Tag Archives: Mindset

African Leaders Mindset

There are little things some African leaders should be subjected to before taking over power. They should be appreciative, of ‘little things’, which the creator has bestowed on the continent.

A visionary leadership cannot come to be: going by the unpopular actions and decisions of some African leaders. Without a vision, a people perish. Little things begat great things. They need to sit back and think hard for once especially those countries that are in different shades of turmoil.
As I have remarked elsewhere, no foreign nation outside the fringes of the continent will waste their real resources to chart a path of progress for black Africa. Africans simply have to do it themselves. The intrinsic nature of Man is about self-preservation, survival and opportunism.
Morals? Yes, that could be negotiated. Nobody easily gives you what you deserve until you negotiate.

It is a pity that in most parts of black Africa and I will made bold to say that, what engages many so-called leaders are very ‘surface’ things, bordering on ephemeral issues.

Elsewhere, secrets of successful human development and nation building are open secrets.
The men of influence in Africa can only bring themselves to discover these secrets if they break things down to basics. The so-called little things they tend to ignore.
Of course, a dose of patience has to be in tow as new structures and values are being put in place.

These little things are part of our essence; they make us complete as part of humanity.

If in doubt, lets take a few moments to reflect and explore the impact of this mindset and values amongst our fellow homo sapiens in those countries; those countries some African rulers rush to, on mere suspicion of even malaria attack- a tropical disease. They gleefully make noise about their departure and arrival during such trips! ‘My boss just came back from abroad for general checkup” a Personal assistant would proudly announce to the local press.

Only if we can use God given comparative advantage to have the best of resources including state of the art hospitals- manned by highly motivated personnel- in the continent.

I believe wherever we were born, we did not have a hand in it at procreation. This is accepted. It was not by accident, therefore, we can as well make our own part of the planet a better place.
This goes beyond religion that many African nations now hide behind as a temporary shelter for being ineptitude.
Let us think about ‘little things’ may be our warped value system will change for the better because the rest of the world is waiting for our real contribution to this global space.

Muyiwa Osifuye is a photographer based in Africa. He works within the thematic, documentary and commercial modes. (catch a glimpse of his limited edition works at http://www.pictures-of-nigeria.com) His documentary works explore the rich cultural heritage of his country, Nigeria. Major international exhibitions and events continually show his thematic works which address cogent issues that he feels are necessary for a global understanding. He is a regular columnist in a prominent Nigerian newspaper and a budding writer; sharing his thoughts and perception about humanity as a whole.

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Mindset Over Matter

Anyone who is in business for themselves starts every day with a list of problems to be solved. If it’s not problems, it’s projects that need to get done on the task list that never ends. Sometimes it’s easy to become overwhelmed and frustrated by a seemingly endless list of things that demand your personal and immediate attention. When overwhelm takes place, it’s easy to think about maybe just giving up – throwing in the towel and calling it quits. Unfortunately, some small business people actually take that drastic step. They shut the doors, shutter the windows and walk away, back to their corporate cubicle that they don’t really like anyway.

The truth is that this endless list of things that needs to be accomplished is really your freedom. Nobody makes the self-employed entrepreneur do anything. One of the joys of being your own boss is the ability to control your own schedule, and to determine how your most precious resource-time freedom-will be spent. Instead of shirking away from the list and complaining about its length and complexity, the self-employed entrepreneur should embrace it, as the template for personal freedom.

This is where the topic of mindset comes into play. Mindset is simply how we tend to think about things. And think is the operative word there. Nobody forces your mindset on you. You can change your mindset of your own free will, turn it from negative to positive in an instant. It’s purely a matter of focus, and perspective.

The key is to continually reaffirm to yourself the reasons you do what you do, and why you do it. By focusing your mindset on the positive aspects your life, it will improve automatically. The difference between having a miserable day and having an outstanding day is simply a matter of mindset-of conscious thought and free will.

