Tag Archives: Maintain

4 Steps to Maintain a Positive Attitude When Unemployed

You just woke up at 11:00 AM for the third straight day… 4 days after you were given the boot for no reason of your own you are still in that unemployment funk. If you want to get out of that cloud, you need to read the following and make the necessary adjustments.

The first thing to realize is that you are not the only person in this predicament. Others, in situations much worse than you, are in the same boat named unemployment. Some of them are facing utility shutoffs, concern about their food bill… even evictions.

So, let’s look at some ways to get that attitude back where it belongs and make your world a happier place. One thing to keep in the forefront of your mind is that nothing lasts forever on this earth. Being an unemployed person will pass.

Going forward follow these simple steps to keep from falling back into a depressing funk:

• Get up early and when you get up, wake up. Daylight is known to help keep a person positive.

• Dress as if you were going out in public. You may just wear ratty jeans and your favorite torn t-shirt around the house but in an effort to keep you from the unemployment funk, dress as though you were having lunch or dinner with a friend.

• Communicate, communicate, communicate. Nothing holds you down more than just internalizing everything going on in your life. Call a friend, chat with old coworkers, make an effort to share a little something with the bagger at the local grocery store.

• Be your Boy Scout best. Do a good deed… better yet, do several. Giving to others will lift your spirits and make a positive impact on your community as well. It’s not all about you and your problems and doing good deeds helps you realize that.

Follow those simple steps and your period of unemployment won’t sting nearly as much and your interaction may very well lead to a job opportunity that will change your economic status.

Will Stone has offered employment tips and company background information for years to those that are looking to improve their lives. Click here to apply for Recession Proof Jobs or to learn more about what Will Stone offers take a look at his Job Information Site. It has always been important for one to be a productive member of society and one way is to have a positive impact as either an employer or employee and Will does all he can to offer aid to those with the same though process.

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How to Create and Maintain a Positive Mindset in the Face of Adversity

There is a powerful message flowing throughout society today that urges us to think positively. At first thought, that might seem like an easy thing to do.

However, with so much of our world in turmoil because of high unemployment, record high foreclosures, and rising health care costs, many people are throwing their hands up, feeling defeated, and finding it impossible to think positively.

During the last several years, millions of people have learned about the law of attraction and are applying it to their lives. The most basic element of the law of attraction is to think positively, focus your attention on what’s positive, and reject anything negative.

If you are like the majority of people, you really do want to be positive. The question in many minds is how do I control my thoughts in the midst of so much adversity?

We have come to understand through the law of attraction that we have the power within us to affect our lives by what we think….and of course we want good things! The situation many find themselves in makes it seem like we are choosing between being positive or facing reality!

How can someone who is faced with losing their home have positive thoughts?

We need to move beyond whether we think we can and address the critical issue, which is that now it is more important than ever to be positive.

For most, it has more to do with not knowing how, rather that not believing it is necessary.

The good news is that there is a method to create and maintain a positive mindset. This method is a combination of several techniques.

The first technique was written to help parents teach their children to create and maintain a positive mindset. It can easily be applied to anyone learning it for the first time.

The second technique is called Ho’oponopono. I first became aware of this as a “clearing technique” used to erase limiting beliefs by Dr. Joe Vitale in his widely acclaimed program, “The Missing Secret”.

These two techniques can be learned at any age and when used together have proven to work without fail.

At first glance this method might seem entirely too simplistic to have any real value. The reality is that it’s much like anything new when we are learning it for the first time.

The steps may be simple; the work comes in the form of self-discipline and repetition.

The first step or technique in this method is to learn to be aware of what you are thinking. Research shows, and experts agree, that we can not control what thoughts come into our minds.

With that being said, we can however, control how we react to the thoughts that enter our minds. Paying attention to your thoughts puts you in the driver’s seat.

When you find yourself having a negative thought, enter into an inner dialogue with yourself and say STOP! We don’t have to accept every thought that seeps into our minds!

Once you have recognized the negative thought and took control by refusing it by using the word STOP, you have now put yourself in a place of power to CHOOSE what you will think next. You have the control.

Children have found it helpful to visualize a stop sign or if their negative thought is accompanied by a visual, they imagine a circle around the negative image with a bold red line through it, similar to road signs.

Once you have gained the control in your mind and are now able to consciously choose your next thought, the second step or technique is to replace the negative thought with a positive thought.

This can be done in two ways. The first is to replace the negative thought with a positive thought that you create that is directly in opposition to the negative thought.

For example:

Negative thought: What if I can’t pay my bills? Positive thought: All my needs are met.

Negative thought: I hate her for hurting my feelings. Positive thought: I forgive her.

The second is to use Ho’oponopono.

Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian method that Dr. Vitale learned about from therapist Dr. Hew Lin. According to Dr. Lin, its purpose is to return us back to a place of love in every moment by accepting 100 % responsibility for creating what is in our life.

Although I highly recommend reading Dr.Vitale’s book, “Zero Limits” to gain a full understanding of Ho’oponopono, based on my experience and research, I have found that using the Ho’oponopono method is effective without a great deal of in-depth understanding.

If you find yourself struggling to find a positive thought to replace the negative thought you have discarded, I suggest implementing the practice of Ho’oponopono by reciting the following:

I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.

These words are said as a replacement for the negative thought. They are not necessarily directed to anyone in particular.

When being used as a replacement for a negative thought, reciting these words works to reset your thoughts back to a positive mindset.

Whether you replace a negative thought with a positive thought that you create or you recite the Ho’oponopono verse, you have obtained your goal of achieving a positive mindset.

As this method is repeated a few times, you will find it becomes automatic and will happen with little or no effort, much like riding a bicycle or driving a car.

The results of being aware of your thoughts, choosing to accept only the positive thoughts, and discarding the negative ones will bring you what the law of attraction promises….more positive.

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