Tag Archives: Mindset

How to Develop the Proper Mindset to Attract Wealth to Your Business

Having the right mindset when starting and operating a successful business is a crucial but often overlooked requirement. Aspiring entrepreneurs sometimes spend more time picking out the right office furniture or wasting valuable time and energy on the daily minutia that might seem important to business operation, but in reality is more a habit of trying to seem busy, which for a great many business owners is a holdover from their time as employees. The business owner, especially someone new to business ownership, must be cognizant of the differences between business owner and employee mentalities. This article will outline some basic but important considerations in order to develop a mindset that is conducive to business ownership success and to attract wealth.

As previously mentioned, major differences exist in the mentality of business owners and employees. For example, in most cases employees are expected and paid to work set amounts of time during a scheduled work shift. In the typical scenario this means an eight hour workday. So for eight straight hours a day the worker completes the tasks associated with his or her job. However, studies show that the amount of actual, productive work from an average worker is usually less than eight hours – sometimes far less! One study estimates around six out of eight hours are productive, while other studies suggest even less. So what do most workers do with the extra two or more hours a day that are not productive time? They learn how to appear to be busy, and essentially “milk the clock” in order to complete their required shift. One major challenge for an individual who aspires to have business ownership success is unlearning these bad habits.

In starting any type of new endeavor, whether a home based business or traditional brick and mortar company, there may be a transitional period while the old employee paradigm fights to stay in control. Business ownership is a “pay for results” situation, so just appearing to be busy to keep the boss happy or wasting time with unimportant activities needs to be eliminated. These habits can be deadly to a new business. Furthermore, in order to develop a winning mindset even more thoroughly, some understanding is needed of the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction has received a great deal of public attention in recent years with the release of many best selling books and movies like “The Secret,” but this is not a new concept. In fact, the scientific principles behind the Law of Attraction have existed for all time. The very short explanation of this concept is that “like attracts like.” Something in a particular vibrational frequency attracts things in a similar frequency. OK, so you might be asking what this has to do with thinking like a successful business owner. Well – everything! You see, although making the change from idling away valuable time at a job and becoming your own boss is essential, that is only the first step. Realizing how much what you think about impacts the world around you, in this example your business, reveals how important an understanding of this concept is to your success. Your thoughts create your existence – the people, things, opportunities – literally everything in your life. Spend some time studying the Law of Attraction; learn how to get into the right vibration to attract wealth and all the good that you desire.

This brief article sought to provide an overview of some differences between the employee and business owner mentality, and introduce the Law of Attraction to suggest the import role attraction plays in the success of your business. Many workers develop bad habits such as time wasting or appearing to be busy in order to keep a manager happy, and these habits need to change when someone is no longer looking over their shoulder to check their productivity. Finally, the Law of Attraction goes beyond the simple shift in attitude and responsibilities inherent to running a successful business, and demonstrates how critical our thoughts are to the success of our businesses, to attract wealth, and enjoy a happier and more accomplished life in general.

John Muller is a full-time internet marketer and consultant who works daily on developing a winning mindset and using the power of the Law of Attraction in his own business. Learn more at WealthSession.com

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Journeys of the Mindset Apprentice – Taken Under the Wing of John Assaraf From the Secret Pt 1 of 3

I have to tell you…

It has been a wild journey on my route to being mentored by one of the top self-development teachers in the world, and an absolute dream come true.

When I headed back home to Orange County after the school year of 2006-2007, I fully intended on going back for my 5th and final year of college education…but over the summer I realized that school wasn’t serving my life’s purpose, and deep within me I had a calling to be on a different journey.

Having spent the last couple years studying personal growth and human potential, I had developed a true passion to become a speaker myself, to inspire and change lives, and to continue my pursuit of being the best I could be.

I also knew that most of the great thought leaders had a mentor themselves! John Assaraf had Bob Proctor, Bob Proctor had Earl Nightingale, and Earl Nightinggale had Napoleon Hill!

“How the heck does someone get under the mentorship of one of these super successful and undoubtedly extremely busy guys?!” I thought.