The lesson here is not to be overwhelmed. The lesson is also not to get frustrated to the point where you feel as though you are a prisoner of your own creation. The matters that you address on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis are the very things that enable you to be free. By the way, if you work for another company, maybe it’s time to think about an alternative. Because if you are an employee, your daily task list is not your own. You’re at the mercy of someone else.

Remember-it’s mindset over matter. You are whoever you want to be.

David Allinson is the president and owner of Allinson Master Marketing Inc. David is an online business and lifestyle coach. He specializes in both online and offline marketing for the MLM, direct sales, and network marketing industries. He actively promotes and teaches others the value and benefit of Attraction Marketing – which simply put, means – be the “wizard”, and give without want while being the leader people are seeking and they will ultimately flock to you and your opportunity!

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Reset Your Mindset

There are 5 important steps that you must take to resetting your brain and way of thinking. This is a challenging thing to do, therefore it requires constant practice. Be willing to do whatever it takes to be successful and go the extra mile.

1. Figure Out What You Want.

Everyone wants more money, freedom and time to do as they please. But you need to be specific in knowing what you want. How rich do you want to be? What country would you like to see? What kind of house would you like to own? If you are unsure on what you want, then you won’t form an emotional attachment to that want. Remember you get what you focus on. If you want to get “attached” to a goal, then you need to research and familiarize yourself with that goal. Have specific details and put reminders of your goal around where you can see them regularly. The more normal your goals become, the closer the reality of reaching those goals.

2. Leave Pessimists Behind.

There are always going to be people around, especially family members, to tell you that you can not make it. People have no problem in crushing others dreams and pulling you down to their level. They do not have the guts to take the risk and jump out of their comfort zone, to get out of their dead end situation. There fear of failure stops them before they have even begun. So they just sit there complaining about it instead. Begin networking with people who you desire to be like, listen to training calls, read books. Do what is necessary to keep you focused on your goals rather than getting disheartened from the negative pessimists.

3. Visualize Your Goals.

A great way to stay focused is to visualize your goals for 30 minutes a day. Pretend that you have reached your goal. Think about every little detail and start to “feel” the emotions that you would have on the day you achieve your goal. To experience something is the fastest way to learn. In your mind start experiencing your future life.

4. Find Social Proof.

You must get beyond your inner programming that tells you, you’re unable to achieve your goals. The only way you can do this is by finding people who started out like you, but have gone and accomplished their goals. Google is a great place to find these types of people. Also training calls are excellent to plug into and help re-wire your mindset to a prosperous mentality. Join a network of people who already have the results you desire, as this is one of the easiest ways to change your inner programming. Remember you become what you think about.

5. Be Open To Receive.

Make sure that you are open to receiving solutions to help you reach your goals. Solutions will come from the places you least expect. Get comfortable with receiving, most people these days are extremely uncomfortable with receiving anything. To become wealthy you must get good at receiving.

Lastly remember that no business comes without obstacles, so embrace them for the learning experiences that they are.

For more information on our state of the art system that will guide you through your endeavors please visit http://www.checurtis.com. Che Curtis is a successful leader in the direct marketing industry. His business is based on helping people see the same success that he has through the use of a well proven system with financial educational products that many people are in serious need of, especially in today’s unstable economic climate. For more information please visit http://www.checurtis.com

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Super Affiliate Mindset

People with an open mind focused towards learning and benefiting from the knowledge they learn, have the proper mindset to be an super affiliate. Always seeking to learn what they do not know, seeking knowledge from different people in different areas.

Honestly, you got to know how to get better at different things for you to be able to go where you want to go. Example; To drive a car you need to learn how to drive, to learn from a person who knows how drive and (teach), to benefit from what you learn you need to put it into practice.

Now you can drive. Awesome.

An important thing for your “drive”-“motivation” towards a goal, you need belief. With belief, nothing can move you back. With that said, you’ll need to put a plan of things you need to do. You need a plan to grow your business and in the start you need to build the roots of your business. And the outcome will be a strategy for your business to follow.

