Tag Archives: Mindset

The Critical Factor For Any Weight Loss Diet Is to Have a Positive Mindset

In any weight loss diet, there are many things that are important. Eating foods that are good for you and will also fuel you through your day and through your workouts are important. Getting at least 30 minutes of exercise per day at least 3 times a week is also crucial. But one important piece of the puzzle which is often forgotten is your mind set. It is absolutely true that having a positive attitude while working towards your weight loss diet can be the deal breaker on any weight loss journey.

What motivates you to work out? The drive to be skinnier, look more attractive in your clothing, attract members of the opposite sex. These things may be true. But if you are trying to lose weight there is a much deeper reason- you want to be a healthier YOU. You can not attempt to lose weight and start a weight loss diet if you are doing it for the wrong reasons. If you are overweight, you already know the health risks, and that depending on who you are, it may be more difficult for you to function in public both physically and psychologically. Without a positive mindset, and envisioning what you will look and feel like AFTER you’ve accomplished your goal, you’ll be stuck at the starting point and have a difficult time making progress.

How tough will it be to start a strict regimen of eating healthy if you have a terrible, negative mindset? It will be basically impossible. It is HARD to change your eating habits, especially if you’ve had bad eating habits since childhood. It is going to be a really rough journey. Without a positive attitude from the start, you’ll have trouble getting going which will prohibit you from seeing any results. It is hard to tell yourself no when you want to eat something that you crave. But if you keep your priorities in order and believe in yourself, it won’t be so hard.

There are so many things you can call up in your mind when you get down in the dumps about your weight loss diet, to bring yourself back up again, and most of these things are different for each individual. If you have children, imagine running through the park with them playing. If you’ve ever been overweight with children, you know it can be heart wrenching when they want you to play sports with them and you have a tough time keeping up. Now, imagine having all the energy in the world to keep up with them and what a role model you will be for them for being healthy.

We all want our children to grow up and be even more happy and successful than we are. No parent wants their child to suffer from obesity. It isn’t just the public difficulties that they will experience as a child, but they also have a higher risk for medical problems like heart disease and diabetes from a young age. If you are a healthy role model for your children and teach them good eating habits, they will likely grow up the same way.

If you do not have children, there are simpler things to keep in mind to keep you motivated. Imagine fitting comfortably in an airplane seat with extra space to spare, feeling more comfortable stepping on the scale at a doctor’s office, or finally feeling confident going to the beach in a bathing suit. These small milestones are important while on a weight loss diet for encouragement and to help with your overall success.

Are you searching for ways to become leaner, fitter and more attractive? Having the right diet meal plan to fit your health objectives is critical to your success.

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Master your mindset for work

It’s true what they say – it’s all in your mind. Just as a drop of water has a ripple effect, your mindset affects everything you do, particularly in your working environment. Whether you are an individual, a leader or part of a team, success at work is directly related to your state of mind.

Mindset refers to your pattern of thinking, and numerous studies confirm that our pattern of thinking directly drives the quality of our actions. Have you ever noticed that you are much more productive if you are in a good mood, or thinking positively? Part of setting the right mindset at work is identifying what your mindset is, and understanding how changing that mindset can wield greater results and success at work.

What does mindset affect? Mastering your mindset at work is essential because it affects your motivation, self-belief, coping capabilities and focus. Motivation refers to your drive to achieve your goals. Closely related to this is self-belief, because believing you can do something or doubting yourself will have a direct effect on the outcome. Your mindset is also crucial to your ability to cope with difficult situations or stress at work, because your thought pattern influences how you are able to handle and deal with any unexpected situations. Not every day at work is going to be stimulating and exciting, so your mindset is also crucial to your focus and productivity.

Changing your mindset. It is possible to change your mindset, because it is possible to change your thought pattern. The first step to achieving your desired mindset is to recognise what your thought patterns are and make a conscious decision to change them. For example, if you regularly begin your day feeling unmotivated and unhappy to be at work, then remind yourself of the things you like about your job, what you would like to achieve and then make a concerted effort to be upbeat and cheerful in your day to day interactions.

If your self-belief is lacking, then remind yourself of times in your life when you have had success to assure yourself of your capability. These are just some of the tools that are available to change your thought patterns.

