Tag Archives: Looking

How to Stay Positive While Looking For a Job

Back in March of this year I joined the millions of people out there looking for a job. If you are also part of the millions of people looking for work then you know that it is brutal out there and keeping your head up is not easy.

For me personally, I had never been laid off from a job before, never applied for unemployment, nor have I ever been unemployed for longer than 3 weeks. Being without a job has made me crazy! I hate not having the money I am used to, I hate having to count on my husband to help me out, and I am a far cry from a housewife. I can tell you first hand that it is really hard sometimes for me to keep it together. With that said, I know I am not alone, so I thought I would share some of the things I tell myself in order to stay positive. Hopefully, they will help some of you in the same boat.


This is the main theme of today’s blog post. I know sometimes it can feel like you are but just turn on the news and you will know it is not just you. When you feel like it is just take a minute to be grateful for what you do have – whatever that may be. Talk to your family and friends, they are your support system. Be thankful that you have them and that there is someone on your side.


Again, just a reminder that you are not alone. There are millions of people looking for work. Some are more qualified than you, some are less, some have college degrees, some don’t. Companies are doing their best to stay afloat just as you are. So when you don’t get that job, don’t take it personal, just keep truckin’ – your time will come.


After sending out hundres of resumes and getting no call back or turned down, it is safe to say that your ego is going to take a hit. Don’t let it get to you. Know who you are and know what you are worth and be confident in that. Remember again that you are not alone and plenty of people feel just like you. Also remember, if you start to doubt yourself it will start to show and that is the last thing you want to show any recruiter. Be confident, you are fabulous and it is only a matter of time before the right position comes along.


This is a lesson I learned from my mother in law. I wish she was here today because she would be proud that I really did listen to her. When I was down in the dumps about anything she would always tell me that nothing is forever. As impatient as I am, I know she is right. Be patient, this is just a temporary set back and with time this too shall pass.


This is a great way to get your feelings out. I am sure there are going to be times that you are not going to want to share everything you are feeling for whatever reason. For me, I have a pride problem. I try not to let people know I am feeling vulnerable. I don’t like people to see me as “weak”. My mother always told me to put up a strong front and cry in private. This does not work for everyone but if you are a more private person then this is definitely the way to go. And once you get a job you can throw it out as a way to symbolically throw away your worries.


I just learned that this can happen! I really like to consider myself some sort of superhero. Don’s ask me why because it really does add a lot of undue pressure. But going on so many interviews and getting turned down so many times can get you thinking that there is something wrong with you. And I am starting to notice that sometimes I am starting to notice that I am becoming just as insecure in other aspects of my life. This is very out of character for me. I am lucky enough to have the greatest husband in the world and the best family and friends I could ever ask for – it is not their fault that this happened to me and if anyone is on my side it is definitely them. Make sure you don’t forget that about your own family and friends and partners or spouses. They are on your team!


Volunteer work is great for 3 reasons; it gets you out of the house, it is very fulfilling and it keeps your skills sharp. Check with your local church or your town hall, check places like YMCA or Boys and Girls Club, go to your local hospital or soup kitchen. I don’t think there is anything more fulfilling then being able to help someone in the simplest of ways. You will be amazed at how good you feel afterward.

I hope this is helpful for everyone. Just writing it has made me feel better. If you have some advice that I may have missed please feel free to drop me a line or comment on this blog – I would love to hear from you!


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