Though I didn’t know how it was possible, I knew what I wanted, and that was to be taken under the wing of an incredible teacher. I wasn’t aware of it then, but John always teaches that, “The ‘what’ comes before the how.” Meaning, just because you don’t know how to achieve something, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go after it! You truly have to have a big enough ‘what’ … something that you are so strongly passionate about that you will find the ‘how’ no matter what obstacles arise.

One evening early in the summer I began creating a Vision Board of WHAT I wanted. There were about 18 pictures on there, including the words, “The Apprentice of John Assaraf,” “My Friends and Fellow Empowerers” (surounded by faces of transformational leaders, including John), and “Taken Under the Wing of…”

After creating that board, a series of what I now consider to be synchronistic events happened (back then I might have considered them to be ‘coincidences.’ Now I understand that there are no coincidences)

Two nights after creating the vision board I was listening to an interview between Bill Harris and Michael Beckwith, both of whom appeared in the movie the Secret. As I was listening, fully engaged in the dialogue, Michael Beckwith mentioned the Agape International Spiritual Center which he founded 21 years ago in Culver City (which was only about 45 minutes away from my parents home where I was staying). I decided right away to attend one of the services the next day…

To tell you that it was an amazing experience would be a total and complete understatement. Michael Beckwith was speaking and asking, “Do you want to live a life of mediocrity or do you want to live a life of purpose and meaning?!” After the service I felt like I was on fire by all the inspiration and spiritual connectedness I felt!

That very same night I called Agape’s 24 hour prayer line and prayed…something I had hardly ever done in my life as I’ve never been the religious type (though I always knew there would be a time I would find spirituality…and Agape is where it began).

In my prayer I asked, “Should I go back to school, or should I Spread my Wings and Fly?” Deep within I knew what the answer was.

Fast forward two weeks, and the thought suddenly hit me that I wasn’t signed up for John Assaraf’s newsletters. I signed up immediately, and just one week later I received an e-mail regarding his latest 6 month program, The Having it All Challenge: Achieving Your Life’s Goals and Dreams. I knew instantly that it was the answer to my prayer and that I had to join. It was time to ‘Spread my Wings and Fly.’ And so I did….

…Little did I know I would soon be taken under the wing of my mentor, John Assaraf…

For more mindset transforming tips and ideas for creating an extraordinary life, I’m inviting you to visit http://www.TheMindsetApprenticeNow.com

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Story about the Process of Mindset Apprentice- John Assaraf, Part 2 & 3

This article tells you a story of how an ordinary, everyday voracious learner took huge inspired action to become the Apprentice of one of the teachers from the hit movie: “The Secret”. It will inspire you about risk & faith.



When I joined the Having it All Challenge at the end of August 2007, I was temporarily living with my parents before heading back for my final year of college education in Washington. In their minds I would be leaving around the middle of September (I hadn’t told them about the Challenge or that my intention was to not go back to school!)


Even after joining the challenge, I didn’t tell them for another two weeks about my decision because I feared their reaction. Once I did tell them, my unease proved to be right: I was invited to leave home and given one week to find a new place to live.


It was an extremely difficult time for me to be so passionate about this journey I had chosen to take, but to find my parents so unsupportive. At the time I felt angry, hurt, and sad. I reminded myself of times when I had heard my parents say how sad it is when a child chooses a specific route in life, and the parents don’t support the decision…Or a child converts to a different religion than their family, and the parents excommunicate the child.


‘Well, dang…that’s pretty much what they just did to me,’ I felt.

“You’re not going back to school? You’ve got one week to leave.”


While it hurt, my commitment to my new journey was unwavering. Nothing would stop me from moving forward in the direction of my dreams.


I learned later from John that…


‘There are those who are interested, and those who are committed. Those who are interested in something will do what’s convenient, while those who are committed will do whatever it takes!’


Apparently I was applying this principle before I even knew it consciously.


So what was my goal and outcome in joining the Having it All Challenge?


As I mentioned in Part 1, I had the intention of being mentored by one of the great personal growth teachers.


In the personal profile questions for the Having it All Challenge I was asked, “Where do you see yourself 6-12 months from now?” Still not knowing how in the world I would achieve it, I reaffirmed what I put on my vision board, and wrote, “The Apprentice of John Assaraf…”


Little did I know that my goal would not take 6-12 months, but merely 1 1/2…


P.S. As a side note about my parents: We now have an incredible relationship. The feelings I expressed were how I felt in 2007. Now I fully understand they were only doing what they felt was the right thing to do. I absolutely love my parents, and so should you!


