Tag Archives: Mind

Power of Your Mind

Matter of Perception

Some people don’t believe something unless they see it with their own eyes. Would it be a tragedy to say that what the eyes see is more reliable than the power of words? After work, waiting is an empty house… what does a person sees in the empty house? If this question gets to be answered, surely, each person will come up with the different opinions, views and interpretations.

If a person sees something important, he will not bother to ask for an explanation, he will simply believe. The probable explanation for that is that when a person sees something, within seconds, it is already processed in the mind than listening to a person describing something which the listener should bother to absorb, concentrate and imagine first before entertaining it as solid information in his mind. But it is not the instant belief of a person when he sees something that is vital, it is the perception. Perception is the power of your mind. Everything in this world is a matter of your own perception.

Perception is something kindled to people since childhood until they are old enough to act and think of their own. The power of your mind is its ability to interpret something based on own previous experiences and influences. Though there are other extrinsic factors in which perception is developed in a person such as family, friends and community, it is still himself who decides what to believe. Thus, perception always helps with the decision making of a person. When a person sees something, he molds it into his own perception, believing and willing it to be good or bad for him until a decision is made up. He would categorize it in his mind.

The perception also builds a person’s personality. Since perception helps with the decision making of a person, it also affects the way a person acts upon this perception especially after categorizing it in his mind. So if a person perceives that this something, say cigarette, will be bad for him, he will avoid it at all costs. This perception affecting the behavior would be an advantage to humankind. But what if this perception is different from what the norms usually think? It does not follow certain rules that were made and invented. Is it disadvantageous to that person with a very different perspective? Again, the answer to that question depends on one’s perception.

In the long run, it would be very hard to convince somebody to change his mind when his mind is already made up. The only flaw in making up your mind is to look at something in the wrong perspective. No one can define what wrong perspective is. It’s just a matter of how a person deals with situations that people can tell if he is right and wrong depending on one’s norm. But it’s all just a matter of perception. The thing is, if you think you’re right and you want to prove everybody wrong, you can use the power of your mind to prove them wrong. Perceptions could be easily altered with best persuasions and proofs especially if the person believes in what he sees.

Ready to unlock the secrets about The Power of the mind to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at http://www.secretofmindpower.com

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Positive Thinking – The Power of the Human Mind

The power of the human mind has been regarded as one of the most powerful in our universe. Just like what most people say, it’s always mind over matter. Just think and it will happen – think positive and everything will be alright. It’s the same as waking up at the wrong side of the bed, and the whole day follows along with it – you being irritated, angry, tired and every negative feeling or situation. But by waking up at the right side of the bed, you end up being productive in work, feeling good about yourself…and everything else. Being optimistic may prove to be very beneficial in our day-to-day lives. It’s thinking that it will be like this and it will be – the Law of Attraction. But this power can also be destructive for us. But exactly how can this be possible? It’s the moment when you become pessimistic.

The Law of Attraction has had many followers and critics over the past years. But what is it? It’s simply saying that you should know what you want, think about it, ask for it, and eventually you will get it. Its roots say that it was from Quantum Physics, and has been popularized by a film in 2006 “The Secret” which was then made into a book. When you think about it for a second, it’s actually making the power of the human mind work its wonders. The Law of Attraction is the power that we all have in our minds – something that we have been using for our whole lives. Have you ever stopped and thought that, “Yeah, it’s a lucky day for me,” and all the things that had happened to you that day were indeed a stroke of luck? Maybe it is, but it’s actually you who put yourself into it. You thought of it – you activated the whole universe to support you into making it a reality. It’s the same when you were wearing that new pair of white pants and some guy splashed coffee on you – and the list goes on that seemingly unlucky day. Why did it happen? Because you started to think that, “oh damn, I guess it isn’t my day today.”

