Tag Archives: Master

Master Weight Loss Success – Fat Burning Secrets For a Slim Body

Mastering weight loss is often a very difficult and emotional subject for many people. The simple fact is that it takes effort, and after years of a lifestyle of poor food choices and not enough exercise, weight loss becomes even more difficult. To even think about exercising or cutting back on comfort food can create fear and apprehension.

For many overweight people, exercising, even gently can create pain and fatigue fairly quickly and therefore it is extremely difficult to get over that very first hurdle but the truth is it has to be done. Our bodies are designed to move; we should be able to walk, run and play with ease. Even if disease or disability has affected our bodies, movement in any way possible can only bring great benefits, not only to our physique but to our minds as well.

I think it would be difficult to find one person on this wonderful Earth who doesn’t have certain obstacles that they have to face. The majority of human beings don’t like change; we like certainty. We all have our comfort zones and a requirement to step outside of them causes stressful emotions within the body and mind. But the wonderful thing is that stepping outside of our comfort zone means stepping into fresh air! It is never as frightening as it seems and can be quite exhilarating, bringing a sense of freedom and achievement. Successful people are those who don’t just talk about doing something, they do it, and they continue to do it and when another challenge comes along, they do that as well.

Beginning a weight loss program should always start with setting specific goals. It is never enough to say “I want to lose weight”. Spend some time dreaming about the ideal body you would like to have and write it down, taking note of how you feel, how easily you walk, the clothes you wear, the admiration you receive and the powerful messages you can hand on to others. Take the time to write your ideal weight loss three months from now, then six and then twelve and then your ultimate goal – how long will that take?

Get the excitement ripping through your body. Get rid of the excuses; if you have time to watch tv, you have time to get moving. If you need to, get a treadmill and stick it in front of the tv and make sure you use it – just ditch the excuses once and for all. Once you are on your way to achieving your goals, you will find that you love moving more. Your energy levels increase and you get a buzz when you achieve each new goal. 

My life changed when I finally gave up my excuses. It took me more than 20 years to realise that the ‘quick fixes’ I had been falling prey too were not working for me – how dumb was I to believe that I could take magic pills and follow mad diets to watch the fat melt away?

The day my life changed was when I discovered a no-nonsense, no bs approach which has radically changed the way I approach all aspects of my health. I started with my mind before I started with my body. I discovered that my body type was largely (pun intended) endomorph and that I needed to put in more cardio than some types to get the fat moving.  A little bit of weight training helps to stop my weight loss being due to losing lean body mass.  My quick fixes still weren’t working after 20+ years, and the slower approach which encourages your body to increase lean body mass (which in turn increases metabolism) and lose only fat is what is working for me – what a revelation! With a little effort, a slim body is yours as well. 

And if there is still a bit of you that loves the quick and easy approach – visit my site to find out how to access the plan instantly http://lifeweightprogram.com

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Master your mindset for work

It’s true what they say – it’s all in your mind. Just as a drop of water has a ripple effect, your mindset affects everything you do, particularly in your working environment. Whether you are an individual, a leader or part of a team, success at work is directly related to your state of mind.

Mindset refers to your pattern of thinking, and numerous studies confirm that our pattern of thinking directly drives the quality of our actions. Have you ever noticed that you are much more productive if you are in a good mood, or thinking positively? Part of setting the right mindset at work is identifying what your mindset is, and understanding how changing that mindset can wield greater results and success at work.

What does mindset affect? Mastering your mindset at work is essential because it affects your motivation, self-belief, coping capabilities and focus. Motivation refers to your drive to achieve your goals. Closely related to this is self-belief, because believing you can do something or doubting yourself will have a direct effect on the outcome. Your mindset is also crucial to your ability to cope with difficult situations or stress at work, because your thought pattern influences how you are able to handle and deal with any unexpected situations. Not every day at work is going to be stimulating and exciting, so your mindset is also crucial to your focus and productivity.

Changing your mindset. It is possible to change your mindset, because it is possible to change your thought pattern. The first step to achieving your desired mindset is to recognise what your thought patterns are and make a conscious decision to change them. For example, if you regularly begin your day feeling unmotivated and unhappy to be at work, then remind yourself of the things you like about your job, what you would like to achieve and then make a concerted effort to be upbeat and cheerful in your day to day interactions.

If your self-belief is lacking, then remind yourself of times in your life when you have had success to assure yourself of your capability. These are just some of the tools that are available to change your thought patterns.

Mindset affects your behaviour, and your behaviour directly affects the results you get or the success you have within your workplace. Taking the time, therefore, to consider your mindset at work is important. Business coaching should not solely be about results in the workplace, but should focus on ensuring employees have the right thought patterns.

Don’t doubt the power of your thoughts – or the power of positive thinking. It is possible to change your mindset and improve your motivation, self-belief, coping ability and focus.

Help your employees with the power of positive thinkinghttp://www.rogensi.com/Our-Services/Training—Professional-Development—Tailored-Solutions.aspx at work by teaching them the tools to do so through short mindset training courses. For more information, visit www.rogensi.com.

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