Tag Archives: Millionaire

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind To Succeed In Your Internet Income Opportunity

Have you ever thought about the secrets of the millionaire mind? It is true that all of us sometimes wonder what is going on in the mind of the people who have a lot of money. If you were right in front of a person who has achieved success, they can honestly tell you that you cannot be aware how much effort they have put into being able to get in the position as you see them today. If you want to figure out ways to achieve success in your Internet income opportunity, this article will reveal to you one of the most common secrets of the millionaire mind and take and use to your advantage.


One of the key things to actually make sure you do is that you make a schedule of the daily things that you must do in order to get the results you want in your business. For example if you do three things to promote your business and you know that they are effective method only and you’re going to have to make a schedule to see how much time you want to dedicate to each of those methods.


The importance of making a schedule is going to be reveal to you as you continue to do it on a daily basis consistently. When you have to work at seven in the morning you’re going to do it because you have to. When you have your Internet income opportunity and you have to get started promoting it at seven in the morning you might not do it because you don’t have to because there’s no boss to tell you what to do.


But the truth is that if you want to be successful you have to understand that you must dedicate the time necessary to your business on a daily basis. Just because you are your own boss does not mean that you can use not do anything unless you want no results in your business because that’s a different story.


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Millionaire Mindset Success Tip #1

My guess is that most people reading this message are not holding themselves accountable enough for their actions. It’s a cold-hard fact that most people who fail in our profession think they gave it their all, or think they did everything they could have done, or blame their upline for not ‘helping’ them enough. Some go as far as writing negative articles and blog posts about their company or upline and blame them for their failure, blame the industry, and tag it as a ‘scam.’ As Jim Carey says in the movie ‘Dumb and Dumber,’ ‘Loo-hoo, ser-her.’ Loser!

‘…try to mask it as best as possible with their excuses…’

That said, deep down, that person knows, for sure, THEY were the one true culprit for their failure. They try to mask it as best as possible with their excuses, but they will continue to lead a miserable life blaming others for their lack of money, their lack of success, their lack of health, lack of meaningful relationships, etc. It’s a sad fact. So, in order for us not to fit into that category, we must take responsibility for our own Personal Accountability.

‘…pay the price!’

There are uber-successful people in our profession who accomplished great success without an upline. It’s all about who wants it badly enough and who is willing to pay the price! Yes, we can have accountability partners, however, today’s lesson is about holding yourself accountable for moving forward. Taking a step towards success. Not waiting for someone to hold your hand.
No one held mine, nor is anyone holding it now. I just want it badly enough!

‘…the three areas of personal accountability…’

There are three areas of personal accountability:

1. Your actions and choices – YOUR choices are your own and are not dictated by your spouse, upline, parents, etc. They are
YOURS! Your choices decide your actions. YOUR actions.

2. Your responsibilities – Your responsibilities are the ACTIONS needed to build your business…i.e. phone calls, emails, being on time, spending less than you earn, writing your to-do list the night before, etc.

3. Your goals – Have you written down your professional goals, fitness and health goals, financial goals, family objectives, etc.?
No? Well, get on it, because those with hand-written goals have an 80% chance of achieving them over those who keep them in
their head.

This is one of the hardest things to overcome if you haven’t held yourself accountable in the past. Realizing that YOU hold the key to your success. You have EVERYTHING in you that you need to succeed. It’s stepping over those barriers that are so deep set in you that you don’t even recognize them!

Self development will be the key in helping those struggling with accountability. Reading self-improvement books will be the greatest catalyst in propelling you forward in increasing your accountability, thus increasing your levels of success.

Without self-development, entrepreneurs get ‘stuck in their own heads.’ The allow the mind to interfere with their dreams, with their aspirations, with their activity. We as humans are bread to self-sabotage. It’s with the influence of positive, motivational books and CD’s that we are able to see through the muddy waters that are our minds, and see a vision of success and accomplishment.

This vision is the very thing that gives us our millionaire mindsets. That allows us to set goals and be accountable for our actions. These actions then compound over time to equal our successes.