Worst thinkable, you need to find a way to build this mindset. For you to succeed in the long run and have the ability to continue developing.

It is important to know that for anyone to succeed in anything anywhere, you got to build the proper mindset for the proper work/job. And to build the proper mindset takes time and practice.

When you’re working in business you’ll come across different obstacles in front of you, some will be easy to solve some will be hard, some will be impossible depends if you have people help you or seek people who got the same problems.

There will always be someone who got or had the same problem as you. Therefore you can benefit greatly from their experience.

With that, i want to wish you best of luck. Don’t forget that anything is possible with the will of God.

Learn more about how to become a Super Affiliate

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Change Your Mindset

The journey of a thousand years begins with a step. That first step is the most difficult part of any journey. This is the giant step that gives you the best push towards success and provides you the tricks and impetus needed to break all the hurdles holding you back. Therefore, whatever you want to achieve in life, you need to have a positive and progressive mindset. Your mindset is your will power. Nobody can give it to you. You have to develop it by yourself. Your parents, guardian, boss and even government cannot create your mindset for you. Whatever you may believe in, you need to remember always that “God will never change the condition of a people (or an individual) until they change what is in their minds”

Optimism is the the bedrock of success while pessimism is the first step towards failure. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Self confidence must always be incorporated into your plans always.

What is Your Mission in Life

Your ultimate mission must be to be happy and make others happy. To help people overcome the problem of procrastination, which is the main cause of failure. We strongly believe that success cannot be achieved single-handedly. You need to team up with others or like minded people . With team work, you can collectively achieve your goals.

This is why great men and women enjoy hanging out with progressive people. These are the selfless people who are ready to help each other and are prepared to leverage others experience in various endeavors. Belonging to the right group at the right time and readiness to learn with complete humility and open heart can be the key to ultimate success.

Giant Steps For Guaranteed Success
With my four decades of existence and with my personal interaction with people of all works of life, I have been able to observe that the main clog in the wheel of most people’s progress is lack of courage to take the first step towards the realization of their ambitions. To be precise, procrastination is the culprit that we all have to fight together. In a nutshell, take note of the following and always try to remember them before embarking on any action:

* Giant Step – Whatever you want to achieve, always summon the courage to take the first step. Make it big, let it be a giant one. Do not set your goal too low. Your worth may be higher than you personally rate yourself.

* Forward – Always attempt to go forward and never backward. Do not waste your time regretting over what you should have done better. Remember, yesterday is gone; you cannot correct it. Study your present and plan for the future.

* Upward – Aim to the top in any group you may find yourself. You may not be the best or the overall leader, but do not ever settle for a second class category. Remember, the society appreciates you better as a clever plumber than a misguided philosopher. Any society that prefers a misguided philosopher to a clever plumber, both its pipes and ideas will not hold water.

* Now – Do not delay today’s action till tomorrow. Delay sometimes could be very dangerous. Prompt action leads to prompt success. A wise crippled person does not wait for the invading army before he flees for safety.

* Ever – As long as you live on the surface of the earth, do not stop being active. Keep learning, keep working however minimal, keep giving and keep helping.

Therefore, take the Giant Steps Forward and Upward and do it Now.


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Employee Mindset Versus Entrepreneur Mindset

The decision to become an entrepreneur is a tough one, what will people think of you, how are you going to cope? What does it mean you need to do? What are the main reasons you are going to choose to be an entrepreneur rather than an employee? What are the actual benefits to the entrepreneur, and their mindset?

Firstly, I chose to become an entrepreneur, not for the money, the money is a secondary benefit, I chose to become an entrepreneur because of the lifestyle! Being able to work from home, not having to worry about the how much the next bill is going to cost, I wanted to be able to know I can pay off my loans for a car before I even had them.

Many people choose to become entrepreneurs for the freedom, but what does that actually entail for you? Flying first class whenever you want, having a new Beamer in your garage, at your awesome house? Does it mean staying at all of those 5 star resorts when you aren’t at home? Skip trying to climb the corporate ladder and college, and you will be able to retire earlier, avoiding the rat race.