Mindset affects your behaviour, and your behaviour directly affects the results you get or the success you have within your workplace. Taking the time, therefore, to consider your mindset at work is important. Business coaching should not solely be about results in the workplace, but should focus on ensuring employees have the right thought patterns.

Don’t doubt the power of your thoughts – or the power of positive thinking. It is possible to change your mindset and improve your motivation, self-belief, coping ability and focus.

Help your employees with the power of positive thinkinghttp://www.rogensi.com/Our-Services/Training—Professional-Development—Tailored-Solutions.aspx at work by teaching them the tools to do so through short mindset training courses. For more information, visit www.rogensi.com.

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Mindset for fast weightloss

Changing the way you think about yourself and your body is an essential part of any program dedicated to improving your physical fitness and losing extra weight. Simply put, to be slim, you have to think slim. That means setting realistic, specific and positive goals for yourself.


Be realistic.

Create realistic fitness and weight loss goals for yourself. Some of your goals could be long term. For instance, you may aim to lose 40 lbs. in 6 months and keep it off for another 6. Other goals may be short term, such deciding to exercise 30 more minutes per week or 10 additional minutes per day.

Don’t set yourself up for failure by setting ridiculous (and unsafe) goals, such losing 10 lbs. per week or exercising 5 hours per day. Choose safe and attainable aims. Can you lose 1-2 lbs. per week? Probably. Could you exercise at least 20 minutes per day despite your busy schedule? If you wanted to, yes, you no doubt could. Setting achievable goals—and meeting them—is the first step to feeling better physically and emotionally.


Be specific.

Make your goals specific and write them down. Simply wishing to yourself, “If only I could wear a size 10!” as you reach for another donut is not goal setting, nor is the vague desire to lose “some” weight sometime in the future.

With the assistance of your physician, determine the best weight for someone of your height, age and frame as well as the best exercise regimen for your fitness level, lifestyle and personal preferences. Then begin setting specific weight loss, health and fitness goals for specific periods of time. Note how specific the goals below are.


“I’ll take a multivitamin every morning.”

“Every weekday at work for a week, I’ll walk 10 minutes during my lunch break.”

“This month, I’ll switch from white bread to whole-grain.”


Place your goals somewhere visible so that you’ll see them—and remember them—every day. You might, for example, place them on the bathroom mirror, the shower door, the refrigerator or in your day planner. Doing so will not only keep you on track, but it will also help you celebrate your success—and motivate you to continue pursuing healthy habits.


Be positive.

Express your goals positively. Doing so will remind you that your weight loss and fitness program is not a punishment or a deprivation. On the contrary, you’re doing positive things for yourself, making positive choices for your physical and emotional well being, and your goals should reflect this outlook.

Here’s a positive goal: “This week, I’ll eat a piece of fruit every day at lunch.” Doesn’t that sound better than this downer? “This week, I won’t have any cupcakes at lunch.”

Focus on the positive! You’re eating better, becoming more active and feeling better every day. You have every reason to be positive.

For more tips on  How To lose Weight Fast, weightloss and dieting, please visit my Weightloss Blog.

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The Right MindSet

Negative thoughts have the potential to destroy your life. A mind that is filled with negative thoughts can cause one to feel unhappy, miserable, and can lead to disaster after disaster, no matter how hard one tries to succeed.

If you have developed a pattern of thinking negatively, you are more likely to be the one that will end up with poor relationships, destructive ones, and also be in debt. So, if you really want to succeed in life, live a life of prosperity and abundance, and enjoy true happiness, you are going to have to eliminate the negative beliefs that you hold.

You’re going to have to replace those negative beliefs with positive ones that can allow you to live the type of life that you really want to live. Even though it may be a bit challenging, it’s simpler than you think. Here are a few ways to eliminate negative thinking and create the life of your dreams. First of all, let’s go back to the thought process.

How do negative thoughts start in the first place? Well, we have to realize that we all have negative thoughts and, as hard as we try, we are not able to eliminate all of them. However, if we eliminate the chronic ones, the ones that repeat themselves over and over again, we can change the course of our lives.

