Tag Archives: Mindset

Some Thoughts on Mindset – 5 Mental Health Secrets For Great Workouts

Your mental climate during workouts is one of the most significant factors (if not the most significant factor) that will determine the level of success you’ll experience from that workout. What follows are my favorite tricks and tactics for more productive gym sessions:

Let Go Of Results And Simply Do The Right Thing

Sometimes the desire to get a result interferes with the desire to do the right things. If you’re learning how to squat for power meets, one of your goals must be the ability to hit parallel. It’s the right thing to do. You should never let your desire to hit a big number interfere with getting to parallel. If you’re learning ho to do full (“squat”) cleans or snatches, you can’t let the desire to make the lift interfere with squatting under. Instead the goal should be to squat, whether you make the lift or not.

The “right thing” is a premise: “If I do “A” it should result in “B.” Then you test the premise by doing “A” and checking your results. If the results aren’t there, your premise is flawed and is in need of revision. If your premise is sound, you got the predicted result.

By the way, one of the best premises you can adopt is: “If I put in the work, good things should happen.” Try it.

Tighten Up Your Shoelaces

If I knew where I picked this up I’d tell you, but I honestly can’t recall. The idea is simple- when you’re getting revved up for a big lift, tighten your laces. They’ll serve as a visceral reminder to tighten yourself up. I’ve been using this little cue for years, so I guess it must be serving me in some way.

Be Careful Of What You Allow To Define You

We all have flaws and limitations. It’s important however, not to give these imperfections too much credit. After all, you’re equally defined by your strengths as you are by your weaknesses. I’m personally very careful about labeling myself as old, a geek, slow-twitch-dominant, lazy, or whatever rationalization I’ve been stewing over. The reasons for why you can’t are valid and they’ll always be there if you need an excuse. The reasons why you can are just as valid, although most of us don’t call upon them as often as we should.

Lowered Expectations

One of the most consistently rewarding mindsets you can employ is that of “lowered expectations.” I know, it doesn’t sound like anything you’d pick up from a book on high-performance psychology, but allow me to explain: Sometimes, expecting a lot out of yourself, especially when you do it all the time, can hurt more than it can help- if you frequently fail to hit the mark, mounting frustration can seriously sideline your motivation. I’m all for a hard-charging “take no prisoners” attitude, but to be honest, it often pays to give yourself a break sometimes. Anytime you can exceed your expectations (even if they’re low expectations) can really generate a lot of enthusiasm to fuel your gym sessions. Find a happy medium when it comes to your expectations.

Have A Routine, Then Break It

It’s vitally important to have a set methodology in the gym- the way you mentally psyche yourself, the way you warm-up, the way you take weight jumps, how you deal with misses, and so on.

It’s equally vital however, to conscientiously break your routine so that you don’t become overly-dependant on it. If you always use chalk, go without it once in a while. If you always use the same exercise order, break that pattern from time to time. If you always train in the morning, do an occasional afternoon workout. Get away from needing everything to be perfect all the time. Place yourself under some unfamiliar adversity- you’ll be better off for doing so.

If you’ve got a few tricks of your own to share, we’d love to hear them! Just hit the “discuss” link below.

By Charles Staley, B.Sc, MSS
CEO, Staley Training Systems

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Get The Mission Impossible Healthy Mindset Secrets!

I’m driving along discussing life’s challenges about weight loss, temptations, eating disorders, how to stay positive and accept who I am, learning how to create and stick to better habits and remain in a healthy mindset. I would like to convey to the world and those in particular that are searching for friends struggling with the same pain, that there is hope and ways to work together to conquer our fears and learn how to love ourselves, all while reaching out and building new relationships.

To Your Success,

Jodi Carwan

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The Secret to My Success – Positive Cycling Mindset ep 194

This video is about how my greatest failures have made me the man I am today. Positive Cycling Mindset ep 194

♫Music Provided By Free Songs To Use♫
●Defqwop – Into the Ether – https://youtu.be/hlNAg5TDfTc
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Developing The Millionaire’S Mindset | Secrets Of A Millionare Mind

What does it take for you to become rich and successful? Watch this video and learn how to develop the millionaire’s mindset.

