Tag Archives: Mindset

The mindset of an entrepreneur

What exactly is the mindset or a entrepreneur? An entrepreneur thinks about business and expanding all the time. There is nothing that they would not do in order for them to get to the next level, whatever that may be. People like this are not just focused on money like most people may think, they are focused on power and sell fulfillment. Here are the 4 things that make the mindset of an entrepreneur different from that of an average person.

Think big and long term

Most average people don’t think long term but they do think big. This is a recipe for disaster because thinking big requires that you think long term. What successful people understand is that building an empire doesn’t happen overnight, you have to work at it, and perfect every aspect of the business. Just remember that thinking big and long term means you understand the work needed to be done.

24/7 advancing

What is 24/7 advancing? Well it is when you are thinking about what you can do to help advance your life or your business all day every day. For most people this would be an exhausting task, but for an entrepreneur it is part of what makes them who they are and gives them the ideas to move forward.

Micro gains

Everybody knows selling a cooking for .01 profit is a waste of time, right? Well not always, successful people understand the importance of a micro gain and how it will affect them down the line. People think that making a .01 profit is just a waste of time, but is it? Entrepreneurs know that a .01 profit is just the start, but they think about instead of pumping up the price to pump out more cookies which will bring in more profit.


When it comes to success you can’t be 100% sure you will be successful, but you can make sure you are pretty close every time, right? Planning is the key to any success story, and those who don’t plan fail more than 50% of the time. Did you know that 98% of all successful people have a day planner of some kind that they carry around? The reason they carry around a day planner is because they know that in order to be successful they have to use every minute of every day wisely. It doesn’t matter if you are planning for a big company or just planning out your day, it needs to be done and done right.

These are the 4 things that successful entrepreneurs have in common with each other and that most average people lack. If you would like to become an entrepreneur someday then check out these ideas to make money.

Adam Snyder is also the creator and designer or many small coffee tables.

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Growth Or Fixed Mindset

The basics of success if beautifully define as continuous growth. We do not have to be better than anybody else, but ourselves.

One of the books I am reading is Mindset: the New Psychology of Success, by Carol S Dweck. She has been studying motivation and has found a key distinction that I just found fascinating!

I wish I had known this before.

Let me give you MY interpretation of the differences by asking you to chose amongst options A and B.

A. Your partner loves you the way you are
B. Your partner stimulates you to change and improve

A. You chose your work based on your natural abilities
B. You chose your work based on what challenges you to grow

A. You think your potential is linked to your genes or fixed in some way.
B. You think one never really knows what one’s potential is

A. You prefer an easier game that makes you feel accomplished
B. You prefer a game that you are not sure you will complete.

So well, people who think mostly in As, have a fixed or finite mindset. That means, choosing to leverage on ones’ natural abilities, being appreciated for one’s achievements, feeling special in a kind of superior way. May I expand on my own thinking here: These people measure themselves with others and feel important for what they’ve done. Thus, any criticism is taken personally and perceived as diminishing.

People who think mostly in Bs, have a growth oriented mindset. That means leveraging one’s capacity to keep learning and growing, or developing in new areas. These people feel appreciated by their efforts, enjoy the uncertainty and challenges with a love for learning, and don’t even think about feeling superior or inferior to anybody. To put it in my own words: these people thrive on doing, not being.

For a fixed mind person, external feedback is very important, validating or invalidating the person. For a growth mind person, the feeling on one’s effort is what matters. The result is less important than the effort.

Fixed minded people look for things that make them feel secure, powerful, superior and, unbeatable. Growth minded people look for things where they are not safe, secure, where they feel uncertain about the outcome and risk failing because of the learning it provides them. They welcome questioning, criticism, and separate it from their value as individuals.

Some people are what they do or have done -the public image of John McEnroe. If I am aware of -and work to be in- the growth mindset, I liberate myself from being right, I am open for questioning and growth .. and explorations that who knows would lead to -the public image of Michael Jordan… There are many examples, and I don’t like stereotyping but I do hope the message gets to you. This ties in perfectly with an attitude towards wealth, and I tie it with external or internal locus of control. To be aware of your mindset style allows you to move through hard times using the growth mindset, to stretch beyond your limits and to take risks. Of course people with fixed mindsets will believe that you cannot change your mindset, and people with the growth mindset will believe that you can!

Certainly how you view your life affects your wealth, and much more your happiness. This reminds me of coaching, a technique I like so much. In my view, coaching helps you focus on how you get to where you want to be, instead of therapy that focuses on how on earth did you get to where you are! (and that’s exactly what I’ve felt when I’ve used both)

If you believe that your life is built around your journey, and that your learning is more important than your end results, you allow yourself to enjoy a walk, hold someone hands, sing out loud in the shower, blink at a bird, and indulge yourself on a special treat.. and walk away from doing things so the others can see how wealthy or not you are.