A number of people have adapted this Law of Attraction by putting it into different schools of thoughts & books and areas of studies, such as Napeleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” and even in Theosophy, but all of them come to one point: positive thinking. Though it also received a number of critiques across the world saying that if you just need to know what you want, visualize it et al, then why are there still poverty and suffering in the world? Maybe because, for example, those people who are stuck in poverty had always thought that they will be poor forever – they do not exert any effort. They do not even think that it will be good in the future – they use the power of the human mind in a different way – in an awful way into thinking that there is nothing for them in the future. But you have your choice as you read this – and it would be a great way to now stop, think and visualize of the positive things, for your good and the goodness of the whole society.

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Human Mind to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at http://www.secretofmindpower.com

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Quantum Mind Power

Mind Matter, Mind Power

If there is one thing more complex than the concept of love, it is the human mind. It is therefore, more complicated than any other parts of a human being. People in all kinds of profession tend to get interested in studying and understanding the brain. People somehow believe that scientifically, they can explain fully the workings of one’s mind. Though people memorize parts of the brain and its function, there is always something to think about like how exactly does a psychotic mind works and there is always something new in the brain. Does the mind of a killer normal? Does it think that way because of its past experiences and perceptions?

People could not fully and truly understand everything there is to know in a brain. But there is a program made called quantum mind power. It is made for people to understand and control over mind setting. Since people studied mind matter thoroughly, people are now searching for its right keys, right control for its extensive power.

Quantum mind power has something to do with unlocking the mind power of a person. It seems that the mind is not that powerful and large enough. It also seems that mind matter is not complicated enough, people find ways to empower it still. The exploration of the brain could mean a new discovery giving way to achieving mind power. The process is surprisingly as old as a time exercise, meditation. Also, the quantum mind power has something to do with the wavelengths of our brain; it somehow changes its programming, hence, its ways and navigations. These changes that could be processed in the brain are focused in people’s internal being. The internal being is all about the personality, aura, confidence, attitude and lifestyle.

If this could be proven to be effective to all kinds of brains, since brain is very complex, then, people can capture exactly what kind of mood they want in this moment. This has something to do with uplifting one being to avoid breaking down to a stress or depression. Mind matter could be a lot of things so sometimes it should be diverted to something light. The light would be normality and stability. This means balancing the gravity of one’s physical and emotional needs.

Since people are aware that the condition of the mind affects the drive, motivations and goals of a being, it is only fitting to find ways in improving one’s brain activity whether it be praying, imagining or meditating. It is also right to find ways to make it keener as people grow old. So if people are satisfied in having a healthy brain, then goes harmony with body and positive outlook in life. Surely, with clear mind, people will have their goal straight.

Also, there are people who find it hard to have peace of mind. And all people are afraid of losing sanity. If the quantum mind power will make life a better place for one’s life and if it really does improve one’s lifestyle, then it must be the cleaner of people’s brains.

Ready to unlock the secrets about The Power of the mind to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at http://www.secretofmindpower.com

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Powers of Mind

Brain at the Top of the World

Algebra, Great Pyramid, paintings, big bang theory and the nuclear weapons… In the modern world, it seems that everything a person needed to know is already discovered, being said, created, built, repeated, written, rewritten and proved all over again. These discoveries made the life of modern people convenient, easy and comfortable. It is hard to think of what might still be discovered, scary even. Certainly, all these creations aside from the earth itself, which were still being debated over, are produced through the powers of mind that came from human beings.

It is weird, living in all this crazy stuff such as technology; people still know how to get worried. They still know what happened during the Ice Age and that people still strives for more comfort, where in fact, the only thing that people should be worried about now is survival. How can a person enjoy all the benefits the world can give if he’s already dead? So one of the great things about being a rational being is that having the chance to think of how to best survive and enjoy living. The powers of mind made it possible for humans to survive. And in surviving, people understand other living things and the world. It is surely not a coincidence that wherever humans come from, brain is on top of the head and body. And if there is God, then humans are the real care takers of this world.

Aristotle, Newton, Gandhi etc… Anyone can name people who had contributed to make this world a better place. All of them made an impact but some of them died because of that impact they gave the world. Some invented something for this betterment and some people used it for ghastly goals for the world. No matter what happened to these special people who had served as care takers of the world or just simply bored out of their scientific or high average IQ mind that they discovered that the world is not flat, they are the ones who had proved the true powers of mind. It seems that nothing is impossible except for superman.

