power And The Flow Of Money. Law Of Attraction, Brain Power.

Subscribe Today – http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=GrowingForever

Growing Forever Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/user/GrowingForever/playlists?

By Stuart Wilde. All audio content belongs to their original creators / owners. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, research and parody. Please notify us if there is a copyright concern.

Your Subconscious Mind Power And The Flow Of Money. Law Of Attraction, Brain Power

Thank you for watching GrowingForever

The Brain Unlocked – How to Use Your Brain Power

The Secret Law Of Attraction Step You Are Missing

The Mind Tricks of Muhammad Ali.

How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind and Change Your Life

2,500 POWERFUL Abundance Affirmations

The Secret To Clearing Your Subconscious Mind Power

Money Tree Meditation

The Short Cut To Riches

1,000 POWERFUL Self Confidence Affirmations

Relaxing Deep Meditation To Attract Wealth & Prosperity

The Secret To Controlling Your Subconscious Mind Power

We (Growing Forever) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. The law of attraction has enriched my life greatly, and my goal is to share the science of deliberate creation with as many people as possible. There is an art to creating what you want thru the law of attraction, and you can learn all about it here! I am very passionate about teaching this information. This is a positive place for positive people! On this channel, you’ll find videos about: subconscious mind power, brain power, law of attraction, universal law, consciousness, personal development, how the law of attraction works, affirmation videos, quantum physics, subconscious behavior, inspirational, motivational, binaural beats, meditation, Abraham Hicks, Neville Goddard, Stuart Wilde, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, John Kehoe, and Jack Canfield. ENJOY !!

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Social Media: Positive Impacts on Real Life

Today, people cannot deny positive impacts that the social media brings us in modern life, especially Facebook and Twitter. They not only help make friends globally but also provide users various activities to relax or to search information. Let\’s see the inforgraphics below to know more details.


Social Media’s Impact on the U.S. Midterm Elections

Social media, especially Facebook, is changing the face of U.S Midterm Elections. More than 12 million people used the “I voted” button on Facebook this year compared with the 5.4 million using it in 2008. To put these numbers in perspective, the United States Elections Project at George Mason University estimated that nearly 88 million Americans joined the vote.


An infographic of the 10 close senate races


The profile information was used by Facebook Data Team to produce some interesting insights on Election Day turnout


Farmville vs. Real Farms

Farmville is regarded as the most influential game ever on the web. There are over millions and millions of users playing farmville, a virtual farm where you can do farming and other activities.


The average Farmville player is a 43-year-old woman while the average farmer is a 57-year-old man


A nice infographic just displays the difference between the farmville and the real farms


This chart shows the percentage of world population working in agriculture, using Facebook, having Internet access and playing Farmville


Facebook’s 500 Million Members

Facebook marked the milestone when it reached 500 million members all over the world and celebrated this event with the launch of Facebook Stories. U.S has the largest users with 125 millions while South Africa only makes up 3%.


An infographic below illustrates the number of Facebook users in all continents


Facebook’s Privacy Missteps

The release of “Facebook Places“, which allows users to alert their friends by checking-in to a nearby location or view the location of nearby friends and the information they’ve posted about locations, raised serious privacy concerns for users of the social network.


An infographic shows the history of privacy snafus that have dogged the platform since its creation


Social Good: Charity and Technology in the Online Universe

“Social good” sounds like a concept or an idea than a real work but its result is highly appreciated. The infographic below places it into better context with donation numbers, growth charts and some comparisons to its offline.


Online donation exceeds to $ 15 billions


The chart of online charitable donation growth


The chart of donations by group


3 million people used the mobile donation to donate $ 32 millions in August


Pulse of the Nation

A study called “Pulse of the nation” about the mood on Twitter over time, which was done with 300 million tweets within 3 years from Sep. 2006 to Aug. 2009, has been released by researchers of the Northeastern University and Harvard University showing how the mood of the United States changes during one day?


The scale of happiness is reflected by different colors, in which the red represents furiousness while the green shows happiness




Related links:

Social Media Optimization vs. Social Media Marketing

Benefits Of Social Media

Facebook Crash

I am the fan of news on society and culture. I am currently the lecturer in social major. In free time, I am fond of reading articles and joining social activities.

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Attract More Positive Relationships into your life


1. Patience. Wonderful relationships don’t occur overnight. They take time to nurture and develop into something that’s long lasting. To allow these relationships into your life, you must have the patience to let them grow.

When you begin a relationship that you perceive as being a positive one, don’t rush it. You may be very pleased to see what develops down the road.

2. Believe that you’re deserving of it. Be positive and avoid negative feelings or perceptions about yourself. Know that you deserve to have happy, stable relationships in your life.

If you begin to think negatively, you must turn these negative thoughts around immediately. Clear your mind and regain your self-confidence.
Remember, positive attracts positive. When you think positive thoughts, you’ll be rewarded with positive results.
You’ll ultimately attract positive relationships into your life with the positive energy you’re giving off to others. So be a good example of the friend or partner you look to attract!