As opposed to being an employee, working constantly, trading time for money, having no money saved in the bank for them to retire on. Having to retire later than an entrepreneur and having to work harder, not smarter for everything, and struggle in the rat race.

Entrepreneurs are known to be the ones who do whatever it takes to get something done, they don’t give up, and employees are just worker bees, serving a ‘greater’ cause, unaware how ineffective trading time for money is.

What choice are you going to make, to have the benefits of an entrepreneur, or be caught in the rat race, as an employee. I sure know what choice I am going to choose.

At my entrepreneur’s blog you can learn more and read similar content.

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Creating the Mindset for Success to Grow Your Business

Deserving is an interesting concept. For some it is seen as a right and something positive. Others view it as a negative and feel guilt. When you think about deserving what are some of the thoughts you have? Do you deserve to carve out the time to grow your business? Do you deserve success?

Deserving and feeling worthy go hand in hand. They are partners. Many times people are unable to achieve long lasting success because they do not feel they earned the right. Yes! That is right. Deserving something like success can be viewed as a right.

Typically when something is a “right” then there are rules and restrictions in reference to it. As much as people claim they love their freedom, we also tend to be creatures of habit. We create beliefs and rules. Beliefs and rules can be comforting. They help to make sense of the world. You know what to expect.

There are two types of rules. One set of rules is for when you are going to do something. It is based upon allowing or giving permission. For example, at the end of the day you deserve to sit down and relax. Another set of rules is when you will not do something. This is a restriction. You will not hire an assistant to help because you feel you ought to be doing it all yourself.

When deserving, worthiness and rights are based upon negative rules, you are living life from a restrictive place. Your perception, beliefs and thoughts all focus on restriction and what you cannot do. This can be extremely stressful because the focus is to avoid breaking a rule.

On the other hand, you have the ability to reframe anything you want. Just because you have always done things a certain way does not mean you cannot change. It is so much easier to move toward a goal or challenge than it is to avoid a problem. This is similar to having an offensive or defensive way of approaching your business.

Change is necessary if you want your business to be successful. Consider replacing the word “deserving” with “choice.” When you have a choice you become empowered. The restrictions are lifted. Having a choice creates infinite possibilities. Having a choice is expansive.

When you choose to do something, you become empowered. The limitations, restrictive rules and fears are eliminated.  You do not need to have approval from others when you choose your focus and priorities. You are taking responsibility for yourself and your actions.

Choice allows you to freely build you business based upon being of service to others. With choice you also create the opportunity to set boundaries and take care of yourself. Look at how you are operating your practice. Consider which changes might need to happen in order to build your business based upon a healthy, functional dynamic. Choose how you want to set the tone for your practice.

Create boundaries, self care and stepping up to opportunities for growth. Choose to do what you know works. Listen to what resonates within you. Choose to find a way to bring what you’re dreams are into your business.

Having a healthy approach to business will free up your energy as you take the steps to grow your practice. Imagine how this would change the way you do business. Envision how a potential client might become more attracted to you because you are operating your business from a place of service based upon a model of self care, clear boundaries and healthy modeling. That sounds very client attractive.

Take your practice in the direction of your dreams. Decide what you choose to change. Practice the technique of Appreciative Inquiry. This approach is based on positive change, focusing on recognition and appreciation. You focus on what you and your business are doing well, strengths, successes, values and goals. Consider these two main questions: 1) What is going well and 2) What do you want more of? When you explore the options from this perspective, you are focusing on positive change and choosing a strengths-based approach to grow your business with confidence.

Activity: Begin to explore the rules or restrictions you have in reference to deserving. Brainstorm. List everything which comes to mind. As you do so you will begin to peel away the layers and expose the underlying beliefs. These core underlying beliefs contribute to your perception about what you deserve, what you feel worthy of and what your “rights” include.