Even though aliens, superheroes and extraordinary powers do not truly exist, people should not exploit (in an abusive way) the brain. The powers of mind rely on its capacity and the way a person develops and enhances it. Therefore, even the brain is at top of everything else, the body should also be given a special care for mind to work properly. People don’t need to prove that they are the highest form in animal kingdom. People don’t need to kill themselves to prove that they have, indeed, an intellectual mind. People don’t need to prove that they are rational beings. It is already proven. The only thing that people should be worried about is survival and everything that comes with it. It will not kill people to follow certain dietary tips, exercises, drink lots of water and to sleep enough. Sometimes, when everything gets too tiring because there’s just too much in this world, people, which has its sanity intact, should love their mind and body.

Ready to unlock the secrets about The Power of the mind to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at http://www.secretofmindpower.com

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Power of Your Mind

Some people experience dilemma, wooziness and feeling that they might faint and vomit any minute. There are a lot of reasons, really. But what are the consequences? Some people are so drunk they wanted to sleep but can’t or have fallen into half asleep but still aware of the sounds and breathing even the slightest movement of the cat. Some people are just bone-tired that there is a battle between consciousness and unconsciousness. Yes, the consequence is a continuous battle of the conscious and the unconscious mind.

The battle between the two minds is where the power of your subconscious mind begins. People could say that if there is a real war between the minds, subconscious is in the middle of the war intercepting or maybe, maybe, as a peacemaker. Subconscious mind is a topic that is unclear to most people. Also, it was not explained in a scientific way. The best way to explain subconscious is that it creates a conflict between conscious and unconscious but it also bridge that conflict. There is no telling if one can control the subconscious mind or if which mind it contradicts. Is it in favor of the reality or the dreams? More importantly, does it really exist?

If it could be proven in psychological or scientific way then it is safe to declare peace between conscious and unconscious minds. The power of your subconscious mind might something to do with seeking answers for both minds. If the two contradicts and in conflict then subconscious resurface thoughts that were clouded by both minds. It is possible that information obtained by people is somewhat lost its way. The subconscious acts as mediator of this information.

Also, conscious mind has overloaded information that it tends to fall its way to subconscious. That way, subconscious helps the conscious mind to distill the right information needed at the moment. Call it whatever you want. You may not control the subconscious but is always up to something.

In other sense, subconscious might be the one helping the unconscious mind to be more real. The power of your subconscious mind might be that it emerges denied by conscious mind like urges, habits and instincts. One could say that subconscious is people’s irrational part of the mind. Or it is the devil in disguise while it contradicts the conscious mind into doing something they don’t or deciding best not better. Have you ever had a time in your life when you said, “something tells me…” It might be for the good or for the bad, but at least there is a guide. Because of these conflicts, people see two narrow ways, left and right, which would the mind choose? There are choices. It is better to have choices than look at a one way road thinking that it will all be the same in the end with no choices at hand.

So maybe, maybe, subconscious is a giver of choices whether it could be explained psychologically and scientifically. People don’t have to rely on it exactly.

Ready to unlock the secrets about The Power of the mind to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at http://www.secretofmindpower.com

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Secrets of the Millionaire Mind To Succeed In Your Internet Income Opportunity

Have you ever thought about the secrets of the millionaire mind? It is true that all of us sometimes wonder what is going on in the mind of the people who have a lot of money. If you were right in front of a person who has achieved success, they can honestly tell you that you cannot be aware how much effort they have put into being able to get in the position as you see them today. If you want to figure out ways to achieve success in your Internet income opportunity, this article will reveal to you one of the most common secrets of the millionaire mind and take and use to your advantage.


One of the key things to actually make sure you do is that you make a schedule of the daily things that you must do in order to get the results you want in your business. For example if you do three things to promote your business and you know that they are effective method only and you’re going to have to make a schedule to see how much time you want to dedicate to each of those methods.


The importance of making a schedule is going to be reveal to you as you continue to do it on a daily basis consistently. When you have to work at seven in the morning you’re going to do it because you have to. When you have your Internet income opportunity and you have to get started promoting it at seven in the morning you might not do it because you don’t have to because there’s no boss to tell you what to do.


