Tag Archives: Living

Being positive is an art of living!

Many people possess a great deal of ability of speaking and putting forward their thoughts to motivate people. Dynamic personality’s around the world who are great speaker’s have showed the strength of their expression and inspired common people to walk in pursuit of making this world a better place to live.

It is equally essential for a person to think bigger and broader when he or she thinks they can over whelm the public with their motivational quotes when put forward to them, when such feeling exists in the mind it takes not any longer for them to reach great heights of success and thus their achievements they exhibit in their thoughts some or the other way.

As we talk about famous quotes or motivational thoughts, we must understand that any one of us who gets carried away by reading such interesting lines said by someone somewhere, are all based on a true sense of optimism and positive indications.

There are huge ups and downs going on in this world and people a majority of them are filled with dejection, fear always keeps rolling in minds be it money matters, protection of family, a sportsman’s desire to perform in his game and struggle to remain consistent, or difference between views in countries around the world which broke up wars as they still effects generations, these are just few things to name but there are enough number of hard ships human being suffering in and out.

But what does the trick when a sensible approach to generate a feeling full of tolerance and justice comes in the middle in the form of words just makes things to determine positivity among individuals instantly.

Even common man are now given the chance to keep their mentality and show the brilliance of their attitude as they come up with extraordinary thoughts to signify human optimism and excel the joy of being one and respectful to others.

When you sit over the internet and look in to Professor Prosperity the platform it provides, you would certainly take the chance to at least once relax and think whether a burning desire to exhibit your feeling that hold the potential to effect others life can be mentioned here as identified.

Professor Prosperity invites young minds to most experienced and creative individuals who has that ability and likes to take stand and take part to share the common interest of like minding and be aware of others capabilities to express spontaneous and zeal full gestures that can work wonders to bring a positive change as people observes globally. Who knows a captivating thought makes you famous over night?

Mycroft Goody

If you have that real sense of understanding a human mentality and like to react positively through framing of extraordinary words in the form of quotes Professor Prosperity is a sure shot source to learn and share things with interest. Share your thoughts at Professor Prosperity by visiting at: http://www.ProfessorProsperity.com

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Three Fundamentals of Positive Living

Did you hear!?  The sky is falling!  Get out of your chair, on the phone and tell Ducky Lucky!  Time is wasting!  Go tell Foxy Loxy!  Hurry!  Go tell Henny Penny!!  Maybe I am getting this story completely wrong, but that’s what I’ve been hearing on the news.  Haven’t you? Recently, I was discussing leadership strategies with a client (who works as a manager at a dairy) when she said, “Regardless of the economy, the cows gotta be milked.”  Okay, it may not be the depth of Socrates or Plato, but it struck a chord with me on staying positive and focused.  That, no matter what is going on, there are still things that need to get done, goals to be met, and people to impact.  In short, we can’t let the listlessness that comes from being stressed impede our journey because, no matter what, the “cows gotta be milked!” To help you stay “up” when all is down (and the milk flowing), try working on these three fundamentals.

Fundamental #1:  Keep Moving

I have had some difficult journeys that were traversed one step at a time.  Many times, I had no idea (in the beginning) where I was going but, in the end, I got to places I never thought I would.  Why?  Because I kept putting one foot in front of the other and kept moving.  Do you ever feel like there is no point starting on your journey because it may seem pointless or difficult?  If so, don’t wait – get moving and keep moving!  The surest way to get where you need to go is to pick up one foot and then put it in front of the other.  Then, do it again, and again.  Keep repeating that process and, before you know it, you’ll be on your way to getting “there.” You don’t have to get there fast – sure and steady wins the race, every time!

Fundamental #2:  Keep Laughing

Last year, I was a guest lecturer at Northern Illinois University on the power of laughter in our lives and led the group through a few laughter exercises.  The next day, I received an inspiring testimonial from a professor at the college.  After my lecture, a student told him that two years ago she had been diagnosed with cancer and had been battling with depression ever since.  Then, she told him how wonderful it was to laugh again through the laughter exercises – that a few good belly laughs renewed her spirit and gave her a new hope for the future. She is not alone!  Humor and laughter can help any of us make the rapid mental adjustment needed when times are tough and we are down.  Cows gotta be milked but you can’t find the energy?  Take a break and watch a funny movie, call a friend that always makes you smile, or read a funny story – anything to help you laugh so you can make that adjustment.

Fundamental #3:  Be Awesome!

I make a list of things to do every day (a part of “keep moving”) and every day my youngest daughter, Abby, writes “Be Awesome!” on my list of things that must be done. No matter what is happening, when I see that on my list it reminds me that I am awesome!  But I am not alone in my awesomeness!  Each one of us is special, has something to share, and has something to contribute.  Because of this, each one of us is awesome.  We just need to remind ourselves of it.  So, write it on your list of things to do and then do it.  Don’t wait – BE AWESOME NOW!

In the end, all things pass and we can’t stop doing what needs to be done because of how we feel.  There will always be the “Chicken Littles” – running around, creating frenzy, and yelling the “sky is falling!”  We just need to remember to keep moving, keep laughing and, no matter what, be awesome!  You can consider these three fundamentals your own, personal stimulus package to help you get past the sky falling and to keep milking those cows!

Chip Lutz is a professional speaker, trainer, and retired Navy Officer with 22 years leadership experience. He speaks and trains on the power of positive leadership and the infusion of humor in the workplace to increase morale, productivity, and teamwork. He served as Commanding Officer of two separate Navy Facilities and was the Director of Security for Naval District Washington, DC during September 11th, 2001. Additionally, he is adjunct faculty for two colleges where he teaches classes in leadership, teamwork, and organizational behavior. Find our more about his work at http://www.covenantleadership.com or email him at chip@covenantleadership.com to be put on his weekly newsletter distribution.

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Prosperity Based Living Means a Positive Mindset

Prosperity isn’t always about money. Success in life is also based on satisfaction with your entire being. At home, with your work or your family – your ability to feel pure joy begins with having a positive mindset. While it’s not always easy to stay positive in today’s world, it is possible to remain with a gracious attitude for the majority of the time.

There are many things you can do to help foster this attitude, and a few of these are listed below for you to meditate on.

Think and See the Best in Each Situation

It has been said that out of all bad comes good. If you look at your past and think of a situation that you would consider a negative experience, you can probably also pinpoint at least one positive outcome. While we may only see these learning experiences as positive in retrospect, it’s important to consciously look for them when we are feeling down. When things aren’t going your way, it always helps to look at the good in the situation and consider what positive outcomes may come of it.

Be Grateful for What you Have, No Matter How Small

Another well received exercise in positive thinking is making a list of all you are thankful for. Gratitude is huge when it comes to believing that good things will come to you. Once you can recognize all the beautiful things your life has produced, you can look forward to the future with a expectant attitude and positive outlook. Make a list each day of the things you are thankful, no matter how small. Did your coffee stay warm until you drank the last drop? Put that on the list!

Focus on and Visualize the End Result

Success coaches love to stress the importance of visualization, and with good reason. Studies have shown that if a person not only knows their end goal, but can firmly picture it in their mind, that they stand a better chance at reaching it. This holds true for sports athletes, movie stars and politicians. Why shouldn’t it hold true for business owners as well? Prosperity can be yours if you can picture it. Hold the image in your mind and focus on it, and you will get there.

We provide mentoring and guidance to help entrepreneurs improve their business results by learning advanced marketing strategies and success mindset. To learn more about prosperity, visit us right away:

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