For more mindset transforming tips and ideas for creating an extraordinary life, I’m inviting you to visit http://www.TheMindsetApprenticeNow.com

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Getting Into The Right Mindset

Although it may sound insane, one of the biggest blunders that people make when dieting is to overly focus on their weight loss and the importance of what the scale is showing. Yes, we are all in this game to lose weight, but your focus cannot be on just that or true success will always be out of your grasp. For example, each of us has either lost weight and gained it back, or knows someone that has also done this. Clearly, while going through the process of losing weight is never easy, if someone has the right mindset and discipline, they can be successful. However, just losing the weight is clearly not enough and this is where most people go wrong. Instead of viewing your time on a diet as just a time to lose weight, consider it a time that you do some true reflection and determine the reasons behind your weight issues, and more importantly, the new behaviors and goals that you want to accomplish for yourself.

For some, its simply a matter of losing the weight and adding exercise back into their life. And, for others, their diet provides a unique experience to take a step away from food, re-approach the relationship from a new and healthier perspective. However, regardless of your own issues, the important thing to think about while you are going through your journey is to make them a point of reflection when you have reached your goal weight.

The bottom line is this; you have the power to drop your weight, and to also keep it off for the rest of your life. But, its going to require breaking the mold. Its going to require reflection and honesty towards your own issues and truly getting to the root of what has caused you to be overweight. And, while its never fun to look inward and examine our own vulnerabilities and issues, being able to do this is what is going to allow you to truly achieve triumph.

To learn more about subjects like this and to start changing your body, please visit us at New Lifestyle Diet.

Hamilton Erridge is a weight loss professional. New Lifestyle Diet helps people lose weight and stay healthy by providing information and resources that help people make a lifestyle change so that the extra pounds shed are never put back on.

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Important To Change Your Mindset

Work for everyone, is not only a manifestation of the value of life and our lives. Some people say that if you are very love of work, your life is paradise, if you hate your work, your life is hell. Happiness is a day is a day not happy, why not be happy every day. Work actively towards a serious and responsible attitude, determined to enjoy the work we will bring us happiness.

First, the manifestation of attitude

It has been working in the coal miners of the investigation, when he went to the first person, he asked: “What are you doing?” The man replied: “You are blind, did not see me in the coal mining, which is a living human stem up, dirty and tired, but not the sun all day.” When he reached the second person, he asked: “What are you doing?” The second man replied: “I dug, no way, under the old house on a small, but there are 3,000 yuan a month salary, to support the family accounts, have to do.” When he reached the third person when he asked: “What are you doing?” The third man replied: “I dug and I dug the coal not only bring light to thousands of families and compatriots in the south will not let the cold due to freezing weather, you can work through the night to ensure that Premier Wen will light a candle” . This is the work of the three attitude to life. First, the second person will not be responsible to complete their own work, but errors may occur in work, they are a treat to meet their work, only the third person is a happy mood to treat their sacred work, he not only can accomplish the quality and quantity of their work, but also enjoy a work brought him joy. Three work attitude, must have three of your work and how to deal with tasks, is the key to happiness or not, the following to establish a good working attitude, fun to talk about the work of an observation.

Second, the change in work attitude, enjoy a happy work rules

1, the minimum work standards. To do their work is the first element of success. All walks of life, every field of human activity, all in the hands of calls to staff who work well independently. Ziegler said: “If you can do to their part, try to complete their own thing to do, then one day, you want to do whatever they want in their own thing.” Conversely, if you all things and just never strive to do their work, then you can never reach the top of the success of bees. Of Asics Shoes this type of person, any boss would not hesitate to put him outside the exclusion of their own choice.

2, is not in place of the inefficient waste. Things are not in place not only for their great trouble, but also bring work to the boss inconvenience boss arranged for you to do, no matter big and small, you do not do your boss will do it, you can not place, he will return to work. Similarly, a small thing, you spend an hour done to him, when he found inadequate, go to add, amend, spent half an hour to complete the task to miss the best opportunities. Relative to the management of the high efficiency, work efficiency, low efficiency caused by recessive or no waste is very large: the original work undertaken as long as a person, you need to complete two or more persons; should be repeated according to plan tasks delay; should work correctly by mistake, which can lead to rework, redo, and other waste of time and effort to correct the behavior.

