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Why Positive Affirmations Need a Nurturing Environment to Be Successful

For your practice of saying positive affirmations to have the best chance of being successful you need to practice them in a nurturing environment.

Take the example of germinating seeds. While some seeds are directly planted outdoors, in other cases seeds are germinated in special environments such as a greenhouse where the ambient conditions can be controlled. This gives the germinating seeds the best possible start in life.

In many cases, when you start the practice of saying positive affirmations your mind is in a negative state. It’s like a garden that’s completely overrun with weeds. In such a garden the weeds seem to grow effortlessly and often look much sturdier and healthier than the plants you’re attempting to grow.

Similarly, under such conditions, your mind is more receptive to the negativity that surrounds you. It is in harmony with negativity. Negativity is its base-line state. This is what your mind will readily revert to before your neural re-conditioning. And so you need to create for yourself the equivalent of a greenhouse for your positive affirmations.

Consider another example. This time imagine a patient who has been given a liver transplant yet still continues to drink alcohol. You know that the chances of their body rejecting the new liver are going to be very high. Likewise, for your mind to accept your new positive affirmations you need to immerse yourself in a positive, nurturing, supportive environment to give your new affirmations the best possible chance of taking hold.

You know how individuals working an environment where there are high levels of potentially life-threatening radioactive radiation have to wear a dosimeter to show when they have reached their radiation threshold. Well, it’s a pity there isn’t such a dosimeter for negativity so that you know when you’ve reached your critical level of negativity. You see you have to take into account that it’s not only what people say it’s people’s thoughts as well. Thoughts have energy. So just being around a negative person can place you in a very vulnerable state.

Having said this some people are very attuned to their environment and can readily sense whether it has a positive or negative energy signature even if there isn’t anyone there. And, even if you’re a bit of a sceptic I bet you’ve had the experience, at some point, where you’ve been somewhere and the atmosphere felt distinctly uncomfortable although you could quite say why.

The first 30-90 days of practicing your new affirmations are critical. You may need to audit your friends, for example and ensure that you are not spending time around people who are negative and not supportive of you.

In fact, you want to do the polar opposite. Find yourself a new group of friends and or associates who are positive, who think on a higher plane than you and who have accomplished the things that you want to achieve.

And if you don’t personally know such people then you can certainly gain access to such individuals even if it’s just reading their biographies, their books, listening to their audios and watching their videos. And that means that you don’t necessarily have to rely on the ‘support’ of individuals who are still alive. There are many individuals who are now dead but whose spirit you can still tap into. And “spirit” here is not used in a religious context but simply refers to the essence of someone. By studying the world’s great achievers and people who inspire and motivate you can begin to understand how they thought about things and expand your own thinking.

If you completely immerse yourself in a positive environment you’ll make it an uncomfortable environment for your negative thoughts and your practice of saying daily positive affirmations will have the best chance of success.

For a FREE Gift that will help make the practice of saying daily positive affirmations easier and more fun as well as help you boost the power and effectiveness of your affirmations, enhance your ability to attract wealth, improve your relationships and improve your health and well being visit Positive Affirmations Booster.

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How to Give Your Employees the Positive Feedback They Want and Need

Have you told an employee what a great job he/she is doing recently? Have you received positive feedback for going above and beyond in the past month? Have you overheard others in your organization praise someone for doing more than was expected?
Positive feedback has long been recognized as a critical element in high performing workplaces. During these tough economic times, when job security has vanished and employee trust in their employers has sunk to an all-time low, it has become more important than ever.
Interestingly enough, one of the greatest problems with positive feedback is that many managers don’t feel comfortable giving it. It takes too long, feels insincere or “too soft”, or it just gets in the way of day-to-day activities. Some managers don’t like discussing another person’s behavior, or giving feedback just “isn’t their style.” Yet, few actions will do more to build trust and boost morale than ongoing, sincere feedback of a positive nature.
Humans have an innate need to seek feedback on how we are doing. Without it, people tend to make up information — almost always negative — to fill the void. Giving positive feedback helps to prevent destructive “information gaps,” and strengthens relationships between employees and their supervisors. It also leads to improved work quality, increased accountability and a higher-performing work environment.
Positive feedback starts with knowing when and how to praise employees. Specifically, it involves recognizing and praising employees for particular behaviors and accomplishments that go beyond the everyday expectations of their jobs.
For example, praise employees when they:

Turn a difficult customer into a promoter
Reach new levels of accuracy
Produce more than the amount produced by any predecessor
Develop or contribute significantly to another colleague
Create a new process, product or approach
Present an idea for doing something differently (even if the idea is not implemented)
Do an exceptional job of influencing internally or externally
Excel at a presentation
Participate significantly in a community event on behalf of the company

The idea is to let employees know that you are paying attention and that you appreciate their efforts. Taking a few moments to express your appreciation can have a powerful impact on employees’ self-esteem and their attitudes toward their work and the organization as a whole.
To maximize the impact of your positive feedback, make it:

Immediate. Give the recognition as soon as possible after the event.  
Specific. State specifically what the person did that met or exceeded your expectations.  
Impactful. Explain how the event or behavior affected you, the team or the organization.  
Encouraging. Focus on the positive only. Be appreciative without mentioning other things that might need to change or be adjusted. These should be saved for times when you are giving constructive feedback.  
Focused.  State how the performance or action was positive and contributed to success. This will help prevent other messages, often made up, from taking the employee off track

For example, “Susan, I really appreciated the way you stepped up to the plate and filled in on the XYZ contract when Richard was out with the flu. Your efforts helped us land a new customer that should increase sales by 10% over the next year.” Or, “Paul, nice job on the presentation today. You got the message across in a way that enabled everyone to have a much better understanding of our objective and why it is important.”
Most of all, positive feedback must be sincere. Never give positive feedback unless you mean it. And don’t praise employees for showing up on time or doing the basics of their job. Employees have very accurate “b.s. detectors,” and will quickly see through any false praise. Insincere positive feedback will just make recipients wonder what your real agenda is or what you are trying to hide. And the next time you give legitimate praise it will have far less impact.
Also, the time has come to jettison the “sandwich” technique, whereby you say something positive, sneak in something you want the employee to do differently, and then finish with a positive. For years, this approach was used to soften the impact of critical feedback, and it worked reasonably well with Baby Boomer and Traditionalist workers.
Gen-Xers, however, quickly saw through this strategy and openly questioned the hidden agenda behind the positive feedback. And the youngest generation, the Millennials, are so accustomed to direct (and often brutal) feedback that they see no point in wasting time by trying to sneak positive feedback into a constructive feedback conversation.
So keep your positive feedback positive, focus on specific events and behaviors that exceed your expectations, and let employees know how much you appreciate their efforts. You’ll improve morale and enhance trust while encouraging higher levels of performance. And today’s stressed-out employees will appreciate your efforts to meet their workplace needs.

Consultant, Author, Speaker Holly Green is the CEO of THE HUMAN FACTOR, Inc. (http://www.thehumanfactor.biz) She has over 20 years of executive level and operations experience in FORTUNE 100, entrepreneurial, and management consulting organizations. Experiences include working for multinational corporations such as: The Coca-Cola Company, AT&T, Dell Computer, Bass Hotels & Resorts, Expedia, RealNetworks, Microsoft and Google. She was previously president of The Ken Blanchard Companies & LumMed, Inc.

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Why You Need Self Improvement and Motivation to Succeed in Life

Do you want to be successful in your life? If your answer is yes, then you will need self improvement and motivation in your life. Self improvement is something that allows you to learn and acquire new knowledge while motivation is the force and energy that will keep you going in your life.

In order to achieve your goals, live the kind of life you always dream about and be successful life, you need both self improvement and motivation. The determination to learn and the commitment to take the necessary action to make things come true are the 2 factors that will determine your success.

Unfortunately, most people lack both of them. For most people, they never read any books after they leave their student’s life. If a book can give you an idea of how you can improve your life and you read a book per week, what do you think will happen to your life? You will have read roughly 50 books a year and I can guarantee you that the knowledge you acquire from the books are enough to improve the quality of your life.

As for motivation, most people lack motivation and they never take any action even though they knew what they should do. For example, if you want to be rich, you know you cannot depend only on the income from your job; you need to create extra income. However, most people don’t have the drive or motivation to do it. Instead, they give lousy excuses such as they don’t have the time, they don’t have the money or they just don’t know how.

This is why you need to have both self improvement and motivation to succeed in your life. There are a lot of self improvement techniques out there. And the best way to learn them is by learning from someone who knows the proven method or system that can help you in achieving what you want in your life.