So, the question is: What are these repetitive thoughts and where do they come from? These thoughts come from our friends, our parents, our siblings, our fellow co-workers, teachers, even from strangers, and most of all they come from us, from right inside of us.

You know, it’s hard to accept, but it’s true. We create the most of those thoughts. As you know, we think over 60,000 thoughts a day, and from those 60,000 thoughts, we only remember a few of them , and it’s only because we have not yet trained our minds to take control and we have not yet created the positive beliefs that allow us to succeed.

So when we have a negative thought that says we cannot do something, we have to switch it around and think of why we can do something. When we have a negative thought that something might not go right, we can change those thoughts and think about what could go right. When we say that we cannot accomplish something we have to think of why we can accomplish something. We have to recite affirmations, to help us arrive at a new positive way of thinking.

The mind is like a garden that needs nurturing. Weeds(negative thoughts) can destroy it. We need to remove the weeds (negative thoughts) and also plant new seeds (positive affirmations) for the garden to grow. We also have to work with as many techniques. The results will show up when we least expect it. We have to continue watering the garden of our mind with positive thoughts and only then will things start to change. So when is this change going to happen? When are we going to be ready and when are we going to eliminate the negatives that come into our minds? Keep doing the exercises and the changes will happen sooner than you expect. Believe me when I say this.

So let me do a quick recap:

We have to look after the garden of our mind. We first have to discover and then begin removing the weeds of our negative and limiting beliefs (the weeds). We then have to replace these weeds with new seeds. These seeds have to be positive and they have to be positive thoughts that lead to positive feelings that lead on to positive actions and finally lead to positive results.

Share this with others and it becomes infectious. Continue watering the garden of your mind by working with affirmations and other positive techniques. Keep the negative weeds of thinking out of your mind. It will catapult you in the right direction.

Dr Ken Onu is the CEO and founder of Attract Freedom. An organization with the sole purpose of empowering others to personal and financial freedom. An Ophthalmologist by profession, he is a keen speaker, communicator, entrepreneur and an aspiring author.

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Positive Mindset – Getting Various Benefits For Your Success

One of the best suggestions by looking for tips on being successful is having a positive mindset. Most of the time, they would say that this is all you need on top of hard work in order to be successful in everything you do.

Thinking positively about things somehow has the ability to energize your body so you will be inspired in doing your task better. This will also seem to attract all the positive things in your life and thus add contribute to your success. But aside from this, you will also get a lot of benefits in having this type of mindset on a daily basis like the following.

Personal maturity

The good thing about having a positive mindset is it will make you more mature in life. You will start to look at things in a different color to continue with your life. This will also help you identify the things that you can and cannot do and take them in a positive manner. For example, you may think positive about a certain work like writing. You may be positive that you can do the job with your capabilities. However, you are not always assured that your written material will pass every client who will read it so rejection and revision will occur. With positive thinking, you can immediately think that every revision is a good way of improving your skills as an artist and every rejection will make you tougher in facing every challenge in your field. This is a sign of maturity since you’ll be able to move on instead of being too depressed about it.

Renewed strength

Staying positive daily will give you all the push that you need to work daily. It’s important to attract good vibes daily to start the day right. Imagine if you start your day wrong, you’ll notice that you’ll feel down and everything seems to be going against your way or not falling into their right places. And even if nothing seems to be right today, you’ll still find yourself looking forward on the following day because it will be a new day and there’s a chance to correct everything.

Health benefits

Being negative will make you feel depressed and anxious. The problem with this is you’ll experience sleeplessness and fatigue that may result to other physical problems. Having a healthy mindset will also keep your body healthy since there will be no instances of depression or low moods.

In conclusion, having a positive mindset can give you not only psychological but also physical benefits since your mind will work together with your body. This will help you get all these benefits together and make it work for you towards your success regardless of what you do like in work or school.

To find out more, check out: Positive Mindset

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Positive Mindset ? What You Need To Be Successful

What you need to be successful is a positive mindset. I know it is not easy these days, with the economy at an all time low.