3, for the first time put it right. The first did not do a good job, but also a waste of time not to do things, the waste of rework most unfairly. Doing things right the second time neither fast nor cheap. Enterprises should be everyone’s goal is to “put first things to do on the full.” This requires the correct understanding and handling of the “do the right thing and doing things right” relationship.

4, repeat do extraordinary things. No matter what, even then small, then much, even then do not need any skills and abilities, but also consistently, day after day to do a good job, such as turning off lights, office lamp does not shine on that day for a good, meeting the phone tune into shock, the total customers at the agreed meeting 5 minutes before the arrival and so on. If you really can do this every day, so that such companies and employees are very great. What is simple is a thousand times the simple things can be done well; What is not easy, that everyone thought was very easy things you can seriously go do it. So very simple, very profound. Success is to do simple things repeatedly, it is not difficult to be successful, just repeat the simple things, a habit, “Once you’ve created a simple and strong ideas, as long as you keep repeating it, will make the final become a reality.This is America, the former GE CEO Jack Welch on how to successfully making the best answer.

5, only 100% to qualify. Water temperature rose to 99 , not the water, its value is limited; if Adds a fire, Gucci outlet on the basis of the 99 and then increase 1 , it will make the water boil and produce steam to drive machines a lot to gain huge economic benefits. 100 things to do if the 99 things, and one thing not to do, and this thing is possible on a particular unit, a dormitory, the impact of an individual is one hundred percent. Many little things in life contains is the truth can not be ignored, the idea that small things can be overlooked, ignored the idea, it is the root of our work can not start to finish, it not only does not work perfectly, life will not be happy.

6, the date of completion of the day things must. “Today’s song,” sings: “Today’s complex today, today, fewer repeat itself today not to matter when it? Few years of life today, today is not a pity, regardless if it be made to the Ming Dynasty, Ming Dynasty Ming Dynasty have something. “Anything where there is no time limit, like Gucci outlet online dangling a carrot. Only know how to use time to their pressure, when the time to complete. So you would be better to schedule the working hours per day, write down the things that set a time limit. Daily goals, also have the results, Nissin renewed. “Clear day” system consists of two aspects: First, “on the matter, Albert,” that is occurring on the day the problems (anomalies), to ascertain the reasons for the day, clarifying the responsibility, to take timely measures to deal with and prevent problems accumulation, to ensure that objectives are achieved; the second is “Nissin high”, that is the weak link in the work of continuous improvement, continuous improvement, requiring workers “increased by 1% every day,” the level of work for 70 days can be doubled.

In short, if we treat each life given to us a job or task, with a good attitude, positive and responsible work, we can overcome any obstacle, any work the same look noble and meaningful, you can enjoy every day work brings us happiness. If the above tips for the work of each, then we live in paradise. This is my greatest reading experience.

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What Is a Business Mindset?

Have you ever wondered what a business mindset actually is and what it means to have one?

Well, here’s a practical breakdown of what a business mindset is.

See how many of these characteristics you already possess yourself.

Aim to work on the ones where you feel you fall short…

Having a Business Mindset Means Knowing What You Want From Your Business

A business should serve a specific purpose and before you create yours you need to know what you want from it.

To achieve this, start with the lifestyle you’d ultimately like to live, then work backwards and make sure any businesses you create can give you the money, freedom and fulfillment you require to live this lifestyle.

With a Business Mindset You’ll Never Quit Even When Things Get Tough

Creating and running your own business is tough, especially in the early days. Anyone who tells you any different is only telling you what you want to hear.

There will be many challenges before you succeed and you must accept this. However, if you absolutely refuse to quit you will eventually succeed and with the correct business mindset things will get much easier.

A Business Mindset Enables You to Accept Failures and Learn From Them

Following on from not quitting, you’ll inevitably follow some paths which will blatantly fail. Whether it’s ideas you have and try out or entire businesses, unless you’re extremely lucky then you will experience failures.

Pick yourself up, learn from your mistakes and try again. Failing isn’t the same as quitting, as long as you try again. If it becomes obvious that you’re going to fail, don’t be afraid to fail fast and move on to the next idea quickly.