If you are not following through a proven system, you will never achieve what you want and improve your life. Always remember this; you will never reach north if you keep running east. So follow the proven system now and you will save yourself time and effort in learning the proven Self Improvement And Motivation techniques that really work.

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Why You Need a Success Mindset

When you believe in yourself, have self confidence and take daily action, you will have the key ingredients to possessing a success mindset. This success mindset strengthens your tenacity, your commitment and determination to achieve your aspirations in life.

If you don’t possess the success mindset, when you are faced with a challenge or a problem, even a small one, you will shy away from it, set it aside for a later day, or totally give on what you were pursuing.

By believing in yourself and having a success mindset, you will overcome any challenges, setbacks and progress on from any failures – I believe failures are successes in disguise – so along as you make it a genuine point to learn from your failures.

In order to succeed in any area in your life, you must have that belief that you are a success. Any blocks, or limiting beliefs, the “Oh yeah sure…” need to be dealt with; weakened and eliminated, then, in their place, you programme enhancing, empowering beliefs, those that are in line with your desires , aspirations or objectives.

How can you do that?

One method is to get yourself a journal, divide one page of that journal into two columns. In one column jot down what your associations with, say money are. For example, money is hard to get, money is not important to me, money is only for the rich, and so on.

In the other column, write down the opposite of each of your limiting beliefs. Using the beliefs above, money comes to me easily and effortlessly, money is important to me, there is plenty of money for everyone including me, and so on.

Set the empowering beliefs as affirmations that you can say out loud (where possible, and in front of a mirror). Select 2 or 3 affirmations at a time and repeat them as often as you can upon awakening (while shaving, brushing your teeth, in the shower, driving to work) and just before bedtime and as you lay in bed; let the final thoughts as you drift off to sleep be your affirmations.

In due course, you will have weeded out the limiting beliefs and will have instilled your empowering ones, and will have started your journey to having a success mindset.

Keep it up!

Discover how your beliefs are holding you back from wealth, happiness and success. Get your free book, “Establish Powerful Self-Enhancing Beliefs” and start achieving. Go to: http://www.insight4you.com

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Positive Mindset ? What You Need To Be Successful

What you need to be successful is a positive mindset. I know it is not easy these days, with the economy at an all time low.

Thought, word and deeds. You will want to have positive thoughts. With all the negativity in the world, having a positive mindset will go a long way. Don’t concentrate on how bad things are. Turn it around and try to see if something good can come out of it. I am not saying this is going to be easy, but try to find one thing positive about something negative in your life.

If you get angry driving in to work every day, maybe because of the traffic or construction going on, see what positive thing you can get out of it. Maybe you got to hear a song on the radio that you really like. Or think about the fact that you have a job to go to when so many people are out of work.

People are always complaining about things in their lives. You get frustrated because you have to wait in the checkout line at the grocery store. Instead, think about the people who cannot afford to even stand in the grocery checkout line. Be grateful you can stand in line and stop being angry about it.

Don’t be quick to criticize. Try to make a point of complimenting someone each day. Make a positive comment to someone you cross paths with. When getting your cup of coffee at work, thank the person who made that coffee. It will let that person know you appreciate the effort the made and it should make you feel good too. All people like the recognition that even the little things they do each day are appreciated.

Help someone who you can see may need it. It doesn’t have to be anything big. Open a door for someone whose hands are full. Hold an elevator when you see someone is rushing to it. These kind actions do not go unnoticed. As people say, pay it forward. When you help someone and someone else sees it, they may see some way to do the same for someone else later in the day.

You get out of life what you put into it. Look at the situations people find themselves in. Don’t be like the people who blame their lives on others. Don’t be a victim of life. Take control of our life, don’t let it control you. Get that positive mental mindset that everyone needs to succeed. It won’t be easy, but then again life is not easy.

It is important to have a positive mindset in life because your positive mental mindset will determine your thoughts. Your thoughts are what will get you through each day. Try to shed your life of the negative people and circumstances in your life.

Life is just too short to spend it with people who do nothing but complain and yet do nothing to change their lives.

You are building a strong, positive future for yourself. Look at the successful people in the world. They surround themselves with successful people. Do the same for yourself. You owe it to yourself to be that successful person you are meant to be.

Let your positive mindset have an effect on the people around you and everyone’s life will be better. You and the people around will then have what you need to be successful in life.

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