Thought, word and deeds. You will want to have positive thoughts. With all the negativity in the world, having a positive mindset will go a long way. Don’t concentrate on how bad things are. Turn it around and try to see if something good can come out of it. I am not saying this is going to be easy, but try to find one thing positive about something negative in your life.

If you get angry driving in to work every day, maybe because of the traffic or construction going on, see what positive thing you can get out of it. Maybe you got to hear a song on the radio that you really like. Or think about the fact that you have a job to go to when so many people are out of work.

People are always complaining about things in their lives. You get frustrated because you have to wait in the checkout line at the grocery store. Instead, think about the people who cannot afford to even stand in the grocery checkout line. Be grateful you can stand in line and stop being angry about it.

Don’t be quick to criticize. Try to make a point of complimenting someone each day. Make a positive comment to someone you cross paths with. When getting your cup of coffee at work, thank the person who made that coffee. It will let that person know you appreciate the effort the made and it should make you feel good too. All people like the recognition that even the little things they do each day are appreciated.

Help someone who you can see may need it. It doesn’t have to be anything big. Open a door for someone whose hands are full. Hold an elevator when you see someone is rushing to it. These kind actions do not go unnoticed. As people say, pay it forward. When you help someone and someone else sees it, they may see some way to do the same for someone else later in the day.

You get out of life what you put into it. Look at the situations people find themselves in. Don’t be like the people who blame their lives on others. Don’t be a victim of life. Take control of our life, don’t let it control you. Get that positive mental mindset that everyone needs to succeed. It won’t be easy, but then again life is not easy.

It is important to have a positive mindset in life because your positive mental mindset will determine your thoughts. Your thoughts are what will get you through each day. Try to shed your life of the negative people and circumstances in your life.

Life is just too short to spend it with people who do nothing but complain and yet do nothing to change their lives.

You are building a strong, positive future for yourself. Look at the successful people in the world. They surround themselves with successful people. Do the same for yourself. You owe it to yourself to be that successful person you are meant to be.

Let your positive mindset have an effect on the people around you and everyone’s life will be better. You and the people around will then have what you need to be successful in life.

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How to Create and Maintain a Positive Mindset in the Face of Adversity

There is a powerful message flowing throughout society today that urges us to think positively. At first thought, that might seem like an easy thing to do.

However, with so much of our world in turmoil because of high unemployment, record high foreclosures, and rising health care costs, many people are throwing their hands up, feeling defeated, and finding it impossible to think positively.

During the last several years, millions of people have learned about the law of attraction and are applying it to their lives. The most basic element of the law of attraction is to think positively, focus your attention on what’s positive, and reject anything negative.

If you are like the majority of people, you really do want to be positive. The question in many minds is how do I control my thoughts in the midst of so much adversity?

We have come to understand through the law of attraction that we have the power within us to affect our lives by what we think….and of course we want good things! The situation many find themselves in makes it seem like we are choosing between being positive or facing reality!

How can someone who is faced with losing their home have positive thoughts?

We need to move beyond whether we think we can and address the critical issue, which is that now it is more important than ever to be positive.

For most, it has more to do with not knowing how, rather that not believing it is necessary.

The good news is that there is a method to create and maintain a positive mindset. This method is a combination of several techniques.

The first technique was written to help parents teach their children to create and maintain a positive mindset. It can easily be applied to anyone learning it for the first time.

The second technique is called Ho’oponopono. I first became aware of this as a “clearing technique” used to erase limiting beliefs by Dr. Joe Vitale in his widely acclaimed program, “The Missing Secret”.

These two techniques can be learned at any age and when used together have proven to work without fail.

At first glance this method might seem entirely too simplistic to have any real value. The reality is that it’s much like anything new when we are learning it for the first time.

The steps may be simple; the work comes in the form of self-discipline and repetition.

The first step or technique in this method is to learn to be aware of what you are thinking. Research shows, and experts agree, that we can not control what thoughts come into our minds.

With that being said, we can however, control how we react to the thoughts that enter our minds. Paying attention to your thoughts puts you in the driver’s seat.

When you find yourself having a negative thought, enter into an inner dialogue with yourself and say STOP! We don’t have to accept every thought that seeps into our minds!

Once you have recognized the negative thought and took control by refusing it by using the word STOP, you have now put yourself in a place of power to CHOOSE what you will think next. You have the control.