Having a Business Mindset is Setting Goals, Tracking and Achieving Them

Sometimes the work involved in starting a new business or project can seem overwhelming. Setting yourself goals which are achievable and tracking your progress will help you keep on the right track.

Once you’ve achieved your goals, set yourself some new more ambitious goals and follow the same process. Repeat until you’re where you ultimately want to be, living that lifestyle we talked about earlier.

If You Possess a Business Mindset You’ll Focus 100% on What’s Important

It’s easy to set yourself lots of goals and then try to achieve them all, but you may find yourself overwhelmed again. Use the 80:20 rule and identify those 20% of goals which will give you 80% of the benefits.

Focus on these goals one at a time and you’ll cut through the overwhelm and ultimately achieve more with the same effort.

Possessing a Business Mindset will Enable You to Ignore Criticism

Whatever goals you try to achieve, you’ll see criticism from all directions. Either ignore it, disassociate with those people who criticise you or do what I do and have fun with it.

I enjoy people’s criticism because I know they either don’t understand what I’m doing or they’re jealous because I’m doing something that they never dare do. I have fun listening to the “what if…”, “I wouldn’t do that because…”, “now’s not the right time to…”. I’ve heard it all before.

A Business Mindset Enables You to Streamline, Automate and Outsource

Create checklist for all of your regular tasks which are either complex or important. This improves both consistency and quality. Look at your processes and strip out anything that you don’t really need to be doing.

Create systems to automate whatever you can and then finally outsource the rest of tasks you don’t want to do. This process promotes the freedom and fulfillment parts of the lifestyle you’re aiming for.

To Possess a Business Mindset You Must Become an Expert Marketer

Out of all the tasks you chose to do yourself, either because they’re extremely important or you simply enjoy them, I’d highly recommend you put “marketing” into the extremely important category. You don’t have to do all the marketing yourself, I don’t expect you to be handing out flyers unless you really want to.

However, marketing is such a vital component of any business you do need to learn how to do it really well yourself. Never lose sight of what’s going on in your marketing, it could cost you dearly.

Having a Business Mindset Means Creating Money Making Machines

What you should be aiming for is to create businesses which are money making machines, so they can support the lifestyle you want to live. When you own a business or businesses which run with very little input from yourself you should be pretty close to having the freedom and wealth you need to finally do what you want to do with your life.

If a business requires your constant input, it’s more of a job than a business. Aim to build largely autonomous businesses and you won’t go far wrong.

Possessing a Business Mindset Means Being Passionate About Your Niche

Creating and running any business can be tough at times but it’s much easier if you’re passionate about what you’re doing. If you enjoy and truly believe in what you do your journey will be made much easier. Don’t just chase the money. If we all did that I’d be selling weight loss products now, but I’m not remotely passionate about that niche so it’s never going to happen for me.

You’re customers will spot from a mile whether or not you’re really passionate about what you do. Choosing a niche you’re passionate about drastically increases your chances of success and fulfillment.

Jason is a freelance Software Engineer who is a keen blogger, has run a number of online businesses and is also in the property letting business. His interests include researching and teaching the business mindset, his goal being to learn all there is to know about how to be a successful entrepreneur and to pass this information on to others. For more information visit: http://www.BusinessMindsetExpert.com or follow him at http://Twitter.com/JRKtm

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Altering The Recession Mindset


This morning I checked and as far as I could detect there was no massive disaster that wiped out 20% of the worlds population. This means that there are still six billion people (plus) who need food, clothing, shoes, bed linen, homes and all the trappings that life requires. So we lost billions in the crazy stock market well they are gone and alas crying will not bring them back. We could victimise a few people but that will not bring the money back either but will result in our imprisonment; thus not worth it.


So what do we do? We reinvent ourselves just like we have been doing for centuries and this time is no different. Human beings are resourceful and we shall conquer and overcome all adversity because we have to; we need to. So come on now desist with the long faces of misery because THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS and the NEW YEAR are around the corner and we all love the merriment of the holidays. ‘A Happy Future To You and To All of Us! Amen!’