3. Be true to yourself and others. If you’re not true to yourself, whether you believe it or not, others will sense this. Don’t try to be something that you’re not; this is a negative way of portraying yourself to others.

As mentioned before, positive attracts positive, but negative attracts negative as well. Show others your true self, including your flaws. They’ll appreciate your open and willing heart and be able to form a strong bond with you more easily.
Be genuine to others and allow them to see your true feelings and personality. Trying too hard to act like someone else could lead to embarrassment for you.

4. Don’t take relationships for granted. Remember to always give thanks for the valuable relationships in your life. They may not be as numerous as you’d like, but rather than complaining, be thankful for the ones you have now and have had in the past.

By professing your gratitude genuinely, you’ll have an easier time attracting future valuable relationships.

5. Be honest. If you’re in a negative relationship right now, that will tend to keep positive relationships from coming into your life. Be honest with yourself and others. Make a conscious decision to either improve that relationship or end it.

Honesty will pave the way for more positive, trusting relationships to enter your life.

As the old saying goes, “Nothing worth having in life comes easily.” Attracting positive relationships – and weeding out the negative ones – may not be an easy task, but it’ll make for a better and more fulfilling life.

girl friend |    boy friend

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Positive Thinking Tips for a Better Life

Following positive thinking tips can be a real life changer, not just for you but for others close to you as well. The decision to lead a happier and more positive life is easy to make, but it can be difficult to actually change the way you think and the messages you send out to the world through your words when you are in a bad mood or life is getting your down. However, paying attention to your own thoughts and realizing when they are turning negative is the first step to leading a more positive life.

You simply need to make an effort to focus on your thoughts, your actions, and your words on a regular basis. After awhile, you will find that this process becomes an involuntary habit. Positive thinking tips will tell you that being aware of your own thoughts, actions, and words is among the first steps to changing your life. You need to be aware of these things before you can change your behavior. When you find that you are thinking a negative thought or saying negative statements, you simply change your thoughts and actions in a positive manner.

Initially, you will find that your new positive outlook on life may be met with resistance by those around you. However, over time, your new outlook will have a great effect on those closest to  you. You can change their mood, their thoughts, and their actions in exciting and beneficial ways. Through this contagion of mood, you will find that one day when you are feeling especially down in the dumps, you have several people who are spreading positive thoughts to you and helping you to climb back up without even knowing it. Following positive thinking tips in your life can absolutely change not just your own life for the better but the lives of those around you as well!

Carla Kaplan is a writer and researcher on positive thinking tips. Find insight, inspiration, and tips on how to stay positively motivated at this blog: eof737.wordpress.com

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Top 10 Positive Affirmations to Success in Life

Mind Over Matter. I am sure many of you have heard of this statement before, it is a very powerful statement. In fact, the mind is a very powerful thing, everything happens first on our mind. What the mind can conceive, it can achieve. Perhaps you have often heard of this statement as well.

But, WHY most people tend to think negative instead? Even though we know that positive thinking is a very powerful thing. The reason is because we listen to others. When other people complain, we pay attention. In fact, most people like to hear negative news. Just take a look at the television news these days, bad news spread very fast.

That is why we tend to have negative internal dialogues in our mind. This is bad because negative thinking will keep you from doing the right things or things that will lead you to success.

Negative self-talk can be a roadblock to doing your best, pursuing your dreams, and enjoying life. On the other hand, positive self-talk can spur you on to do great things and live an exciting life full of passion!

A great way to get motivated is to use motivational affirmations. Using affirmations can change how you think about yourself and how you view the world around you. These positive statements can bring you the motivation you seek, as well as happiness, joy, and passion.

The motivational affirmations work because they push away the negative thoughts that are limiting you day in and day out. You can leave your negative thinking in the past if you fill your current thoughts with positive, motivational affirmations.

Here are some of the top motivational affirmations you should develop in your mind and make them become second nature to you:

1. I am a positive thinker and I will always think positive even when I face difficult challenges in my life!

2. I will use positive thinking and positive attitude to carry out my duty in life!

3. No matter what I’m working on right now, I will strive to do my best and achieve the best results!

4. I am confident and I trust my own ability. I can achieve what I want!

5. I am highly motivated to do the best in both my career and personal life!

6. I will never give up! If I fail, I will treat it as a lesson learned. I will learn from my failure and do a better job next time!

7. I am not fearful of problem in life. I will face it and go through it courageously!

8. I am a responsible person. I am responsible for my own actions!

9. I have a purpose in life and I intend to live a purposeful life!

10. I will always look at the bright side of life!

Please note that different people may have different motivational affirmations. You should write your own affirmation statements that are related to your own life experiences. Make sure you write them down and read them out everyday. Before you know it, these motivational and positive affirmations will become your second nature. When this become your second nature, you will feel more confident and positive in whatever you do. Trust me, it works!

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