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EMPOWER Law of Attraction Subliminal Affirmations for a Positive Mindset with Delta Waves hypnosis


EMPOWER Law of Attraction Subliminal Affirmations for a Positive Mindset  with Delta Waves hypnosis

Get My FREE Meditation MP3 Here ► http://www.relaxmeonline.com/free

Law of attraction subliminal affirmations to help create a positive mindset. Can be listened to with headphone or speakers. Gentle music that you can listen to anytime, anywhere (best not listened to whilst driving due to the delta waves) MP3 now available here: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/jasonstephenson46 See below for affirmations used:
Affirmations used:

My subconscious receives positive affirmations with ease
I am open to new ideas
I am open to ideas that are good for me
I empower my mind to act on positive messages
I empower my mind to act on healthy messages
I empower my mind to act on commands that are good for me
My mind and body bond together and help each other
My mind can do anything I want it to do
My mind is healthy
My body is healthy
I reach all my goals
I am always improving
Every day I get better at what I do
I am positive
I am succeeding
I am happy
I am always successful

~ Jason Stephenson’s positive affirmations is ideal relaxing, and positiviely charged music to help you rest whilst at the same time reprogram your negative thought patterns. Our music for sleeping is great music to help with insomnia, relieve aches and pains and any stress or tension. Most of our sleep music has added delta waves in which to help you reach a deeper and more peaceful state of mind within minutes. Our peaceful sleeping music can be used as music to go to sleep to, study music, background music and music for meditation. Allow the deep and soothing calming music to help you get some deep sound sleep.

~ I create positive affirmations, sleep and meditation music and guided meditations to help you live in the present moment and become mindful. Using my relaxing music on my channel, (which has been selected from various new age artists world-wide) will help you to relax deeply, sleep, or reach tranquil states in your meditation practice. Take time each day to listen to a guided visualization, meditation music with which you can reflect and meditate. Even if only for five minutes each day. Meditation, like anything, takes time.

~ The music I select is music from various ambient and new age artists across the world that have inspired me, relaxed me and that I have personally used for reflection or meditation. You can expect to hear gentle sounds of the piano, peaceful guitar, binaural beats, isochronic tones, yoga music, music to meditate to, study or concentration music, music with positive affirmations, reflective music, healing music, Buddhist and Tibetan tones, singing bowls, and more.

~ Please reach out and connect to me and say hello!

~ MEDITATION MASTERS COURSE: http://www.meditationmasters.tv/
~ FACEBOOK: https://goo.gl/Xk6mgy
~ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/askjasonnow
~ GOOGLE: https://goo.gl/F2Jpgx
~ YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/w4J47K

~ Production of isochronic tones by Transparent NP3. More about that software here: http://goo.gl/c053I5

~ Production of Subliminals by Mindzoom. More about that here: http://goo.gl/pJlL3c

For a FREE Yoga video by a little “guru” named Garrett (who is only 14 years old!), please visit his site! http://garretttiebens.com/





Thank you for taking the time out to relax, rejuvenate and cherish your mind, body and spirit. You deserve this!

training the secret hypnosis

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Importance of Having a Positive Mindset! (VLOG)

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Alison Ledgerwood joined the Department of Psychology at UC Davis in 2008 after completing her PhD in social psychology at New York University. She is interested in understanding how people think, and how they can think better. Her research, which is funded by the National Science Foundation, investigates how certain ways of thinking about an issue tend to stick in people’s heads. Her classes on social psychology focus on understanding the way people think and behave in social situations, and how to harness that knowledge to potentially improve the social world in which we all live.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

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Success Secrets – The Mindset of Highly Successful Individuals

All personal development experts are in agreement that peak performers have certain characteristics in common which enables them to achieve phenomenal success. Hence, it follows that if you were to study and adopt these characteristics that you too could dramatically improve your level of success.

Thought leader James A Ray has identified five (5) key characteristics of highly successful people.

1. Powerful Personal Will
Expressed another way, peak performers know exactly what they intend to create in life. They have an iron will. Take the real estate entrepreneur, Frank McKinney. He recently completed his fourth Badwater ultramarathon. This is 135 mile marathon described by National Geographic as the toughest marathon in the world. And the setting for this event is Death Valley. Competitors have only a 60% chance of finishing. This is an event that will finish the ill-prepared. Frank McKinney pushes himself to his limits for a very worthy cause – his Caring House Project – but it takes a strong will and enormous discipline to subject yourself to such an ordeal.

2. Laser Focus
They are incredibly focused and single-minded. Once they establish their intention and set a goal they direct their full resources to the attainment of that goal. And this level of focus doesn’t just relate to personal and business goals. It’s pertinent to everything that they do. I recently read about someone who had an interview with Tiger Woods. The interview was at a hotel and, as you can imagine, Tiger Woods was receiving an incredible amount of attention. Yet, he gave the person interviewing him his full attention. That level of focus has been many years in developing and it is just one of the things that makes Tiger Woods the phenomenal sports person that he is.

3. Highly Energetic
Ralph Waldo Emerson said “Do the thing and you’ll find the energy to do thing.” Successful people certainly know the meaning of this. You only have to look at someone like Richard Branson. He has a wide range of interests from his involvement with Formula 1 with Team Brawn to space exploration with Virgin Galactic. He plays a very hands-on role in promoting his various companies. People who are energetic tend to be passionate about what they do. Their enthusiasm and excitement is contagious. Passion for what you do is what will keep you going when times get tough and, if you’re going after anything that is worthy of you, things will certainly get tough at times. But, as Mark Victor Hansen said:

“Whoever has the most energy wins. Energy gives one confidence, power, self-esteem and new possibilities.”

