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How To Be Positive – Mindset Monday


How To Be Positive – Mindset Monday

“A negative mind will never give you a positive life”.

If you want to achieve success and happiness, you need to be optimistic. There are countless benefits of positive attitude. It’s a state of mind that we should all be develop. When we adopt it as a way of life, changes slowly unfold around us. We become happier, brighter, and more successful.

However, thoughts and attitude do not change overnight. Some inner work has to be done. For this week’s Mindset Monday, we will give you the 3 things that can help you stay in a positive state!

1) Recognize when you are not being positive.

It’s very important that you acknowledge where you are right now. Assess your current state. Are you being negative? Do you easily see the negativity of things?

If you recognise that you are in a negative state early on, you give yourself an ample time to address it, before it gets worse and become contagious. So start the process in pieces. Think about how you can step out of that negative zone by looking at the brighter side of a negative situation. Maybe, you can think about the smallest things that you feel grateful of. And do it again, and again, and repeat the cycle. In no time, you will slowly feel this change in you. And you will gradually embrace positivity in your life.

2) Practice it.

It’s about pouring your mind with positive thoughts constantly, so that you can get rid of the negativities. We clean our bodies by pouring in clean water, and same goes with positive thoughts that we fuel into our mindsets. When we practice optimism, we begin realising that life can be viewed in a better picture. We don’t have to lock ourselves in a prison cell barred with doubts, fears and insecurities.

Let go of the negative thoughts and embrace the positive side, anytime and anywhere.

3) Laugh at yourself!

We don’t have to take life seriously, all the time. We sometimes find ourselves in a ridiculous or awkward situation. Instead of blaming ourselves or thinking how we messed up. why don’t we just laugh about it and move forward? That way, you can let go of the negativity that surrounds in a negative situation. And start radiating a positive aura by laughing at yourself. If you can afford to laugh at yourself, you can start sharing laughter with others.

Be happy, my friend! It takes a positive mind to unlock the keys of success and happiness. Live with it slowly, one positive step at a time!



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Harness the best asset you’ve got, the subconscious, and become an unstoppable force – visit http://www.vortex-success.com

Welcome to the positive thinking session. If you are looking to develop a positive thinking, growth mindset attract abundance, cover yourself with positive divine energy and carry a positive attitude, I highly advise you to listen daily with headphones.

Mood enhancer serotonin boost – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rvs492SvhYs
Manifest goals with the law of attraction – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ASvl6j57Us

The subliminal affirmations below are covered by relaxing music and Binaural Beats. The Brainwave Entrainment will send relaxing frequency signals and those will put your brain in relaxation zone. Relaxing state maximize the receptiveness of the subliminal messages.

Headphones are a must. Listen repetitively on a daily basis for at least 4 weeks.

The subliminal affirmations used in this session:
I have positive interpretations of life events | My positive outlook serves me greatly in all areas of life | My positive thinking brings me more abundance and wonderful experiences
With my positive mindset, I attract the exact practical tools I need | Positive thinking enables me to make the most of my life | I find it easy to deal with any of life’s circumstances | It is safe for me to carry positive thoughts | My mind and soul contain affirmative powerful beliefs | My positive subconscious mindset attracts more abundance every day | I love living life and enjoy every second on this earth | My positive spirit inspires others to become better | Positive thoughts make me feel happier, more vibrant and more energetic | Positive energy surrounds my body, mind and halo | I feel thankful and full of gratitude for what I have in life | It feels amazing to attract all that I need and want
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