And now I would like to invite you to claim your FREE E-course “Step Into Your Greatness” available at: => http://bit.ly/mindsetformarketingsuccess

Click here to get everything you need and begin clearing the obstacles to the next level of your success.

From Loren Fogelman, the success expert, founder of Mindset for Marketing Success.

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Tony Robins | Secret To Mastering The Perfect Mindset

GO HERE NOW (( http://YesRockstar.com ))
Tony Robins | Secret To Mastering The Perfect Mindset

Hey I know that it’s hard sometimes to keep your
mind free and clear of stink’n think’n but the thing
that will help you the most is understanding that it only makes
matters worse.. You have always heard that the rich
get richer and the poor get poorer.. Let me be perfectly
straight forward with you here. it has nothing to do
with the money ” FIRST ” yes money is a great tool to
earning more money but if you cant perceive it first
in your mind then you will have a very hard time bringing
an abundance of it into your life and keeping it. When you clearly see
yourself with absolute certainty that you have it and deserve
all you need, then you will project that right into your life..

Doors will open and the ability to make it so, will come natural.
Best rule of thumb is to “project it till you prefect it”, but always know
that you know that you know everything you are wanting will
most definitely show up whether it be good or bad so make
sure you are clear with your thoughts and don’t allow your
mind to rest on the negative ones for very long, like less that
4 seconds.. catch yourself and think of the best thing that
puts a smile on your face to get back on track.. Like anything
old habits are hard to brake sometimes but practice makes perfect.

The out come will be staggeringly good if you master the art of
thinking and speaking positive thoughts out into the world everyday
even when the world is not giving it to you.

Your words create your world so make them all count…
* Tony Robins
* Mindset
* Frank Kern
* Power Of Curtainty mindset

” Your words and Thoughts have physical power ”
” Live Everyday Like It’s A Vacation ”
– Mark Sansom

P.S ..Tony Robins may have big teeth but he is one smart cookie
that has help so many people that it is mind boggling..

Frank kern is a brilliant marketer that has gone on to earn
22 million in a 24 hour period.. before anyone could even
perceive it… Nobody thought that was even posable, with
out winning the lottery or something.

You might believe you are the next one to do even better than
that.. I say whether you think you can or think you can’t “you’re right”


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Law of Attraction: Growth Mindset And Take Action (Tony Robbins Motivation)


Law of Attraction: Growth Mindset And Take Action (Tony Robbins Motivation)

Law of Attraction: Growth Mindset And Take Action (Tony Robbins Motivation)
► Download your EBOOK – a Gift From us to you : http://howtolivewithpassion.com
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☯ABOUT #TonyRobbins
Tony Robbins is a #1 New York Times best-selling author, entrepreneur , and philanthropist. For more than 37 years, millions of people have enjoyed the warmth, humor and dynamic presentation of Mr. Robbins’ corporate and personal development events. As the nation’s #1 life and business strategist, he¹s called upon to consult and coach some of the world¹s finest athletes, entertainers, Fortune 500 CEOs, and even presidents of nations

☯ About #LOA :
The law of attraction is the name given to the maxim “like attracts like” which in New Thought philosophy is used to sum up the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life.This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from “pure energy”, and the belief that like energy attracts like energy.

Although there are some cases where positive or negative attitudes can produce corresponding results (principally the placebo and nocebo effects), there is no scientific basis to the law of attraction.

☯ See More video Law of Attraction Here:
► Tony Robbins: Hard Work Brings Success: https://youtu.be/o5b9W2b7Ins

► Tony Robbins: How To Stay Focused (Law of Attraction): https://youtu.be/aTV483z4eVc
►Tony Robbins: The Day I Became Wealth (Tony Robbins Motivation): https://youtu.be/Jn_KCbV40vQ

► Tony Robbins – Success is Hunger (Tony Robbins Motivation): https://youtu.be/cUc1qF2hytw