4. Unshakeable Self-Belief
One of the reasons why people fail to achieve their goals is that they simply don’t believe in themselves. So they don’t believe that they can achieve their goals and they don’t take action. This is learnt behaviour. Take the example of a normal healthy baby. When that baby learns how to walk it doesn’t give up after the first attempt thinking “Dumb idea trying to stand on two legs. I think I’ll crawl for rest of my life.” No, the baby falls down and then simply gets up again and the baby keeps refining its movements and keeps trying until they can walk. It’s only later in life that we develop this attitude where if you’re not immediately successful then you give up before you start. And this attitude stems from a negative self-belief so take the advice of best-selling author of “The Success Principles”, Jack Canfield and:

“Choose the belief you would have if you knew you could be successful.”

5. Growth Driven
Declan Dunn said that when you achieve success is not the time to sit on your laurels and bask in the glory of your achievement. Instead, it’s a time when you should re-invent yourself. Madonna is a master of the art of re-invention and her results reflect this. She is the highest paid female singer in the world and has held this status for at least 3 years. However, growth is not just about re-inventing yourself. It’s about continually improving and expanding yourself and whatever business you’re involved in. And the fact is that if you’re not continually striving to improve then you will slide into a state of decline because nothing remains static. As James A Ray says:

“Spirit only has one objective – fuller expression and expansion.”

And, it is seeking to do so through you.

For more success tips and resources on how you can become highly successful sent a blank email to Success Achievers

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A Bodybuilders Mindset

So how and why are successful bodybuilders able to create the bodies that many people dream of (note I am not talking about the infamous bodybuilders that are abnormal huge). To answer this, people do bodybuilding for various reasons. Some bodybuilders use to be very skinny, obese, or just the average joe, but many bodybuilders have their reason why. Now going from a previous body type to becoming pretty well built is not the easiest thing to do, but it can be simple once you have the right mindset in place.

Yes dieting and training to create the body of your dreams is a key factor, but without a solid mindset or drive helping you to stay on track to continue dieting and training, there is no point. You see, in order to transform your body wither your looking to get bigger or just slim down and get leaner, you will have to want it bad enough. At times things can be discouraging because you may not be able to eat the foods you want or make the time to do a workout, but you can easily evaporate this discouragement by creating some motivational factors.

You may already be motivated in a way to have that perfect or near perfect body that you want, but that’s not always enough. There needs to be a deeper reason why you want to transform your body. Like for me as an example, I was really skinny and I almost came to accepting that I could never make a difference, but after a bad breakup I realized that I had some deep insecurities about myself and I needed to change that. So that’s when I decided to start working out to get bigger so that I can take more confidence in how I felt about myself.

Thus my main motivation was for me to not only look sexier (lol), but if my ex were to ever see me again she wouldn’t recognize me because of my transformation. And this was my “why”. And that’s what kept me motivated on my diet and routine to improve myself, and in a way helped me become a better me.

Since I began working out I hit my first goal to gain over twenty pounds in a few week’s time, and since then I been pretty content with my body and just really maintaining my shape. So if you are really looking to make a change in your body to gain more lean muscle or whatever, you need to dig deep and know what is your reason why, and let that be your drive to your bodybuilding success.


If you would like to not only learn more bodybuilding tips but to build sustainable muscle, feel free to go here-How to get ripped fast.

Also if have any comments or questions it would be great to leave one in the original article – Bodybuilders Mindset, so I can reply back. Thanks!


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College Freshmen Mindset

Every year Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin, located south of Madison, southwest of Milwaukee and almost smack dab in the middle, and just north of the Illinois/Wisconsin border, issues its “Mindset List”. This list basically serves to remind the faculty and staff of the cultural changes so quickly taking place and reminds them to avoid “dated” references which are likely to not only bore, but to place themselves in questionable standing with the students.

I decided to take a gander and see just how “behind the times” I may be, even though having grandchildren close to college age has given me some little insight into where they’ve been, where they are now and where they’re going. As for my one year old grandson? Who knows what his future will bring, much less his freshman year of college.

So, the majority of the students entering into their freshman year in college right now, in 2010, were born in 1992 and will graduate in 2014.