If you believe that you can change the way you manage your wealth learning form your mistakes and NOT feeling uneasy about your state right now, you will be empowered to move forward, without wasting one single minute in feeling sorry for yourself… and that is the first of the un wealthy habits too!

The best learning from this reflection is that we do not have to be better than anybody else, but ourselves.

Here is to your continuous growth.

Alicia Castillo Holley is an international expert on entrepreneurship and innovation. She has started 9 companies and one not-for-profit, raised millions of dollars and trained thousands of people. She’s a recognized author and speaker and travels around the world twice a year as a speaker /trainer.

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Overcoming the Victim Mindset

Through the years, I have met with many people who have experienced various struggles in their relationships, careers, self-esteem, as well as other areas of their lives.

Something that had taken place in the past had become their justification for their present. Their conversations centered on reasons such as, “I will never find Mr. or Mrs. Right because I have been hurt before”, or, “I should have received that promotion, but the boss doesn’t like me” Our discussions revealed the focus of their thinking. They had settled into the Victim Mindset.

The only thing that is keeping you from happiness, success, and the right relationship is you! The Victim Mindset that so many carry around with them is like a huge cowboy hat with blinking lights that scream out, “I’m a victim!”

Bad things do happen to good people. You can’t control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond to each situation. Individuals who struggle with the Victim Mindset usually expect bad things to happen, because that has been the pattern in their lives, or somehow they feel that’s what they deserve.

Here are some guidelines to assist you in moving from being a victim to becoming a victor:

1) Take Responsibility: You are the one who must take responsibility for your life-past, present and future. You must take responsibility for your own actions. Accept the fact that your life today is, in part, a result of your choices and ensuing actions. Taking responsibility is recognizing that today your life is what it is, but you are now ready to move on and live again. Own the fact that mistakes have been made but learn from them, make the changes necessary and get back on track. Whether things have been done to you, directly or indirectly, or you have made poor choices yourself, take ownership and get ready to win again.

2) Pity Party for One: Few things are more embarrassing than showing up at a party and discovering you are the only one present. Overcoming the Victim Mindset requires getting up and leaving! There is a reason no one else is there. More than likely, those who have hurt or disappointed you in the past are not giving you a single thought. Stop reliving the past, and start preparing for your future. Forgive those who have hurt you, and forgive yourself for allowing the past to confine you. It is time to move on.

3) Take Back Control: The final key is to take back control of your life. It is time to get out of the back seat, move to the front, take hold of the steering wheel and start driving again. The life of the victim is controlled by circumstance and experience. If you want to change your life, you must regain control.

Life is too short to be living in your past. Perhaps your memories are full of hurt, disappointment and regret. You can’t change what has already occurred; however, you can shape your future. Take the positive, leave the negative, start enjoying today and planning for your tomorrow.

Get your head up, straighten your shoulders, look forward and start to smile again. Your future is bright, and there is much more for you to experience!

Developing Champions!

Life Coach

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The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction Remover 6

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The Real Secrets to Success in Internet Marketing As They Pertain to Mindset and Decision Taking

I want to examine mindset and the ability to recognize an opportunity as an entrepreneur.

Right away we know the over riding law here is mindset. Any person who has a mindset for success and truly believes they can be successful, without any doubt, will be successful!

It does not matter if they are young or old, fat or thin, high school diploma or Doctorate, they will seek the knowledge and somehow acquire whatever they need, apply the necessary laws and they will rise to the top.

True talent can not be stifled. It will always come to the fore. It will burst out, leak out or ooze out but it will always make itself apparent.

My father in law’s name was Ken and he was a super salesman. However, when he completed his senior year in high school, he placed second to last in his final exams. This was mostly because he was a jock. He excelled at sports and really had very little interest whatsoever in academics. He was a fighter, very popular with his peers and he had great social skills.

His academic achievement translated into a job as a lowly billing clerk in a well established trading house, commission agents for some of the worlds leading brands in commodities.

You need to be cognizant of the fact that we are talking about a time when there were no computers, fax machines, photocopiers or even calculators. All bills therefore had to be calculated and written by hand.

Ken had a mindset for success. Although there was no overtime pay, he voluntarily worked way past working hours and spent his lunch hour writing mountains of bills. He soon came to recognize that the salesmen were the true heroes of the organization. However there was a huge gulf between him and these salesmen as they were older men, with great skills and expertise in the art of selling and he was a mere boy.

At lunch time he was the only one in the office and so when the phone rang, he answered it. These calls were usually big wholesalers who were enquiring about goods. Ken knew the products and the prices and most of all he knew who the biggest customers were as he wrote so many bills. Instead of taking messages, Ken launched into selling the goods on the telephone, pushing products and getting some very good orders.

He then immediately calculated and wrote the bills and handed them to the warehouse for delivery. As a result his orders went in ahead of all the others and the customers, who were delighted at the prompt service started calling the office and asking for Ken by name.