Calling all media outlets: hear ye, hear ye ‘great news is calling so how about changing your appetite and digesting all the good news that pops up all around the world for the next few weeks.’ Please do not print anything on the front pages besides good news. CNN are highlighting heroes around the world and if these heroes are a testament to positive mentalities then let us hear more.


The industrial age spelled doom for the cottage industries all over the world and small farms received a hammering but what did people do; they adjusted. Life is a circle and as it rotates so do opportunities and if something becomes unsuccessful or unfashionable in one area well it may work somewhere else. Perceived recessions are opportunities to realign with the prosperity consciousness of our universe and remind us we need to pay more attention to saving versus spending.


Right now 15 – 20% of world populations are below the poverty line which spells opportunity for industries willing to relocate. If industries relocate then they will need skilled labour to follow it in order to train the new employees. America, Canada and Australia were the magical centres of attraction for many decades and perhaps the tide is flowing towards another area. When you move you may earn less money but it should cost less to live in your new surrounds and if Governments gave tax incentives to relieve the expense of moving it would not be so bad now would it.


Our ancestors have moved for thousands of years and this is not going to change just because we think it should. Frankly and personally speaking extended families are not exactly complimentary for change; thus why be attached if it restrains progress; besides change is good; really good. If we have learned anything from the recent elections in the US it is that people do not embrace change like their leader President Barack Obama may desire them to.


Change is not easy for many because it means stepping out from comfort zones and that is like pulling teeth from a rock. Our universe is all about change and that is something we have to accept and move along with it otherwise we get left in the dust while industry shifts and is snapped up by those willing to embrace change.


Let this quote from the book of Sirach guide you as you contemplate change: ‘Thanks be to God, all turns out well and everything is held together by his word.’ Sirach 43:26


Useful tip: grab hold of an atlas and take a peek at the expansiveness of each continent and ask where would you like to move. Now language is a consideration but let it not detract your attention because we all have the capacity to learn a new language as long as we choose good teachers to guide us. See there is another source of employment; language tutors! Now instead of moving think of something else you could do but have delayed implementing because life was getting in the way. Well now life has offered you the opportunity and time to think! Recession; we are alive ain’t we now come on let the sun shine in and smile; that’s right just keep smiling! We all have brains and feet (metaphorically speaking) therefore we may move wherever we choose because we are the masters of our fate which means being in charge not allowing others authority because it suits us to do so.

Tomas Coimin is a master of motivational techniques with a strong desire to help others seek greater peace through positive self-esteem. Based in Co. Tipperary Ireland. my aim here is to deliver subject matter that pertains to you the reader and with this in mind it is appreciated to receive feedback seeking articles on subjects that may be of concern to you and I shall do my utmost to deliver appropriate content that satisfies.
Tomas may be reached at selfesteemawareness@gmail.com

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Fat Loss System Requires Correct Mindset

Overweight or obese people have to modify eating habits if trying to lose weight otherwise these people cannot have success in decreasing pounds. An explanation quite a few folks may have been unsuccessful using former dieting programs is because eating habits had not been altered. Looking and appearing awesome will take discipline. Although, end outcomes are worth these adjustments.

Lots of weight loss plans do not succeed because folks momentarily alter foods eaten. After this weight loss program ends, a number of people return to previous habits that put on body weight to start with. Many fat loss systems do not look at overall health. Generally, these types of fat loss systems do not nourish a body. This circumstance will slow down a person’s metabolism rate which will make weight loss harder to do.

Symptoms of starvation include sluggishness, fatigue and hunger. Not any person can permanently follow dieting programs that causes them to feel like this. Permanently changing eating habits by consuming nutritious food items in place of unhealthy food items allows a person to feel and look wonderful. Quit thinking short term. In order to not regain pounds after those pounds are lost, permanent nutritious eating habits have to be followed. Local 25k runners concentrate on nourishing foods as opposed to unhealthy food products like Twinkies. These individuals realize a body is a complicated machine which requires healthy food products containing a lot of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Lots of folks take weeks in order to permanently incorporate healthy nutritional regimens. People will find no fast fix for permanent success. Altering nutritional regimens if trying to lose weight to more nutritious foods may not mean eliminating favorite food items. Nevertheless, certain food item substances like refined sugar and hydrogenated oil are incredibly harmful to a human body. These ingredients ought to be excluded from every individual’s diet plan.