Most of them see emerging technology as too slow and the digital world as simply “routine”. Most of them don’t even know how to write in cursive! (Really? They don’t teach that in school anymore? Oh, that’s right. Typing class is now called Keyboarding.)
It was interesting to discover that most of them see no need to wear a wristwatch because they have a cell phone to tell them the time. (Hmmmm. Me too! I had just never thought of it. I think that cell phones strapped to wrists would be a good thing and with the technological advances, it is certainly within the realm of possibilities that they will someday be small enough to be strapped to wrists comfortably.) In fact, these freshmen students wouldn’t recognize the “sign” that pointing to your wrist is a request for the time.
Email? Almost a thing of the past now. (That is just amazing to me. Yes, I still use email though I own an iphone, which, btw (text speak for “by the way”) my grandchildren think is VERY cool.) Evidently today’s freshmen find the “instant” communication offered by text message much faster than email. You can even get all of your FaceBook communications and status updates on your phone if you wish. (When, oh when will these students have time to actually learn if they do this?) Forget ‘Snail Mail”! It is only used in extreme circumstances with aging or stubborn relatives who don’t have the technological savvy or desire to enter the 21st century.
Street corner lingo, and that in the nation’s coffee houses, has always included phrases like “caramel macchiato” and “venti half-caf vanilla latte”. (Just give me a cup of plain old coffee with a bit of fat-free half & half please. I’m always confused on what to order when faced with a coffee menu, even at McDonald’s.)
I was amazed to discover that these kids believe that the world has always been trying harder to accommodate people with disabilities.  They have never lived in a world where there were not Braille signs in every elevator or restroom and where a wheelchair did not have access to a building.
They are much more “tolerant” of those celebrity kids that may attend college with them and are much less likely to engage in paparazzi-type behavior. (Celeb’s kids are people too and I salute these astute college freshmen for realizing that.)
Clint Eastwood is more widely known as a “sensitive” director, rather than the crime-busting vigilante of Dirty Harry fame. (This is actually kind of disappointing. I love Clint Eastwood and though I love all his movies, my fondest memories are of him saying “Make my day…”.)
When they think of Fergie, they think of the pop singer, not Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York.
And sadly they have never had the joy of curling a twisted handset wire around their fingers and wrist, and sometimes their toes, as they talked on the phone. (I have even had my grandchildren spy an “old-fashioned” phone in an antique or thrift shop and ask me what it is!)
Moms and Dads have never been able to walk them to the departure gate at the airport, except maybe when they were under the age of 10 and once they get through security, traveling is kind of like going to the mall with a plane ride at the end.

In addition, toothpaste tubes have always stood on their caps, food has always been prepared in a microwave, rock bands have always played at presidential inaugural parties, filtered ice and water have always come out of the door, Beethoven has always been a St. Bernard and Michelangelo is a deadly computer virus, not an Italian Renaissance artist.

LOL…what is this world coming to?

Sammi loves new technology, and is always looking for new gadgets. Some of her favorites are the rat zapper 2000 and the rat zapper ultra. They help her get rid of mice humanely.

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The Entrepreneur Mindset

How Entrepreneurs Think

Entrepreneurs have many definition. From a guy who creates good products to sell and profit madly to that businessman who turned that business into gold. Well, actually, entrepreneurs are really just businessmen. Contrary to popular belief, it is not an easy task to become an entrepreneur. There’s more than meets the eye with this term. 

Entrepreneurs typically have some special traits, or characteristics. It is this that separates the true entrepreneurs from people that call themselves entrepreneur. However, there are also many factors that make an entrepreneur, e.g education, skills, money and others. Regardless, one of the most important element that most successful entrepreneurs have is their mindset.

So what is this entrepreneur mindset? It is how the successful think. It is the ticket that will pave the road to success for you. It will be that transport to carry you closer to financial freedom. And without an entrepreneur mindset, you won’t go very far before crashing and ultimately, taste loss.

The first trait that successful entrepreneurs have is confidence. They think they can do anything and everything, and they think they can do it good. You can see all successful entrepreneurs’ confidence. They are always looking good and talking calmly in the eye of the public. They glow when cameras are rolling and mics are everywhere when the normal public will be trying to hide their faces.

Next, to be a successful entrepreneur, you have to think positive. Thinking positive has many benefits, including the ability to predict the future positively and taking good and positive actions, such as making a good decision. No one wants to be with negative people. People like praises and when you give it to them, people will most often return the favour. However, don’t overdo it until they think you’re bootlicking.

Stop and think for a while. One day, you are faced with an obstacle. Your only flight was cancelled, but you have to attend one very important meeting. At this point, what will you be doing? Will you complain it to the authorities? Will you talk to someone? Or will you sit around, feeling hopeless like everyone else? I don’t know about you, but Richard Branson of Virgin Group chartered an airplane to the destination, borrowed a blackboard and attempted to sell seats for $ 50 each. All seats were sold off within 2 hours.

Richard Branson turned an unfavourable situation into a profitable oppoturnity. His mindset was already set to see such oppoturnities, that is why he is a billionaire. So what can we conclude in this short story? You have to hone the millionaire mindset to be successful, and always think positive.

Shaun R Lee is a budding new entrepreneur. Visit his blog at http://startyourinternetbusinessnow.blogspot.com/ for more details on internet businesses.

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