It’s an amazing journey. One with ups and downs, but one that has an amazing ending. Our growth comes within the journey. The ability to make it through each hurdle as it’s presented. As we look back at a hurdle we’ve overcome, we see those who weren’t willing to jump the hurdle but stopped right before it. We are now stronger. We have more confidence in ourselves. When we look ahead, we see those who are running towards the next hurdle, only to look side to side to see those slowing down and stopping before the next hurdle. What will we do? Do we slow down too, or speed up to make it over the next hurdle?

With every chapter we read in a self-development book, with every hurdle we jump over, we are slowly chipping away at our emotional barriers that have held us back for years. We continue to build our millionaire mindset and that’s when success starts to flood in. That’s when we become the millionaire and have people aspire to be like us!

This is YOUR life. Take control. Be responsible for it!

Vidette Vanderweide is a network marketing professional and the author of the Millionaire Mindset Success Tip #1. She coaches network marketers to utilize cutting edge online marketing strategies in order to attract quality prospects to their MLM business.

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The Secrets of a Millionaire Mind

Each and every millionaire in the world has their own little secret on how to get rich fast and easy. They all know how to do it, and how it needs to be done. But they never share their secrets with anyone or let them in for a sneak peak on what their get rich fast scheme might be. Well now, that I’ve done some research, I can tell you that not every get rich fast plan becomes successful.

Every millionaire in this world knows, that he/she has worked very hard to get to the peak of their financial income. There’s always inventing a brand new product in technology break through and selling it to the world. But not many entrepreneurs or business men have been successful when inventing and coming up with new ideas.

So there’s that little secret in every millionaire mind, how to get rich. Most people believe that if you got a good education and a great job that becoming rich is easy. That’s not the case at all, no millionaire goes into a job thinking that he/she is going go get mega rich from it. There’s always doubts that you put into the job and what your doing. Those doubts need to go away, you cannot be doubting yourself when working to achieve a high set standard goal. You need to be confident, and you need to fight for what you think is what you deserve.

If you want to start making money like all these high classed people, i recommend starting out small and working your way to the top. Each millionaire has started out with no or a very small amount of money in their pocket. They took what they had and turned into something big, that’s what you should be concentrating on. What are your strengths and what are your weaknesses, this knowledge comes in handy. You want to be doing something that you’re good at, not a profession that you have no knowledge in.

So when your asking yourself why you’re not making the money you should be, or what those scheming millionaires are hiding in the back of your head. Just tell yourself, their working hard to get their living, their not sitting back watching TV or surfing the net, their out there selling their investments.

Find out how to develop your own millionaire mind and discover how you can quickly begin to think like a millionaire.

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Secrets of the Millionaire Mind – A Review

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is a book that will answer that question you’ve asked yourself a million times – what is it that millionaires do that make them millionaires and how can I do whatever it is that they do? Before we begin the review of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, here are a few words about the author T. Harv Eker.
T. Harv Eker is a motivational speaker and a traveling lecturer. A man of principle – he has a few principles that he swears by and never compromises on and actually has them printed on illustrated cards. He runs a mobile business school called Peak Potentials Training. His best known work is the book in discussion – Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. T. Harv Eker focuses a lot on the “change of mindset” factor and is clear about it in his book where he says rich people think differently than poor people. It is evident that this philosophy is firmly engrained in Mr. Eker’s mind because the “T” in his name actually stands for “The” because he considers himself unique. It is this kind of self-confidence and positive thinking that has led “The” Harv Eker to become a successful finance coach and when the man speaks, people listen because obviously his principles have worked out for him.
Now, the book. If you sincerely read every page of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, it will really transform your outlook and way of thinking and that is exactly what T. Harv Eker wants you to achieve. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind won’t tell you which stocks to invest in or what business ventures have a high probability of profit. This book is all about getting the right mindset. Eker argues that it’s negative thoughts and lack of confidence that essentially ‘programs’ people to remain at a certain financial stage, not necessarily a good one, and remain stagnant there. If you want to be a millionaire, think and act like one and you’ll get there.
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is liberally peppered with very quotable quotes that are firmly rooted in practicality and rather than just read and forget if you seriously act on them, then you’ll really see how easy it is to get out of a current financial predicament. One quote in particular appealed to me very much and I’m seriously considering making a plaque out of it to hang on a wall! It goes, “You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”

