Tag Archives: Networking

The Business Networking Mindset

Business networking is basically the practice of individuals being able to interact with possible business prospects. In today’s day and age, business networking is seen as the growing element in order to reach out to a wider audience. All in the hope of maximizing client potential, this in result would be more business. The key behind getting rich was once stated by a famous tycoon Robert Kiyosaki who stated that the key behind getting rich is creating a strong and successful network. It’s who knows you, and not just who you know.

Any business man has to understand the important and benefits that can be achieved from creating a business network. And aim to create a large and strong network of contacts for his/her business to succeed. Below I have looked at some key mindsets that any business networking individual should keep in mind:

Your initial aim should be to give first and expecting that gain will eventually come. Give something first to your possible clients in order to get on their good side or as referred to in business terms collecting “karma points”. Establish a truce of commitment, trust and reliability and make sure you are able to express this in both verbal and practical terms before moving forward. The key behind any business is to gain a profit. No business will be willing for you to be the “winner” and them to be the “looser” during a business deal; more commonly known as win-loss. You should be looking for a win-win scenario where both you and your client are able to gain maximum results from one decision. It simply levels the platforms for moving forward at a smoother and quicker pace.

It is equally as possible to keep a balance when communicating amongst one another and going towards the deal. You have to have “light feet” and create a decent link before you move on to close a deal. It’s the same principal for water pipes. Unless you don’t connect the pipes together, the water won’t be able to flow to its destination. Same principal here, only difference its business.

From a business networking point of view, you have to make sure you are open minded and able to take on new ideasand adapt accordingly. You can not expect your ideas to be presented to your client and accepted with no concerns. Every business deal that happens will always consist of negotiation that may require you to deviate slightly from your initial plan in hopes of achieving the goal for both parties.

You want to be an enjoyable person to talk to. You want your personality to shine through to possible business prospects giving them a feel to “want” to come and talk to you rather than being forced or dragged in due to the nature of the event. Always keep in mind that deals are more imminent where one can relate to the other with relative ease.

If there are areas that you can not handle in a business proposition but know someone else that can, introduce them. Help in assisting others by solving their issues. Where you will help someone they in return will help you. As Zig Ziglar said:”Help Enough People Succeed and You Will Succeed”. Don’t be self obsessed and only move your hand forward when the benefit is directly in your favor. You won’t get very far that way.

Brendan Yong is passionate about business networking, and has been in leadership roles to develop business networking skill into a fine art. He served 3 Leadership terms in BNI Renaissance, and was instrumental in making the BNI Chapter the largest in the region.

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Positive Networking

Networking is skill which is extremely important in order to make contact with different people. Not only is networking required within the workplace, it is also required outside in various other situations. For a woman to have positive networking skills is very important. Not only is a woman usually in charge of the socializing of her family, she is also sometimes responsible for gathering more clientele for the business she works in. If she has her own business, networking becomes a mandatory skill. For all these circumstances, positive networking skills are extremely important.
Some people just meet others in order to add as many names in their database and hence disregard quality and give more importance to quantity instead. When networking is used incorrectly and for quantity purposes only, it is known as networking abuse or when it comes to emails may be regarded as spam. As a woman entrepreneur, you must avoid this where possible as your name is your business.
In order for networking to be positive, women must develop a well thought out network game plan. Focus initially on getting to know the people who you meet, make a decision about whether they are a match with your business and if they arent move on. Always be polite, however, dont go to networking events expecting to hand out many cards work on quality and not quantity and your business will reflect this decision.
In order to develop positive networking skills, there are some tactics which you can follow. Seven of these tips are mentioned below:
1. Always smile: A smile shows a person is warm and friendly. When meeting new people, smiling is welcoming and appropriate.
2. Look at people in their eye: When talking to someone, look them in the eye while you speak. This is seen as a compliment and is the best way to interact with someone new and whom you have just met.
3. Listen to the other person speaks: When having a conversation, it is polite to listen to what the other person has to say. This shows interest and if the person with whom you are conversing is likely to be someone whom you can deal with in the future, active listening skills will help immensely.
4. Have appropriate body language: Whatever impression new contacts will have of you the first time you meet is bound to be the lasting impression. In order for them to remember you in a positive way, have good body language and be relaxed and friendly.
5. Do not be pushy: No one likes a person who behaves strongly or acts in a needy manner. Hold your head up high and do not be afraid to show people who you are and what you believe in. but remember not to go arrogant.
6. Give a compliment: Everyone likes to receive a compliment. Ensure it is heartfelt and truthful. Most people can judge if a compliment is genuine or not, so be careful about what you say.
7. Have a business card ready: You never know when these may come in handy!

Glenise Anderson is a successful business woman who wants to share her knowledge and skills with other women. Her organization Self Confident Women, provides tailored education solutions that meet the personal and professional development needs of women. Development and Training Courses for Women

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