A single positive adjustment daily will assist to handle weight and health troubles. Accomplishing success regardless the weight loss system takes an appropriate state of mind. An individual will need to have faith in himself or herself to have success on diet plans. Fat loss plans which deliver foods do not teach people the way to succeed with long term weight loss.

Some folks say negative things to make herself or himself feel better. Try and disregard those kinds of individuals. People being obese and destroying a person’s health is not logical. Not participating in particular activities for example having fun together with children because of body fat is no way for people to exist. Avoiding strolls in the local zoo due to pounds is not any way for people to live. When getting up is hard to accomplish then possibly significant changes should be dealt with. Changing nutritional regimens if trying to lose weight for more healthy food products will be adjustments everybody could accomplish.

You may also enjoy lose weight, diet plan and how to lose weight

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The Best Mindset For Business

In this post I will be sharing some advice that I took up from reading a newsletter some time ago.

So I was checking my email and I opened my inbox to see a subject headline saying “how to effortlessly create wealth” and this attracted me because I know creating wealth does take some type of effort.

Now back to the topic when I opened the message I began reading, and as I read the message that’s when it HIT ME. What happened was I finally came to an understanding to why I was never hitting my goals in terms of my business even though I was putting my all into it.

What the message told me was the reason was due to the fact our energy gets drained and we hit brick wall after brick wall when striving for success simply due to an inner conflict.

As I was coming to read more of the message my head began to nod and I really felt like this was the position I was in. So to continue what the message was illustrating for me, it said that this inner conflict is like a mental war between my confident self saying that I can become successful and my negative self saying I will never make it.

With this the message said that this inner conflict is what’s draining me and acting as a barrier to achieving my goals for every time I come up short and hit a brick wall on my pathway of success as I listen to my self-confident voice telling me to that I am doing everything the right way.

Once I hit that brick wall that win when the little voice tells me that I will never make it.
And the message was saying that this type of inner conflict of me striving for success with confidence then once I go went temporary defeat I feel as if I will never become successful, only drains me and that the only way to overcome this was to let go of my EGO.
As I saw the word ego I then realized this inner conflict that’s holding back is simply due to my ego.

Now this may seem odd, but I gave deep thought to it and I understand now to just let go of all resistance, and know I am someone moving towards my goals effortlessly.


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Key Success In MLM Is Mindset

I am looking at my garden which is full of weeds, it is due shortley to be landscaped. As humans our minds can sometimes get filled with lots of clutter. We read the newspapers, watch the news on the television and all our concious minds may hear is lots of bad news. The economy is dipping, or there is a conflict somewhere, or some scandal has destroyed a politicians life. We are basically taking in all this garbage and it filters into our sub-concious mind.


Our minds are just like soil. When we plant good thoughts in our mind then good things will grow. Thoughts become things, when we think of something our sub-concious mind takes note. The more we focus on that thought the more memories we create. These memories develop into strong emotions. At this point the sub-concious mind learns how important these thoughts are and takes note. Our sub-concious mind does not know what is right or wrong, or good or bad.


Our sub-concious mind is our power house. The more positve thoughts that come into it, the stronger the chance of us succeeding in life. Slowly but surley the more we manifest our plans, dreams and desires through positive thoughts, the better we can design our life.


So what we need to do is to have a dream board and on that dream board post that house, business idea and other future plans. Each day we need to manifest those ideas on the dream board. Our universe is full of abundance. We need to be thankful for what we have and ask for what we want. “Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you.” Which is a saying of Christ.


I would like to quote from Napoleon Hill, he said, “More gold has been mined from the thoughts of humans that has been taken from the earth”. Our minds are our power house. Our minds are our greatest asset. So we need to plant seeds of positive thoughts in our minds. Coupled with a solid business plan prosperity and abudance will follow.



Paul works with Sam Brook who are seasoned veterans and passionate online entrepreneurs in network marketing who love motivating & coaching others in their ‘Home Based Businesses. Sam & I mentor those who want to learn on how to improve their income by focusing on ‘Free to Inexpensive Marketing Methods’ that will in return get excellent results. We inspire entrepreneurs who are possibly struggling or ready for the next stage within their home based business careers

Website: http://www.sambrookandpaulwaters.com


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