P.S. Find out more effective wealth creation strategies like these that will help you become rich and create real wealth for life – sign up NOW for more insider Secrets of the Millionaire Mind at Millionaire Mindset Secrets for FREE. You’ll discover more about personal and business success secrets, wealth building and tips from the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind at MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com for FREE.
P.P.S. Make sure to grab a copy of the free “The 7 Secrets of Wealth Creation” e-book. Just go to MillioniareMindsetSecrets.com

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Become a Millionaire by Developing a Millionaire Mindset

Aside from those who are born with inherited riches, successful individuals did dream and strive hard to achieve their present status in life. To become a millionaire is a dream everyone kept nourishing in the deepest recesses of their heart. Nevertheless, how to become a millionaire is another matter that is not so easy to accomplish. It is not enough that you dream of it and try to devise ways. A millionaire mindset does not just focus on the dream itself but on how to create wealth effectively. Creating wealth can be done in numerous ways, however; it will succeed only if you have the motivation integrated with a positive outlook in life.

There is no way you can become a millionaire in a day or in so short a time. Everything that is big can only be achieved through constant accumulation. This applies to any attempts of becoming a millionaire. Online or offline, there are various opportunities anyone can adopt to answer the quest on how to become a millionaire. As long as you exercise the millionaire mindset, it is not impossible to create wealth regardless of your age. So many young individuals online were able to achieve their dreams of having millions right before their retirement. While the mind is still capable of pushing the body to work harder, there is always the opportunity waiting to be grabbed.

Developing the millionaire mindset is very important to become a millionaire. Once your mind is set, the rest of your being follows suit. A millionaire is not motivated by money but by its desire. A desire born from a positive attitude in life shapes your mentality as well as you emotions and health. This attitude will always produce a pleasant and successful relationship with people and business acquaintance. Instead of questioning how to become a millionaire, you end up growing millions in the process. Your mindset on becoming a millionaire leads you through the many ways on how to create wealth.

You can stop dreaming to become a millionaire instead start processing your attitude to become one. Stop following the various opinions and views on how to become a millionaire because their process might be on some level helpful, but not altogether. Certain process applies to distinct people, however; it does not mean that their path is your path as well. Develop your own millionaire mindset and from there create wealth. Always be happy, appreciate your own, and never compare yourself with others through the number of their achievements. You are a unique individual with your own talents and skills.

Simply work on developing a positing mindset and you will end up a happy and successful individual. You become a millionaire once you discover within yourself the attitude that gives you the drive on how to become a millionaire. It is only a matter of loving yourself, accepting your faults, correcting your mistakes, acting responsively, optimism, loving your work, and above all loving yourself. Appreciate even your smallest success for therein lies the beginning of the greater achievements. Only by having a millionaire mindset will you be able to create wealth.

To read more about become wealthy the smart way over time and obtain a Millionaire Mindset, just visit Become a Millionaire

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[Full Complete Audio-Book] Secrets of The Millionaire Mind – Section 1



Secrets of the Millionaire Mind reveals the missing link between wanting success and achieving it!

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get rich easily, while others are destined for a life of financial struggle? Is the difference found in their education, intelligence, skills, timing, work habits, contacts, luck, or their choice of jobs, businesses, or investments?

The shocking answer is: None of the above!

In his groundbreaking Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Eker states: “Give me five minutes, and I can predict your financial future for the rest of your life!” Eker does this by identifying your “money and success blueprint.” We all have a personal money blueprint ingrained in our subconscious minds, and it is this blueprint, more than anything, that will determine our financial lives. You can know everything about marketing, sales, negotiations, stocks, real estate, and the world of finance, but if your money blueprint is not set for a high level of success, you will never have a lot of money—and if somehow you do, you will most likely lose it! The good news is that now you can actually reset your money blueprint to create natural and automatic success.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is two books in one. Part I explains how your money blueprint works. Through Eker’s rare combination of street smarts, humor, and heart, you will learn how your childhood influences have shaped your financial destiny. You will also learn how to identify your own money blueprint and “revise” it to not only create success but, more important, to keep and continually grow it.