Children have found it helpful to visualize a stop sign or if their negative thought is accompanied by a visual, they imagine a circle around the negative image with a bold red line through it, similar to road signs.

Once you have gained the control in your mind and are now able to consciously choose your next thought, the second step or technique is to replace the negative thought with a positive thought.

This can be done in two ways. The first is to replace the negative thought with a positive thought that you create that is directly in opposition to the negative thought.

For example:

Negative thought: What if I can’t pay my bills? Positive thought: All my needs are met.

Negative thought: I hate her for hurting my feelings. Positive thought: I forgive her.

The second is to use Ho’oponopono.

Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian method that Dr. Vitale learned about from therapist Dr. Hew Lin. According to Dr. Lin, its purpose is to return us back to a place of love in every moment by accepting 100 % responsibility for creating what is in our life.

Although I highly recommend reading Dr.Vitale’s book, “Zero Limits” to gain a full understanding of Ho’oponopono, based on my experience and research, I have found that using the Ho’oponopono method is effective without a great deal of in-depth understanding.

If you find yourself struggling to find a positive thought to replace the negative thought you have discarded, I suggest implementing the practice of Ho’oponopono by reciting the following:

I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.

These words are said as a replacement for the negative thought. They are not necessarily directed to anyone in particular.

When being used as a replacement for a negative thought, reciting these words works to reset your thoughts back to a positive mindset.

Whether you replace a negative thought with a positive thought that you create or you recite the Ho’oponopono verse, you have obtained your goal of achieving a positive mindset.

As this method is repeated a few times, you will find it becomes automatic and will happen with little or no effort, much like riding a bicycle or driving a car.

The results of being aware of your thoughts, choosing to accept only the positive thoughts, and discarding the negative ones will bring you what the law of attraction promises….more positive.

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Texas Holdem Secrets ? 2 Mindset Secrets To Win Easily

Texas Holdem is a very funny game. You can have the best strategy in the world but if you’re not on the ball than you will fall flat on your face. Also, you can have practically no strategy in the world but if your brains all there when you are playing you can do surprisingly well.

It’s not discussed enough, which I think is a real shame, but mindset is extremely important in Texas Holdem. The Texas Holdem secrets I’m going to reveal to you today talk directly about mindset. After reading this article you will be in a much better state if mind for achieving success with poker.

Texas Holdem Secrets – Mindset Secret #1

The first mindset secret doesn’t just work for poker, it works for your whole life. It is the power of positive thinking. But before you think ‘oh great, a hippy positive guy’ hear me out.

I’m not just talking about if you keep telling yourself you will win, you will win. That isn’t exactly true. What you really need to be doing is telling yourself that you will become successful in poker, you will get better, you will make money sooner (or make more money than you do now).

This is especially important when you take a few losses or bad beats or have a bad run of cards. Those times it can be very easy to get up, and the important mindset here is to be positive and keep going.

Texas Holdem Secrets – Mindset Secret #2

The second mindset secret is to be able to play poker in the best possible mindset. Have you ever played poker when you are angry, or tired, or annoyed, and you have made bad calls and lost? Ever been fed up being in a tournament for so long and just called an all-in so see what happens, even though it probably wasn’t the best mood.

This happens to a lot of people. It’s easy to play in the wrong state of mind and if you do your chances of success will be a lot less. So it is important to always be in the best frame of mind, the best mood, and be on the ball and keen to win whenever you play poker.

Now, I’m sure you are becoming more aware of the critical effects your mindset has on your success in poker. All too often people focus on the physical, the cards, the betting, the probability, and they don’t focus on the non-physical. Their mind, their mood, their thoughts, and how these affect there game.

Another crucial mindset to have is one of continual learning. The players that have taken it upon themselves to continue to study and learn about poker are the ones who are becoming successful and making a lot of money. So I urge you too to take on the mindset that you will find new information, read it, learn it and practice it, and you will never turn down an opportunity to get your hands on some new info on how to player poker better.