But the truth is that if you want to be successful you have to understand that you must dedicate the time necessary to your business on a daily basis. Just because you are your own boss does not mean that you can use not do anything unless you want no results in your business because that’s a different story.


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Mind Tricks to Get Your Ex Back – 6 Ultimate Mind Tricks You Can’t Afford to Miss

Most people will say that they do not believe in magic, but sometimes it may seem that magic is the only thing that will help bring your ex back to you. If you are tired of waiting for your ex to open his or her eyes and want them back in your life pronto you may want to read the following six mind tricks to get your ex back. The beauty of these six tricks is that if you execute correctly your ex will come back to you without exposing your role at all!

Thus, you save face from begging for them and get them back in your life which is truly the best reward. However, before this can happen you have to read the six mind tricks!

Leave them alone-

While it is tempting to try and stay friends with your ex since you still want them in your life, this one move can be poison. If you give them all your perks as a friend they will have no need for a relationship with you, so give them some time to miss you!

Leave trash talk at home-

Another tempting thing to do is trash talk your ex to anyone who will listen. However, things have a way of getting through the grapevine back to your ex and you want every thought to be positive. So if you have nothing to say that is nice, keep your mouth shut!

Leave your broken heart behind in public-

Someone who is an emotional mess is not attractive, especially not to their ex. Thus, even if you do not feel like being composed, make an effort while in public. Your ex will be surprised to learn you are not hurting and wonder why they were not worth enough to hurt you. This will send them back in your direction for an answer which is right where you want them!

Start Flirting-

You probably already know this, but jealousy is a miracle worker. Show them that you have other choices and they will begin to get antsy watching others make their move. Before long they will realize that they could lose you for good which will send them back in your direction as well!

Start dressing up-

When you are in a relationship it is ok to get lax with your clothing options, but when you are trying to rebuild one this is a mistake. You would not show up for a first date in sweats with no makeup, so why would you actively pursue your ex in this condition and expect it to work?

Start being patient!-

While it would be nice if your ex came back to you in a day, chances are this will not happen. It will take some waiting, but if you are patient and do not try to rush through these steps expecting instant gratification you will get your ex back with little begging on your part.

Now Listen Carefully-

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The Secrets of a Millionaire Mind

Each and every millionaire in the world has their own little secret on how to get rich fast and easy. They all know how to do it, and how it needs to be done. But they never share their secrets with anyone or let them in for a sneak peak on what their get rich fast scheme might be. Well now, that I’ve done some research, I can tell you that not every get rich fast plan becomes successful.

Every millionaire in this world knows, that he/she has worked very hard to get to the peak of their financial income. There’s always inventing a brand new product in technology break through and selling it to the world. But not many entrepreneurs or business men have been successful when inventing and coming up with new ideas.

So there’s that little secret in every millionaire mind, how to get rich. Most people believe that if you got a good education and a great job that becoming rich is easy. That’s not the case at all, no millionaire goes into a job thinking that he/she is going go get mega rich from it. There’s always doubts that you put into the job and what your doing. Those doubts need to go away, you cannot be doubting yourself when working to achieve a high set standard goal. You need to be confident, and you need to fight for what you think is what you deserve.

If you want to start making money like all these high classed people, i recommend starting out small and working your way to the top. Each millionaire has started out with no or a very small amount of money in their pocket. They took what they had and turned into something big, that’s what you should be concentrating on. What are your strengths and what are your weaknesses, this knowledge comes in handy. You want to be doing something that you’re good at, not a profession that you have no knowledge in.

So when your asking yourself why you’re not making the money you should be, or what those scheming millionaires are hiding in the back of your head. Just tell yourself, their working hard to get their living, their not sitting back watching TV or surfing the net, their out there selling their investments.

Find out how to develop your own millionaire mind and discover how you can quickly begin to think like a millionaire.