Needless to say the salesmen were not the least bit amused and reported him to the general manager, complaining that he was a meddling billing clerk interfering in the serious business of the company.

The manager, Mr. Johnson stroked the ruffled feathers of his salesmen and called Ken into his office. He told Ken that he had really stirred up a hornets nest with the salesmen and then took a quick accurate decision to teach Ken to drive, personally and gave him the oldest company car and sent him out on the road to sell goods. Ken excelled at this and very soon afterward was promoted to sales manager of all the salesmen who were about twice his age.

This went on for about 4 years until Ken saw an opportunity to sell Life Insurance for straight commission, no salary. His friends and family urged him not to throw away the security of his high paying job for the risk of straight commission. Ken made a fast accurate decision and started selling life insurance and very quickly he became a millionaire.

Ken’s mindset made him very wealthy. His mindset promoted him from success to success. Ken was an entrepreneur. He was able to recognize an opportunity when he saw it, seize it and exploit it. Through his investments he supersized his wealth.

Internet marketing is about being an entrepreneur. A successful entrepreneur is one who can quickly recognize an opportunity and make a fast accurate decision to exploit that opportunity. You can put your life on a fast track to extreme wealth by grabbing the right opportunity and exploiting it. Timing is everything.

Melanie Phillibert
Internet Consultant and Trainer and Entrepreneur
Marketing Consultant

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The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction Remover 19

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The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction RemoverR 12

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The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction Remover 17


The Secret to Successful Mindset (Best) Contradiction Remover 17


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Super Healing Secrets Using Mindset and Emotions in Internet Marketing

Hi, Lorraine Menza here, and in this video/blog I am going to talk about the super healing secrets using mindset and emotions in internet marketing. I had the privilege of listening to Dr. Elaine Ferguson on PBS the other day. She wrote a book called Super Healing Secrets.

Basically, she addressed that your emotional health has 7 X the ability to increase or decrease chronic diseases. Are you constantly angry, fearful, anxiety, upset, or just a negative person? We have the power to change our lives; not just in a healthy way, but also in a positive way!

Emotional toxins can be immediately interrupted by laughter and deep breathing! Motion can interrupt emotional toxins! For deep breathing, put one hand on your chest and one hand on your abdomen, and start deep breathing. You should only feel the abdomen moving with your hand. Practice deep breathing for two days until it becomes a habit!

Dr. Elaine Ferguson says that the way you eat, think, and feel can restore diseased cells! You can change genes and how they express themselves! Pretty powerful stuff! I am going to further this by talking about emotions!

How do you control your emotions? Do you have a daily habit of working on your emotions? Do you hang around with positive people? Do you read positive personal development books…….like Dr. Wayne Dyer and Joel Olsteen? Do you read positive business books like Think and Grow Rich, Rich Dad Poor Dad, or the Four Hour Work Week? Do you say positive affirmations and believe them as you say them? Do you act like your outcome already exists? Do you spend time in gratitude daily? Do you meditate?

Working on your mindset daily is so powerful that it changes those emotional toxins. According to Dr. Elaine Ferguson “Positive Emotion are nutrients and health giving chemicals that allow ourselves to function with ease.” That is why working on your daily mindset is very powerful!

Daily mindset leads to optimism. Optimists are healthier and if they get sick they recover faster! So all you internet marketers, are you ready to change your mindset and work on it daily? There are many benefits to do this and one of them is your health!

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Secrets of Article Writing – Develop The Mindset of An Article Writer

The mindset of any writer is important and article writing is no different. The best way to develop your mindset is to understand how articles are best utilized for your purposes and then create a regular routine around that. Whether you are a freelance writer or a website marketer, you can create a regular routine to help develop your mindset.

Knowing your goal is the first step in developing your mindset. For example, if you are writing to market your website, it is important to understand that your articles do not have to be long works of art. A correctly written article to market your website only needs to be about 300 to 400 words. The importance of the article is to increase your search engine optimization and also improve your position on search engine result pages. Providing detailed information is not important. Your website will inform the reader about your products.

Writing longer articles will not distract you from your goal; however it will reduce your chances of writing more articles. One of the most important strategies to article marketing is to publish as many articles as possible. The more articles you produce, the better your results. If on the other hand your motivation is to become a freelance writer, then you must conduct more research and produce more detailed articles. The most successful article writers understand what their most effective strategy is and then they develop a system to increase their production.

Once you know the best approach, you can develop your mindset much more easily. For freelance writers, you must develop a regular routine of research and fact checking to produce longer and more detailed articles. For website owners, shorter mass produced articles are much more effective at raising your SEO and eventually increasing traffic to your website. The bottom line is to know what type of article works best for you and then fine tune a system so you can increase your production and quality.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing to build your list:

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing


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