In Part II you will be introduced to seventeen “Wealth Files,” which describe exactly how rich people think and act differently than most poor and middle-class people. Each Wealth File includes action steps for you to practice in the real world in order to dramatically increase your income and accumulate wealth.

If you are not doing as well financially as you would like, you will have to change your money blueprint. Unfortunately your current money blueprint will tend to stay with you for the rest of your life, unless you identify and revise it, and that’s exactly what you will do with the help of this extraordinary book. According to T. Harv Eker, it’s simple. If you think like rich people think and do what rich people do, chances are you’ll get rich too!

Sleep Hypnosis ~ Your Garden of Positive Affirmations

Download this track: https://michael-sealey.dpdcart.com/cart/add?product_id=99978&method_id=105136
My iTunes tracks: https://itunes.apple.com/au/album/hypnosis-for-improving-subconscious/id921827369

Subscribe for more hypnosis: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=MichaelSealey

Sleep Hypnosis Ultimate Special Collection 5 x MP3s:

Popular Playlists:
7 Day Self Hypnosis Personal Transformation Challenge: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP_G2Tu_XPdT3I7M_My4HEI2
Sleep Hypnosis: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP_Po7RGMHFJ4kNbavmHhYhJ
Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP8M3iWPQtEl9fOZfvLOjxnK
Hypnosis for Anxiety: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP8mmOMo4zFsk7JeSxdEeZbt


This is a guided hypnosis and hypnotherapy session for deep, relaxing sleep whilst your subconscious mind absorbs a series of positive affirmations for mind, body and spirit.

Hypnosis is a safe and natural state of focused awareness and deeply pleasant relaxation, which can enable an experiential communication between your conscious and subconscious (or unconscious) mind. A higher level of personal congruency can be realised when we are able to listen to our deeper truth. You may find the answers to many ongoing personal problems and issues, if you simply take the time to ask your inner self for a new direction.

This session is suitable for repeated listening. The end of this track will not wake you, as you will be guided with positive suggestions into a deeply relaxing, bedtime sleep.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery.

This recording is in no way a replacement for any prescribed medication; nor is it intended to contraindicate or supersede any medically diagnosed conditions.

All hypnosis is self hypnosis. The power for positive change resides within your own mind. If you choose to accept the suggestions presented in this session, you can rest comfortably knowing that you are the one safely in control of your own positive results.

This channel uses positive voice suggestions, often accompanied with calm images, background sounds and meditation music, to allow you your very best state of relaxation, inner change, to remove negative blocks, and to create self guided healing therapy; with techniques from the fields of hypnotherapy, modern psychotherapy, trance work, guided relaxation, NLP, cognitive behavioural psychology, mindfulness meditation, and ASMR.

Peace & Enjoy

P.S. Please LINK & SHARE this video with those who you think might benefit from positive hypnosis and guided meditation. Thank you.


5 Hypnosis Sessions Collection MP3s:

*New* ~ Sleep Hypnosis Ultimate Special Collection 5 x MP3s

More positive Playlists & Video Sessions for your consideration:

General Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP_I3ALG2Zl_LcR53um6zSyu
All Guided Meditations: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP8Co6HAHWqYCrE5xQyA1u62
Hypnosis for Bedtime Sleep & Insomnia: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP_Po7RGMHFJ4kNbavmHhYhJ
Subconscious Confidence, Motivation, Self Esteem & Success: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP8PUMtzlu4P6br5Rzb2hx79
Guided Self Healing & Positive Energy: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP8Cwlg0Frc7NiFHPl9B50YV
Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP8M3iWPQtEl9fOZfvLOjxnK
Astral Travel & Astral Projection: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP97AatRUEsk99H3TJAj7QbL
Hypnosis for Brain Power & Improved Self Mind Control: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP8zNHZiQ6z_Ymtqy1HO1ka-
Hypnosis with Binaural Beats & Brainwaves Music: ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI5yDfkv4a4
Hypnosis for Higher Self & Spirit Guide: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP_TulTkpff6oRzJiRhbz2L1
Hypnosis for ASMR: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP-QH1sXBEnG7LT06yjLFfcS

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