Click Here To Learn More Texas Holdem Secrets
And Don’t Miss Out On My Brand New Free Tips Ebook. Get It Free Now At http://MyTexasHoldemPokerTips.com
Alex is an avid Hold Em player. Shoot him an email at alex@mytexasholdempokertips.com

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Prosperity Based Living Means a Positive Mindset

Prosperity isn’t always about money. Success in life is also based on satisfaction with your entire being. At home, with your work or your family – your ability to feel pure joy begins with having a positive mindset. While it’s not always easy to stay positive in today’s world, it is possible to remain with a gracious attitude for the majority of the time.

There are many things you can do to help foster this attitude, and a few of these are listed below for you to meditate on.

Think and See the Best in Each Situation

It has been said that out of all bad comes good. If you look at your past and think of a situation that you would consider a negative experience, you can probably also pinpoint at least one positive outcome. While we may only see these learning experiences as positive in retrospect, it’s important to consciously look for them when we are feeling down. When things aren’t going your way, it always helps to look at the good in the situation and consider what positive outcomes may come of it.

Be Grateful for What you Have, No Matter How Small

Another well received exercise in positive thinking is making a list of all you are thankful for. Gratitude is huge when it comes to believing that good things will come to you. Once you can recognize all the beautiful things your life has produced, you can look forward to the future with a expectant attitude and positive outlook. Make a list each day of the things you are thankful, no matter how small. Did your coffee stay warm until you drank the last drop? Put that on the list!

Focus on and Visualize the End Result

Success coaches love to stress the importance of visualization, and with good reason. Studies have shown that if a person not only knows their end goal, but can firmly picture it in their mind, that they stand a better chance at reaching it. This holds true for sports athletes, movie stars and politicians. Why shouldn’t it hold true for business owners as well? Prosperity can be yours if you can picture it. Hold the image in your mind and focus on it, and you will get there.

We provide mentoring and guidance to help entrepreneurs improve their business results by learning advanced marketing strategies and success mindset. To learn more about prosperity, visit us right away:

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A Mind Overhaul 4 Steps To Building A Positive Mindset

Do you find yourself dissuaded by one negative thought after another all throughout the day? This happens to a lot of people, usually without their full awareness of it. Unfortunately, these negative thought patterns can wreak a lot of unnoticed havoc in our lives.

Heres how to protect yourself from these silent but deadly thought killers:

1. Identify your negative thought patterns. The first step in transforming your thought patterns from negative to positive is to identify which thought patterns you have are destructive. Negative thoughts that are not identified have the most power to do the most damage in your life. Thus, your mind has to see these thoughts for what they really are. This way, your mind will gradually develop an awareness of the negative effects of these thoughts and will slowly build a resistance against them.

If you are up for it, get yourself a small notebook and keep a pen handy. Write down all the negative thoughts that attack your head during the day. Take down notes about what triggered these thoughts. These thought triggers may be objects, events, or even people.

2. Choose to change them. Now, you did not just identify your negative thought patterns just to watch them do their dirty work. You lined them up so you will recognize them and have the free choice to change them. Once you make the choice, you can now move on to making actual plans on how to change them.

3. Formulate a reprogramming plan. Take your negative thought notebook; beside each negative thought that commonly pollutes your mind, write down an alternative positive thought.

Here are some examples:

He is better than me. I have my own strengths.
I dont belong. I am unique.
I will never have enough money. I will grab more opportunities to make more money.
Ill always live a boring, worthless life. I will look for new hobbies and interests to expand myself.
Ill never get the job that I want. I will apply for my dream job position.
No one really appreciates me. I am self-assured and know my worth.

You can use these positive thoughts to rewire the way you think. Each time you find yourself thinking negatively again, immediately change it into a positive thought. Focus your mind on the positive thoughts you have come up with, so your subconscious mind will absorb them and eventually fully believe them.

4. Start a new list. Since changes are underway, you can now begin a new list. Instead of listing down the negative thought patterns in your life, now you can begin listing down all the positive thoughts and positive things that you come across with on a daily basis. By listing them down, you are making your mind really look for them instead of the negative things. This way, you will be able to acknowledge the areas of your life that are going smoothly. Make sure to develop a grateful attitude for all the things that do go right. This attitude is bound to attract more positive things into your life.

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