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Secrets of the Millionaire Mind – A Review

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is a book that will answer that question you’ve asked yourself a million times – what is it that millionaires do that make them millionaires and how can I do whatever it is that they do? Before we begin the review of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, here are a few words about the author T. Harv Eker.
T. Harv Eker is a motivational speaker and a traveling lecturer. A man of principle – he has a few principles that he swears by and never compromises on and actually has them printed on illustrated cards. He runs a mobile business school called Peak Potentials Training. His best known work is the book in discussion – Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. T. Harv Eker focuses a lot on the “change of mindset” factor and is clear about it in his book where he says rich people think differently than poor people. It is evident that this philosophy is firmly engrained in Mr. Eker’s mind because the “T” in his name actually stands for “The” because he considers himself unique. It is this kind of self-confidence and positive thinking that has led “The” Harv Eker to become a successful finance coach and when the man speaks, people listen because obviously his principles have worked out for him.
Now, the book. If you sincerely read every page of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, it will really transform your outlook and way of thinking and that is exactly what T. Harv Eker wants you to achieve. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind won’t tell you which stocks to invest in or what business ventures have a high probability of profit. This book is all about getting the right mindset. Eker argues that it’s negative thoughts and lack of confidence that essentially ‘programs’ people to remain at a certain financial stage, not necessarily a good one, and remain stagnant there. If you want to be a millionaire, think and act like one and you’ll get there.
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is liberally peppered with very quotable quotes that are firmly rooted in practicality and rather than just read and forget if you seriously act on them, then you’ll really see how easy it is to get out of a current financial predicament. One quote in particular appealed to me very much and I’m seriously considering making a plaque out of it to hang on a wall! It goes, “You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”

P.S. Find out more effective wealth creation strategies like these that will help you become rich and create real wealth for life – sign up NOW for more insider Secrets of the Millionaire Mind at Millionaire Mindset Secrets for FREE. You’ll discover more about personal and business success secrets, wealth building and tips from the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind at MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com for FREE.
P.P.S. Make sure to grab a copy of the free “The 7 Secrets of Wealth Creation” e-book. Just go to MillioniareMindsetSecrets.com

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4 Nasty Mind Tricks on How to Get Your Ex Back – Tricks That Always Work

I know that you are probably hurting right now… everybody that goes trough a breakup feels like you do, but instead of just sitting there and doing nothing you need to take action. If you still love this person then you must get up and do something about it. This article shows 4 nasty mind tricks on how to get your ex back, these tricks always work and you will be shocked at just how basic but yet effective these are.

Trick No. 1 Let them miss you.

This may seem hard but you need to leave them alone for a while. Don’t call them, don’t text them, don’t email them, don’t ask his friends about them. DO NOTHING. This will let them miss you, and it will confuse them about what you are doing why aren’t you taking the first step and so on.

Trick No. 2 Have fun.

It’s important that during these hard times you don’t sit in your house and get depressed. You need to get out and live your life. (or at least let you ex think this) It doesn’t matter if you can have fun at this point (if you can, that’s great, because it will get your mind off the breakup), it’s important that you make it seem as you are having fun. Go out where your ex or his/hers friends go out, if you get seen as having fun then you are most surely over the situation and not desperate. This will get your ex thinking what? so fast? etc and it will make them either jealous or make them realize just how much they missed you.

Trick No. 3 Let them make the first step.

Now that you have been seen. Now that you have stirred emotions into your exes hard you are one step away from getting your ex back. Sit back, relax and wait for them to call you. They will… Don’t feel tempted to call them yourself, let them make the first step. Once they do, you’ll be on the right track to getting back together.

Trick No. 4 Stay in contact.

Now that first contact has been made you need to keep it up. Don’t call them every 2 hrs, not even every day, call them once in a while and let them make more calls. This will show that you are not desperate but interested. Great isn’t it?

There you have it 4 nasty mind tricks on how to get your ex back, they always work, just put them to the test. What are you waiting for? Now pay close attention to this.

If you apply these techniques with no underlying strategy you can do more damage than good. What I mean is if you do manage to get them back, can you keep hold of them? The main idea is to get your ex back and keep them there and for this you need a well organized PLAN! See Plan Here!

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