► Self Development – Don’t Accept Limitation: https://youtu.be/wihSzkoV7qA

►4 Questions That Can Change Your Life : https://youtu.be/m3OPT8EIiXw

►WHAT ARE YOU BECOMING (Setting Goals) : https://youtu.be/W7EsaXBE2bI

►How To Change Your Life (Law of Attraction): https://youtu.be/MtbgrF8W5no

► How To Be Successful In Life: https://youtu.be/0-B1qbjuY7E

►Jim Carrey – Ask And It Is Given : https://youtu.be/mWg9hyTyQ-g

►PURSUE YOUR PASSION By Jim Rohn :https://youtu.be/aO69eo7Cwvw

►Law Of Attraction – How to Get Whatever You Want : https://youtu.be/hZMeJECxDVg

►Law Of Attraction Money – How to Get Rich By Tony Robbins , Napoleon Hill & Earl Nightingale : https://youtu.be/eh2lzdgOWDY

► Law Of Attraction – The Secret Formula For Success: https://youtu.be/YVjX1ydP7qU

►Law Of Attraction – If You Learn This, Your Life Will Never Be The Same : https://youtu.be/lMLsuBCTrSg

►The Law Of Attraction – How Can You Use The Law Of Attraction?

► Law Of Attraction – We Attract What We focus On : https://youtu.be/UKOcUp0U-iU

► #Law Of Attraction – The #Secrets Of #Vibration And How Does This Vibration Work? : https://youtu.be/Xz19gObQtdM

►Think And Grow Rich: Learn The Secrets of Success! (Law Of Attraction): https://youtu.be/i8UNaka-CUQ

#success #lawofattraction #thesecret #universallaws
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Become a Millionaire by Developing a Millionaire Mindset

Aside from those who are born with inherited riches, successful individuals did dream and strive hard to achieve their present status in life. To become a millionaire is a dream everyone kept nourishing in the deepest recesses of their heart. Nevertheless, how to become a millionaire is another matter that is not so easy to accomplish. It is not enough that you dream of it and try to devise ways. A millionaire mindset does not just focus on the dream itself but on how to create wealth effectively. Creating wealth can be done in numerous ways, however; it will succeed only if you have the motivation integrated with a positive outlook in life.

There is no way you can become a millionaire in a day or in so short a time. Everything that is big can only be achieved through constant accumulation. This applies to any attempts of becoming a millionaire. Online or offline, there are various opportunities anyone can adopt to answer the quest on how to become a millionaire. As long as you exercise the millionaire mindset, it is not impossible to create wealth regardless of your age. So many young individuals online were able to achieve their dreams of having millions right before their retirement. While the mind is still capable of pushing the body to work harder, there is always the opportunity waiting to be grabbed.

Developing the millionaire mindset is very important to become a millionaire. Once your mind is set, the rest of your being follows suit. A millionaire is not motivated by money but by its desire. A desire born from a positive attitude in life shapes your mentality as well as you emotions and health. This attitude will always produce a pleasant and successful relationship with people and business acquaintance. Instead of questioning how to become a millionaire, you end up growing millions in the process. Your mindset on becoming a millionaire leads you through the many ways on how to create wealth.

You can stop dreaming to become a millionaire instead start processing your attitude to become one. Stop following the various opinions and views on how to become a millionaire because their process might be on some level helpful, but not altogether. Certain process applies to distinct people, however; it does not mean that their path is your path as well. Develop your own millionaire mindset and from there create wealth. Always be happy, appreciate your own, and never compare yourself with others through the number of their achievements. You are a unique individual with your own talents and skills.

Simply work on developing a positing mindset and you will end up a happy and successful individual. You become a millionaire once you discover within yourself the attitude that gives you the drive on how to become a millionaire. It is only a matter of loving yourself, accepting your faults, correcting your mistakes, acting responsively, optimism, loving your work, and above all loving yourself. Appreciate even your smallest success for therein lies the beginning of the greater achievements. Only by having a millionaire mindset will you be able to create wealth.

To read more about become wealthy the smart way over time and obtain a Millionaire Mindset, just visit Become a Millionaire

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